From ca5f14640a56621a1092c40fcaa21ea741fa0c8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Tibor=20=C5=A0imko?= Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2023 14:49:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] records: CMS 2013 HI simulated datasets --- .../cms-simulated-datasets-2013-hi.json | 35811 ++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 35811 insertions(+) create mode 100644 cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/cms-simulated-datasets-2013-hi.json diff --git a/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/cms-simulated-datasets-2013-hi.json b/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/cms-simulated-datasets-2013-hi.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a9e0206b96 --- /dev/null +++ b/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/cms-simulated-datasets-2013-hi.json @@ -0,0 +1,35811 @@ +[ + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 9996160, + "number_files": 896, + "size": 3373649170430 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:ffa53673", + "description": "Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBiasGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 276865, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:36160806", + "description": "Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBiasGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 148736, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00016\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00016.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00016_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00016_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00016 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "9f0cf132b71e38d2d52214c61183cfb9", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00026_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00026_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00026_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00026 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00026.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00026_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00026_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00026_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00026 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25000", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 474174, + "number_files": 2273, + "size": 7020455986083 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:7709cc4f", + "description": "Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 328947, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:67eb4271", + "description": "Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 152883, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6dbf7031", + "description": "Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 281907, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:84c799c8", + "description": "Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 188947, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:78c4befe", + "description": "Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 87815, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c779d410", + "description": "Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 161927, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00033_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00033_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00033_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00033 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00033.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00033_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00033_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00033_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00033 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "97538cbda520ab984762a32d880165e6", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "97538cbda520ab984762a32d880433fb", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25001", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1990200, + "number_files": 104, + "size": 317681010369 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:25ede7a4", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5489, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e5ce3243", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 28090, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c3eca88e", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3060, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9fcdb62c", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15660, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00104\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 1.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 1.0000s = 20160\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0300 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0300 = 333333 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 20160 and 333333, but more than 0 -> 20160\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 20160 * 0.0300 = 604 events\nEVENTS=20160\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00104.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00104_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00104_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00104 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n\tversion = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n\tname = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n\tannotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of prompt JPsi, 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n # PYTHIA xSec: 15.12 mb\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(13775390),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0463),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyJ/psi'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ), \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=61 ! Quarkonia', \n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ! 0.060200 e- e+', \n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ! 0.060100 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ! 0.879700 rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching', \n 'PARP(141)=1.16 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0119 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0.05 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(146)=9.28 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(147)=0.15 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(148)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(149)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(150)=0.085 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'BRAT(861)=0.202 ! chi_2c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(862)=0.798 ! chi_2c->rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013 ! chi_0c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987 ! chi_0c->rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356 ! chi_1c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644 ! chi_1c->rndmflav rndmflavbar'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(443)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "998c725791f9b1a6204e8ec693b9fba6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00106_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00106_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00106_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00106 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00106.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00106_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00106_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00106_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00106 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c395ca", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c3a25a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25002", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 8222669, + "number_files": 538, + "size": 1313524028626 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:28c0d7cd", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 32141, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ace79d28", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23613, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2525542a", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 39023, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:71fedeb5", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 51482, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8f91bf72", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 30171, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c96fd7aa", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18130, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:26b50c2f", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13320, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b22089bf", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 22015, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:36ec0384", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 29045, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ece08700", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 17020, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00113\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 1.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 1.0000s = 20160\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0357 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0357 = 280112 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 20160 and 280112, but more than 0 -> 20160\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 20160 * 0.0357 = 719 events\nEVENTS=20160\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00113.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00113_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00113_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00113 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n\tversion = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n\tname = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n\tannotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of prompt JPsi, 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n # PYTHIA xSec: 15.12 mb\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(13775390),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0463),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyJ/psi'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ), \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=61 ! Quarkonia', \n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ! 0.060200 e- e+', \n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ! 0.060100 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ! 0.879700 rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching', \n 'PARP(141)=1.16 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0119 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0.05 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(146)=9.28 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(147)=0.15 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(148)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(149)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(150)=0.085 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'BRAT(861)=0.202 ! chi_2c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(862)=0.798 ! chi_2c->rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013 ! chi_0c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987 ! chi_0c->rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356 ! chi_1c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644 ! chi_1c->rndmflav rndmflavbar'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(443)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "1442bd99e008041f3f7a22e5c9c74c21", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00108_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00108_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00108_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00108 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00108.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00108_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00108_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00108_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00108 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0747ad43cc0dafb705161f7a72892a01", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0747ad43cc0dafb705161f7a7289d49d", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25003", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 8012891, + "number_files": 453, + "size": 1277779451128 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:e8468c08", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7872, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5eca966c", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 29186, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3c067b71", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 27218, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5900a2a4", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 24595, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8f1db2f5", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 59690, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a3a4593b", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4440, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5ae5cbf7", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 16465, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9ee77a88", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15355, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:68c6b131", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13875, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b2fc892d", + "description": "JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33670, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00114\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.9565s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.9565s = 0.9565s\n# Which adds up to 0.9565s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.9565s = 21077\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0418 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0418 = 239217 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 21077 and 239217, but more than 0 -> 21077\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 21077 * 0.0418 = 881 events\nEVENTS=21077\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00114.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00114_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00114_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00114 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n\tversion = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n\tname = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n\tannotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of prompt JPsi, 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n # PYTHIA xSec: 15.12 mb\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(13775390),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0463),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyJ/psi'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ), \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=61 ! Quarkonia', \n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ! 0.060200 e- e+', \n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ! 0.060100 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ! 0.879700 rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching', \n 'PARP(141)=1.16 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0119 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0.05 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(146)=9.28 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(147)=0.15 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(148)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(149)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(150)=0.085 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'BRAT(861)=0.202 ! chi_2c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(862)=0.798 ! chi_2c->rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013 ! chi_0c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987 ! chi_0c->rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356 ! chi_1c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644 ! chi_1c->rndmflav rndmflavbar'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(443)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "12bef4a6a70bf5c679fcbf9cff09cae2", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00109_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00109_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00109_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00109 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00109.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00109_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00109_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00109_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00109 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a1aaf4e90c0d3383800722a5ea24c75b", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a1aaf4e90c0d3383800722a5ea24d326", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25004", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 286968, + "number_files": 73, + "size": 144743427745 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:bc9d5c56", + "description": "Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1290, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4118bc86", + "description": "Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3540, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d9a5b28d", + "description": "Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18606, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a4d8d47c", + "description": "Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 716, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:67774830", + "description": "Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1969, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:043f0495", + "description": "Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10324, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00134\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.2288s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.2288s = 0.2288s\n# Which adds up to 0.2288s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.2288s = 88117\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0001 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0001 = 66666666 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 88117 and 66666666, but more than 0 -> 88117\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 88117 * 0.0001 = 13 events\nEVENTS=88117\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00134.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00134_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00134_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00134 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(11.4),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(310)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd920f2c", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00126_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00126_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00126_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00126 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00126.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00126_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00126_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00126_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00126 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25005", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Ks_Pt-11p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Ks_Pt-11p4_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 294181, + "number_files": 71, + "size": 148622130625 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:6b7c5d31", + "description": "Ks_Pt-11p4_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2244, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b68dbbf0", + "description": "Ks_Pt-11p4_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20530, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b96c71c3", + "description": "Ks_Pt-11p4_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1246, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4188411d", + "description": "Ks_Pt-11p4_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11392, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00125\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.1728s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.1728s = 0.1728s\n# Which adds up to 0.1728s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.1728s = 116678\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0001 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0001 = 66666666 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 116678 and 66666666, but more than 0 -> 116678\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 116678 * 0.0001 = 17 events\nEVENTS=116678\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00125.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00125_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00125_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00125 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(208),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(11.4),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(310)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd91ccbc", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Ks_Pt-11p4_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00117_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Ks_Pt-11p4_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00117_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00117_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00117 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00117.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00117_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00117_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00117_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00117 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Ks_Pt-11p4_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25006", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Ks_Pt-11p4_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Ks_Pt-11p4_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Ks_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 539000, + "number_files": 93, + "size": 276953721250 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:043cb413", + "description": "Ks_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1607, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:fa71e4fb", + "description": "Ks_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 28238, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b907099f", + "description": "Ks_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 890, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f8e33cc1", + "description": "Ks_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15664, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00133\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.8401s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.8401s = 0.8401s\n# Which adds up to 0.8401s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.8401s = 23996\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0025 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0025 = 4000000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 23996 and 4000000, but more than 0 -> 23996\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 23996 * 0.0025 = 59 events\nEVENTS=23996\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00133.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00133_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00133_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00133 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(5.9),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(310)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd91fcdb", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Ks_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00125_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Ks_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00125_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00125_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00125 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00125.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00125_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00125_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00125_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00125 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Ks_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25007", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Ks_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Ks_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Ks_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 545804, + "number_files": 86, + "size": 281397050361 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:9ff41989", + "description": "Ks_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23674, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c45c15f4", + "description": "Ks_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3842, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e4fd46bf", + "description": "Ks_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13098, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:63167b0f", + "description": "Ks_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2124, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00124\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.4092s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.4092s = 0.4092s\n# Which adds up to 0.4092s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.4092s = 49268\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0025 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0025 = 4000000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 49268 and 4000000, but more than 0 -> 49268\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 49268 * 0.0025 = 123 events\nEVENTS=49268\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00124.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00124_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00124_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00124 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(208),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(5.9),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(310)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd91de9a", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Ks_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00116_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Ks_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00116_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00116_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00116 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00116.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00116_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00116_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00116_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00116 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Ks_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25008", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Ks_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Ks_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Ks_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 691120, + "number_files": 138, + "size": 389736287101 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:cf4a3291", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33877, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:cc58afc9", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6253, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:63d1a2fa", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5267, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2ea78b48", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19158, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:188f2a37", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3534, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8ecf81ae", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2976, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00135\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 1.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 1.0000s = 20160\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0043 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0043 = 2325581 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 20160 and 2325581, but more than 0 -> 20160\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 20160 * 0.0043 = 86 events\nEVENTS=20160\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00135.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00135_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00135_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00135 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(3122, -3122, \n 3312, -3312, \n 3322, -3322,\n 3334, -3334)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd91fe07", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00127_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00127_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00127_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00127 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00127.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00127_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00127_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00127_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00127 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25009", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Lambda_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 700261, + "number_files": 137, + "size": 396581873807 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:bf7e0531", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6555, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7ff0f831", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 36396, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:31311a86", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1965, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:eb435ca5", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3700, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:77133b45", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20535, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c72c4e13", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1104, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00126\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.6900s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.6900s = 0.6900s\n# Which adds up to 0.6900s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.6900s = 29217\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0043 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0043 = 2325581 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 29217 and 2325581, but more than 0 -> 29217\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 29217 * 0.0043 = 125 events\nEVENTS=29217\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00126.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00126_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00126_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00126 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(208),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(3122, -3122, \n 3312, -3312, \n 3322, -3322,\n 3334, -3334)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "b2a4cb4736732c4dfedbb031ddeb5820", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00118_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00118_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00118_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00118 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00118.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00118_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00118_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00118_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00118 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25010", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Lambda_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Lambda_Pt-9p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 248462, + "number_files": 66, + "size": 136354792128 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:2af0d0ae", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-9p4_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2632, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d0636215", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-9p4_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19073, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5dcec0aa", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-9p4_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1488, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:98b2b362", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-9p4_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10788, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00136\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.2072s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.2072s = 0.2072s\n# Which adds up to 0.2072s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.2072s = 97275\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0002 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0002 = 41666666 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 97275 and 41666666, but more than 0 -> 97275\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 97275 * 0.0002 = 23 events\nEVENTS=97275\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00136.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00136_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00136_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00136 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(9.4,9.4,9.4,9.4,9.4,9.4,9.4,9.4),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(3122, -3122, \n 3312, -3312, \n 3322, -3322,\n 3334, -3334)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd920913", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Lambda_Pt-9p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00128_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Lambda_Pt-9p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00128_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00128_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00128 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00128.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00128_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00128_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00128_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00128 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Lambda_Pt-9p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25011", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Lambda_Pt-9p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Lambda_Pt-9p4_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Lambda_Pt-9p4_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 247860, + "number_files": 37, + "size": 136533242316 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c9cff6f5", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-9p4_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12138, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:716f11e8", + "description": "Lambda_Pt-9p4_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6845, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00127\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.1798s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.1798s = 0.1798s\n# Which adds up to 0.1798s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.1798s = 112118\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0002 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0002 = 41666666 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 112118 and 41666666, but more than 0 -> 112118\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 112118 * 0.0002 = 26 events\nEVENTS=112118\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00127.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00127_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00127_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00127 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(208),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4,2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4,-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(9.4,9.4,9.4,9.4,9.4,9.4,9.4,9.4),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(3122, -3122, \n 3312, -3312, \n 3322, -3322,\n 3334, -3334)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd91e6b3", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Lambda_Pt-9p4_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00119_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Lambda_Pt-9p4_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00119_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00119_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00119 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00119.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00119_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00119_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00119_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00119 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Lambda_Pt-9p4_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25012", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Lambda_Pt-9p4_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Lambda_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Lambda_Pt-9p4_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset MinBias_TuneD6T_2760GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4762560, + "number_files": 113, + "size": 402880730611 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:cd31a6e9", + "description": "MinBias_TuneD6T_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 21218, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:cea8ff15", + "description": "MinBias_TuneD6T_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14042, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:947ba07e", + "description": "MinBias_TuneD6T_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11492, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c0860445", + "description": "MinBias_TuneD6T_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7605, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00028\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00028.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00028_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00028_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00028 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=30 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6109a6c777c14343f282df78a6ac526f", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/MinBias_TuneD6T_2760GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-START53_V10-ext-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "670953a2632e648ac1ceada4ced493d6", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "670953a2632e648ac1ceada4ced4ecf8", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "", + "output_dataset": "/MinBias_TuneD6T_2760GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V26-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25013", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/MinBias_TuneD6T_2760GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V26-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset MinBias_TuneD6T_2760GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset MinBias_TuneD6T_5020GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 49268820, + "number_files": 1770, + "size": 4696289976128 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:1f145b08", + "description": "MinBias_TuneD6T_5020GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 557549, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b51b2034", + "description": "MinBias_TuneD6T_5020GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 304440, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00040\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00040.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00040_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00040_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00040 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUED6TSettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(62010000000.),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User defined processes', \n 'MSUB(11)=1 ! Min bias process', \n 'MSUB(12)=1 ! Min bias process', \n 'MSUB(13)=1 ! Min bias process', \n 'MSUB(28)=1 ! Min bias process', \n 'MSUB(53)=1 ! Min bias process', \n 'MSUB(68)=1 ! Min bias process', \n 'MSUB(92)=1 ! Min bias process, single diffractive', \n 'MSUB(93)=1 ! Min bias process, single diffractive', \n 'MSUB(94)=1 ! Min bias process, double diffractive', \n 'MSUB(95)=1 ! Min bias process'),\n # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters')\n )\n)\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYTHIA6-MinBias TuneD6T at 2760GeV')\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "71e0bcc0454fcb7303bfada7db2d58e1", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/MinBias_TuneD6T_5020GeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00042_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/MinBias_TuneD6T_5020GeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00042_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00042_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00042 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00042.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00042_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00042_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00042_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00042 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/MinBias_TuneD6T_5020GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25014", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/MinBias_TuneD6T_5020GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset MinBias_TuneD6T_5020GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset MinBias_TuneZ2Star_2760GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "cross_section": { + "filter_efficiency:": 1, + "filter_efficiency_error:": 0, + "match_efficiency error:": -1, + "match_efficiency:": 1, + "value": 1 + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4748800, + "number_files": 116, + "size": 430284619506 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:917a42d3", + "description": "MinBias_TuneZ2Star_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 16067, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:fa0ffe74", + "description": "MinBias_TuneZ2Star_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20478, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:532a7cc3", + "description": "MinBias_TuneZ2Star_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8772, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3ba35ed3", + "description": "MinBias_TuneZ2Star_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11180, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00029\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00029.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00029_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00029_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00029 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=50 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d733b5f09ff5162c482c9a29bcc41d29", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/MinBias_TuneZ2Star_2760GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-START53_V10-ext-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 45.0000s, 45.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 45.0000s = 45.0000s, 1 * 45.0000s = 45.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00029_0.root --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --datamix NODATAMIXER --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --eventcontent RAWSIM --filein \"dbs:/MinBias_TuneZ2Star_2760GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-START53_V10-ext-v1/GEN-SIM\" --pileup NoPileUp --conditions STARTHI53_V26::All --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00029_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00029_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00029 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00029.root --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00029_0.root --pileup NoPileUp --conditions STARTHI53_V26::All --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00029_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00029_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00029 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "670953a2632e648ac1ceada4ced493d6", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "670953a2632e648ac1ceada4ced4ecf8", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V26::All", + "output_dataset": "/MinBias_TuneZ2Star_2760GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V26-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25015", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/MinBias_TuneZ2Star_2760GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V26-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset MinBias_TuneZ2Star_2760GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset MinBias_TuneZ2_2760GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 38786080, + "number_files": 907, + "size": 3576943308479 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:3d0d4703", + "description": "MinBias_TuneZ2_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 123470, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:09ecb3d4", + "description": "MinBias_TuneZ2_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 158612, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2f30e401", + "description": "MinBias_TuneZ2_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 66696, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6858609b", + "description": "MinBias_TuneZ2_2760GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 85680, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "830ccaaf81ade5fa68702edd4f6df63c", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/MinBias_TuneZ2_2760GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "aa6ce6bba7dd011ca979e2fbd5438af5", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "aa6ce6bba7dd011ca979e2fbd550e627", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V26::All", + "output_dataset": "/MinBias_TuneZ2_2760GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V26-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25016", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/MinBias_TuneZ2_2760GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V26-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset MinBias_TuneZ2_2760GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset MinBias_TuneZ2star_502TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 5000000, + "number_files": 138, + "size": 526098477917 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4bd141a2", + "description": "MinBias_TuneZ2star_502TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 43748, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8dedf810", + "description": "MinBias_TuneZ2star_502TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 24012, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "459aabb5c713abba222d1e916c2d199a", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/MinBias_TuneZ2star_502TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7d2d437535bc5527dc8736ba2a412a80", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7d2d437535bc5527dc8736ba2a43d5c2", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/MinBias_TuneZ2star_502TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25017", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/MinBias_TuneZ2star_502TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset MinBias_TuneZ2star_502TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1227137, + "number_files": 209, + "size": 650435995739 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c64e451f", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 24565, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:64a6230c", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1995, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d120c79b", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 42821, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:75367725", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13986, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e4de55d7", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1134, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c105af74", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 24381, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00140\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 3.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 3.0000s = 3.0000s\n# Which adds up to 3.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 3.0000s = 6720\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0320 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0320 = 312500 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 6720 and 312500, but more than 0 -> 6720\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 6720 * 0.0320 = 215 events\nEVENTS=6720\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00140.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00140_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00140_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00140 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n MaxRapidity = cms.untracked.double(2.4),\n MinRapidity = cms.untracked.double(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(1.0),\n MaxPt = cms.untracked.double(4.2),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(3334),\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd9283ec", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00132_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00132_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00132_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00132 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00132.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00132_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00132_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00132_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00132 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25018", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1234299, + "number_files": 239, + "size": 657265049130 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:10ac1ff7", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1987, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:94e5cb8e", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7284, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9a4182e5", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13564, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9d5715af", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 56091, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9d8f5467", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1128, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9d20df13", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4136, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8a0b1452", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7708, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3277898b", + "description": "Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 31790, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00131\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 6.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 6.0000s = 6.0000s\n# Which adds up to 6.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 6.0000s = 3360\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0320 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0320 = 312500 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 3360 and 312500, but more than 0 -> 3360\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 3360 * 0.0320 = 107 events\nEVENTS=3360\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00131.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00131_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00131_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00131 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(208),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n MaxRapidity = cms.untracked.double(2.4),\n MinRapidity = cms.untracked.double(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(1.0),\n MaxPt = cms.untracked.double(4.2),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(3334),\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "b2a4cb4736732c4dfedbb031ddeb696f", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00123_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00123_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00123_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00123 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00123.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00123_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00123_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00123_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00123 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25019", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Omega_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Omega_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 833888, + "number_files": 151, + "size": 461350198626 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:09c0eafc", + "description": "Omega_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 32693, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0955cc84", + "description": "Omega_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 16674, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:02dba302", + "description": "Omega_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18400, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0a1c0927", + "description": "Omega_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9384, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00141\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.4004s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.4004s = 0.4004s\n# Which adds up to 0.4004s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.4004s = 50355\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0019 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0019 = 5263157 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 50355 and 5263157, but more than 0 -> 50355\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 50355 * 0.0019 = 95 events\nEVENTS=50355\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00141.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00141_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00141_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00141 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n MaxRapidity = cms.untracked.double(2.4),\n MinRapidity = cms.untracked.double(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(4.0),\n MaxPt = cms.untracked.double(999.),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(3334),\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd929b1f", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Omega_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00133_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Omega_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00133_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00133_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00133 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00133.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00133_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00133_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00133_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00133 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Omega_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25020", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Omega_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Omega_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 834753, + "number_files": 168, + "size": 464016125986 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:ce3cbc03", + "description": "Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1632, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2e965267", + "description": "Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 30313, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6dcf4b86", + "description": "Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 22750, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b04b12c8", + "description": "Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 915, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3c7bff5a", + "description": "Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 17019, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c4250580", + "description": "Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12740, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00132\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.2714s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.2714s = 0.2714s\n# Which adds up to 0.2714s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.2714s = 74277\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0019 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0019 = 5263157 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 74277 and 5263157, but more than 0 -> 74277\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 74277 * 0.0019 = 141 events\nEVENTS=74277\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00132.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00132_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00132_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00132 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(208),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n MaxRapidity = cms.untracked.double(2.4),\n MinRapidity = cms.untracked.double(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(4.0),\n MaxPt = cms.untracked.double(999.),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(3334),\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd9215a0", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00124_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00124_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00124_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00124 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00124.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00124_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00124_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00124_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00124 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25021", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Omega_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Omega_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1832869, + "number_files": 71, + "size": 274442579976 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:074ab52d", + "description": "PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10082, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1064103c", + "description": "PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12288, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:98fe79f4", + "description": "PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5504, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a5a1e6d4", + "description": "PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6708, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00002\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 100.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 100.0000s = 100.0000s\n# Which adds up to 100.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 100.0000s = 201\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0463 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0463 = 215982 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 201 and 215982, but more than 0 -> 201\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 201 * 0.0463 = 9 events\nEVENTS=201\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00002.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00002_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00002_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00002 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n\tversion = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n\tname = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n\tannotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of prompt JPsi, 2.76TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n # PYTHIA xSec: 15.12 mb\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(13775390),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0463),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyJ/psi'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ), \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=61 ! Quarkonia', \n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ! 0.060200 e- e+', \n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ! 0.060100 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ! 0.879700 rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching', \n 'PARP(141)=1.16 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0119 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0.05 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(146)=9.28 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(147)=0.15 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(148)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(149)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(150)=0.085 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'BRAT(861)=0.202 ! chi_2c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(862)=0.798 ! chi_2c->rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013 ! chi_0c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987 ! chi_0c->rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356 ! chi_1c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644 ! chi_1c->rndmflav rndmflavbar'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(443)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "707a3cb62bbc59200126be4bfa8f1ddb", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00030_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00030_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00030_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00030 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00030.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00030_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00030_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00030_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00030 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fd88e", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fffad", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25022", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 2037541, + "number_files": 113, + "size": 317917285289 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:068ada4b", + "description": "PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 25125, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:124788e7", + "description": "PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10815, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f37b5d5a", + "description": "PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13825, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:66a60a59", + "description": "PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5950, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00003\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0415 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0415 = 240963 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 240963, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 0.0415 = 7 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00003.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00003_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00003_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00003 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n\tversion = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n\tname = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n\tannotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of prompt JPsi, 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n # PYTHIA xSec: 15.12 mb\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(13775390),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0463),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyJ/psi'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ), \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=61 ! Quarkonia', \n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ! 0.060200 e- e+', \n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ! 0.060100 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ! 0.879700 rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching', \n 'PARP(141)=1.16 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0119 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0.05 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(146)=9.28 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(147)=0.15 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(148)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(149)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(150)=0.085 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'BRAT(861)=0.202 ! chi_2c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(862)=0.798 ! chi_2c->rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013 ! chi_0c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987 ! chi_0c->rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356 ! chi_1c->J/psi gamma', \n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644 ! chi_1c->rndmflav rndmflavbar'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(443)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5c536490521a18cfeb3814c45a75b12c", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00017_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00017_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00017_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00017 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00017.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00017_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00017_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00017_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00017 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b7534a6d21", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b753eb5c06", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25023", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_JPsiWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1929236, + "number_files": 85, + "size": 306065153488 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4a98c545", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12959, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b8d4cb38", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13906, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:af7b5644", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7093, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ce99f2d4", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7612, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00003\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.2133 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.2133 = 46882 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 46882, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 0.2133 = 39 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00003.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00003_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00003_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00003 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of prompt Psi2S, 2.76TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(45915.),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0271),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 100443 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('Mypsi(2S)'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ), \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=61 ! Quarkonia', \n 'KFPR(421,1) = 100443 ! change 421 to Psi(2S) + g', \n 'PMAS(362,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(363,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(364,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'KFDP(4211,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4212,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4213,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'PARP(141)=0.76 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0050 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'MDME(1567,1) = 0 ! 0.008300 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1568,1) = 1 ! 0.008300 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1569,1) = 0 ! 0.186600 rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'MDME(1570,1) = 0 ! 0.324000 J/psi pi+ pi-', \n 'MDME(1571,1) = 0 ! 0.184000 J/psi pi0 pi0', \n 'MDME(1572,1) = 0 ! 0.027000 J/psi eta', \n 'MDME(1573,1) = 0 ! 0.001000 J/psi pi0', \n 'MDME(1574,1) = 0 ! 0.093000 chi_0c gamma', \n 'MDME(1575,1) = 0 ! 0.087000 chi_1c gamma', \n 'MDME(1576,1) = 0 ! 0.078000 chi_2c gamma', \n 'MDME(1577,1) = 0 ! 0.002800 eta_c gamma', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(100443)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "707a3cb62bbc59200126be4bfa8f082f", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00031_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00031_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00031_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00031 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00031.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00031_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00031_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00031_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00031 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fd88e", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fffad", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25024", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1995646, + "number_files": 106, + "size": 333463474454 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:6dc6916b", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9891, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8fd3858f", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23927, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0bea72b1", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5456, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:258c9881", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13200, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00004\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1995 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1995 = 50125 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 50125, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 0.1995 = 36 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00004.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00004_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00004_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00004 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of prompt Psi2S, 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(45915.),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0271),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 100443 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('Mypsi(2S)'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ), \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=61 ! Quarkonia', \n 'KFPR(421,1) = 100443 ! change 421 to Psi(2S) + g', \n 'PMAS(362,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(363,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(364,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'KFDP(4211,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4212,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4213,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'PARP(141)=0.76 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0050 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'MDME(1567,1) = 0 ! 0.008300 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1568,1) = 1 ! 0.008300 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1569,1) = 0 ! 0.186600 rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'MDME(1570,1) = 0 ! 0.324000 J/psi pi+ pi-', \n 'MDME(1571,1) = 0 ! 0.184000 J/psi pi0 pi0', \n 'MDME(1572,1) = 0 ! 0.027000 J/psi eta', \n 'MDME(1573,1) = 0 ! 0.001000 J/psi pi0', \n 'MDME(1574,1) = 0 ! 0.093000 chi_0c gamma', \n 'MDME(1575,1) = 0 ! 0.087000 chi_1c gamma', \n 'MDME(1576,1) = 0 ! 0.078000 chi_2c gamma', \n 'MDME(1577,1) = 0 ! 0.002800 eta_c gamma', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(100443)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5c536490521a18cfeb3814c45a718653", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00018_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00018_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00018_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00018 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00018.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00018_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00018_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00018_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00018 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b7534a6d21", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b753eb5c06", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25025", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 2039869, + "number_files": 127, + "size": 433546342283 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:2b804d08", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 32963, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:56303e97", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7682, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1d00a6fa", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18231, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0bde0d86", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4248, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00004\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1416 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1416 = 70621 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 70621, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 0.1416 = 25 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00004.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00004_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00004_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00004 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of Upsilon(1S), 2.76TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(99224.8),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.02227),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyUpsilon'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=62 ! Quarkonia NRQCD ', \n 'MDME(1034,1)=0 ! 0.025200 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1035,1)=1 ! 0.024800 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1036,1)=0 ! 0.026700 tau- tau+', \n 'MDME(1037,1)=0 ! 0.015000 d dbar', \n 'MDME(1038,1)=0 ! 0.045000 u ubar', \n 'MDME(1039,1)=0 ! 0.015000 s sbar', \n 'MDME(1040,1)=0 ! 0.045000 c cbar', \n 'MDME(1041,1)=0 ! 0.774300 g g g', \n 'MDME(1042,1)=0 ! 0.029000 gamma g', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching', \n 'PARP(141)=1.16 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0119 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0.05 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(146)=9.28 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(147)=0.15 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(148)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(149)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(150)=0.085 ! New values for COM matrix elements'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(553)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "707a3cb62bbc59200126be4bfa8ef22b", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00032_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00032_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00032_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00032 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00032.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00032_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00032_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00032_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00032 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fd88e", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fffad", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25026", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1964453, + "number_files": 145, + "size": 465497031714 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c69220d1", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 25196, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:800a45ac", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 21643, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3907c52c", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14040, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ce106456", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12060, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00005\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1367 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1367 = 73152 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 73152, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 0.1367 = 25 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00005.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00005_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00005_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00005 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of Upsilon(1S), 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(99224.8),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.02227),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyUpsilon'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=62 ! Quarkonia NRQCD ', \n 'MDME(1034,1)=0 ! 0.025200 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1035,1)=1 ! 0.024800 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1036,1)=0 ! 0.026700 tau- tau+', \n 'MDME(1037,1)=0 ! 0.015000 d dbar', \n 'MDME(1038,1)=0 ! 0.045000 u ubar', \n 'MDME(1039,1)=0 ! 0.015000 s sbar', \n 'MDME(1040,1)=0 ! 0.045000 c cbar', \n 'MDME(1041,1)=0 ! 0.774300 g g g', \n 'MDME(1042,1)=0 ! 0.029000 gamma g', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching', \n 'PARP(141)=1.16 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0119 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0.05 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(146)=9.28 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(147)=0.15 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(148)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(149)=0.02 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(150)=0.085 ! New values for COM matrix elements'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(553)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5c536490521a18cfeb3814c45a6886a3", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00019_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00019_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00019_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00019 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00019.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00019_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00019_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00019_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00019 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b7534a6d21", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b753eb5c06", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25027", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon1SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1858749, + "number_files": 104, + "size": 398993907062 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:d85cf4d9", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 21442, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9698b1aa", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11843, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:61eb15af", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11859, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d3e6c7ab", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6549, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00005\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0904 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0904 = 110619 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 110619, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 0.0904 = 16 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00005.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00005_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00005_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00005 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of Upsilon(2S), 2.76TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(132147.0),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0106),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 100553 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyUpsilon(2S)'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=62 ! Quarkonia NRQCD ', \n 'KFPR(461,1) = 100553 ! change 461 to Upsilon(2S) + g', \n 'PMAS(365,1) = 10.0300 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(2S) 10.02330',\n 'PMAS(366,1) = 10.0300 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(2S) 10.02330',\n 'PMAS(367,1) = 10.0300 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(2S) 10.02330',\n 'KFDP(4214,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(2S)',\n 'KFDP(4215,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(2S)',\n 'KFDP(4216,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(2S)',\n 'PMAS(278,1) = 10.23250 ! change chi_0b(1P) mass to chi_0b(2P)', \n 'KFDP(1520,1) = 100553 ! chi_0b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1520) = 0.046 ! br of chi_0b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1521) = 0.954 ! br of chi_0b(2P) -> rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'PMAS(294,1) = 10.25546 ! change chi_1b(1P) mass to chi_1b(2P)', \n 'KFDP(1565,1) = 100553 ! chi_1b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1565) = 0.210 ! br of chi_1b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1566) = 0.790 ! br of chi_1b(2P) -> rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'PMAS(148,1) = 10.26865 ! change chi_2b(1P) mass to chi_2b(2P)', \n 'KFDP(1043,1) = 100553 ! chi_2b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1043) = 0.162 ! br of chi_2b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1044) = 0.838 ! br of chi_2b(2P) -> rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'PARP(146)=4.63 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(147)=0.045 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(148)=0.006 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(149)=0.006 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(150)=0.108 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'MDME(1578,1) = 0 ! 0.014000 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1579,1) = 1 ! 0.014000 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1580,1) = 0 ! 0.014000 tau- tau+', \n 'MDME(1581,1) = 0 ! 0.008000 d dbar', \n 'MDME(1582,1) = 0 ! 0.024000 u ubar', \n 'MDME(1583,1) = 0 ! 0.008000 s sbar', \n 'MDME(1584,1) = 0 ! 0.024000 c cbar', \n 'MDME(1585,1) = 0 ! 0.425000 g g g', \n 'MDME(1586,1) = 0 ! 0.020000 gamma g g', \n 'MDME(1587,1) = 0 ! 0.185000 Upsilon pi+ pi-', \n 'MDME(1588,1) = 0 ! 0.088000 Upsilon pi0 pi0', \n 'MDME(1589,1) = 0 ! 0.043000 chi_0b gamma', \n 'MDME(1590,1) = 0 ! 0.067000 chi_1b gamma', \n 'MDME(1591,1) = 0 ! 0.066000 chi_2b gamma', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(100553)\n)\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "707a3cb62bbc59200126be4bfa8eefe9", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00033_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00033_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00033_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00033 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00033.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00033_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00033_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00033_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00033 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fd88e", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fffad", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25028", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 2085793, + "number_files": 158, + "size": 498676807507 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:de6a9049", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20997, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8d335889", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 30042, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4690f4da", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11700, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:98a7ffd7", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 16740, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00006\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0744 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0744 = 134408 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 134408, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 0.0744 = 13 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00006.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00006_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00006_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00006 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of Upsilon(2S), 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(132147.0),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0106),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 100553 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyUpsilon(2S)'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=62 ! Quarkonia NRQCD ', \n 'KFPR(461,1) = 100553 ! change 461 to Upsilon(2S) + g', \n 'PMAS(365,1) = 10.0300 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(2S) 10.02330',\n 'PMAS(366,1) = 10.0300 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(2S) 10.02330',\n 'PMAS(367,1) = 10.0300 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(2S) 10.02330',\n 'KFDP(4214,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(2S)',\n 'KFDP(4215,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(2S)',\n 'KFDP(4216,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(2S)',\n 'PMAS(278,1) = 10.23250 ! change chi_0b(1P) mass to chi_0b(2P)', \n 'KFDP(1520,1) = 100553 ! chi_0b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1520) = 0.046 ! br of chi_0b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1521) = 0.954 ! br of chi_0b(2P) -> rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'PMAS(294,1) = 10.25546 ! change chi_1b(1P) mass to chi_1b(2P)', \n 'KFDP(1565,1) = 100553 ! chi_1b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1565) = 0.210 ! br of chi_1b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1566) = 0.790 ! br of chi_1b(2P) -> rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'PMAS(148,1) = 10.26865 ! change chi_2b(1P) mass to chi_2b(2P)', \n 'KFDP(1043,1) = 100553 ! chi_2b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1043) = 0.162 ! br of chi_2b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', \n 'BRAT(1044) = 0.838 ! br of chi_2b(2P) -> rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'PARP(146)=4.63 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(147)=0.045 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(148)=0.006 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(149)=0.006 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(150)=0.108 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'MDME(1578,1) = 0 ! 0.014000 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1579,1) = 1 ! 0.014000 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1580,1) = 0 ! 0.014000 tau- tau+', \n 'MDME(1581,1) = 0 ! 0.008000 d dbar', \n 'MDME(1582,1) = 0 ! 0.024000 u ubar', \n 'MDME(1583,1) = 0 ! 0.008000 s sbar', \n 'MDME(1584,1) = 0 ! 0.024000 c cbar', \n 'MDME(1585,1) = 0 ! 0.425000 g g g', \n 'MDME(1586,1) = 0 ! 0.020000 gamma g g', \n 'MDME(1587,1) = 0 ! 0.185000 Upsilon pi+ pi-', \n 'MDME(1588,1) = 0 ! 0.088000 Upsilon pi0 pi0', \n 'MDME(1589,1) = 0 ! 0.043000 chi_0b gamma', \n 'MDME(1590,1) = 0 ! 0.067000 chi_1b gamma', \n 'MDME(1591,1) = 0 ! 0.066000 chi_2b gamma', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(100553)\n)\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5c536490521a18cfeb3814c45a628f69", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00020_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00020_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00020_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00020 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00020.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00020_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00020_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00020_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00020 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b7534a6d21", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b753eb5c06", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25029", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1928835, + "number_files": 117, + "size": 429219843270 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:eb5bf7ea", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15965, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c9c5f728", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20660, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9f943712", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8670, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:92ff3a70", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11220, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00006\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.6057 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.6057 = 16509 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 16509, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 0.6057 = 110 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00006.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00006_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00006_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00006 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of Upsilon(3S), 2.76TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(3847.0),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.149),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=62 ! Quarkonia NRQCD ', \n 'PMAS(296,1) = 10.3552 ! change Upsilon(2S) mass to Upsoilon(3S) PDG2006', \n 'KFPR(461,1) = 100553 ! change 461 to Upsilon(3S) + g', \n 'PMAS(365,1) = 10.3600 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(3S)', \n 'PMAS(366,1) = 10.3600 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(3S)', \n 'PMAS(367,1) = 10.3600 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(3S)', \n 'KFDP(4214,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(3S)', \n 'KFDP(4215,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(3S)', \n 'KFDP(4216,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(3S)', \n 'PARP(146)=3.54 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(147)=0.075 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(148)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(149)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(150)=0.0 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'MDME(1578,1) = 0 ! 0.014000 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1579,1) = 1 ! 0.014000 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1580,1) = 0 ! 0.014000 tau- tau+', \n 'MDME(1581,1) = 0 ! 0.008000 d dbar', \n 'MDME(1582,1) = 0 ! 0.024000 u ubar', \n 'MDME(1583,1) = 0 ! 0.008000 s sbar', \n 'MDME(1584,1) = 0 ! 0.024000 c cbar', \n 'MDME(1585,1) = 0 ! 0.425000 g g g', \n 'MDME(1586,1) = 0 ! 0.020000 gamma g g', \n 'MDME(1587,1) = 0 ! 0.185000 Upsilon pi+ pi-', \n 'MDME(1588,1) = 0 ! 0.088000 Upsilon pi0 pi0', \n 'MDME(1589,1) = 0 ! 0.043000 chi_0b gamma', \n 'MDME(1590,1) = 0 ! 0.067000 chi_1b gamma', \n 'MDME(1591,1) = 0 ! 0.066000 chi_2b gamma', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(100553)\n)\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "707a3cb62bbc59200126be4bfa8ed89f", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00034_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00034_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00034_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00034 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00034.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00034_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00034_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00034_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00034 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fd88e", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fffad", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25030", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1982844, + "number_files": 146, + "size": 496453609280 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:40816c0d", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 28442, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6492eaeb", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 17699, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8fd277ba", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15570, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2c917d59", + "description": "PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9688, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00007\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.5597 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.5597 = 17866 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 17866, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 0.5597 = 102 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00007.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00007_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00007_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00007 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of Upsilon(3S), 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(3847.0),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.149),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=62 ! Quarkonia NRQCD ', \n 'PMAS(296,1) = 10.3552 ! change Upsilon(2S) mass to Upsoilon(3S) PDG2006', \n 'KFPR(461,1) = 100553 ! change 461 to Upsilon(3S) + g', \n 'PMAS(365,1) = 10.3600 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(3S)', \n 'PMAS(366,1) = 10.3600 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(3S)', \n 'PMAS(367,1) = 10.3600 ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(3S)', \n 'KFDP(4214,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(3S)', \n 'KFDP(4215,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(3S)', \n 'KFDP(4216,1) = 100553 ! bb~ -> Upsilon(3S)', \n 'PARP(146)=3.54 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(147)=0.075 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(148)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(149)=0.01 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(150)=0.0 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'MDME(1578,1) = 0 ! 0.014000 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1579,1) = 1 ! 0.014000 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1580,1) = 0 ! 0.014000 tau- tau+', \n 'MDME(1581,1) = 0 ! 0.008000 d dbar', \n 'MDME(1582,1) = 0 ! 0.024000 u ubar', \n 'MDME(1583,1) = 0 ! 0.008000 s sbar', \n 'MDME(1584,1) = 0 ! 0.024000 c cbar', \n 'MDME(1585,1) = 0 ! 0.425000 g g g', \n 'MDME(1586,1) = 0 ! 0.020000 gamma g g', \n 'MDME(1587,1) = 0 ! 0.185000 Upsilon pi+ pi-', \n 'MDME(1588,1) = 0 ! 0.088000 Upsilon pi0 pi0', \n 'MDME(1589,1) = 0 ! 0.043000 chi_0b gamma', \n 'MDME(1590,1) = 0 ! 0.067000 chi_1b gamma', \n 'MDME(1591,1) = 0 ! 0.066000 chi_2b gamma', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(100553)\n)\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5c536490521a18cfeb3814c45a5bb7f8", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00021_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00021_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00021_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00021 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00021.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00021_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00021_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00021_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00021 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b7534a6d21", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b753eb5c06", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25031", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_Upsilon3S_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 5844207, + "number_files": 318, + "size": 1245433727982 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:ec2a0439", + "description": "PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 52703, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:cf68bfd8", + "description": "PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 45882, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:43457f00", + "description": "PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 28390, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:31802735", + "description": "PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_2TeV76GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 24716, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00007\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0006 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0006 = 15384615 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 15384615, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 0.0006 = 0 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00007.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00007_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00007_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00007 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6+EvtGen generation of B0->Jpsi->MuMu, 2.76TeV, Z2star tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2starSettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n# BF(B0->JPsiX) * BF(JPsi->mumu) = 0.0185 * 0.0593\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(54402709.5),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0003114),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n #decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n #user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Validation.dec'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/incl_BtoJpsi_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyB0',\n 'Myanti-B0',\n 'MyB+',\n 'MyB-',\n 'MyB_s0',\n 'Myanti-B_s0',\n 'MyLambda_b0',\n 'Myanti-Lambda_b0'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n bbbarSettings = cms.vstring('MSEL = 1'), \n # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'bbbarSettings')\n )\n)\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(5)\n)\n\n## oniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n## Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n## MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1000.0),\n## MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1000.0),\n## MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n## ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(443)\n##)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32( 2, 2),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(443, 100443),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble( 0.0, 0.0),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble( 1000.0, 1000.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble( -1000.0, -1000.0),\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "707a3cb62bbc59200126be4bfa8ec66a", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00035_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_2TeV76/HiWinter13-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00035_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00035_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00035 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00035.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00035_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00035_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00035_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00035 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fd88e", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7a999ebf4992321288c8f371024fffad", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_patch3", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25032", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_2TeV76/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_2TeV76 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4743279, + "number_files": 368, + "size": 1185243392239 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:13868c84", + "description": "PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 56655, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b49f8e70", + "description": "PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 58534, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f6fe8519", + "description": "PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 30770, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c41bb78c", + "description": "PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 31790, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00002\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_8_HI already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_8_HI\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_8_HI/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0015 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0015 = 6535947 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 6535947, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 0.0015 = 0 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00002.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00002_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00002_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00002 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6+EvtGen generation of B0->Jpsi->MuMu, 5.023TeV, Z2star tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2starSettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n# BF(B0->JPsiX) * BF(JPsi->mumu) = 0.0185 * 0.0593\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(54402709.5),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0003114),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n #decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n #user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Validation.dec'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/incl_BtoJpsi_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyB0',\n 'Myanti-B0',\n 'MyB+',\n 'MyB-',\n 'MyB_s0',\n 'Myanti-B_s0',\n 'MyLambda_b0',\n 'Myanti-Lambda_b0'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n bbbarSettings = cms.vstring('MSEL = 1'), \n # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'bbbarSettings')\n )\n)\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(5)\n)\n\n## oniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n## Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n## MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1000.0),\n## MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1000.0),\n## MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n## ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(443)\n##)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32( 2, 2),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(443, 100443),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble( 0.0, 0.0),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble( 1000.0, 1000.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble( -1000.0, -1000.0),\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5c536490521a18cfeb3814c45a79f95c", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_8_HI", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00016_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00016_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00016_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00016 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00016.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00016_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00016_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00016_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00016 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b7534a6d21", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b753eb5c06", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25033", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_5TeV02/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset PYTHIA6_inclBtoPsiMuMu_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 2023808, + "number_files": 133, + "size": 345544660548 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:a3ce31a7", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3890, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f04a312c", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11340, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:92f81989", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9395, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b6b05ff6", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7774, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1e9a7f8b", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10691, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:72d59854", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2172, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:34498fe0", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6335, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e3804479", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5249, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:76f53148", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4344, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:71fc22e9", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5973, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00106\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 5.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 5.0000s = 5.0000s\n# Which adds up to 5.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 5.0000s = 4032\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1940 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1940 = 51546 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 4032 and 51546, but more than 0 -> 4032\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 4032 * 0.1940 = 782 events\nEVENTS=4032\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00106.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00106_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00106_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00106 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of prompt Psi2S, 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(45915.),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0271),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 100443 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('Mypsi(2S)'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ), \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=61 ! Quarkonia', \n 'KFPR(421,1) = 100443 ! change 421 to Psi(2S) + g', \n 'PMAS(362,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(363,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(364,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'KFDP(4211,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4212,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4213,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'PARP(141)=0.76 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0050 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'MDME(1567,1) = 0 ! 0.008300 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1568,1) = 1 ! 0.008300 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1569,1) = 0 ! 0.186600 rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'MDME(1570,1) = 0 ! 0.324000 J/psi pi+ pi-', \n 'MDME(1571,1) = 0 ! 0.184000 J/psi pi0 pi0', \n 'MDME(1572,1) = 0 ! 0.027000 J/psi eta', \n 'MDME(1573,1) = 0 ! 0.001000 J/psi pi0', \n 'MDME(1574,1) = 0 ! 0.093000 chi_0c gamma', \n 'MDME(1575,1) = 0 ! 0.087000 chi_1c gamma', \n 'MDME(1576,1) = 0 ! 0.078000 chi_2c gamma', \n 'MDME(1577,1) = 0 ! 0.002800 eta_c gamma', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(100443)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "cf14c9d40bc3156113eaa2df15031afb", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00100_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00100_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00100_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00100 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00100.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00100_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00100_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00100_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00100 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c395ca", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c3a25a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25034", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 8108393, + "number_files": 414, + "size": 1383547987811 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:33bc3f19", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 38160, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5c91baea", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 21048, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d4235aa0", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 25329, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:84e0eec2", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 24013, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c572e5ae", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 27621, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:73c4e828", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 21576, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3f2f4837", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11904, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ae572e7c", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14322, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c07b4bad", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13578, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:baf2c5d1", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15624, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00115\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 3.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 3.0000s = 3.0000s\n# Which adds up to 3.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 3.0000s = 6720\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1940 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1940 = 51546 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 6720 and 51546, but more than 0 -> 6720\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 6720 * 0.1940 = 1303 events\nEVENTS=6720\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00115.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00115_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00115_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00115 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of prompt Psi2S, 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(45915.),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0271),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 100443 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('Mypsi(2S)'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ), \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=61 ! Quarkonia', \n 'KFPR(421,1) = 100443 ! change 421 to Psi(2S) + g', \n 'PMAS(362,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(363,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(364,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'KFDP(4211,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4212,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4213,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'PARP(141)=0.76 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0050 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'MDME(1567,1) = 0 ! 0.008300 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1568,1) = 1 ! 0.008300 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1569,1) = 0 ! 0.186600 rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'MDME(1570,1) = 0 ! 0.324000 J/psi pi+ pi-', \n 'MDME(1571,1) = 0 ! 0.184000 J/psi pi0 pi0', \n 'MDME(1572,1) = 0 ! 0.027000 J/psi eta', \n 'MDME(1573,1) = 0 ! 0.001000 J/psi pi0', \n 'MDME(1574,1) = 0 ! 0.093000 chi_0c gamma', \n 'MDME(1575,1) = 0 ! 0.087000 chi_1c gamma', \n 'MDME(1576,1) = 0 ! 0.078000 chi_2c gamma', \n 'MDME(1577,1) = 0 ! 0.002800 eta_c gamma', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(100443)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3057209a5b6a0fe14babce40e1ecf220", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00112_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00112_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00112_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00112 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00112.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00112_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00112_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00112_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00112 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25035", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 2033703, + "number_files": 121, + "size": 345986245105 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:0e89525b", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6807, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f74ed802", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11018, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:021454ae", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14257, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:726aab9d", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7130, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:fd9888ae", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3801, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ca3f56b7", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6154, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7e94802b", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7964, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e290bf6c", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3982, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00107\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 5.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 5.0000s = 5.0000s\n# Which adds up to 5.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 5.0000s = 4032\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1940 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1940 = 51546 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 4032 and 51546, but more than 0 -> 4032\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 4032 * 0.1940 = 782 events\nEVENTS=4032\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00107.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00107_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00107_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00107 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of prompt Psi2S, 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(45915.),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0271),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 100443 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('Mypsi(2S)'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ), \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=61 ! Quarkonia', \n 'KFPR(421,1) = 100443 ! change 421 to Psi(2S) + g', \n 'PMAS(362,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(363,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(364,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'KFDP(4211,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4212,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4213,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'PARP(141)=0.76 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0050 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'MDME(1567,1) = 0 ! 0.008300 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1568,1) = 1 ! 0.008300 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1569,1) = 0 ! 0.186600 rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'MDME(1570,1) = 0 ! 0.324000 J/psi pi+ pi-', \n 'MDME(1571,1) = 0 ! 0.184000 J/psi pi0 pi0', \n 'MDME(1572,1) = 0 ! 0.027000 J/psi eta', \n 'MDME(1573,1) = 0 ! 0.001000 J/psi pi0', \n 'MDME(1574,1) = 0 ! 0.093000 chi_0c gamma', \n 'MDME(1575,1) = 0 ! 0.087000 chi_1c gamma', \n 'MDME(1576,1) = 0 ! 0.078000 chi_2c gamma', \n 'MDME(1577,1) = 0 ! 0.002800 eta_c gamma', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(100443)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "cf14c9d40bc3156113eaa2df150204d5", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00101_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00101_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00101_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00101 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00101.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00101_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00101_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00101_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00101 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c395ca", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c3a25a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25036", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 8024386, + "number_files": 492, + "size": 1364707148957 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:efac95ce", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33882, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:47920aa8", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 24997, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6fd9077c", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20397, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e5760f07", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 35188, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:22f2a2ce", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 44068, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:05598df8", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (6 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3291, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3e98f848", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19158, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:74b2f7d0", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14136, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:253ad7be", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11532, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:916fe40b", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19902, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e7cbe80e", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 24924, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c37f3b3e", + "description": "Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (6 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1860, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00116\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 5.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 5.0000s = 5.0000s\n# Which adds up to 5.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 5.0000s = 4032\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1940 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1940 = 51546 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 4032 and 51546, but more than 0 -> 4032\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 4032 * 0.1940 = 782 events\nEVENTS=4032\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00116.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00116_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00116_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00116 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6 generation of prompt Psi2S, 5.023TeV, D6T tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(45915.),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0271),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 100443 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('Mypsi(2S)'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ), \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=61 ! Quarkonia', \n 'KFPR(421,1) = 100443 ! change 421 to Psi(2S) + g', \n 'PMAS(362,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(363,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'PMAS(364,1) = 3.70000 ! change cc~ mass larger than Psi(2S) 3.68600', \n 'KFDP(4211,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4212,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'KFDP(4213,1) = 100443 ! cc~ -> Psi(2S)', \n 'PARP(141)=0.76 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(142)=0.0050 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(143)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(144)=0.0042 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'PARP(145)=0 ! New values for COM matrix elements', \n 'MDME(1567,1) = 0 ! 0.008300 e- e+', \n 'MDME(1568,1) = 1 ! 0.008300 mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(1569,1) = 0 ! 0.186600 rndmflav rndmflavbar', \n 'MDME(1570,1) = 0 ! 0.324000 J/psi pi+ pi-', \n 'MDME(1571,1) = 0 ! 0.184000 J/psi pi0 pi0', \n 'MDME(1572,1) = 0 ! 0.027000 J/psi eta', \n 'MDME(1573,1) = 0 ! 0.001000 J/psi pi0', \n 'MDME(1574,1) = 0 ! 0.093000 chi_0c gamma', \n 'MDME(1575,1) = 0 ! 0.087000 chi_1c gamma', \n 'MDME(1576,1) = 0 ! 0.078000 chi_2c gamma', \n 'MDME(1577,1) = 0 ! 0.002800 eta_c gamma', \n 'MSTP(142)=2 ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', \n 'PARJ(13)=0.750 ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', \n 'PARJ(14)=0.162 ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'PARJ(15)=0.018 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', \n 'PARJ(16)=0.054 ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', \n 'MSTP(145)=0 ! choice of polarization', \n 'MSTP(146)=0 ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(147)=0 ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', \n 'MSTP(148)=1 ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', \n 'MSTP(149)=1 ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n 'processParameters', \n 'CSAParameters'),\n CSAParameters = cms.vstring('CSAMODE = 6 ! cross-section reweighted quarkonia')\n )\n)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1e100),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1e100),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(100443)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3b47ece20faad896c8370627b104c880", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00110_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13-2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00110_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00110_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00110 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00110.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00110_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00110_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00110_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00110 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25037", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Psi2SWithFSR_tuneD6T_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Puquen_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 100012, + "number_files": 408, + "size": 1467856145817 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:9cf97d0c", + "description": "Puquen_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 140763, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5a5f60cb", + "description": "Puquen_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 82416, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00010\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 91.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 91.0000s = 91.0000s\n# Which adds up to 91.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 91.0000s = 221\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 221 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 221\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 221 * 1.0000 = 221 events\nEVENTS=221\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00010.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00010_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00010_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00010 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\ncjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(4),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(411, -411, # D+\n 413, -413, # D*+\n 421, -421, # D0\n 423, -423, # D*0\n 431, -431, # Ds+\n 433, -433, # Ds*+\n 441, -441, # etac\n 443, -443, # J/Psi\n 451, -451, # etac\n 4112, -4112, # Sigma_c-\n 4114, -4114, # Sigma*_c-\n 4122, -4122, # Lambda_c0\n 4212, -4212, # Sigma_c0\n 4214, -4214, # Sigma*_c0\n 4222, -4222, # Sigma_c+\n 4224, -4224 # Sigma*_c+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n cjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 50. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e97b7b7c32e998b5c0a055e8eb5116b7", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Puquen_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v5/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00020_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Puquen_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v5/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00020_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00020_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00020 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00020.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00020_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00020_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00020_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00020 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Puquen_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25038", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Puquen_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Puquen_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 198338, + "number_files": 890, + "size": 3015933493505 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:12344f70", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 140825, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3c8141e8", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 167121, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0a7a5b71", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 82621, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f05832b4", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 98049, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00006\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 86.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 86.0000s = 86.0000s\n# Which adds up to 86.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 86.0000s = 234\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 234 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 234\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 234 * 1.0000 = 234 events\nEVENTS=234\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00006.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00006_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00006_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00006 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 120. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0fa430120ed33abf225cbb623e2398ce", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00015_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00015_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00015_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00015 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00015.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00015_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00015_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00015_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00015 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25039", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 100012, + "number_files": 393, + "size": 1440965213012 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:73758648", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 54168, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:033f6046", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 81423, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f2eba798", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 31714, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:09fb0e76", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 47672, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00002\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 58.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 58.0000s = 58.0000s\n# Which adds up to 58.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 58.0000s = 347\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 347 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 347\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 347 * 1.0000 = 347 events\nEVENTS=347\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00002.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00002_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00002_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00002 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 15. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0fa430120ed33abf225cbb623e23b67c", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v5/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00019_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v5/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00019_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00019_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00019 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00019.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00019_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00019_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00019_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00019 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25040", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 197338, + "number_files": 892, + "size": 3012042568987 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:89704285", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 69549, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:db5c4193", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 239089, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:be849aa0", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 40803, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f5f2928d", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 140273, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00007\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 96.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 96.0000s = 96.0000s\n# Which adds up to 96.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 96.0000s = 210\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 210 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 210\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 210 * 1.0000 = 210 events\nEVENTS=210\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00007.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00007_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00007_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00007 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 170. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0fa430120ed33abf225cbb623e241913", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00017_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v3/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00017_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00017_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00017 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00017.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00017_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00017_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00017_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00017 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25041", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199338, + "number_files": 874, + "size": 2966866248441 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:537d9fee", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 301533, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:73a0d4fc", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 176548, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00003\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 77.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 77.0000s = 77.0000s\n# Which adds up to 77.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 77.0000s = 261\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 261 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 261\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 261 * 1.0000 = 261 events\nEVENTS=261\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00003.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00003_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00003_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00003 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 30. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0fa430120ed33abf225cbb623e15cc5a", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00014_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00014_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00014_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00014 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00014.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00014_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00014_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00014_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00014 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25042", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199778, + "number_files": 810, + "size": 2996222445671 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:5acbc601", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 279453, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:432f47c7", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 163620, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00004\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 59.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 59.0000s = 59.0000s\n# Which adds up to 59.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 59.0000s = 341\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 341 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 341\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 341 * 1.0000 = 341 events\nEVENTS=341\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00004.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00004_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00004_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00004 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 50. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0fa430120ed33abf225cbb623e2462a8", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v5/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00021_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v5/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00021_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00021_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00021 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00021.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00021_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00021_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00021_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00021 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25043", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 196474, + "number_files": 849, + "size": 2968276429837 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4b6eacef", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 292908, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3b4c01c7", + "description": "Pyquen_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 171498, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00005\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 77.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 77.0000s = 77.0000s\n# Which adds up to 77.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 77.0000s = 261\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 261 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 261\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 261 * 1.0000 = 261 events\nEVENTS=261\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00005.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00005_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00005_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00005 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 80. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0fa430120ed33abf225cbb623e24251c", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00012_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00012_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00012_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00012 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00012.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00012_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00012_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00012_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00012 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25044", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 100012, + "number_files": 428, + "size": 1487306351917 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:0146907c", + "description": "Pyquen_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 147399, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:acf8c38e", + "description": "Pyquen_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 695, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0a2512da", + "description": "Pyquen_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 86478, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c6317e53", + "description": "Pyquen_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 406, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00012\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 101.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 101.0000s = 101.0000s\n# Which adds up to 101.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 101.0000s = 199\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 199 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 199\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 199 * 1.0000 = 199 events\nEVENTS=199\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00012.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00012_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00012_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00012 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\ncjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(4),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(411, -411, # D+\n 413, -413, # D*+\n 421, -421, # D0\n 423, -423, # D*0\n 431, -431, # Ds+\n 433, -433, # Ds*+\n 441, -441, # etac\n 443, -443, # J/Psi\n 451, -451, # etac\n 4112, -4112, # Sigma_c-\n 4114, -4114, # Sigma*_c-\n 4122, -4122, # Lambda_c0\n 4212, -4212, # Sigma_c0\n 4214, -4214, # Sigma*_c0\n 4222, -4222, # Sigma_c+\n 4224, -4224 # Sigma*_c+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n cjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 120. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e97b7b7c32e998b5c0a055e8eb55f95e", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v5/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00016_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v5/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00016_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00016_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00016 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00016.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00016_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00016_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00016_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00016 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25045", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 99988, + "number_files": 424, + "size": 1444425468695 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:76826e5e", + "description": "Pyquen_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 146283, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:277546ca", + "description": "Pyquen_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 85648, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00008\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 67.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 67.0000s = 67.0000s\n# Which adds up to 67.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 67.0000s = 300\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 300 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 300\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 300 * 1.0000 = 300 events\nEVENTS=300\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00008.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00008_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00008_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00008 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\ncjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(4),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(411, -411, # D+\n 413, -413, # D*+\n 421, -421, # D0\n 423, -423, # D*0\n 431, -431, # Ds+\n 433, -433, # Ds*+\n 441, -441, # etac\n 443, -443, # J/Psi\n 451, -451, # etac\n 4112, -4112, # Sigma_c-\n 4114, -4114, # Sigma*_c-\n 4122, -4122, # Lambda_c0\n 4212, -4212, # Sigma_c0\n 4214, -4214, # Sigma*_c0\n 4222, -4222, # Sigma_c+\n 4224, -4224 # Sigma*_c+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n cjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 15. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e97b7b7c32e998b5c0a055e8eb541f92", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00018_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v4/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00018_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00018_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00018 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00018.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00018_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00018_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00018_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00018 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25046", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 99356, + "number_files": 433, + "size": 1483344063705 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:014c8709", + "description": "Pyquen_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 149821, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e4c9faeb", + "description": "Pyquen_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 87899, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00013\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 123.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 123.0000s = 123.0000s\n# Which adds up to 123.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 123.0000s = 163\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 163 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 163\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 163 * 1.0000 = 163 events\nEVENTS=163\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00013.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00013_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00013_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00013 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\ncjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(4),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(411, -411, # D+\n 413, -413, # D*+\n 421, -421, # D0\n 423, -423, # D*0\n 431, -431, # Ds+\n 433, -433, # Ds*+\n 441, -441, # etac\n 443, -443, # J/Psi\n 451, -451, # etac\n 4112, -4112, # Sigma_c-\n 4114, -4114, # Sigma*_c-\n 4122, -4122, # Lambda_c0\n 4212, -4212, # Sigma_c0\n 4214, -4214, # Sigma*_c0\n 4222, -4222, # Sigma_c+\n 4224, -4224 # Sigma*_c+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n cjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 170. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e97b7b7c32e998b5c0a055e8eb59d14a", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00011_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00011_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00011_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00011 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00011.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00011_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00011_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00011_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00011 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25047", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 98724, + "number_files": 424, + "size": 1458936994426 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:1adfa5fc", + "description": "Pyquen_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 146283, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:455b610a", + "description": "Pyquen_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 85648, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00011\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 55.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 55.0000s = 366\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 366 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 366\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 366 * 1.0000 = 366 events\nEVENTS=366\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00011.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00011_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00011_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00011 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters2760GeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\ncjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(4),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(411, -411, # D+\n 413, -413, # D*+\n 421, -421, # D0\n 423, -423, # D*0\n 431, -431, # Ds+\n 433, -433, # Ds*+\n 441, -441, # etac\n 443, -443, # J/Psi\n 451, -451, # etac\n 4112, -4112, # Sigma_c-\n 4114, -4114, # Sigma*_c-\n 4122, -4122, # Lambda_c0\n 4212, -4212, # Sigma_c0\n 4214, -4214, # Sigma*_c0\n 4222, -4222, # Sigma_c+\n 4224, -4224 # Sigma*_c+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n cjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 80. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e97b7b7c32e998b5c0a055e8eb61ccff", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00010_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00010_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00010_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00010 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00010.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00010_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00010_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00010_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00010 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25048", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat0_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199252, + "number_files": 1085, + "size": 3082103532898 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:5d461ae2", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat0_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 343119, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6ff92750", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat0_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 39892, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9b6c5c53", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat0_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 204120, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:28323527", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat0_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23730, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00055\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 83.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 83.0000s = 83.0000s\n# Which adds up to 83.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 83.0000s = 242\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 242 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 242\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 242 * 1.0000 = 242 events\nEVENTS=242\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00055.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00055_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00055_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00055 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenTuneZ2Settings_cff import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n ptMin = cms.double(1.0),\n etaMax = cms.double(2.0),\n pdg = cms.int32(421),\n status = cms.int32(2),\n minimumCandidates = cms.int32(1),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"MultiCandGenEvtSelector\"),\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0),\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0),\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1),\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0),\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0),\n bMin = cms.double(0.0),\n bMax = cms.double(0.0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring('MSEL=1'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3) = 0. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive')\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "035ad77e2d234c07ddf7782036a3d7f5", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat0_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00040_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat0_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00040_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00040_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00040 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00040.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00040_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00040_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00040_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00040 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a5471c8b620294b95706be1c20a5ad9c", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a5471c8b620294b95706be1c20a615bd", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat0_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25049", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat0_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat0_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199996, + "number_files": 1081, + "size": 3142379218421 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:54aaea6d", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 350463, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:88c0ac51", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 32217, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b128c8e1", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 208890, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:80089d8a", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19201, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00056\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 43.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 43.0000s = 43.0000s\n# Which adds up to 43.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 43.0000s = 468\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 468 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 468\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 468 * 1.0000 = 468 events\nEVENTS=468\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00056.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00056_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00056_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00056 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenTuneZ2Settings_cff import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n ptMin = cms.double(1.0),\n etaMax = cms.double(2.0),\n pdg = cms.int32(421),\n status = cms.int32(2),\n minimumCandidates = cms.int32(1),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"MultiCandGenEvtSelector\"),\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0),\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0),\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1),\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0),\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0),\n bMin = cms.double(0.0),\n bMax = cms.double(0.0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring('MSEL=1'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3) = 15. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive')\n )\n)\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "035ad77e2d234c07ddf7782036a2864f", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00044_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00044_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00044_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00044 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00044.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00044_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00044_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00044_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00044 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a5471c8b620294b95706be1c20a5ad9c", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a5471c8b620294b95706be1c20a615bd", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25050", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199996, + "number_files": 1118, + "size": 3166346743860 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:efcfd8fa", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 49563, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c767056d", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 220545, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:59e7da5a", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 125672, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c2574e31", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 29540, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:56039061", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 131453, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d331f60f", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 74905, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00057\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 139.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 139.0000s = 139.0000s\n# Which adds up to 139.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 139.0000s = 145\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 145 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 145\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 145 * 1.0000 = 145 events\nEVENTS=145\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00057.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00057_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00057_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00057 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenTuneZ2Settings_cff import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n ptMin = cms.double(1.0),\n etaMax = cms.double(2.0),\n pdg = cms.int32(421),\n status = cms.int32(2),\n minimumCandidates = cms.int32(1),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"MultiCandGenEvtSelector\"),\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0),\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0),\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1),\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0),\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0),\n bMin = cms.double(0.0),\n bMax = cms.double(0.0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring('MSEL=1'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3) = 30. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive')\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "035ad77e2d234c07ddf7782036a3de52", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00038_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00038_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00038_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00038 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00038.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00038_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00038_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00038_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00038 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a5471c8b620294b95706be1c20a5ad9c", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a5471c8b620294b95706be1c20a615bd", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25051", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199996, + "number_files": 1091, + "size": 3188198911448 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:bb1da539", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 352941, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:59c3f425", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33279, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a1621a27", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 210367, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:27047141", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19834, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00058\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 101.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 101.0000s = 101.0000s\n# Which adds up to 101.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 101.0000s = 199\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 199 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 199\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 199 * 1.0000 = 199 events\nEVENTS=199\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00058.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00058_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00058_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00058 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenTuneZ2Settings_cff import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n ptMin = cms.double(1.0),\n etaMax = cms.double(2.0),\n pdg = cms.int32(421),\n status = cms.int32(2),\n minimumCandidates = cms.int32(1),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"MultiCandGenEvtSelector\"),\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0),\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0),\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1),\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0),\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0),\n bMin = cms.double(0.0),\n bMax = cms.double(0.0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring('MSEL=1'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3) = 50. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive')\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "035ad77e2d234c07ddf7782036a27989", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00039_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00039_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00039_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00039 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00039.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00039_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00039_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00039_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00039 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a5471c8b620294b95706be1c20a5ad9c", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a5471c8b620294b95706be1c20a615bd", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25052", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_D0pt1p0_Pthat50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199996, + "number_files": 913, + "size": 3162160997572 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:9333fe21", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 313162, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:deabb6a5", + "description": "Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 182600, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00053\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 84.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 84.0000s = 84.0000s\n# Which adds up to 84.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 84.0000s = 240\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 240 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 240\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 240 * 1.0000 = 240 events\nEVENTS=240\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00053.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00053_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00053_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00053 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenTuneZ2Settings_cff import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n ptMin = cms.double(3.0),\n etaMax = cms.double(2.4),\n pdg = cms.int32(421),\n status = cms.int32(2),\n minimumCandidates = cms.int32(1),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"MultiCandGenEvtSelector\"),\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0),\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0),\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1),\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0),\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0),\n bMin = cms.double(0.0),\n bMax = cms.double(0.0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring('MSEL=1'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3) = 30. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive')\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e2cc2275e8578a71bdac6f75d828d43b", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAWDEBUG --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00037_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00037_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00037_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00037 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECODEBUG --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00037.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00037_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00037_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00037_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00037 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f94cc415", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f94cf686", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25053", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_DYtoEE_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 999346, + "number_files": 68, + "size": 243464686221 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:89cd7122", + "description": "Pyquen_DYtoEE_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5925, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:acc6e70a", + "description": "Pyquen_DYtoEE_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 16452, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:56880e52", + "description": "Pyquen_DYtoEE_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3348, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:409d43f8", + "description": "Pyquen_DYtoEE_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9300, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00015\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 44.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 44.0000s = 44.0000s\n# Which adds up to 44.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 44.0000s = 458\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 458 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 458\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 458 * 1.0000 = 458 events\nEVENTS=458\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00015.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00015_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00015_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00015 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n\taBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n\tprotonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n\tqgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n\tqgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n\thadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n \tdoRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n\tdoCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n\tqgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n\tnumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n\tdoIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n\tangularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n\tembeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n\tbackgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n\tdoQuench = cms.bool(False),\n\tbFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\tcFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n\tbMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n\tbMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(True),\n\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n \tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n \tprocessParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 !User defined processes', \n 'MSUB(1)=1 !Incl Z0/gamma* production', \n 'MSTP(43)=3 !Both Z0 and gamma*', \n 'MDME(174,1)=0 !Z decay into d dbar', \n 'MDME(175,1)=0 !Z decay into u ubar', \n 'MDME(176,1)=0 !Z decay into s sbar', \n 'MDME(177,1)=0 !Z decay into c cbar', \n 'MDME(178,1)=0 !Z decay into b bbar', \n 'MDME(179,1)=0 !Z decay into t tbar', \n 'MDME(182,1)=1 !Z decay into e- e+', \n 'MDME(183,1)=0 !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar', \n 'MDME(184,1)=0 !Z decay into mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(185,1)=0 !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar', \n 'MDME(186,1)=0 !Z decay into tau- tau+', \n 'MDME(187,1)=0 !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar', \n 'CKIN(1)=30. !Minimum sqrt(s_hat) value (=Z mass)'),\n \t# This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order\n \tparameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n \t\t\t'processParameters')\n\t)\n)\n\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYQUEN DYee Mass 30 Tune Z2 at 5.023 TeV')\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "62c7388cac72439d26d64acc50f55896", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DYtoEE_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-ext-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00025_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_DYtoEE_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-ext-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00025_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00025_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00025 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00025.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00025_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00025_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00025_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00025 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b7534a6d21", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b753eb5c06", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DYtoEE_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25054", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_DYtoEE_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_DYtoEE_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_DYtoMuMu_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 998692, + "number_files": 78, + "size": 254167685591 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:0b3431d6", + "description": "Pyquen_DYtoMuMu_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 25821, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0fe9dba4", + "description": "Pyquen_DYtoMuMu_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14664, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00014\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 44.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 44.0000s = 44.0000s\n# Which adds up to 44.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 44.0000s = 458\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 458 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 458\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 458 * 1.0000 = 458 events\nEVENTS=458\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00014.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00014_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00014_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00014 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n\taBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n\tprotonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n\tqgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n\tqgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n\thadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n \tdoRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n\tdoCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n\tqgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n\tnumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n\tdoIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n\tangularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n\tembeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n\tbackgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n\tdoQuench = cms.bool(False),\n\tbFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\tcFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n\tbMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n\tbMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(True),\n\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n \tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n \tprocessParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 !User defined processes', \n 'MSUB(1)=1 !Incl Z0/gamma* production', \n 'MSTP(43)=3 !Both Z0 and gamma*', \n 'MDME(174,1)=0 !Z decay into d dbar', \n 'MDME(175,1)=0 !Z decay into u ubar', \n 'MDME(176,1)=0 !Z decay into s sbar', \n 'MDME(177,1)=0 !Z decay into c cbar', \n 'MDME(178,1)=0 !Z decay into b bbar', \n 'MDME(179,1)=0 !Z decay into t tbar', \n 'MDME(182,1)=0 !Z decay into e- e+', \n 'MDME(183,1)=0 !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar', \n 'MDME(184,1)=1 !Z decay into mu- mu+', \n 'MDME(185,1)=0 !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar', \n 'MDME(186,1)=0 !Z decay into tau- tau+', \n 'MDME(187,1)=0 !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar', \n 'CKIN(1)=30. !Minimum sqrt(s_hat) value (=Z mass)'),\n \t# This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order\n \tparameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', \n \t\t\t'processParameters')\n\t)\n)\n\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYQUEN DYmumu Mass 30 Tune Z2 at 5.023 TeV')\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "62c7388cac72439d26d64acc50f5b408", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DYtoMuMu_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-ext-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00024_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_DYtoMuMu_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-ext-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00024_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00024_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00024 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00024.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00024_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00024_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00024_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00024 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b7534a6d21", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b753eb5c06", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DYtoMuMu_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25055", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_DYtoMuMu_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_DYtoMuMu_M_30_TuneZ2_5TeV02_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 399622, + "number_files": 1797, + "size": 6232162325172 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:3102823b", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 623562, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3ab2363c", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 366588, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00017\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00017.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00017_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00017_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00017 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n \n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n \n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n \n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n \n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring('MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n \n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n \n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n \n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n \n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n \n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n \n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n \n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(3)=120\", #min pthat\n \"CKIN(4)=9999\" #max pthat\n )\n ),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0) ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYTHIA (unquenched) dijets in NN (pt-hat > 120 GeV) at sqrt(s) = 2.76TeV')\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ba475b4ac399c114f575a70bea74149b", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00004_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00004_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00004_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00004 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00004.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00004_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00004_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00004_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00004 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f1a61139fc394cefc10fd515d3d1123e", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f1a61139fc394cefc10fd515d3d11843", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25056", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 400206, + "number_files": 1761, + "size": 6066016985429 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:0834b1c0", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 351539, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f29db857", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 257773, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3c09c9a1", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 206248, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:be0bb23c", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 151235, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00014\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 68.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 68.0000s = 68.0000s\n# Which adds up to 68.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 68.0000s = 296\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 296 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 296\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 296 * 1.0000 = 296 events\nEVENTS=296\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00014.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00014_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00014_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00014 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n \n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n \n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n \n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n \n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring('MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n \n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n \n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n \n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n \n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n \n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n \n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n \n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(3)=15\", #min pthat\n \"CKIN(4)=9999\" #max pthat\n )\n ),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0) ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYTHIA (unquenched) dijets in NN (pt-hat > 15 GeV) at sqrt(s) = 2.76TeV')\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ba475b4ac399c114f575a70bea7309d7", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00006_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00006_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00006_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00006 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00006.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00006_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00006_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00006_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00006 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25057", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760Ge in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 400206, + "number_files": 1807, + "size": 6264753933219 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4a77c2c7", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 349463, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2a90f778", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 275765, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5f92aa7f", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 205030, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a0a81639", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 161791, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00018\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00018.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00018_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00018_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00018 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n \n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n \n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n \n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n \n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring('MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n \n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n \n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n \n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n \n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n \n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n \n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n \n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(3)=170\", #min pthat\n \"CKIN(4)=9999\" #max pthat\n )\n ),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0) ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYTHIA (unquenched) dijets in NN (pt-hat > 170 GeV) at sqrt(s) = 2.76TeV')\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ba475b4ac399c114f575a70bea6dad6b", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760Ge/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00008_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760Ge/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00008_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00008_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00008 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00008.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00008_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00008_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00008_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00008 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760Ge/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25058", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760Ge/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760Ge in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt220_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 200018, + "number_files": 873, + "size": 3041866151449 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:762e4e40", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt220_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 302934, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:75772af6", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt220_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 178092, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00019\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 125.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 125.0000s = 125.0000s\n# Which adds up to 125.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 125.0000s = 161\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 161 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 161\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 161 * 1.0000 = 161 events\nEVENTS=161\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00019.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00019_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00019_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00019 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n \n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n \n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n \n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n \n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring('MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n \n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n \n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n \n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n \n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n \n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n \n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n \n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(3)=220\", #min pthat\n \"CKIN(4)=9999\" #max pthat\n )\n ),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0) ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYTHIA (unquenched) dijets in NN (pt-hat > 220 GeV) at sqrt(s) = 2.76TeV')\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ba475b4ac399c114f575a70bea8ad36a", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt220_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00001_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt220_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00001_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00001_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00001 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00001.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00001_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00001_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00001_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00001 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f1a61139fc394cefc10fd515d3d1123e", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f1a61139fc394cefc10fd515d3d11843", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt220_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25059", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt220_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt220_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt280_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 50041, + "number_files": 204, + "size": 708305449415 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4acffe8c", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt280_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 70791, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ec5ed02a", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt280_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 41616, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00020\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 131.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 131.0000s = 131.0000s\n# Which adds up to 131.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 131.0000s = 153\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 153 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 153\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 153 * 1.0000 = 153 events\nEVENTS=153\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00020.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00020_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00020_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00020 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n \n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n \n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n \n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n \n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring('MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n \n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n \n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n \n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n \n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n \n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n \n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n \n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(3)=280\", #min pthat\n \"CKIN(4)=9999\" #max pthat\n )\n ),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0) ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYTHIA (unquenched) dijets in NN (pt-hat > 280 GeV) at sqrt(s) = 2.76TeV')\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d2b745677d1b11d2953b6d20eeb7e8d2", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt280_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00005_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt280_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00005_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00005_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00005 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00005.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00005_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00005_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00005_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00005 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ea13fa940040efd4800a2e5eb52066d6", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ea13fa940040efd4800a2e5eb5207138", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt280_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v4/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25060", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt280_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v4/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt280_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 398287, + "number_files": 1687, + "size": 6092136838562 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4236749d", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 348771, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:598e51cd", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 234937, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a1a3ab13", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 204624, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:75c8312b", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 137837, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00036\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 75.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 75.0000s = 75.0000s\n# Which adds up to 75.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 75.0000s = 268\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 268 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 268\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 268 * 1.0000 = 268 events\nEVENTS=268\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00036.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00036_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00036_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00036 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n \n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n \n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n \n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n \n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring('MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n \n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n \n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n \n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n \n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n \n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n \n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n \n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(3)=30\", #min pthat\n \"CKIN(4)=9999\" #max pthat\n )\n ),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0) ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYTHIA (unquenched) dijets in NN (pt-hat > 30 GeV) at sqrt(s) = 2.76TeV')\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "097653e493e54bc8da8e9c01f19d500c", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00013_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00013_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00013_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00013 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00013.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00013_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00013_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00013_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00013 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25061", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt370_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 20031, + "number_files": 93, + "size": 273966299266 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:3e948d26", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt370_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 32274, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d6a8285f", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt370_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18972, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00021\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 126.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 126.0000s = 126.0000s\n# Which adds up to 126.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 126.0000s = 160\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 160 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 160\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 160 * 1.0000 = 160 events\nEVENTS=160\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00021.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00021_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00021_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00021 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n \n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n \n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n \n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n \n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring('MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n \n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n \n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n \n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n \n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n \n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n \n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n \n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(3)=370\", #min pthat\n \"CKIN(4)=9999\" #max pthat\n )\n ),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0) ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYTHIA (unquenched) dijets in NN (pt-hat > 370 GeV) at sqrt(s) = 2.76TeV')\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ba475b4ac399c114f575a70bea8af25c", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt370_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00002_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt370_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00002_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00002_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00002 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00002.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00002_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00002_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00002_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00002 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ec53a08f54bad11a05d135e6d62c96c8", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ec53a08f54bad11a05d135e6d62c9f15", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt370_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v4/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25062", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt370_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v4/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt370_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 400126, + "number_files": 1805, + "size": 6165220792426 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:624e0219", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 624533, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ca3cc843", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 366415, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00015\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 75.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 75.0000s = 75.0000s\n# Which adds up to 75.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 75.0000s = 268\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 268 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 268\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 268 * 1.0000 = 268 events\nEVENTS=268\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00015.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00015_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00015_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00015 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n \n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n \n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n \n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n \n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring('MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n \n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n \n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n \n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n \n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n \n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n \n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n \n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(3)=50\", #min pthat\n \"CKIN(4)=9999\" #max pthat\n )\n ),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0) ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYTHIA (unquenched) dijets in NN (pt-hat > 50 GeV) at sqrt(s) = 2.76TeV')\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a062f9ea1ba265ab18450550d1ee8b0d", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00003_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00003_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00003_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00003 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00003.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00003_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00003_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00003_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00003 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f1a61139fc394cefc10fd515d3d1123e", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f1a61139fc394cefc10fd515d3d11843", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25063", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 400126, + "number_files": 1793, + "size": 6207748350920 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:6c0a72fc", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 348425, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f61d5cd1", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 271959, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0173a781", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 204421, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1db1e491", + "description": "Pyquen_DiJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 159558, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00016\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 89.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 89.0000s = 89.0000s\n# Which adds up to 89.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 89.0000s = 226\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 226 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 226\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 226 * 1.0000 = 226 events\nEVENTS=226\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00016.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00016_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00016_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00016 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n \n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n \n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(True),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n \n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n \n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring('MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n \n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n \n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n \n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n \n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n \n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n \n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n \n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(3)=80\", #min pthat\n \"CKIN(4)=9999\" #max pthat\n )\n ),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0) ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYTHIA (unquenched) dijets in NN (pt-hat > 80 GeV) at sqrt(s) = 2.76TeV')\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ba475b4ac399c114f575a70bea75c890", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00007_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00007_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00007_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00007 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00007.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00007_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00007_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00007_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00007 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25064", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_DiJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_DiJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Unquenched_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 400206, + "number_files": 1643, + "size": 6177649109808 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:38549d48", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 373629, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7151a261", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 240859, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6c0bf97a", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 230769, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6e6f0bdf", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 148764, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00041\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 167.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 167.0000s = 167.0000s\n# Which adds up to 167.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 167.0000s = 120\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 120 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 120\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 120 * 1.0000 = 120 events\nEVENTS=120\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00041.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00041_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00041_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00041 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning \n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=120',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "53b93556d2c80f66ab77f4c10a88d226", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00030_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00030_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00030_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00030 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00030.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00030_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00030_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00030_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00030 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25065", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 104640, + "number_files": 20, + "size": 65124533297 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:43532174", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3662, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:64ce21d5", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3663, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b8a5cc65", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2230, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d294cce1", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2230, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00072\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 211.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 211.0000s = 211.0000s\n# Which adds up to 211.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 211.0000s = 95\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 95 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 95\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 95 * 1.0000 = 95 events\nEVENTS=95\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00072.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00072_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00072_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00072 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning \n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2), #pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=120',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe7df3fa", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00069_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00069_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00069_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00069 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00069.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00069_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00069_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00069_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00069 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25066", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 224960, + "number_files": 42, + "size": 137720517749 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:ffc9d337", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15668, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:337f3d12", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9660, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00082\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 84.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 84.0000s = 84.0000s\n# Which adds up to 84.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 84.0000s = 240\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 240 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 240\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 240 * 1.0000 = 240 events\nEVENTS=240\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00082.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00082_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00082_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00082 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(1), #reverse pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=120',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe6ee852", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00078_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00078_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00078_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00078 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00078.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00078_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00078_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00078_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00078 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25067", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton120_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 400206, + "number_files": 1737, + "size": 6200789682894 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:3768299f", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 372507, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9cea23a3", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 277137, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:14231030", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 230076, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8b10d36c", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 171171, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00042\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 163.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 163.0000s = 163.0000s\n# Which adds up to 163.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 163.0000s = 123\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 123 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 123\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 123 * 1.0000 = 123 events\nEVENTS=123\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00042.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00042_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00042_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00042 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning \n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=170',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "53b93556d2c80f66ab77f4c10a8d333b", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00031_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00031_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00031_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00031 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00031.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00031_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00031_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00031_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00031 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25068", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 104640, + "number_files": 19, + "size": 67893587202 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:d2cbbf7f", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3324, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b54f2aaf", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3693, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5ea58e07", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2034, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:79dfd6b6", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2260, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00102\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 126.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 126.0000s = 126.0000s\n# Which adds up to 126.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 126.0000s = 160\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 160 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 160\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 160 * 1.0000 = 160 events\nEVENTS=160\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00102.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00102_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00102_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00102 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning \n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2), #pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=170',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "673318b22564a4bc47495a6726b5eac3", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00085_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00085_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00085_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00085 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00085.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00085_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00085_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00085_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00085 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25069", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 224640, + "number_files": 39, + "size": 143467627179 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:01cc8a1c", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14550, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:fb3a5d78", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8970, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00083\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 189.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 189.0000s = 189.0000s\n# Which adds up to 189.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 189.0000s = 106\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 106 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 106\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 106 * 1.0000 = 106 events\nEVENTS=106\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00083.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00083_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00083_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00083 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(1), #reverse pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=170',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe7480b3", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00079_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00079_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00079_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00079 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00079.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00079_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00079_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00079_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00079 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25070", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton170_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 396934, + "number_files": 1641, + "size": 6020004979933 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:f352b06d", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 365916, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e92543f3", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 246183, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4792b7c6", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 225630, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:eafdd4ce", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 151800, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00038\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 382.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 382.0000s = 382.0000s\n# Which adds up to 382.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 382.0000s = 52\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 52 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 52\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 52 * 1.0000 = 52 events\nEVENTS=52\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00038.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00038_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00038_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00038 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning \n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=30',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "53b93556d2c80f66ab77f4c10a8de523", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00029_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00029_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00029_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00029 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00029.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00029_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00029_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00029_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00029 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25071", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 102400, + "number_files": 18, + "size": 54747720060 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:bcc3db0c", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5196, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a921ad91", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1487, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ba8dfe3a", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3192, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:29e4248a", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 912, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00100\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1471.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1471.0000s = 1471.0000s\n# Which adds up to 1471.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 1471.0000s = 13\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 13 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 13\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 13 * 1.0000 = 13 events\nEVENTS=13\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00100.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00100_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00100_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00100 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning \n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2), #pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=30',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "673318b22564a4bc47495a6726b5decb", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00095_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00095_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00095_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00095 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00095.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00095_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00095_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00095_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00095 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25072", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV_v1 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 218240, + "number_files": 33, + "size": 114540021369 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c09636ad", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7222, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e2020fe1", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5323, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9f20b2a3", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4503, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c39d32e1", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3318, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00101\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 560.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 560.0000s = 560.0000s\n# Which adds up to 560.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 560.0000s = 36\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 36 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 36\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 36 * 1.0000 = 36 events\nEVENTS=36\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00101.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00101_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00101_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00101 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(1), #reverse pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=30',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c4941b745398887a3060b82c93a8c0f8", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00096_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00096_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00096_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00096 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00096.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00096_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00096_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00096_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00096 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "9d6163a42e98c66486226ad1408a5190", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25073", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton30_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 395372, + "number_files": 1860, + "size": 6026444920150 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:56aaaade", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33573, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b291b47e", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 368527, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4a7b776d", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 291689, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4184c05d", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20700, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:afd8c453", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 227240, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ef49dc3b", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 179860, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00039\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 308.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 308.0000s = 308.0000s\n# Which adds up to 308.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 308.0000s = 65\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 65 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 65\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 65 * 1.0000 = 65 events\nEVENTS=65\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00039.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00039_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00039_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00039 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning \n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=50',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "53b93556d2c80f66ab77f4c10a8d5eae", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00032_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00032_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00032_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00032 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00032.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00032_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00032_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00032_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00032 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25074", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 104640, + "number_files": 20, + "size": 58404095451 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:564f59c5", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4748, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:cd25e158", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2558, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:79d99fd2", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2886, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:63a4f376", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1554, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00070\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 103.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 103.0000s = 103.0000s\n# Which adds up to 103.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 103.0000s = 195\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 195 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 195\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 195 * 1.0000 = 195 events\nEVENTS=195\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00070.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00070_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00070_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00070 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning \n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2), #pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=50',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "8a9b72c01094e52d2fa933e4b795f321", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00067_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00067_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00067_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00067 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00067.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00067_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00067_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00067_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00067 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25075", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 224960, + "number_files": 34, + "size": 123316146567 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:ca25d93e", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3378, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6f52926a", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2253, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9eaa20c5", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7128, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8daca76c", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2088, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9c60c4e5", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1392, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:16e29a88", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4408, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00103\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 449.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 449.0000s = 449.0000s\n# Which adds up to 449.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 449.0000s = 44\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 44 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 44\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 44 * 1.0000 = 44 events\nEVENTS=44\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00103.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00103_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00103_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00103 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(1), #reverse pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=50',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c4941b745398887a3060b82c93aab67f", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00086_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00086_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00086_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00086 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00086.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00086_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00086_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00086_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00086 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25076", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton50_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV_v1 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 394230, + "number_files": 1757, + "size": 6055125168321 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:9a096bbe", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 369273, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:113485ac", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 286094, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bd98d21f", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 227700, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:cf66bea1", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 176410, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00040\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 107.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 107.0000s = 107.0000s\n# Which adds up to 107.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 107.0000s = 188\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 188 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 188\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 188 * 1.0000 = 188 events\nEVENTS=188\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00040.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00040_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00040_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00040 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning \n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=80',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "53b93556d2c80f66ab77f4c10a8cb4d5", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00023_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00023_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00023_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00023 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00023.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00023_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00023_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00023_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00023 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25077", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 104640, + "number_files": 19, + "size": 61831457728 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:b0f9686e", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6572, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9c6269a0", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 367, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:cefb055d", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3996, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ce434753", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 222, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00071\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 229.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 229.0000s = 229.0000s\n# Which adds up to 229.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 229.0000s = 88\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 88 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 88\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 88 * 1.0000 = 88 events\nEVENTS=88\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00071.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00071_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00071_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00071 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning \n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2), #pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=80',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "8a9b72c01094e52d2fa933e4b795f605", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00068_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00068_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00068_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00068 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00068.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00068_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00068_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00068_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00068 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25078", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 224960, + "number_files": 37, + "size": 130854428293 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:1b70ab9a", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13767, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7c9cc138", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8473, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00081\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 70.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 70.0000s = 70.0000s\n# Which adds up to 70.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 70.0000s = 288\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 288 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 288\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 288 * 1.0000 = 288 events\nEVENTS=288\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00081.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00081_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00081_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00081 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22), # parton cut is not functioning \n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2), #pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=80',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe747c01", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00077_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00077_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00077_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00077 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00077.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00077_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00077_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00077_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00077 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25079", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_AllQCDPhoton80_PhotonFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 398630, + "number_files": 1843, + "size": 6201002501578 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:cb774f76", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 379761, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6d836249", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 318742, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:38631c86", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 236472, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bd3393d2", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 198476, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00046\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 115.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 115.0000s = 115.0000s\n# Which adds up to 115.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 115.0000s = 175\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 175 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 175\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 175 * 1.0000 = 175 events\nEVENTS=175\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00046.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00046_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00046_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00046 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1), \n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=120',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "53b93556d2c80f66ab77f4c10a8ef9d4", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00027_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00027_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00027_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00027 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00027.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00027_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00027_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00027_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00027 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25080", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 104640, + "number_files": 21, + "size": 68110107148 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:f267d3f2", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7794, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:06710b91", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4788, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00077\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 138.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 138.0000s = 138.0000s\n# Which adds up to 138.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 138.0000s = 146\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 146 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 146\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 146 * 1.0000 = 146 events\nEVENTS=146\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00077.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00077_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00077_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00077 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1), \n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2), #pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=120',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe78b7b1", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00074_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00074_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00074_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00074 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00074.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00074_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00074_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00074_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00074 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25081", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 224960, + "number_files": 40, + "size": 144199469043 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4d2eec21", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6051, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:de0758d6", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9074, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9535cbb6", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3760, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d57a2d9c", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5640, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00087\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 68.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 68.0000s = 68.0000s\n# Which adds up to 68.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 68.0000s = 296\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 296 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 296\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 296 * 1.0000 = 296 events\nEVENTS=296\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00087.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00087_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00087_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00087 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(1), #reverse pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=120',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe7480ae", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00082_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00082_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00082_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00082 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00082.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00082_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00082_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00082_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00082 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25082", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet120_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 387046, + "number_files": 1774, + "size": 6049797424872 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:bddc2558", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 373697, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:70364396", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 186092, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:325a299f", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 112566, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:87f1457f", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 232696, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f90a1087", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 115876, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1023bad7", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 70092, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00047\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 107.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 107.0000s = 107.0000s\n# Which adds up to 107.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 107.0000s = 188\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 188 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 188\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 188 * 1.0000 = 188 events\nEVENTS=188\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00047.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00047_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00047_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00047 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1), \n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=170',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "53b93556d2c80f66ab77f4c10a8e7381", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00025_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00025_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00025_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00025 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00025.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00025_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00025_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00025_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00025 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25083", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 104640, + "number_files": 23, + "size": 71180229690 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:2bf5aa8d", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8535, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3b009e91", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5244, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00078\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 73.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 73.0000s = 73.0000s\n# Which adds up to 73.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 73.0000s = 276\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 276 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 276\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 276 * 1.0000 = 276 events\nEVENTS=276\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00078.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00078_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00078_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00078 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(1), #reverse pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=170',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe7f7f77", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00075_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00075_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00075_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00075 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00075.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00075_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00075_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00075_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00075 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25084", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 224960, + "number_files": 43, + "size": 150680222075 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c2e7953c", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 16256, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6bc2e26b", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10105, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00088\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 73.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 73.0000s = 73.0000s\n# Which adds up to 73.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 73.0000s = 276\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 276 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 276\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 276 * 1.0000 = 276 events\nEVENTS=276\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00088.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00088_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00088_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00088 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1), \n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2), #pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=170',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe6ec894", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00083_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00083_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00083_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00083 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00083.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00083_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00083_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00083_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00083 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25085", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet170_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 394726, + "number_files": 1777, + "size": 6061747285339 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:04abbb70", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 370821, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2d8aa7f6", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 229071, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8b1e2212", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 71822, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5e84bd2a", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 230535, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5104604e", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 142410, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1e4bf0bc", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 44650, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00043\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 102.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 102.0000s = 102.0000s\n# Which adds up to 102.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 102.0000s = 197\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 197 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 197\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 197 * 1.0000 = 197 events\nEVENTS=197\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00043.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00043_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00043_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00043 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1), \n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=30',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "53b93556d2c80f66ab77f4c10a883eac", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00026_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00026_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00026_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00026 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00026.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00026_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00026_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00026_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00026 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25086", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 104640, + "number_files": 24, + "size": 61235061142 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:88011350", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8882, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0974e327", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5448, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00074\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 123.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 123.0000s = 123.0000s\n# Which adds up to 123.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 123.0000s = 163\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 163 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 163\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 163 * 1.0000 = 163 events\nEVENTS=163\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00074.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00074_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00074_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00074 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1), \n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2), #pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=30',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe7de897", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00071_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00071_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00071_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00071 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00071.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00071_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00071_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00071_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00071 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25087", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 224960, + "number_files": 36, + "size": 129352725636 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c27682a9", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13575, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b00dbf79", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8424, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00084\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 60.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 60.0000s = 60.0000s\n# Which adds up to 60.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 60.0000s = 336\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 336 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 336\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 336 * 1.0000 = 336 events\nEVENTS=336\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00084.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00084_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00084_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00084 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(1), #reverse pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=30',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe747031", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00080_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00080_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00080_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00080 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00080.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00080_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00080_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00080_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00080 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25088", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet30_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 382998, + "number_files": 1728, + "size": 5908815393901 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:847714d2", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 455115, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:101ef206", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 198075, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:930ff96b", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 282940, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3998611e", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 123140, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00044\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 109.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 109.0000s = 109.0000s\n# Which adds up to 109.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 109.0000s = 184\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 184 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 184\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 184 * 1.0000 = 184 events\nEVENTS=184\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00044.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00044_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00044_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00044 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1), \n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=50',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "53b93556d2c80f66ab77f4c10a8dea0e", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00024_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00024_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00024_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00024 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00024.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00024_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00024_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00024_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00024 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25089", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 104640, + "number_files": 21, + "size": 62388849396 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:17783131", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3702, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c2fe9fd5", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4073, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0ed5de62", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2270, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f65428eb", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2497, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00075\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 121.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 121.0000s = 121.0000s\n# Which adds up to 121.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 121.0000s = 166\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 166 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 166\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 166 * 1.0000 = 166 events\nEVENTS=166\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00075.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00075_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00075_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00075 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1), \n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2), #pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=50',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe7dfaf4", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00072_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00072_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00072_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00072 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00072.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00072_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00072_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00072_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00072 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25090", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 224960, + "number_files": 36, + "size": 131772686737 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:5f1f89a5", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13574, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b0c5c221", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8424, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00085\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 61.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 61.0000s = 61.0000s\n# Which adds up to 61.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 61.0000s = 330\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 330 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 330\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 330 * 1.0000 = 330 events\nEVENTS=330\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00085.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00085_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00085_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00085 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(1), #reverse pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=50',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe6ec2cf", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00081_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00081_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00081_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00081 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00081.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00081_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00081_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00081_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00081 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25091", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet50_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 384020, + "number_files": 1751, + "size": 5947306896413 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4fbac109", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 378003, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:aaee0ddf", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 222645, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:88ef4dc8", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 61239, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:90d0d42e", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 235000, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ea6bb173", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 138415, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bd79c4ec", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 38070, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00045\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00045.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00045_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00045_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00045 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1), \n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=80',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "53b93556d2c80f66ab77f4c10a8710c2", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00022_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00022_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00022_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00022 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00022.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00022_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00022_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00022_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00022 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25092", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 104640, + "number_files": 18, + "size": 65028652155 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:90358d71", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6662, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6fc52b63", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4086, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00076\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 132.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 132.0000s = 132.0000s\n# Which adds up to 132.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 132.0000s = 152\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 152 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 152\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 152 * 1.0000 = 152 events\nEVENTS=152\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00076.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00076_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00076_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00076 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1), \n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2), #pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=80',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe7f7530", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00073_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00073_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00073_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00073 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00073.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00073_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00073_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00073_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00073 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25093", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_pPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 224960, + "number_files": 36, + "size": 137590308395 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:7127a485", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13683, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8691d96a", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8532, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00086\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 130.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 130.0000s = 130.0000s\n# Which adds up to 130.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 130.0000s = 155\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 155 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 155\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 155 * 1.0000 = 155 events\nEVENTS=155\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00086.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00086_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00086_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00086 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n\n\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #quarks\n 21, 22), #gluon, photon\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n 0, 0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, #eta\n 331, #eta'\n 223, #omega\n 111), #pi0\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, #eta\n 2, #eta'\n 2, #omega\n 2), #pi0\n etaMax = cms.double(3.0), # Photon eta cut\n maxTries = cms.untracked.int32(5000),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(1), #reverse pPb direction\n\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=80',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58f29877e4e80f11df041867fe7484e1", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00084_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00084_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00084_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00084 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00084.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00084_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00084_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00084_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00084 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "9d6163a42e98c66486226ad1408a5190", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25094", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_EmEnrichedDijet80_ParticleFilter35GeV_eta3_TuneZ2_reversepPb_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the PbPb collision data at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment during Run1.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "PbPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 394662, + "number_files": 1611, + "size": 5935424217527 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:7ceeb32e", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 359920, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9f23cdc9", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 201802, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c4ff418a", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19858, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d9775f3a", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 217346, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7ac39c2a", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 121862, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f066f002", + "description": "Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11990, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d99cba47fe5b54b342b757ba6b923a19", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hydjet" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_12_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiFall13-00037\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 74.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 74.0000s = 74.0000s\n# Which adds up to 74.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 74.0000s = 272\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 272 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 272\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 272 * 1.0000 = 272 events\nEVENTS=272\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13-00037.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --beamspot MatchHI --step GEN,SIM --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Hydjet1p8_TuneDrum_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13-00037_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13-00037_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13-00037 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PyquenDefaultSettings_cff import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n leadingOrderQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'leadingOrderQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=15',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\" #max rapidity\n \n )\n )\n)\n\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "53b93556d2c80f66ab77f4c10a8e037f", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s, 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s, 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 20.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 20.0000s = 1008\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1008 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 1008\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1008 * 1.0000 = 1008 events\nEVENTS=1008\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --inputCommands \"keep *,drop *_simEcalPreshowerDigis_*_*\" --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00028_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13-STARTHI53_LV1-v2/GEN-SIM\" --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00028_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00028_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00028 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00028.root --conditions STARTHI53_LV1::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --himix True --scenario HeavyIons --filein file:HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00028_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00028_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00028_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiFall13DR53X-00028 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2384b43", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "0b7f4911b1d909c055e7d178b2385422", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25095", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_LV1::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV/HiFall13DR53X-NoPileUp_STARTHI53_LV1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_Unquenched_LeadingOrderPhoton15_eta3_TuneZ2_Hydjet1p8_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_WToENu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1000000, + "number_files": 58, + "size": 224451628183 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c0177d80", + "description": "Pyquen_WToENu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18852, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:852acb2e", + "description": "Pyquen_WToENu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10556, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00013\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 44.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 44.0000s = 44.0000s\n# Which adds up to 44.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 44.0000s = 458\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 458 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 458\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 458 * 1.0000 = 458 events\nEVENTS=458\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00013.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00013_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00013_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00013 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(True),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL = 0 !User defined processes',\n 'MSUB(2) = 1 !W production',\n 'MDME(190,1) = 0 !W decay into dbar u',\n 'MDME(191,1) = 0 !W decay into dbar c',\n 'MDME(192,1) = 0 !W decay into dbar t',\n 'MDME(194,1) = 0 !W decay into sbar u',\n 'MDME(195,1) = 0 !W decay into sbar c',\n 'MDME(196,1) = 0 !W decay into sbar t',\n 'MDME(198,1) = 0 !W decay into bbar u',\n 'MDME(199,1) = 0 !W decay into bbar c',\n 'MDME(200,1) = 0 !W decay into bbar t',\n 'MDME(205,1) = 0 !W decay into bbar tp',\n 'MDME(206,1) = 1 !W decay into e+ nu_e',\n 'MDME(207,1) = 0 !W decay into mu+ nu_mu',\n 'MDME(208,1) = 0 !W decay into tau+ nu_tau'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters')\n )\n )\n\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYQUEN-Wenu Tune Z2 at 5.023 TeV')\n)\n\n#ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "62c7388cac72439d26d64acc50f5ed79", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_WToENu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-ext-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00023_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_WToENu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-ext-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00023_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00023_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00023 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00023.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00023_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00023_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00023_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00023 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b7534a6d21", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b753eb5c06", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_WToENu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25096", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_WToENu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_WToENu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pyquen_WToMuNu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 999346, + "number_files": 60, + "size": 229506775354 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:56adb4c1", + "description": "Pyquen_WToMuNu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15325, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ac559f42", + "description": "Pyquen_WToMuNu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4240, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:566d7814", + "description": "Pyquen_WToMuNu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8601, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:609fe4a6", + "description": "Pyquen_WToMuNu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2379, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00012\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 44.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 44.0000s = 44.0000s\n# Which adds up to 44.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 44.0000s = 458\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 458 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 458\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 458 * 1.0000 = 458 events\nEVENTS=458\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00012.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --customise C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00012_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00012_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00012 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n protonSide = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3\n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed\n doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\"), ## ineffective in no mixing\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(True),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL = 0 !User defined processes',\n 'MSUB(2) = 1 !W production',\n 'MDME(190,1) = 0 !W decay into dbar u',\n 'MDME(191,1) = 0 !W decay into dbar c',\n 'MDME(192,1) = 0 !W decay into dbar t',\n 'MDME(194,1) = 0 !W decay into sbar u',\n 'MDME(195,1) = 0 !W decay into sbar c',\n 'MDME(196,1) = 0 !W decay into sbar t',\n 'MDME(198,1) = 0 !W decay into bbar u',\n 'MDME(199,1) = 0 !W decay into bbar c',\n 'MDME(200,1) = 0 !W decay into bbar t',\n 'MDME(205,1) = 0 !W decay into bbar tp',\n 'MDME(206,1) = 0 !W decay into e+ nu_e',\n 'MDME(207,1) = 1 !W decay into mu+ nu_mu',\n 'MDME(208,1) = 0 !W decay into tau+ nu_tau'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters')\n )\n )\n\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /cvs_server/repositories/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYQUEN-Wmunu Tune Z2 at 5.023 TeV')\n)\n\n#ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "62c7388cac72439d26d64acc50f623d8", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_WToMuNu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-ext-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00022_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pyquen_WToMuNu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-ext-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00022_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00022_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00022 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00022.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00022_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00022_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00022_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00022 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b7534a6d21", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "38073db439675c4950b9d5b753eb5c06", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pyquen_WToMuNu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_10_patch1", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25097", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pyquen_WToMuNu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pyquen_WToMuNu_TuneZ2_5023GeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199520, + "number_files": 28, + "size": 83808914623 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:a0eaf215", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9186, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:dab53adb", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5180, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00045\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00045.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00045_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00045_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00045 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, # parton cut is not functioning\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 '),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=1',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=0',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n #pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n #pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD\n #pythiaMuonCandidates\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16',\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085',\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'),\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1'),\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=0',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=1',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0',\n 'MSTU(21)=1',\n 'PARU(14)=1.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0',\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.',\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2'),\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 '),\n # Don't use EnhanceFragPhoton = cms.vstring('MSTJ(41) = 10 ',\n # 'PARJ(84) = 20.0 '),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=120',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af63e0", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00044_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00044_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00044_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00044 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00044.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00044_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00044_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00044_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00044 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25098", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 195680, + "number_files": 21, + "size": 70481467811 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:3803b044", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7059, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9295e382", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4053, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00056\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00056.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00056_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00056_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00056 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, # parton cut is not functioning\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 '),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=1',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=0',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n #pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n #pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD\n #pythiaMuonCandidates\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16',\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085',\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'),\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1'),\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=0',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=1',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0',\n 'MSTU(21)=1',\n 'PARU(14)=1.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0',\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.',\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2'),\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 '),\n # Don't use EnhanceFragPhoton = cms.vstring('MSTJ(41) = 10 ',\n # 'PARJ(84) = 20.0 '),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=120',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebefe43c", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00047_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00047_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00047_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00047 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00047.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00047_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00047_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00047_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00047 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25099", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199048, + "number_files": 21, + "size": 51045365289 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:b470744b", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6868, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:deaea8e3", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3864, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00041\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 60.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 60.0000s = 60.0000s\n# Which adds up to 60.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 60.0000s = 336\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 336 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 336\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 336 * 1.0000 = 336 events\nEVENTS=336\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00041.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00041_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00041_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00041 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(15),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, # parton cut is not functioning\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 '),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=1',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=0',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n #pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n #pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD\n #pythiaMuonCandidates\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16',\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085',\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'),\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1'),\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=0',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=1',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0',\n 'MSTU(21)=1',\n 'PARU(14)=1.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0',\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.',\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2'),\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 '),\n # Don't use EnhanceFragPhoton = cms.vstring('MSTJ(41) = 10 ',\n # 'PARJ(84) = 20.0 '),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=15',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af49d6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00035_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00035_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00035_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00035 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00035.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00035_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00035_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00035_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00035 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25100", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 187760, + "number_files": 14, + "size": 42289598251 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:5d681bda", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4693, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:46543f41", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2688, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00052\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00052.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00052_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00052_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00052 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, # parton cut is not functioning\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 '),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=1',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=0',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n #pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n #pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD\n #pythiaMuonCandidates\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16',\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085',\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'),\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1'),\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=0',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=1',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0',\n 'MSTU(21)=1',\n 'PARU(14)=1.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0',\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.',\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2'),\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 '),\n # Don't use EnhanceFragPhoton = cms.vstring('MSTJ(41) = 10 ',\n # 'PARJ(84) = 20.0 '),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=15',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebeedee4", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00052_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00052_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00052_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00052 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00052.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00052_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00052_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00052_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00052 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25101", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199148, + "number_files": 30, + "size": 90138292538 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:7da5aa89", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9840, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0d7aae87", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5550, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00046\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 134.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 134.0000s = 134.0000s\n# Which adds up to 134.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 134.0000s = 150\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 150 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 150\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 150 * 1.0000 = 150 events\nEVENTS=150\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00046.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00046_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00046_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00046 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, # parton cut is not functioning\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 '),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=1',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=0',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n #pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n #pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD\n #pythiaMuonCandidates\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16',\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085',\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'),\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1'),\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=0',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=1',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0',\n 'MSTU(21)=1',\n 'PARU(14)=1.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0',\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.',\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2'),\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 '),\n # Don't use EnhanceFragPhoton = cms.vstring('MSTJ(41) = 10 ',\n # 'PARJ(84) = 20.0 '),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=170',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af51d9", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00047_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00047_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00047_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00047 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00047.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00047_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00047_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00047_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00047 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "8c9b5cac80b81224b40422b17ef52359", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "8c9b5cac80b81224b40422b17ef5eeec", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25102", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 193280, + "number_files": 26, + "size": 73094988299 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:ad47843f", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8739, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0ec80e58", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5018, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00057\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00057.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00057_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00057_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00057 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, # parton cut is not functioning\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 '),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=1',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=0',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n #pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n #pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD\n #pythiaMuonCandidates\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16',\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085',\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'),\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1'),\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=0',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=1',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0',\n 'MSTU(21)=1',\n 'PARU(14)=1.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0',\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.',\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2'),\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 '),\n # Don't use EnhanceFragPhoton = cms.vstring('MSTJ(41) = 10 ',\n # 'PARJ(84) = 20.0 '),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=170',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebef095a", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00054_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00054_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00054_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00054 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00054.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00054_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00054_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00054_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00054 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25103", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199306, + "number_files": 16, + "size": 59533777266 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:09f8ac25", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5234, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5a208cbf", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2944, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00042\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 82.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 82.0000s = 82.0000s\n# Which adds up to 82.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 82.0000s = 245\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 245 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 245\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 245 * 1.0000 = 245 events\nEVENTS=245\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00042.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00042_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00042_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00042 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(15),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, # parton cut is not functioning\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 '),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=1',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=0',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n #pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n #pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD\n #pythiaMuonCandidates\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16',\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085',\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'),\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1'),\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=0',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=1',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0',\n 'MSTU(21)=1',\n 'PARU(14)=1.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0',\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.',\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2'),\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 '),\n # Don't use EnhanceFragPhoton = cms.vstring('MSTJ(41) = 10 ',\n # 'PARJ(84) = 20.0 '),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=30',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af56ad", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00046_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00046_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00046_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00046 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00046.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00046_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00046_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00046_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00046 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "8c9b5cac80b81224b40422b17ef52359", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "8c9b5cac80b81224b40422b17ef5eeec", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25104", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 187040, + "number_files": 17, + "size": 49461394658 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:a37d3560", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5698, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9e05f1f6", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3264, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00053\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00053.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00053_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00053_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00053 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(15),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, # parton cut is not functioning\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 '),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=1',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=0',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n #pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n #pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD\n #pythiaMuonCandidates\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16',\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085',\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'),\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1'),\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=0',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=1',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0',\n 'MSTU(21)=1',\n 'PARU(14)=1.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0',\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.',\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2'),\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 '),\n # Don't use EnhanceFragPhoton = cms.vstring('MSTJ(41) = 10 ',\n # 'PARJ(84) = 20.0 '),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=30',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebeee648", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00050_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00050_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00050_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00050 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00050.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00050_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00050_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00050_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00050 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25105", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199684, + "number_files": 24, + "size": 67699323476 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:93b08133", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7850, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7c9752ed", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4416, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00043\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00043.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00043_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00043_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00043 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, # parton cut is not functioning\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 '),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=1',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=0',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n #pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n #pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD\n #pythiaMuonCandidates\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16',\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085',\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'),\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1'),\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=0',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=1',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0',\n 'MSTU(21)=1',\n 'PARU(14)=1.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0',\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.',\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2'),\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 '),\n # Don't use EnhanceFragPhoton = cms.vstring('MSTJ(41) = 10 ',\n # 'PARJ(84) = 20.0 '),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=50',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af3a3e", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00036_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00036_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00036_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00036 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00036.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00036_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00036_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00036_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00036 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25106", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 184400, + "number_files": 23, + "size": 70276842788 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c67b27dd", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7523, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bd4619ea", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4232, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00044\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00044.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00044_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00044_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00044 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, # parton cut is not functioning\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 '),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=1',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=0',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n #pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n #pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD\n #pythiaMuonCandidates\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16',\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085',\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'),\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1'),\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=0',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=1',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0',\n 'MSTU(21)=1',\n 'PARU(14)=1.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0',\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.',\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2'),\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 '),\n # Don't use EnhanceFragPhoton = cms.vstring('MSTJ(41) = 10 ',\n # 'PARJ(84) = 20.0 '),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=80',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af70c1", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00043_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00043_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00043_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00043 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00043.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00043_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00043_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00043_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00043 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25107", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 194240, + "number_files": 21, + "size": 64852920580 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:322ea925", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7038, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5c7be035", + "description": "Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4032, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00055\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00055.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00055_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00055_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00055 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(1),\n particles = cms.vint32(22),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, # parton cut is not functioning\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag'),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 '),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=1',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=0',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n #pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n #pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD\n #pythiaMuonCandidates\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16',\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085',\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'),\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1'),\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring('MDME(174,1)=0',\n 'MDME(175,1)=0',\n 'MDME(176,1)=0',\n 'MDME(177,1)=0',\n 'MDME(178,1)=0',\n 'MDME(179,1)=0',\n 'MDME(182,1)=0',\n 'MDME(183,1)=0',\n 'MDME(184,1)=1',\n 'MDME(185,1)=0',\n 'MDME(186,1)=0',\n 'MDME(187,1)=0'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0',\n 'MSTU(21)=1',\n 'PARU(14)=1.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0',\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.',\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2'),\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 '),\n # Don't use EnhanceFragPhoton = cms.vstring('MSTJ(41) = 10 ',\n # 'PARJ(84) = 20.0 '),\n allQCDPhotonChannel = cms.vstring( 'MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1', # g+g->g+g\n # Leading order photons\n 'MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'customProcesses',\n 'allQCDPhotonChannel',\n 'kinematics'),\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=80',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebeed8ca", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00048_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00048_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00048_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00048 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00048.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00048_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00048_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00048_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00048 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25108", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_AllQCDPhotons_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 520861, + "number_files": 64, + "size": 202214201813 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:08904d74", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20035, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3ac8cc63", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10880, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00042\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0550 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0550 = 181818 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 181818, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.0550 = 23 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00042.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00042_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00042_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00042 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.128e-05),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(5.5e-02),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 120 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(5, -5)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)\n\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b126c7e8e", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00060_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00060_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00060_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00060 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00060.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00060_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00060_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00060_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00060 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25109", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 473280, + "number_files": 49, + "size": 147653581499 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:677f40d5", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2060, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ffb8befe", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3431, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c8eb5dac", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11321, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ca0b7464", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1200, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:56106d4b", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2000, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:247300c7", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6600, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00057\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 109.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 109.0000s = 109.0000s\n# Which adds up to 109.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 109.0000s = 184\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 184 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 184\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 184 * 1.0000 = 184 events\nEVENTS=184\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00057.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00057_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00057_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00057 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters5TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters5TeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 120. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "47e7c86552e77dd5909308babf498f00", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "Pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00056_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00056_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00056_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00056 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00056.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00056_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00056_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00056_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00056 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203c62be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203cb8ce", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25110", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 298207, + "number_files": 23, + "size": 71404125836 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:d6b4a4f6", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7179, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c11a9622", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3887, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00049\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0550 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0550 = 181818 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 181818, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.0550 = 23 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00049.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00049_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00049_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00049 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.079e-02),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(5.5e-02),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 15 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(5, -5)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b128da6ab", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00067_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00067_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00067_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00067 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00067.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00067_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00067_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00067_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00067 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25111", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 541440, + "number_files": 46, + "size": 169031178259 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:31bf617b", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8552, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9903dda3", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7183, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d2560f0a", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4975, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:469a15e3", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4179, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00053\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 50.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 50.0000s = 50.0000s\n# Which adds up to 50.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 50.0000s = 403\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 403 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 403\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 403 * 1.0000 = 403 events\nEVENTS=403\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00053.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00053_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00053_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00053 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters5TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters5TeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 15. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "47e7c86552e77dd5909308babf4a9de7", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "Pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00051_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00051_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00051_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00051 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00051.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00051_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00051_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00051_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00051 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203c62be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203cb8ce", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25112", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 543242, + "number_files": 86, + "size": 224273067240 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:f2d1fdf1", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19722, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:fbdbaa76", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7223, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:36d49bec", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10710, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:31c29daf", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3933, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00043\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0550 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0550 = 181818 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 181818, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.0550 = 23 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00043.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00043_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00043_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00043 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.470e-06),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(5.5e-02),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 170 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(5, -5)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)\n\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b126f8348", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00061_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00061_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00061_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00061 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00061.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00061_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00061_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00061_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00061 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25113", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 544320, + "number_files": 52, + "size": 169948192869 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:cfe3c09b", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 688, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7b64465d", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7547, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6f8f817e", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9604, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:93b07c47", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 400, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:fe805a85", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4400, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ce7cceb7", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5600, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00058\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 121.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 121.0000s = 121.0000s\n# Which adds up to 121.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 121.0000s = 166\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 166 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 166\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 166 * 1.0000 = 166 events\nEVENTS=166\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00058.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00058_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00058_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00058 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters5TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters5TeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 170. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "47e7c86552e77dd5909308babf49d8fd", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "Pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00053_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00053_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00053_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00053 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00053.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00053_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00053_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00053_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00053 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203c62be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203cb8ce", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25114", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 410564, + "number_files": 35, + "size": 115094957674 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:d684a75e", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10923, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:06fdfd88", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5915, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00039\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0550 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0550 = 181818 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 181818, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.0550 = 23 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00039.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00039_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00039_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00039 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.079e-02),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(5.5e-02),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 30 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(5, -5)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)\n\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b1271d9bb", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v6/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00069_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v6/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00069_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00069_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00069 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00069.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00069_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00069_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00069_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00069 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25115", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 552960, + "number_files": 47, + "size": 172611647910 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:a43c006c", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2738, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bee10152", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5472, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:65b4a35e", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7869, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f901f00a", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1592, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f5d6e159", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3184, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:366e936b", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4577, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00054\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 83.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 83.0000s = 83.0000s\n# Which adds up to 83.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 83.0000s = 242\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 242 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 242\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 242 * 1.0000 = 242 events\nEVENTS=242\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00054.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00054_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00054_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00054 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters5TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters5TeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 30. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "47e7c86552e77dd5909308babf49bcc1", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "Pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00052_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00052_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00052_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00052 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00052.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00052_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00052_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00052_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00052 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203c62be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203cb8ce", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25116", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 495211, + "number_files": 49, + "size": 157567010541 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:db88427d", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15291, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ebc8c309", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8281, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00040\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0550 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0550 = 181818 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 181818, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.0550 = 23 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00040.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00040_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00040_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00040 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.021e-03),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(5.5e-02),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 50 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(5, -5)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)\n\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b126c4199", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v5/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00063_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v5/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00063_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00063_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00063 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00063.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00063_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00063_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00063_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00063 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25117", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 522240, + "number_files": 58, + "size": 163039974670 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:b9f25e6d", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8552, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1bec22b4", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3765, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b9904201", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7525, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f9000ea0", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4975, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bcd6ab40", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2189, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5cec5521", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4378, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00055\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 82.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 82.0000s = 82.0000s\n# Which adds up to 82.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 82.0000s = 245\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 245 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 245\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 245 * 1.0000 = 245 events\nEVENTS=245\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00055.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00055_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00055_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00055 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters5TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters5TeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 50. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "47e7c86552e77dd5909308babf4a715e", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "Pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00054_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00054_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00054_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00054 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00054.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00054_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00054_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00054_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00054 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203c62be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203cb8ce", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25118", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 506814, + "number_files": 55, + "size": 180628022044 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:724448a2", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 17163, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2f58f8cc", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9295, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00041\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0550 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0550 = 181818 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 181818, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.0550 = 23 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00041.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00041_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00041_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00041 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(9.913e-05),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(5.5e-02),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 80 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(5, -5)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)\n\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b126c23b5", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00059_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00059_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00059_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00059 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00059.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00059_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00059_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00059_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00059 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25119", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 517120, + "number_files": 47, + "size": 161564345568 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:3ff6bda7", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11629, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8ee3dd3d", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4449, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:52c73bc2", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6766, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f0d12652", + "description": "Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2587, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00056\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_17/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_17 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_17\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_17/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 106.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 106.0000s = 106.0000s\n# Which adds up to 106.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 106.0000s = 190\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 190 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 190\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 190 * 1.0000 = 190 events\nEVENTS=190\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00056.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00056_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00056_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00056 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n#pythia Tune Z2\n\npythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',\n )\n )\n\n\n#pyquen\ncollisionParameters5TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters4TeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters2760GeV = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)\n )\n\ncollisionParameters = collisionParameters5TeV.clone()\n\nqgpParameters = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.0), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;\n qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;\n hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.14),\n doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss\n doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(False),\n qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3 \n numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed\n )\n\npyquenParameters = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),\n angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum :\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),\n backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag(\"generator\") ## ineffective in no mixing\n )\n\nhydjetParameters = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(58),\n shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(0),\n nMultiplicity = cms.int32(21500),\n fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),\n maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),\n maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.),\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),\n embeddingMode = cms.bool(False) \n )\n\npyquenPythiaDefaultBlock = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTP(81)=0'\n ),\n pythiaHirootDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0', # ! Only user defined processes, \n 'MSTU(21)=1', # ! to avoid stopping run',\n 'PARU(14)=1.', # ! tolerance parameter to adjust fragmentation',\n 'MSTP(81)=0', # ! pp multiple scattering off',\n 'PMAS(5,1)=4.8', # ! b quark mass',\n 'PMAS(6,1)=175.0', # ! t quark mass'\n 'CKIN(3)=7.',# ! ptMin\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=10.', # Decays only if life time < 10mm\n 'PARP(67)=1.',\n 'PARP(82)=1.9',\n 'PARP(85)=0.33',\n 'PARP(86)=0.66',\n 'PARP(89)=1000.',\n 'PARP(91)=1.0',\n 'MSTJ(11)=3',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2' \n ),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q\n 'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g\n 'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g\n 'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar\n 'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g\n ),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma\n 'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma\n 'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma\n 'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma\n ),\n\n pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',\n 'MSUB(2)=1'),\n \n pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',\n 'MSUB(30)=1'),\n \n pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',\n 'MSUB(422) = 1',\n 'MSUB(423) = 1',\n 'MSUB(424) = 1',\n 'MSUB(425) = 1',\n 'MSUB(426) = 1',\n 'MSUB(427) = 1',\n 'MSUB(428) = 1',\n 'MSUB(429) = 1',\n 'MSUB(430) = 1',\n 'MSUB(431) = 1',\n 'MSUB(432) = 1',\n 'MSUB(433) = 1',\n 'MSUB(434) = 1',\n 'MSUB(435) = 1',\n 'MSUB(436) = 1',\n 'MSUB(437) = 1',\n 'MSUB(438) = 1',\n 'MSUB(439) = 1'\n ),\n\n pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',\n 'MSUB(462) = 1',\n 'MSUB(463) = 1',\n 'MSUB(464) = 1',\n 'MSUB(465) = 1',\n 'MSUB(466) = 1',\n 'MSUB(467) = 1',\n 'MSUB(468) = 1',\n 'MSUB(469) = 1',\n 'MSUB(470) = 1',\n 'MSUB(471) = 1',\n 'MSUB(472) = 1',\n 'MSUB(473) = 1',\n 'MSUB(474) = 1',\n 'MSUB(475) = 1',\n 'MSUB(476) = 1',\n 'MSUB(477) = 1',\n 'MSUB(478) = 1',\n 'MSUB(479) = 1',\n ),\n\n pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements\n 'PARP(142)=0.0119',\n 'PARP(143)=0.01',\n 'PARP(144)=0.01',\n 'PARP(145)=0.05',\n 'PARP(146)=9.28',\n 'PARP(147)=0.15',\n 'PARP(148)=0.02',\n 'PARP(149)=0.02',\n 'PARP(150)=0.085', \n # Meson spin\n 'PARJ(13)=0.60',\n 'PARJ(14)=0.162',\n 'PARJ(15)=0.018',\n 'PARJ(16)=0.054',\n # Polarization\n 'MSTP(145)=0',\n 'MSTP(146)=0',\n 'MSTP(147)=0',\n 'MSTP(148)=1',\n 'MSTP(149)=1',\n # Chi_c branching ratios\n 'BRAT(861)=0.202',\n 'BRAT(862)=0.798',\n 'BRAT(1501)=0.013',\n 'BRAT(1502)=0.987',\n 'BRAT(1555)=0.356',\n 'BRAT(1556)=0.644'\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=0\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n\n\n pythiaZtoElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=0\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaZtoMuonsAndElectrons = cms.vstring(\"MDME(174,1)=0\", # !Z decay into d dbar,\n \"MDME(175,1)=0\", # !Z decay into u ubar,\n \"MDME(176,1)=0\", # !Z decay into s sbar,\n \"MDME(177,1)=0\", # !Z decay into c cbar,\n \"MDME(178,1)=0\", # !Z decay into b bbar,\n \"MDME(179,1)=0\", # !Z decay into t tbar,\n \"MDME(182,1)=1\", # !Z decay into e- e+,\n \"MDME(183,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar,\n \"MDME(184,1)=1\", # !Z decay into mu- mu+,\n \"MDME(185,1)=0\", # !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar,\n \"MDME(186,1)=0\", # !Z decay into tau- tau+,\n \"MDME(187,1)=0\" # !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar\n ),\n \n pythiaUpsilonToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(1034) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1035) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(1036) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1037) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1038) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1039) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1040) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1041) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(1042) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1034,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1035,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(1036,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1037,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1038,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1039,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1040,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1041,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(1042,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n\n pythiaJpsiToMuons = cms.vstring('BRAT(858) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'BRAT(859) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'BRAT(860) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(858,1) = 0 ', # switch off',\n 'MDME(859,1) = 1 ', # switch on',\n 'MDME(860,1) = 0 ', # switch off'\n ),\n \n pythiaMuonCandidates = cms.vstring(\n 'CKIN(3)=20',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2',\n 'PARJ(71)=40.'\n ),\n myParameters = cms.vstring(\n )\n \n) \n\n# This one is not to be used\nimpactParameters = cms.PSet(cFlag = cms.int32(1),\n bFixed = cms.double(0),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n bMax = cms.double(30)\n )\n\nbjetTrigCommon = cms.PSet(filterType = cms.untracked.string(\"EcalGenEvtSelector\"),\n etaMax = cms.double(3),\n partons = cms.vint32(5),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(0),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, \n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2, \n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2,\n 2, 2\n ),\n particles = cms.vint32(511, -511, # B0\n 513, -513, # B*0\n 521, -521, # B+\n 523, -523, # B*+\n 531, -531, # Bs0\n 533, -533, # Bs*0\n 541, -541, # Bc0\n 543, -543, # Bc*0\n 551, -551, # etab\n 553, -553, # Upsilon\n 5112, -5112, # Sigma_b-\n 5114, -5114, # Sigma*_b-\n 5122, -5122, # Lambda_b0\n 5212, -5212, # Sigma_b0\n 5214, -5214, # Sigma*_b0\n 5222, -5222, # Sigma_b+\n 5224, -5224 # Sigma*_b+\n ),\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n )\n )\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"PyquenGeneratorFilter\",\n bjetTrigCommon,\n collisionParameters,\n qgpParameters,\n pyquenParameters,\n doQuench = cms.bool(False),\n bFixed = cms.double(0.0), ## fixed impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_=0\n cFlag = cms.int32(0), ## centrality flag\n bMin = cms.double(0.0), ## min impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n bMax = cms.double(0.0), ## max impact param (fm); valid only if cflag_!=0\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock,\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'pythiaDijet',\n 'kinematics'\n ),\n kinematics = cms.vstring (\"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n 'CKIN(3) = 80. !(D=0 GeV) lower lim pT_hat',\n 'CKIN(4) = 9999. !(D=-1 GeV) upper lim pT_hat, if < 0 innactive',\n ),\n pythiaDijet = cms.vstring (\"MSEL=1\" # dijets\n ),\n \n )\n \n )\n\nhiSignal.embeddingMode = True\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "47e7c86552e77dd5909308babf4aacc6", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "Pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_17", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00055_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_pAMixingHijing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00055_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00055_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00055 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00055.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00055_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00055_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00055_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00055 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203c62be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3824c76c11ee0d231b774feb203cb8ce", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25120", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pAMixingHijing_STARTHI53_V27-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_BJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_Hijing_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 450333, + "number_files": 51, + "size": 169556219166 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:7708ffde", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15966, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:122434fb", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8670, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00048\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1440 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1440 = 69444 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 69444, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.1440 = 61 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00048.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00048_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00048_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00048 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.128e-05),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.44e-01),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 120 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(4, -4)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)\n\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b1291d128", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00066_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00066_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00066_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00066 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00066.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00066_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00066_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00066_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00066 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25121", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 217146, + "number_files": 16, + "size": 50131044910 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:694e506b", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4995, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:55be3037", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2704, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00050\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1440 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1440 = 69444 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 69444, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.1440 = 61 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00050.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00050_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00050_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00050 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.079e-02),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.44e-01),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 15 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(4, -4)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b12ca600a", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00068_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v3/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00068_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00068_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00068 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00068.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00068_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00068_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00068_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00068 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25122", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 462894, + "number_files": 57, + "size": 185377998255 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:1a6ffa3e", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 17844, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e2f16927", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9690, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00044\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1440 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1440 = 69444 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 69444, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.1440 = 61 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00044.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00044_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00044_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00044 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.470e-06),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.44e-01),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 170 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(4, -4)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)\n\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b127f677e", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v6/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00064_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v6/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00064_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00064_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00064 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00064.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00064_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00064_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00064_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00064 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25123", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 329076, + "number_files": 26, + "size": 89167924986 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:1e80a360", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8115, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:97192fa9", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4394, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00045\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1440 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1440 = 69444 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 69444, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.1440 = 61 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00045.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00045_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00045_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00045 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.079e-02),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.44e-01),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 30 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(4, -4)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)\n\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b128688d4", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v5/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00062_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_CJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v5/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00062_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00062_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00062 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00062.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00062_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00062_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00062_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00062 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25124", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 377460, + "number_files": 38, + "size": 116316751450 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:b9b5a22a", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11859, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8e4c953d", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6422, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00046\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1440 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1440 = 69444 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 69444, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.1440 = 61 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00046.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00046_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00046_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00046 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.021e-03),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.44e-01),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 50 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(4, -4)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)\n\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b128cdac2", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v6/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00070_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v6/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00070_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00070_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00070 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00070.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00070_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00070_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00070_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00070 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25125", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 427756, + "number_files": 40, + "size": 147599687627 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:ca384b5d", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12483, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0c7cfa73", + "description": "Pythia_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6760, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00047\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 47.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 47.0000s = 47.0000s\n# Which adds up to 47.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 47.0000s = 428\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1440 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1440 = 69444 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 428 and 69444, but more than 0 -> 428\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 428 * 0.1440 = 61 events\nEVENTS=428\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00047.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00047_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00047_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00047 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(9.913e-05),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.44e-01),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 80 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n \"CKIN(7)=-3.\", #min rapidity\n \"CKIN(8)=3.\", #max rapidity\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-3.0, -3.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(10.0, 10.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(4, -4)\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter)\n\n\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "73aedc396d946408e103651b129302c2", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v5/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00065_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v5/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00065_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00065_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00065 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00065.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00065_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00065_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00065_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00065 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25126", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_CJet_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt0_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 301138, + "number_files": 18, + "size": 57283533795 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:1d8d79ef", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt0_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5943, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0ff114c1", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt0_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3366, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00064\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.7267s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.7267s = 0.7267s\n# Which adds up to 0.7267s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.7267s = 27743\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0119 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0119 = 837520 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 27743 and 837520, but more than 0 -> 27743\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 27743 * 0.0119 = 331 events\nEVENTS=27743\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00064.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00064_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00064_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00064 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(4.13e01),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.194e-02),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 0 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nD0filter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4, 2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4, -2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(421, -421)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*D0filter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e55cee8d7127145c6974ebb3dc870a12", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt0_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00071_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt0_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00071_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00071_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00071 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECODEBUG,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00071.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00071_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00071_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00071_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00071 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d62f3", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d65d7", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt0_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25127", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt0_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt0_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 298201, + "number_files": 34, + "size": 111827810752 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:31cd43af", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11291, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5d7ec0d4", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6426, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00069\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 31.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 31.0000s = 31.0000s\n# Which adds up to 31.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 31.0000s = 650\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1780 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1780 = 56179 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 650 and 56179, but more than 0 -> 650\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 650 * 0.1780 = 115 events\nEVENTS=650\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00069.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00069_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00069_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00069 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.121e-05),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.78e-01),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 120 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nD0filter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4, 2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4, -2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(421, -421)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*D0filter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e55cee8d7127145c6974ebb3dc994f12", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00075_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00075_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00075_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00075 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECODEBUG,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00075.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00075_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00075_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00075_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00075 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d62f3", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d65d7", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25128", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt120_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 313441, + "number_files": 26, + "size": 75214988062 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:ff26a87e", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7947, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4cdab8a7", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 665, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f0fe74e8", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4512, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9ef07455", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 376, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00065\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 5.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 5.0000s = 5.0000s\n# Which adds up to 5.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 5.0000s = 4032\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0913 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0913 = 109505 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 4032 and 109505, but more than 0 -> 4032\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 4032 * 0.0913 = 368 events\nEVENTS=4032\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00065.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00065_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00065_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00065 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(2.035e-01),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(9.132e-02),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 15 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nD0filter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4, 2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4, -2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(421, -421)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*D0filter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e55cee8d7127145c6974ebb3dc8e0a81", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00072_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00072_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00072_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00072 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECODEBUG,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00072.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00072_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00072_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00072_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00072 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d62f3", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d65d7", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25129", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt15_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 319463, + "number_files": 44, + "size": 127034157578 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:d88c1f61", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9299, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:cff4c78c", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5315, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5b4b646d", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5292, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:fc8fa6e8", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3024, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00070\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 15.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 15.0000s = 15.0000s\n# Which adds up to 15.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 15.0000s = 1344\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1730 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1730 = 57803 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1344 and 57803, but more than 0 -> 1344\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1344 * 0.1730 = 232 events\nEVENTS=1344\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00070.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00070_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00070_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00070 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.079e-02),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.73e-01),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 170 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nD0filter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4, 2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4, -2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(421, -421)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*D0filter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "dc2d61ed05bd45dca4c214c4466d5ccd", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00077_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00077_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00077_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00077 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECODEBUG,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00077.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00077_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00077_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00077_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00077 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d62f3", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d65d7", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25130", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt170_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 317040, + "number_files": 28, + "size": 87434878219 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:3c34176f", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9270, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7ae85def", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5264, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00066\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 9.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 9.0000s = 9.0000s\n# Which adds up to 9.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 9.0000s = 2240\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1270 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1270 = 78740 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 2240 and 78740, but more than 0 -> 2240\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 2240 * 0.1270 = 284 events\nEVENTS=2240\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00066.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00066_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00066_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00066 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.087e-02),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.27e-01),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 30 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nD0filter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4, 2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4, -2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(421, -421)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*D0filter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e55cee8d7127145c6974ebb3dc948944", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00076_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00076_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00076_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00076 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECODEBUG,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00076.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00076_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00076_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00076_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00076 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d62f3", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d65d7", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25131", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt30_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 306327, + "number_files": 28, + "size": 95015451239 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:b45819b0", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9271, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:52e25edf", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5264, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00067\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 12.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 12.0000s = 12.0000s\n# Which adds up to 12.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 12.0000s = 1680\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1520 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1520 = 65789 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1680 and 65789, but more than 0 -> 1680\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1680 * 0.1520 = 255 events\nEVENTS=1680\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00067.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00067_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00067_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00067 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.014e-03),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.52e-01),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 50 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nD0filter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4, 2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4, -2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(421, -421)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*D0filter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e55cee8d7127145c6974ebb3dc956ea4", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00073_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00073_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00073_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00073 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECODEBUG,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00073.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00073_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00073_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00073_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00073 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d62f3", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d65d7", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25132", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt50_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 306138, + "number_files": 37, + "size": 105769895625 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:799a681f", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4968, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4f95afa3", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4306, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:205b3f40", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2982, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e26d69a9", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2820, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9589f539", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2444, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bea60c39", + "description": "Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1692, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00068\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 25.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 25.0000s = 25.0000s\n# Which adds up to 25.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 25.0000s = 806\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1690 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1690 = 59171 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 806 and 59171, but more than 0 -> 806\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 806 * 0.1690 = 136 events\nEVENTS=806\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00068.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00068_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00068_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00068 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n use_internal_pythia = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/D0_Kpi.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('myD0', 'myanti-D0'),\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32(0)\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.004e-04),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.69e-01),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)= 80 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nD0filter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.4, 2.4),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.4, -2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble(3.0, 3.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(421, -421)\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*D0filter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "e55cee8d7127145c6974ebb3dc95bba5", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_24", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_24/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_24 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_24\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_24/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWDEBUG --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00074_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00074_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00074_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00074 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECODEBUG,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECODEBUG,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00074.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00074_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00074_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00074_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00074 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d62f3", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "779a4d9891d88f371958d6f1f93d65d7", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25133", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV/HiWinter13DR53X-nomix_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_D0tokaonpion_Pt80_TuneZ2_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 196640, + "number_files": 24, + "size": 82579225268 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:cbfc9e37", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7921, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:625b6d4a", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4488, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00051\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00051.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00051_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00051_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00051 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, -221, 331, -331, 223,\n -223, 211, -211, 111, 311,\n 11, -11), # removed photon\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,\n 1, 1 ),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=120',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af82e5", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00049_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00049_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00049_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00049 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00049.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00049_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00049_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00049_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00049 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6527ae8e22a047a6f4c95b69a0ee1ee8", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6527ae8e22a047a6f4c95b69a0ee40c6", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25134", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 191840, + "number_files": 24, + "size": 69127609999 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:b167db4c", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8115, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9371ab7b", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4680, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00062\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00062.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00062_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00062_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00062 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, -221, 331, -331, 223,\n -223, 211, -211, 111, 311,\n 11, -11), # removed photon\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,\n 1, 1 ),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=120',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebeefdd5", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00057_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00057_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00057_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00057 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00057.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00057_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00057_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00057_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00057 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25135", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat120_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 198996, + "number_files": 15, + "size": 50984967280 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:f2915f17", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4937, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4e7660c8", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2790, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00047\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 57.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 57.0000s = 57.0000s\n# Which adds up to 57.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 57.0000s = 353\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 353 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 353\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 353 * 1.0000 = 353 events\nEVENTS=353\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00047.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00047_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00047_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00047 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=15',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af8452", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00048_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00048_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00048_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00048 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00048.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00048_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00048_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00048_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00048 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "8c9b5cac80b81224b40422b17ef52359", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "8c9b5cac80b81224b40422b17ef5eeec", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25136", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 192240, + "number_files": 15, + "size": 43283367615 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:26cd86b9", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5058, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:934b88c3", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2910, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00058\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00058.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00058_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00058_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00058 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, -221, 331, -331, 223,\n -223, 211, -211, 111, 311,\n 11, -11), # removed photon\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(15, 15, 15, 15, 15,\n 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,\n 15, 15),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,\n 1, 1 ),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=15',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebefd02b", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00049_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00049_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00049_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00049 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00049.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00049_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00049_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00049_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00049 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25137", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat15_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199040, + "number_files": 26, + "size": 90203191223 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:54785645", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8583, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:74d3e096", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4862, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00052\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00052.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00052_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00052_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00052 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, -221, 331, -331, 223,\n -223, 211, -211, 111, 311,\n 11, -11), # removed photon\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,\n 1, 1 ),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=170',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af769c", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_16/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_16 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_16\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_16/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00050_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00050_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00050_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00050 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00050.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00050_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00050_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00050_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00050 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6527ae8e22a047a6f4c95b69a0ee1ee8", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6527ae8e22a047a6f4c95b69a0ee40c6", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_16", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25138", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 197360, + "number_files": 29, + "size": 74586054007 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:6e723a10", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8453, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ccfc7afb", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1358, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8e0ae875", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4875, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a229f2cc", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 784, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00063\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00063.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00063_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00063_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00063 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, -221, 331, -331, 223,\n -223, 211, -211, 111, 311,\n 11, -11), # removed photon\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,\n 1, 1 ),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=170',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebefddf9", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00058_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00058_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00058_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00058 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00058.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00058_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00058_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00058_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00058 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25139", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat170_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 200000, + "number_files": 23, + "size": 59798150836 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:34d23e6f", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7568, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:87622f79", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4278, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00048\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 79.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 79.0000s = 79.0000s\n# Which adds up to 79.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 79.0000s = 255\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 255 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 255\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 255 * 1.0000 = 255 events\nEVENTS=255\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00048.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00048_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00048_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00048 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=30',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af85a6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00045_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00045_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00045_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00045 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00045.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00045_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00045_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00045_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00045 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25140", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 189360, + "number_files": 19, + "size": 50036941252 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4490ffad", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6406, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:998378f1", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3686, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00059\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00059.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00059_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00059_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00059 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, -221, 331, -331, 223,\n -223, 211, -211, 111, 311,\n 11, -11), # removed photon\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(15, 15, 15, 15, 15,\n 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,\n 15, 15),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,\n 1, 1 ),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=30',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebef146d", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00055_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00055_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00055_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00055 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00055.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00055_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00055_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00055_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00055 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25141", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat30_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 200000, + "number_files": 23, + "size": 67807542792 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:00d43ccd", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7569, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:847a2e33", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4278, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00049\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 76.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 76.0000s = 76.0000s\n# Which adds up to 76.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 76.0000s = 265\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 265 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 265\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 265 * 1.0000 = 265 events\nEVENTS=265\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00049.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00049_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00049_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00049 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, -221, 331, -331, 223,\n -223, 211, -211, 111, 311,\n 11, -11), # removed photon\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,\n 1, 1 ),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=50',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af8c01", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00037_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00037_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00037_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00037 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00037.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00037_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00037_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00037_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00037 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25142", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 191760, + "number_files": 21, + "size": 57521872049 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:7812bdb8", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7080, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2d4df2ce", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4074, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00060\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00060.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00060_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00060_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00060 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, -221, 331, -331, 223,\n -223, 211, -211, 111, 311,\n 11, -11), # removed photon\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,\n 1, 1 ),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=50',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebeff2ed", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00056_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00056_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00056_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00056 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00056.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00056_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00056_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00056_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00056 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25143", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat50_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 199760, + "number_files": 25, + "size": 76032301064 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:8455f74f", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8227, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c138a308", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4650, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00050\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00050.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00050_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00050_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00050 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, -221, 331, -331, 223,\n -223, 211, -211, 111, 311,\n 11, -11), # removed photon\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,\n 1, 1 ),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=80',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "307e3c16a1c3ae2c06cd109247af5955", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00038_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00038_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00038_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00038 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00038.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00038_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00038_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00038_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00038 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25144", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_5020GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 193520, + "number_files": 22, + "size": 64594395698 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:6a451e97", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7417, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a67f3014", + "description": "Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4268, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00061\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 120.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 120.0000s = 120.0000s\n# Which adds up to 120.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 120.0000s = 168\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 168 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 168\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 168 * 1.0000 = 168 events\nEVENTS=168\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00061.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00061_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00061_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00061 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n filterType = cms.untracked.string('EcalGenEvtSelector'),\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n partons = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,\n 6, 21, 22),\n partonPt = cms.vdouble(38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5, 38.5,\n 38.5, 38.5, 38.5),\n partonStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 2, 1),\n particles = cms.vint32(221, -221, 331, -331, 223,\n -223, 211, -211, 111, 311,\n 11, -11), # removed photon\n particlePt = cms.vdouble(35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35, 35, 35, 35,\n 35, 35),\n particleStatus = cms.vint32(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,\n 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,\n 1, 1 ),\n etaMax = cms.double(3), # Photon eta cut\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n myParameters = cms.vstring(),\n customProcesses = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User processes'),\n ppDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes (only jets)',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune = cms.vstring(\n 'MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',\n 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',\n 'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',\n 'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',\n 'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',\n 'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',\n 'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',\n\n 'PARP(82)=1.832 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',\n 'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',\n 'PARP(90)=0.275 ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',\n\n 'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',\n 'PARP(77)=1.016 ! CR',\n 'PARP(78)=0.538 ! CR',\n\n 'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',\n\n 'PARP(83)=0.356 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n 'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',\n\n 'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',\n\n 'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',\n 'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',\n\n 'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',\n 'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model'),\n pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1',\n 'MSUB(18)=1',\n 'MSUB(29)=1',\n 'MSUB(114)=1',\n 'MSUB(115)=1'),\n pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1',\n 'MSUB(12)=1',\n 'MSUB(13)=1',\n 'MSUB(28)=1',\n 'MSUB(53)=1',\n 'MSUB(68)=1'),\n hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=6.',\n 'MSTP(81)=0'),\n ppJets = cms.vstring('MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes'),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettingsZ2Tune',\n 'ppJets',\n 'kinematics'),\n\n kinematics = cms.vstring('CKIN(3)=80',\n 'CKIN(4)=9999'\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebef2383", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00046_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00046_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00046_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00046 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00046.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00046_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00046_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00046_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00046 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25145", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Pythia_EmEnrichedDijet_PtHat80_TuneZ2_cmssw53p14_2760GeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4935680, + "number_files": 477, + "size": 1777236920321 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:3c3898eb", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 115869, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:56f827be", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33915, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8d3887ea", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 63099, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5885d045", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18468, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00032\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 60.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 60.0000s = 60.0000s\n# Which adds up to 60.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 60.0000s = 336\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 336 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 336\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 336 * 1.0000 = 336 events\nEVENTS=336\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00032.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00032_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00032_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00032 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=120 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "23f7f592fa598bd735789d6d44db7ba4", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00039_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00039_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00039_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00039 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00039.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00039_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00039_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00039_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00039 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faad3b97", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faadf2dd", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25146", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1000000, + "number_files": 111, + "size": 424128911061 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:076741b0", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 34302, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3aad89ec", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18426, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "67752c7aac5ce28e411f52864f34a4e6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17306c1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17ffe3a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25147", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4653120, + "number_files": 528, + "size": 1953005114285 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:f52e3a16", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 167379, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:16960623", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 91872, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00021\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00021.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00021_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00021_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00021 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=120 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebf44a9e", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00028_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00028_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00028_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00028 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00028.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00028_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00028_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00028_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00028 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25148", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560640, + "number_files": 111, + "size": 368688120643 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:883789ea", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6953, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4a13d43d", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6292, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f5ab8161", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23504, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:19abbf22", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3948, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:30d94bae", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3572, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:70aa0e82", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13348, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00063\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 147.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 147.0000s = 147.0000s\n# Which adds up to 147.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 147.0000s = 137\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 137 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 137\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 137 * 1.0000 = 137 events\nEVENTS=137\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00063.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00063_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00063_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00063 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=120 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "46a4365c7d4b1f0856893061691c4d38", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v5/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00061_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v5/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00061_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00061_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00061 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00061.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00061_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00061_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00061_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00061 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a303135def41339942592627d5b774be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25149", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 92, + "size": 363058180153 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:db742fd4", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 31190, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:54b2f8fa", + "description": "QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18032, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00093\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 54.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 54.0000s = 54.0000s\n# Which adds up to 54.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 54.0000s = 373\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 373 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 373\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 373 * 1.0000 = 373 events\nEVENTS=373\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00093.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00093_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00093_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00093 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=120 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "44806aaab4269f300491cae1552314e6", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00091_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00091_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00091_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00091 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00091.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00091_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00091_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00091_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00091 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25150", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_120_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4818880, + "number_files": 311, + "size": 1084558984619 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:e8b1d064", + "description": "QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 97346, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a9a7897e", + "description": "QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 52870, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00051\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00051.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00051_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00051_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00051 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=15 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ea307f92467620d7382d109fe7b4df79", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00051_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00051_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00051_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00051 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00051.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00051_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00051_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00051_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00051 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25151", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4744780, + "number_files": 339, + "size": 1215180821558 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:50d3bd24", + "description": "QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 107125, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9b6cb3c9", + "description": "QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 58647, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00017\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00017.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00017_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00017_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00017 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=15 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebf3ced3", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00030_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00030_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00030_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00030 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00030.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00030_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00030_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00030_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00030 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25152", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560640, + "number_files": 73, + "size": 286454352374 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c0dafc0f", + "description": "QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23873, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:95404af0", + "description": "QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13432, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00060\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 76.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 76.0000s = 76.0000s\n# Which adds up to 76.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 76.0000s = 265\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 265 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 265\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 265 * 1.0000 = 265 events\nEVENTS=265\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00060.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00060_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00060_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00060 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=15 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "46a4365c7d4b1f0856893061691c034a", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00058_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00058_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00058_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00058 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00058.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00058_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00058_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00058_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00058 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a303135def41339942592627d5b774be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25153", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 73, + "size": 281116703189 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c89a566b", + "description": "QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3045, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:009dbf53", + "description": "QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 21635, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b18e249c", + "description": "QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1755, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1dfe3ec1", + "description": "QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12480, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00089\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 40.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 40.0000s = 40.0000s\n# Which adds up to 40.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 40.0000s = 504\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 504 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 504\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 504 * 1.0000 = 504 events\nEVENTS=504\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00089.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00089_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00089_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00089 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=15 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "44806aaab4269f300491cae155277256", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00087_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00087_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00087_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00087 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00087.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00087_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00087_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00087_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00087 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25154", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_15_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4972800, + "number_files": 525, + "size": 1879945233292 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:358e519e", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 128743, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9adb8083", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 36113, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:01e1d009", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 70110, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:37763910", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19665, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00033\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00033.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00033_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00033_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00033 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=170 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "61f575673a442d53dfc2b1be8818958d", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00040_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00040_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00040_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00040 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00040.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00040_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00040_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00040_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00040 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faad4f2f", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faadf38b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25155", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4795340, + "number_files": 551, + "size": 2171016456525 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c5ffe6ff", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 174669, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b983c10f", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 95874, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00022\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00022.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00022_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00022_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00022 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=170 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebf450ec", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00031_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00031_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00031_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00031 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00031.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00031_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00031_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00031_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00031 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25156", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 97, + "size": 385329395293 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:93f89c45", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 31818, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:af6eb7bb", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 17945, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00064\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 78.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 78.0000s = 78.0000s\n# Which adds up to 78.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 78.0000s = 258\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 258 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 258\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 258 * 1.0000 = 258 events\nEVENTS=258\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00064.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00064_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00064_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00064 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=170 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "46a4365c7d4b1f0856893061691c6b5b", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00062_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00062_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00062_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00062 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00062.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00062_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00062_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00062_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00062 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a303135def41339942592627d5b774be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25157", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 98, + "size": 379189906089 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:a23a9a96", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2376, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c21ad10d", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 30851, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c190abfb", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1372, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:24dbbc54", + "description": "QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 17836, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00094\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 70.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 70.0000s = 70.0000s\n# Which adds up to 70.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 70.0000s = 288\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 288 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 288\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 288 * 1.0000 = 288 events\nEVENTS=288\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00094.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00094_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00094_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00094 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=170 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "44806aaab4269f300491cae15521030d", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00092_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00092_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00092_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00092 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00092.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00092_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00092_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00092_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00092 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25158", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_170_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4925760, + "number_files": 532, + "size": 1907189437460 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:1a86e9ba", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 116183, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:22984348", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 50871, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3c32b8d9", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 63270, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c337b8c6", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 27702, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00034\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00034.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00034_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00034_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00034 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=220 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "61f575673a442d53dfc2b1be888d27ae", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00041_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00041_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00041_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00041 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00041.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00041_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00041_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00041_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00041 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faad59a8", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faae01fb", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25159", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4644260, + "number_files": 563, + "size": 2209767400823 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:f76f34a9", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 178473, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:51da4f2c", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 97962, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00023\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00023.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00023_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00023_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00023 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=220 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebf45432", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00029_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00029_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00029_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00029 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00029.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00029_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00029_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00029_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00029 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25160", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1000000, + "number_files": 129, + "size": 476877934142 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:5db6b1bc", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 40896, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:20df9cc0", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 22446, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "67752c7aac5ce28e411f52864f3d16d3", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pp-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17306c1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17ffe3a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25161", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 103, + "size": 396853311948 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:5347c4a7", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33786, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:33d711b7", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19055, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00065\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 85.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 85.0000s = 85.0000s\n# Which adds up to 85.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 85.0000s = 237\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 237 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 237\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 237 * 1.0000 = 237 events\nEVENTS=237\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00065.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00065_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00065_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00065 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=220 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "46a4365c7d4b1f0856893061691c7733", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00063_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00063_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00063_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00063 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00063.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00063_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00063_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00063_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00063 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a303135def41339942592627d5b774be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25162", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_220_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_220_reverse_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560640, + "number_files": 104, + "size": 390364817968 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:0865beb7", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_reverse_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 27122, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ce07ea44", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_reverse_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8138, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0fb01ca1", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_reverse_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15680, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5b3dba04", + "description": "QCD_Pt_220_reverse_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4704, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00095\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 114.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 114.0000s = 114.0000s\n# Which adds up to 114.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 114.0000s = 176\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 176 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 176\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 176 * 1.0000 = 176 events\nEVENTS=176\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00095.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00095_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00095_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00095 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=220 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "44806aaab4269f300491cae15526be45", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_220_reverse_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00093_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_220_reverse_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00093_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00093_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00093 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00093.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00093_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00093_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00093_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00093 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_220_reverse_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25163", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_220_reverse_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_220_reverse_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4926080, + "number_files": 536, + "size": 1930030826630 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:ba309f05", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 71909, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:45d0ad84", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 96401, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:07b53a21", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 39159, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:27f2f7a3", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 52497, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00035\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00035.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00035_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00035_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00035 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=280 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "61f575673a442d53dfc2b1be88782585", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00042_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00042_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00042_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00042 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00042.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00042_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00042_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00042_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00042 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faadcc99", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faae621a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25164", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1000000, + "number_files": 141, + "size": 492975963552 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:9b700e64", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 43572, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4d086130", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23406, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "67752c7aac5ce28e411f52864f41452b", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17306c1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17ffe3a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25165", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4621772, + "number_files": 612, + "size": 2288017038790 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:38ad5c16", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 194005, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:99863eae", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 106488, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00024\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 111.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 111.0000s = 111.0000s\n# Which adds up to 111.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 111.0000s = 181\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 181 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 181\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 181 * 1.0000 = 181 events\nEVENTS=181\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00024.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00024_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00024_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00024 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=280 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebf46c16", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00033_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00033_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00033_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00033 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00033.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00033_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00033_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00033_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00033 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25166", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 102, + "size": 406561740337 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:bdab6e39", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33459, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3301d8ec", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18870, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00066\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 187.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 187.0000s = 187.0000s\n# Which adds up to 187.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 187.0000s = 107\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 107 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 107\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 107 * 1.0000 = 107 events\nEVENTS=107\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00066.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00066_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00066_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00066 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=280 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "46a4365c7d4b1f0856893061691c42c1", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00064_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00064_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00064_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00064 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00064.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00064_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00064_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00064_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00064 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a303135def41339942592627d5b774be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25167", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 100, + "size": 400206603695 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:c7eb5b07", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 27623, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:100d23c3", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6482, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:63ea9b70", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 16038, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d7ec9b4f", + "description": "QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3762, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00096\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 81.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 81.0000s = 81.0000s\n# Which adds up to 81.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 81.0000s = 248\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 248 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 248\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 248 * 1.0000 = 248 events\nEVENTS=248\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00096.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00096_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00096_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00096 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=280 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "44806aaab4269f300491cae1552ba24d", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00097_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00097_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00097_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00097 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00097.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00097_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00097_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00097_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00097 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "9d6163a42e98c66486226ad1408a5190", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25168", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_280_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4889920, + "number_files": 380, + "size": 1292838098414 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:18f319dd", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 89208, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4a37b1d5", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 29738, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f2a746e1", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 48450, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d3c417f1", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 16150, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00028\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00028.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00028_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00028_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00028 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=30 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "61f575673a442d53dfc2b1be884e25ba", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00036_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00036_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00036_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00036 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00036.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00036_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00036_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00036_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00036 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab2660", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faab732a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25169", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4596800, + "number_files": 379, + "size": 1373468739502 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:55cf3a91", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 119765, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:861ce8fa", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 65567, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00018\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00018.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00018_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00018_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00018 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=30 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebf3c58b", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00032_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00032_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00032_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00032 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00032.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00032_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00032_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00032_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00032 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25170", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1000000, + "number_files": 83, + "size": 301549133583 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:5516161b", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 26230, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e35612c6", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14359, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "67752c7aac5ce28e411f52864f334600", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pp-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17306c1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17ffe3a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25171", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 86, + "size": 308231755298 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:8dcbbdde", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5283, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bbbe1867", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23103, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8e2f9baa", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2992, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e753c54f", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13090, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00059\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 48.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 48.0000s = 48.0000s\n# Which adds up to 48.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 48.0000s = 420\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 420 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 420\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 420 * 1.0000 = 420 events\nEVENTS=420\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00059.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00059_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00059_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00059 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=30 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "46a4365c7d4b1f0856893061691c57e0", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00057_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00057_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00057_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00057 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00057.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00057_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00057_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00057_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00057 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a303135def41339942592627d5b774be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25172", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 75, + "size": 302475959535 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:21dcce26", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 25353, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:80b1db10", + "description": "QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14625, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00090\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 40.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 40.0000s = 40.0000s\n# Which adds up to 40.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 40.0000s = 504\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 504 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 504\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 504 * 1.0000 = 504 events\nEVENTS=504\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00090.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00090_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00090_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00090 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=30 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "44806aaab4269f300491cae1551bd639", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00088_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00088_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00088_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00088 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00088.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00088_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00088_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00088_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00088 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25173", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_30_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4951680, + "number_files": 538, + "size": 1937460691360 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:1aea2728", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 110845, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0e18ebbd", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 58093, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f4594419", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 60363, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:56d25915", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 31635, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00036\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00036.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00036_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00036_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00036 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=370 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "61f575673a442d53dfc2b1be88e250ef", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00043_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00043_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00043_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00043 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00043.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00043_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00043_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00043_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00043 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faacc8d3", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faad4c15", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25174", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1000000, + "number_files": 144, + "size": 506591276722 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:a1bb104b", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 44498, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:52aef800", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23904, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6777b5e135863bda36989fe15b81e0f4", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17306c1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17ffe3a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25175", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4903380, + "number_files": 755, + "size": 2517111444747 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:7e229180", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 239337, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:50c7165e", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 131370, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00025\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00025.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00025_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00025_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00025 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=370 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "71e0bcc0454fcb7303bfada7db2d3c13", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00039_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00039_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00039_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00039 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00039.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00039_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00039_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00039_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00039 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25176", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560640, + "number_files": 120, + "size": 416119943921 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:88b5617b", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4967, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e99cbf53", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 26482, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0b9efba8", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8278, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4ab763f5", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2820, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1c90193a", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15040, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:968aa829", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4700, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00067\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 82.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 82.0000s = 82.0000s\n# Which adds up to 82.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 82.0000s = 245\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 245 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 245\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 245 * 1.0000 = 245 events\nEVENTS=245\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00067.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00067_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00067_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00067 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=370 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "46a4365c7d4b1f0856893061691c4af1", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v5/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00065_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v5/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00065_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00065_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00065 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00065.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00065_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00065_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00065_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00065 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a303135def41339942592627d5b774be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25177", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 110, + "size": 409932719595 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:bb257471", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33224, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:14af766b", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4071, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:18316e29", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19208, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4f08ded1", + "description": "QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2352, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00097\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 211.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 211.0000s = 211.0000s\n# Which adds up to 211.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 211.0000s = 95\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 95 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 95\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 95 * 1.0000 = 95 events\nEVENTS=95\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00097.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00097_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00097_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00097 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=370 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "44806aaab4269f300491cae155262fe8", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pyhtia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00094_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00094_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00094_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00094 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00094.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00094_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00094_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00094_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00094 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25178", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_370_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4912000, + "number_files": 533, + "size": 1899725715103 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:2beba32f", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 113985, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a587f4b3", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 53383, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5a6757d3", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 62073, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:40255a83", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 29070, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00037\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00037.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00037_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00037_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00037 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=460 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "61f575673a442d53dfc2b1be88080002", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00044_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00044_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00044_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00044 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00044.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00044_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00044_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00044_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00044 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faad6fc5", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faae2115", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25179", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1000000, + "number_files": 143, + "size": 512190974363 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:00ccba9e", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 44190, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0ab7c311", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23738, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6777b5e135863bda36989fe15b81d95c", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17306c1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17ffe3a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25180", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4851970, + "number_files": 702, + "size": 2539967901618 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:e5356372", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 222533, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:53200c56", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 122148, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00026\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 100.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 100.0000s = 100.0000s\n# Which adds up to 100.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 100.0000s = 201\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 201 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 201\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 201 * 1.0000 = 201 events\nEVENTS=201\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00026.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00026_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00026_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00026 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=460 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "71e0bcc0454fcb7303bfada7db2d4bc9", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00040_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00040_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00040_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00040 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00040.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00040_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00040_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00040_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00040 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25181", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 107, + "size": 422052539629 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:3a70271e", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 35098, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d9f6f3a3", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19795, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00068\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 109.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 109.0000s = 109.0000s\n# Which adds up to 109.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 109.0000s = 184\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 184 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 184\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 184 * 1.0000 = 184 events\nEVENTS=184\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00068.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00068_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00068_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00068 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=460 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "8a9b72c01094e52d2fa933e4b795e88b", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00066_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00066_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00066_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00066 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00066.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00066_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00066_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00066_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00066 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a303135def41339942592627d5b774be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25182", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 102, + "size": 415428782397 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:1060e627", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12620, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ee1d59d8", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 22168, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8000f842", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7326, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:287cbbd6", + "description": "QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12870, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00098\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 189.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 189.0000s = 189.0000s\n# Which adds up to 189.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 189.0000s = 106\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 106 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 106\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 106 * 1.0000 = 106 events\nEVENTS=106\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00098.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00098_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00098_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00098 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=460 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "44806aaab4269f300491cae15528b1f8", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00098_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00098_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00098_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00098 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00098.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00098_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00098_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00098_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00098 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "9d6163a42e98c66486226ad1408a5190", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25183", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_460_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4928640, + "number_files": 410, + "size": 1476455381081 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:b3d4c117", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 47579, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c85d128e", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 80757, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:de689137", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 25840, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5f89dcfe", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 43860, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00029\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00029.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00029_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00029_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00029 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=50 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "23f7f592fa598bd735789d6d44db841b", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00037_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00037_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00037_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00037 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00037.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00037_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00037_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00037_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00037 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faabbcfc", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faad34fd", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25184", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1000000, + "number_files": 93, + "size": 342510198020 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:34675209", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 28646, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3b26fc20", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15345, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "67752c7aac5ce28e411f52864f3349ee", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17306c1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17ffe3a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25185", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4984000, + "number_files": 469, + "size": 1687668046936 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:08b0cb83", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 148206, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d8e9733c", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 81137, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00019\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00019.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00019_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00019_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00019 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=50 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebf447a4", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00034_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00034_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00034_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00034 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00034.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00034_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00034_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00034_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00034 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25186", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 83, + "size": 328564293110 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:d7688584", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 27144, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7e7e841c", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15272, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00061\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 49.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 49.0000s = 49.0000s\n# Which adds up to 49.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 49.0000s = 411\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 411 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 411\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 411 * 1.0000 = 411 events\nEVENTS=411\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00061.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00061_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00061_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00061 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=50 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "46a4365c7d4b1f0856893061691bf93a", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00059_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00059_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00059_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00059 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00059.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00059_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00059_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00059_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00059 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a303135def41339942592627d5b774be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25187", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 85, + "size": 322953466108 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:d765461c", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8452, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:357940fd", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20282, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b43ef501", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4875, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c5a44a8e", + "description": "QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11700, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00091\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 99.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 99.0000s = 99.0000s\n# Which adds up to 99.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 99.0000s = 203\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 203 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 203\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 203 * 1.0000 = 203 events\nEVENTS=203\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00091.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00091_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00091_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00091 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=50 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "44806aaab4269f300491cae1551e8a2a", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00089_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00089_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00089_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00089 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00089.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00089_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00089_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00089_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00089 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25188", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_50_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4913280, + "number_files": 529, + "size": 1873022546253 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:60354b82", + "description": "QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 114613, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ac2febb1", + "description": "QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 51499, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:973dc042", + "description": "QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 62415, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2c611f74", + "description": "QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 28044, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00038\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00038.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00038_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00038_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00038 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=540 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ca4b6177c94f75f065069ab52310945e", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00045_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00045_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00045_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00045 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00045.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00045_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00045_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00045_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00045 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faad1c2f", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faad7fc2", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25189", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1000000, + "number_files": 133, + "size": 512852182107 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:070a6c33", + "description": "QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 41099, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9107ce93", + "description": "QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 22078, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6777b5e135863bda36989fe15b81d80f", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17306c1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17ffe3a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25190", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4824657, + "number_files": 750, + "size": 2544421650934 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4990a46d", + "description": "QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 237752, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7212e86b", + "description": "QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 130500, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00027\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 110.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 110.0000s = 110.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00027.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00027_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00027_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00027 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=540 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "71e0bcc0454fcb7303bfada7db2d4178", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00041_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00041_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00041_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00041 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00041.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00041_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00041_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00041_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00041 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25191", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_540_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4956160, + "number_files": 457, + "size": 1652996875663 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4785ddb7", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 87956, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c840c151", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 55091, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:27e3880e", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 47770, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:61cb6562", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 29920, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00031\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00031.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00031_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00031_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00031 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=80 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "61f575673a442d53dfc2b1be88b458d5", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00038_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00038_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00038_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00038 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00038.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00038_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00038_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00038_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00038 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faad296f", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f72cb3971d46bc624f61f0d4faad923a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25192", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_2p76TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1000000, + "number_files": 110, + "size": 385266423564 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:1fefe622", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33883, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7e27480b", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeVGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18150, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "67752c7aac5ce28e411f52864f335179", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17306c1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "786a559823acb73a3af55b2bd17ffe3a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25193", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV/HiWinter13-pp_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4719140, + "number_files": 488, + "size": 1797695479420 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:238938a3", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 154208, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:16956553", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 84424, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00020\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00020.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00020_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00020_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00020 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nsource = cms.Source(\"EmptySource\")\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n #crossSection = cms.untracked.double(6.04110e+07),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n \n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n 'CKIN(3)=80 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "843928b6de949f4bdbfd4ec0ebf44eb7", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_14/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_14 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_14\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_14/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00027_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00027_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00027_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00027 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00027.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00027_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00027_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00027_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00027 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb4167b1", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ac25103b02f871d72b2a9fa3bb41cf0b", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_14", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25194", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 96, + "size": 349734951785 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:be942bc9", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 31394, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:dd4c6a18", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 17664, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00009\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Retrieve fragment from github and ensure it is there\ncurl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ \n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 90.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 90.0000s = 90.0000s\n# Which adds up to 90.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 90.0000s = 224\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 224 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 224\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 224 * 1.0000 = 224 events\nEVENTS=224\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/ --python_filename --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00009.root --datatier GEN-SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --step GEN,SIM --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --conditions START53_V10::All --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/SimWithCastor_cff.customise,,,C,o,n,f,i,g,u,r,a,t,i,o,n,/,D,a,t,a,P,r,o,c,e,s,s,i,n,g,/,U,t,i,l,s,.,a,d,d,M,o,n,i,t,o,r,i,n,g --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00009_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00009 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc5:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc5\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )\n\n", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9c995b6", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_7_patch5", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00062\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 65.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 65.0000s = 65.0000s\n# Which adds up to 65.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 65.0000s = 310\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 310 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 310\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 310 * 1.0000 = 310 events\nEVENTS=310\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00062.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00062_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00062_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00062 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=80 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "46a4365c7d4b1f0856893061691c6043", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00060_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v4/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00060_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00060_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00060 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00060.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00060_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00060_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00060_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00060 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "a303135def41339942592627d5b774be", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "RECO HLT" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25195", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6/HiWinter13-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 560960, + "number_files": 91, + "size": 344034059628 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:36b9b689", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12509, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:65ed048e", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18255, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:154bcf15", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7215, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0e7eda89", + "description": "QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10530, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "c106c8ab06142d1e6a2b9730897ff498", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00092\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 114.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 114.0000s = 114.0000s\n# Which adds up to 114.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 114.0000s = 176\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 176 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 176\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 176 * 1.0000 = 176 events\nEVENTS=176\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName HISIGNAL --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00092.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Match8TeVCollisionPPbBoost --customise_commands 'process.genParticles.src=cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\") \\n process.VtxSmeared.Beta=cms.double(0.434)' --step GEN,SIM --himix True --filein \"dbs:/Hijing_PPb502_MinimumBias/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00092_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00092_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00092 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2Settings_cfi import *\n\nhiSignal = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n\t\tcomEnergy = cms.double(5020.0),\n\t\tfilterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0000),\n\t\tmaxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\t\tpythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n\t\tpythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n\n\t\tPythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n\t\t\tpythiaUESettingsBlock,\n\t\t\tprocessParameters = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'MSEL=1 ! QCD hight pT processes',\n\t\t\t\t'CKIN(3)=80 ! minimum pt hat for hard interactions',\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\tparameterSets = cms.vstring(\n\t\t\t\t'pythiaUESettings',\n\t\t\t\t'processParameters',\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(hiSignal)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "44806aaab4269f300491cae15520af05", + "process": "HISIGNAL", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HISIGNAL" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_18/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_18 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_18\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_18/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00090_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --himix True --filein \"dbs:/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13-STARTHI53_V27_mixing-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00090_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00090_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00090 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM,DQM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,DQM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00090.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --customise_commands 'process.basicGenParticleValidation.hepmcCollection = cms.InputTag(\"hiSignal\")' --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --himix True --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00090_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00090_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00090_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00090 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67c3215", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "971d151ce72da13057476922e67cc120", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_18", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25196", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_mixing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset QCD_Pt_80_TuneZ2_Mix_reverse_5p02TeV_pythia6 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4992902, + "number_files": 547, + "size": 1654182056241 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:b52d5831", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 134194, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8bf94a30", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20700, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:484df98f", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 27938, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:55754cd0", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5850, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2895bf5d", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 78578, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:de31507c", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12120, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9b5045e2", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 16362, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0b900a8f", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3417, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00122\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 31.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 31.0000s = 31.0000s\n# Which adds up to 31.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 31.0000s = 650\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 650 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 650\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 650 * 1.0000 = 650 events\nEVENTS=650\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise SimG4Core/Application/reproc2011_2012_cff.customiseG4,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00122.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00122_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00122_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00122 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd91ca46", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013/pAWinter13-EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00114_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013/pAWinter13-EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00114_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00114_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00114 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00114.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00114_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00114_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00114_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00114 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25197", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_PbP_2013 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_pPb_2013 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4977791, + "number_files": 516, + "size": 1654036395556 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:6f3d8f64", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_pPb_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7934, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bea34fd5", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_pPb_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 170069, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:fe028056", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_pPb_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4646, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a391d743", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_pPb_2013GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 99586, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00123\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 33.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 33.0000s = 33.0000s\n# Which adds up to 33.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 33.0000s = 610\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 610 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 610\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 610 * 1.0000 = 610 events\nEVENTS=610\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise SimG4Core/Application/reproc2011_2012_cff.customiseG4,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00123.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00123_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00123_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00123 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(208),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd91e438", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_pPb_2013/pAWinter13-EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00115_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_pPb_2013/pAWinter13-EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00115_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00115_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00115 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00115.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00115_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00115_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00115_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00115 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_pPb_2013/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25198", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_pPb_2013/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2510_2510_pPb_2013 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_pp in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1955904, + "number_files": 72, + "size": 191534543975 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:2071dbd3", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_ppGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10988, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f86a47e2", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_ppGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7662, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:4e0cc1c2", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_ppGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5331, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bf777fcd", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_ppGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6270, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d1ba3b2b", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_ppGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4370, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1290a351", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_ppGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3040, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00071\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.0000s = 10.0000s\n# Which adds up to 10.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 10.0000s = 2016\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 2016 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 2016\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 2016 * 1.0000 = 2016 events\nEVENTS=2016\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise SimG4Core/Application/reproc2011_2012_cff.customiseG4,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00071.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00071_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00071_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00071 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(1380),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-1380),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0)\n )\n\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "8d4a99d72325daf72ba402af14991645", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "epos" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_pp/HiWinter13-EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00078_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_pp/HiWinter13-EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V28-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00078_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00078_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00078 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00078.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00078_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00078_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00078_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00078 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f528c394da90f1abd72a68c1d4173a34", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "f528c394da90f1abd72a68c1d4175b7e", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_pp/HiWinter13DR53X-EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25199", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_pp/HiWinter13DR53X-EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_2760GeV_pp in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 10000000, + "number_files": 781, + "size": 3032460803894 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:3ef691f4", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 50243, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:8586b986", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 199683, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2b1dbe6a", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 27789, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3f84049b", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 110448, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "abf6d6ec3c003a4884dee3fb15a8ef8f", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v3/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58abf6fe636e5f81cb4fa6a32d67af71", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "58abf6fe636e5f81cb4fa6a32d6d781c", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25200", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 994747, + "number_files": 116, + "size": 329179634728 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:2a7796f5", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 25383, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:607ce7f3", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10009, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:08b3a24d", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3338, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f5f989eb", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14516, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:02edef12", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5730, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f47b4f1c", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1910, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00110\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 93.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 93.0000s = 93.0000s\n# Which adds up to 93.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 93.0000s = 216\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 216 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 216\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 216 * 1.0000 = 216 events\nEVENTS=216\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise SimG4Core/Application/reproc2011_2012_cff.customiseG4,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00110.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00110_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00110_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00110 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(1577),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-4000),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "cdcdcb0f897e2f5956e6afc12de1be57", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "epos" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb/pAWinter13-EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00107_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb/pAWinter13-EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v2/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00107_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00107_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00107 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00107.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00107_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00107_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00107_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00107 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c395ca", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c3a25a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25201", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_LHC_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_2760GeV_pp in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pp collision data, needed as reference data for heavy-ion data analysis, at energy 2.76TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "2.76TeV", + "type": "pp" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1990745, + "number_files": 60, + "size": 173786842745 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:a023d966", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_2760GeV_ppGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20223, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d348de71", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_2760GeV_ppGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 1) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11640, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-HiWinter13-00072\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 9.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 9.0000s = 9.0000s\n# Which adds up to 9.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 9.0000s = 2240\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 2240 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 2240\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 2240 * 1.0000 = 2240 events\nEVENTS=2240\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise SimG4Core/Application/reproc2011_2012_cff.customiseG4,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13-00072.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --beamspot Realistic2p76TeV2013Collision --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13-00072_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13-00072_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13-00072 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(1380),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-1380),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(7)\n )\n\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5629e64601821615c03f107279a46e6d", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "epos" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_2760GeV_pp/HiWinter13-QGSJETII_04_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 1.0000s, 1.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s, 1 * 1.0000s = 1.0000s\n# Which adds up to 2.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 2.0000s = 10080\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 10080 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 10000\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 10000 * 1.0000 = 10000 events\nEVENTS=10000\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00079_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_2760GeV_pp/HiWinter13-QGSJETII_04_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00079_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00079_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00079 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00079.root --conditions STARTHI53_V28::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00079_0.root --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00079_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00079_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-HiWinter13DR53X-00079 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "36e95c7b01761f5f10febd3fe4adb2f5", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "36e95c7b01761f5f10febd3fe4ae97fb", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_2760GeV_pp/HiWinter13DR53X-QGSJETII_04_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25202", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V28::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_2760GeV_pp/HiWinter13DR53X-QGSJETII_04_STARTHI53_V28-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_2760GeV_pp in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_5TeV_pPb in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 995314, + "number_files": 138, + "size": 382422576569 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:f3f34823", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 37169, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f96f42e8", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9461, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0713c167", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 21450, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:02838ec2", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5460, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00111\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 96.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 96.0000s = 96.0000s\n# Which adds up to 96.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 96.0000s = 210\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 210 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 210\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 210 * 1.0000 = 210 events\nEVENTS=210\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise SimG4Core/Application/reproc2011_2012_cff.customiseG4,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00111.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00111_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00111_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00111 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(1577),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-4000),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(7)\n )\n\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.2 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "cdcdcb0f897e2f5956e6afc12de1c230", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "epos" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_5TeV_pPb/pAWinter13-QGSJETII_04_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00104_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_5TeV_pPb/pAWinter13-QGSJETII_04_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00104_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00104_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00104 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00104.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00104_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00104_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00104_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00104 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c395ca", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c3a25a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_5TeV_pPb/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_QGSJETII_04_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25203", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_5TeV_pPb/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_QGSJETII_04_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMC_QGSJetII_5TeV_pPb in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMCfix_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 4886400, + "number_files": 458, + "size": 1644655960125 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:5ce7c244", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMCfix_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 69448, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3ef9917f", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMCfix_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 78492, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bcb53f2a", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMCfix_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 38700, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:990e618a", + "description": "ReggeGribovPartonMCfix_EposLHC_5TeV_pPbGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 43740, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5f571d1dd8a396b8b4f00600b9ca2dce", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "START53_V10::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMCfix_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb/HiWinter13-pa-START53_V10-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "C", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7d2d437535bc5527dc8736ba2a412a80", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "7d2d437535bc5527dc8736ba2a43d5c2", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V25::All", + "output_dataset": "/ReggeGribovPartonMCfix_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "C", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25204", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/ReggeGribovPartonMCfix_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb/HiWinter13-pa_STARTHI53_V25-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset ReggeGribovPartonMCfix_EposLHC_5TeV_pPb in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Run1_Hijing_PPb_MinimumBias in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 945180, + "number_files": 131, + "size": 319107220642 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:8a7ed4cd", + "description": "Run1_Hijing_PPb_MinimumBiasGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33903, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c67f1e0e", + "description": "Run1_Hijing_PPb_MinimumBiasGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8390, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:dfcef2d8", + "description": "Run1_Hijing_PPb_MinimumBiasGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18900, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7ee3ad65", + "description": "Run1_Hijing_PPb_MinimumBiasGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4680, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00112\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 87.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 87.0000s = 87.0000s\n# Which adds up to 87.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 87.0000s = 231\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 231 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 231\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 231 * 1.0000 = 231 events\nEVENTS=231\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise SimG4Core/Application/reproc2011_2012_cff.customiseG4,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --processName GENERATOR --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00112.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00112_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00112_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00112 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"HijingGeneratorFilter\",\n rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),\n frame = cms.string('CMS '),\n targ = cms.string('P '),\n izp = cms.int32(82),\n bMin = cms.double(0),\n izt = cms.int32(1),\n proj = cms.string('A '),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n iat = cms.int32(1),\n bMax = cms.double(15),\n iap = cms.int32(208)\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.3 $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('HIJING generator'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/HI/,v $')\n )", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "cdcdcb0f897e2f5956e6afc12de1afe6", + "process": "GENERATOR", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "hijing" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Run1_Hijing_PPb_MinimumBias/pAWinter13-Hijing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "GENERATOR" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00105_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Run1_Hijing_PPb_MinimumBias/pAWinter13-Hijing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00105_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00105_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00105 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00105.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00105_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00105_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00105_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00105 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c395ca", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c3a25a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Run1_Hijing_PPb_MinimumBias/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_Hijing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25205", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Run1_Hijing_PPb_MinimumBias/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_Hijing_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Run1_Hijing_PPb_MinimumBias in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1995557, + "number_files": 173, + "size": 557012930465 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:0855e492", + "description": "Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 20417, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:35eaf263", + "description": "Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 21365, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6bb45cfd", + "description": "Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13397, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c06c6333", + "description": "Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11264, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:cd3207f5", + "description": "Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11792, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e9fcca24", + "description": "Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7392, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00143\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 19.7926s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 19.7926s = 19.7926s\n# Which adds up to 19.7926s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 19.7926s = 1018\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.4900 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.4900 = 20408 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1018 and 20408, but more than 0 -> 1018\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1018 * 0.4900 = 498 events\nEVENTS=1018\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00143.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00143_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00143_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00143 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CommonSettings_cfi import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CUEP8M1Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia8GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.109),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1430000.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythia8CommonSettingsBlock,\n pythia8CUEP8M1SettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'Bottomonium:states(3S1) = 553', # filter on 553 and prevents other onium states decaying to 553, so we should turn the others off\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3S1(1)] = 9.28',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3S1(8)] = 0.15',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[1S0(8)] = 0.02',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3P0(8)] = 0.02',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(1)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]g = on',\n '553:onMode = off', # ignore cross-section re-weighting (CSAMODE=6) since selecting wanted decay mode\n '553:onIfAny = 13 -13',\n 'PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 2.',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythia8CommonSettings',\n 'pythia8CUEP8M1Settings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n# Next two muon filter are derived from muon reconstruction\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1000.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1000.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(553)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ae7b0c2b4d6372bf9033501b315cec6d", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "Pythia8" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13-PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00135_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13-PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00135_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00135_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00135 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00135.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00135_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00135_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00135_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00135 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25206", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Upsilon1S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1993910, + "number_files": 176, + "size": 555210272990 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:dc9dbab5", + "description": "Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12760, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c11db517", + "description": "Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11802, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:97d0ef46", + "description": "Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 31571, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ae7369cd", + "description": "Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7040, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0964c984", + "description": "Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6512, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6dfbcb49", + "description": "Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 17424, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00142\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 14.9984s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 14.9984s = 14.9984s\n# Which adds up to 14.9984s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 14.9984s = 1344\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.4900 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.4900 = 20408 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1344 and 20408, but more than 0 -> 1344\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1344 * 0.4900 = 658 events\nEVENTS=1344\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00142.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00142_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00142_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00142 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CommonSettings_cfi import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CUEP8M1Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia8GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.109),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1430000.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythia8CommonSettingsBlock,\n pythia8CUEP8M1SettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'Bottomonium:states(3S1) = 553', # filter on 553 and prevents other onium states decaying to 553, so we should turn the others off\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3S1(1)] = 9.28',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3S1(8)] = 0.15',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[1S0(8)] = 0.02',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3P0(8)] = 0.02',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(1)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]g = on',\n '553:onMode = off', # ignore cross-section re-weighting (CSAMODE=6) since selecting wanted decay mode\n '553:onIfAny = 13 -13',\n 'PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 2.',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythia8CommonSettings',\n 'pythia8CUEP8M1Settings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n# Next two muon filter are derived from muon reconstruction\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1000.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1000.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(553)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ae7b0c2b4d6372bf9033501b315cffe0", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "Pythia8" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13-pPb_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00134_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13-pPb_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00134_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00134_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00134 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00134.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00134_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00134_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00134_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00134 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pPb_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25207", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_pPb_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Upsilon1S_pPb_5p02-Pythia8 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 2041054, + "number_files": 160, + "size": 560085431718 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:01c05b07", + "description": "Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13400, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:758629e7", + "description": "Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 31900, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:201327b3", + "description": "Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5743, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ae66c838", + "description": "Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7392, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c89ae652", + "description": "Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 17600, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:eb7ec3d1", + "description": "Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3168, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00145\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 10.6736s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 10.6736s = 10.6736s\n# Which adds up to 10.6736s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 10.6736s = 1888\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.4800 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.4800 = 20833 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1888 and 20833, but more than 0 -> 1888\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1888 * 0.4800 = 906 events\nEVENTS=1888\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00145.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00145_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00145_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00145 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CommonSettings_cfi import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CUEP8M1Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia8GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.109),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1430000.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythia8CommonSettingsBlock,\n pythia8CUEP8M1SettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'Bottomonium:states(3S1) = 100553', # filter on 553 and prevents other onium states decaying to 553, so we should turn the others off\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3S1(1)] = 4.63',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3S1(8)] = 0.045',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[1S0(8)] = 0.06',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3P0(8)] = 0.06',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(1)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]g = on',\n '100553:onMode = off', # ignore cross-section re-weighting (CSAMODE=6) since selecting wanted decay mode\n '100553:onIfAny = 13 -13',\n 'PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 2.',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythia8CommonSettings',\n 'pythia8CUEP8M1Settings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n# Next two muon filter are derived from muon reconstruction\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1000.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1000.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(100553)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ae7b0c2b4d6372bf9033501b315ce22d", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "Pythia8" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13-PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00137_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13-PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00137_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00137_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00137 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00137.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00137_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00137_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00137_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00137 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25208", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Upsilon2S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 1910443, + "number_files": 164, + "size": 527446705681 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:6c3bff7a", + "description": "Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12121, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:25aad5d8", + "description": "Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 18495, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:319c38ab", + "description": "Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 21686, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c7ebf2e0", + "description": "Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6688, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e5de243f", + "description": "Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10208, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a8a036ac", + "description": "Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 3) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11968, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00144\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 23.3410s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 23.3410s = 23.3410s\n# Which adds up to 23.3410s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 23.3410s = 863\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.5200 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.5200 = 19230 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 863 and 19230, but more than 0 -> 863\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 863 * 0.5200 = 448 events\nEVENTS=863\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00144.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00144_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00144_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00144 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CommonSettings_cfi import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CUEP8M1Settings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia8GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.109),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1430000.0),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythia8CommonSettingsBlock,\n pythia8CUEP8M1SettingsBlock,\n processParameters = cms.vstring(\n 'Bottomonium:states(3S1) = 200553', # filter on 553 and prevents other onium states decaying to 553, so we should turn the others off\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3S1(1)] = 3.54',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3S1(8)] = 0.075',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[1S0(8)] = 0.1',\n 'Bottomonium:O(3S1)[3P0(8)] = 0.1',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(1)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[3S1(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[1S0(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:gg2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]g = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qg2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]q = on',\n 'Bottomonium:qqbar2bbbar(3S1)[3PJ(8)]g = on',\n '200553:onMode = off', # ignore cross-section re-weighting (CSAMODE=6) since selecting wanted decay mode\n '200553:onIfAny = 13 -13',\n 'PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 2.',\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythia8CommonSettings',\n 'pythia8CUEP8M1Settings',\n 'processParameters',\n )\n )\n)\n\n\n# Next two muon filter are derived from muon reconstruction\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1000.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1000.0),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(200553)\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n)\n\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "ae7b0c2b4d6372bf9033501b315cf4f9", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "Pythia8" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13-PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00136_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13-PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00136_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00136_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00136 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00136.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00136_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00136_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00136_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00136 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25209", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_PbP_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Upsilon3S_PbP_5p02-Pythia8 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 3015948, + "number_files": 483, + "size": 1536733265757 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:8adc7710", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3263, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b107468d", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6847, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ca397ae2", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 11738, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:af7997a3", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 135188, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:44b32253", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1830, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a8b87b4d", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3843, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:bdd1b0b0", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6588, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c2a2739a", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 75712, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00137\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 15.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 15.0000s = 15.0000s\n# Which adds up to 15.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 15.0000s = 1344\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1800 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1800 = 55555 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1344 and 55555, but more than 0 -> 1344\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1344 * 0.1800 = 241 events\nEVENTS=1344\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00137.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00137_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00137_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00137 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n MaxRapidity = cms.untracked.double(2.4),\n MinRapidity = cms.untracked.double(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(1.0),\n MaxPt = cms.untracked.double(4.2),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(3312),\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd920e76", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00129_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00129_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00129_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00129 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00129.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00129_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00129_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00129_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00129 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25210", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 2992927, + "number_files": 460, + "size": 1532295925846 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:4effa517", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 17552, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:13effe12", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8451, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:897ef85f", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 111140, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6887195c", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 12313, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:22937830", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9828, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d86387c8", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4732, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1bc3a2ee", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 62244, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:007c0d43", + "description": "Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6878, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00128\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 13.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 13.0000s = 13.0000s\n# Which adds up to 13.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 13.0000s = 1550\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.1800 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.1800 = 55555 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 1550 and 55555, but more than 0 -> 1550\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 1550 * 0.1800 = 279 events\nEVENTS=1550\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00128.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00128_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00128_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00128 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(208),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n MaxRapidity = cms.untracked.double(2.4),\n MinRapidity = cms.untracked.double(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(1.0),\n MaxPt = cms.untracked.double(4.2),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(3312),\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd91c14b", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00120_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00120_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00120_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00120 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00120.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00120_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00120_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00120_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00120 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25211", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-1p0To4p2_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 750391, + "number_files": 142, + "size": 417057610478 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:7d5477f1", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 6098, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7fe5c249", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 39470, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:5257f149", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3382, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:22c87879", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 21894, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00138\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.6935s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.6935s = 0.6935s\n# Which adds up to 0.6935s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.6935s = 29071\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0067 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0067 = 1492537 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 29071 and 1492537, but more than 0 -> 29071\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 29071 * 0.0067 = 194 events\nEVENTS=29071\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00138.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00138_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00138_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00138 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n MaxRapidity = cms.untracked.double(2.4),\n MinRapidity = cms.untracked.double(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(4.0),\n MaxPt = cms.untracked.double(999.),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(3312),\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd91f9b3", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00130_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Xi_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00130_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00130_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00130 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00130.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00130_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00130_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00130_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00130 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25212", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Xi_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-4p0_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 759296, + "number_files": 159, + "size": 423531291285 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:0fe1b8ee", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3521, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:809bbae5", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 44151, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d082b8ac", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 2561, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:68baad9f", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 641, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3e6843da", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1947, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0a2b741c", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 24426, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:801da724", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 1416, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:efb06934", + "description": "Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 4) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 352, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00129\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.9300s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.9300s = 0.9300s\n# Which adds up to 0.9300s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.9300s = 21677\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0067 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0067 = 1492537 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 21677 and 1492537, but more than 0 -> 21677\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 21677 * 0.0067 = 145 events\nEVENTS=21677\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00129.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00129_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00129_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00129 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(208),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n MaxRapidity = cms.untracked.double(2.4),\n MinRapidity = cms.untracked.double(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(4.0),\n MaxPt = cms.untracked.double(999.),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(3312),\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd91ccfa", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00121_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00121_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00121_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00121 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00121.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00121_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00121_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00121_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00121 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25213", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-4p0_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 800912, + "number_files": 150, + "size": 453797258347 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:8622a523", + "description": "Xi_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 34662, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:caac3c7d", + "description": "Xi_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13439, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:de715d13", + "description": "Xi_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 19224, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:1f95ac1f", + "description": "Xi_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7434, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00139\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.3043s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.3043s = 0.3043s\n# Which adds up to 0.3043s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.3043s = 66250\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0008 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0008 = 11904761 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 66250 and 11904761, but more than 0 -> 66250\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 66250 * 0.0008 = 55 events\nEVENTS=66250\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00139.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00139_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00139_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00139 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(208),\n targetid = cms.int32(1),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n MaxRapidity = cms.untracked.double(2.4),\n MinRapidity = cms.untracked.double(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(5.9),\n MaxPt = cms.untracked.double(999.),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(3312),\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "d30ad4f915b1c80204f4f8a7bd927f1f", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00131_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Xi_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00131_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00131_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00131 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00131.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00131_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00131_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00131_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00131 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25214", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Xi_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-5p9_PbP_5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 805394, + "number_files": 162, + "size": 458503030855 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:261cd9ca", + "description": "Xi_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 46065, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:39281c22", + "description": "Xi_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5761, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0043bd19", + "description": "Xi_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 25488, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:f632b80b", + "description": "Xi_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOSGEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 2) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 3186, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00130\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.2555s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.2555s = 0.2555s\n# Which adds up to 0.2555s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.2555s = 78918\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0008 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0008 = 11904761 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 78918 and 11904761, but more than 0 -> 78918\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 78918 * 0.0008 = 66 events\nEVENTS=78918\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00130.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00130_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00130_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00130 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\nfrom GeneratorInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface.ReggeGribovPartonMC_AdvancedParameters_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"ReggeGribovPartonMCGeneratorFilter\",\n ReggeGribovPartonMCAdvancedParameters,\n beammomentum = cms.double(2510),\n targetmomentum = cms.double(-2510),\n beamid = cms.int32(1),\n targetid = cms.int32(208),\n model = cms.int32(0),\n )\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.4 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/python/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('ReggeGribovMC generator')\n )\n\nparticlefilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.int32(1),\n MaxRapidity = cms.untracked.double(2.4),\n MinRapidity = cms.untracked.double(-2.4),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.double(5.9),\n MaxPt = cms.untracked.double(999.),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(3312),\n)\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator+particlefilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "b2a4cb4736732c4dfedbb031ddeb6287", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "EPOS" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00122_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/Xi_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13-EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00122_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00122_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00122 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00122.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00122_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00122_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00122_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00122 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/Xi_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25215", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/Xi_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_EPOS_Xi_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset Xi_Pt-5p9_pPb5p02-EPOS in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 3957743, + "number_files": 304, + "size": 1003672630396 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:9b0ca6cc", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 10848, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:74f72b7f", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 16908, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:699ea1f7", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9891, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:0c913ee2", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7657, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3b19a150", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 51678, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:b819282b", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5984, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ded62926", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 9328, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:fe6c86d2", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 5456, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2b6810eb", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 4224, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:ea5e2e6a", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 28512, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00108\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.0483s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.0483s = 0.0483s\n# Which adds up to 0.0483s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.0483s = 417274\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0014 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0014 = 6915629 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 417274 and 6915629, but more than 0 -> 417274\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 417274 * 0.0014 = 603 events\nEVENTS=417274\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00108.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00108_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00108_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00108 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6+EvtGen generation of B0->Jpsi->MuMu, 5.023TeV, Z2star tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2starSettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n# BF(B0->JPsiX) * BF(JPsi->mumu) = 0.0185 * 0.0593\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(54402709.5),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0003114),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n #decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n #user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Validation.dec'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/incl_BtoJpsi_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyB0',\n 'Myanti-B0',\n 'MyB+',\n 'MyB-',\n 'MyB_s0',\n 'Myanti-B_s0',\n 'MyLambda_b0',\n 'Myanti-Lambda_b0'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n bbbarSettings = cms.vstring('MSEL = 1'), \n # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'bbbarSettings')\n )\n)\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(5)\n)\n\n## oniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n## Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n## MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1000.0),\n## MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1000.0),\n## MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n## ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(443)\n##)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32( 2, 2),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(443, 100443),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble( 0.0, 0.0),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble( 1000.0, 1000.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble( -1000.0, -1000.0),\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "cf14c9d40bc3156113eaa2df1504d534", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00102_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00102_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00102_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00102 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00102.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00102_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00102_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00102_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00102 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "fd95bf6c4012ef84f3695fca917a0a34", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "fd95bf6c4012ef84f3695fca917a69d9", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25216", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 15543879, + "number_files": 1145, + "size": 3912070797681 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:78ed3046", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 80656, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:6d90d9ae", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 55405, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3e241a32", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 60253, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:2c0c8313", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 42108, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:36e4e368", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 80336, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:35bf67e6", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (6 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 52155, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:132544d9", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 45069, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:391e4467", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 30951, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:035587eb", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 33666, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:a16355ca", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23530, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:c5ef1a61", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 44888, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:e1df1cf1", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (6 of 6) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 29141, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00117\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.0534s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.0534s = 0.0534s\n# Which adds up to 0.0534s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.0534s = 377210\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0014 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0014 = 6915629 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 377210 and 6915629, but more than 0 -> 377210\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 377210 * 0.0014 = 545 events\nEVENTS=377210\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00117.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoost --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00117_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00117_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00117 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6+EvtGen generation of B0->Jpsi->MuMu, 5.023TeV, Z2star tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2starSettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n# BF(B0->JPsiX) * BF(JPsi->mumu) = 0.0185 * 0.0593\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(54402709.5),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0003114),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n #decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n #user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Validation.dec'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/incl_BtoJpsi_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyB0',\n 'Myanti-B0',\n 'MyB+',\n 'MyB-',\n 'MyB_s0',\n 'Myanti-B_s0',\n 'MyLambda_b0',\n 'Myanti-Lambda_b0'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n bbbarSettings = cms.vstring('MSEL = 1'), \n # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'bbbarSettings')\n )\n)\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(5)\n)\n\n## oniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n## Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n## MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1000.0),\n## MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1000.0),\n## MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n## ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(443)\n##)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32( 2, 2),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(443, 100443),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble( 0.0, 0.0),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble( 1000.0, 1000.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble( -1000.0, -1000.0),\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "3b47ece20faad896c8370627b1022ce5", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00111_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13-1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00111_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00111_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00111 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00111.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00111_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00111_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00111_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00111 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9a219", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "6a6297d2afc38870a665fb6b8fd9c174", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25217", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_1st_run_STARTHI53_V27_ext1-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + }, + { + "abstract": { + "description": "

Simulated dataset inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data.

See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.

These simulated datasets correspond to the pPb collision data at energy 5.02TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2013.

" + }, + "accelerator": "CERN-LHC", + "categories": { + "primary": " Heavy-Ion Physics", + "source": "CMS Collaboration" + }, + "collaboration": { + "name": "CMS Collaboration", + "recid": "" + }, + "collections": [ + "CMS-Simulated-Datasets" + ], + "collision_information": { + "energy": "5.02TeV", + "type": "pPb" + }, + "date_created": [ + "2013" + ], + "date_published": "2023", + "date_reprocessed": "2013", + "distribution": { + "formats": [ + "gen-sim-reco", + "root" + ], + "number_events": 3960934, + "number_files": 295, + "size": 1001185245948 + }, + "experiment": "CMS", + "files": [ + { + "checksum": "adler32:393c0a0e", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13082, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:3e6abf70", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14675, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:15442fa7", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 28073, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:9a81c78a", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 14675, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:eb51610d", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 23605, + "type": "index.json", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:241b9e0a", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (1 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 7216, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:7c63adc9", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (2 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8096, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:01f985ab", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (3 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 15488, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:d0dfaff0", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (4 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 8096, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + }, + { + "checksum": "adler32:eaff9531", + "description": "inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02GEN-SIM-RECO dataset file index (5 of 5) for access to data via CMS virtual machine", + "size": 13024, + "type": "index.txt", + "uri": "root://" + } + ], + "keywords": [ + "heavy-ion physics" + ], + "license": { + "attribution": "CC0" + }, + "methodology": { + "description": "

These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):

", + "steps": [ + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# GEN Script begin\nrm -f\nwget -q\nchmod +x\n./ --bypass_status --prepid HIN-pAWinter13-00109\nGEN_ERR=$?\nif [ $GEN_ERR -ne 0 ]; then\n echo \"GEN Checking Script returned exit code $GEN_ERR which means there are $GEN_ERR errors\"\n echo \"Validation WILL NOT RUN\"\n echo \"Please correct errors in the request and run validation again\"\n exit $GEN_ERR\nfi\necho \"Running VALIDATION. GEN Request Checking Script returned no errors\"\n# GEN Script end\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\n# Download fragment from McM\ncurl -s -k --retry 3 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/\n[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;\n\n# Check if fragment contais gridpack path ant that it is in cvmfs\nif grep -q \"gridpacks\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n if ! grep -q \"/cvmfs/\" Configuration/GenProduction/python/; then\n echo \"Gridpack inside fragment is not in cvmfs.\"\n exit -1\n fi\nfi\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 0.0828s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 0.0828s = 0.0828s\n# Which adds up to 0.0828s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 0.0828s = 243502\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 0.0014 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 0.0014 = 6915629 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 243502 and 6915629, but more than 0 -> 243502\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 243502 * 0.0014 = 352 events\nEVENTS=243502\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --pileup NoPileUp --customise GeneratorInterface/HiGenCommon/customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter_cfi.customiseSwapVtxSmearAndProdFilter,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13-00109.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --beamspot Realistic5TeVPPbBoostReversed --step GEN,SIM --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13-00109_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13-00109_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13-00109 sequence 1/1\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "script": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nconfigurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet(\n version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'),\n name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/,v $'),\n annotation = cms.untracked.string('Winter13: Pythia6+EvtGen generation of B0->Jpsi->MuMu, 5.023TeV, Z2star tune')\n)\n\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2starSettings_cfi import *\n\ngenerator = cms.EDFilter(\"Pythia6GeneratorFilter\",\n pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n comEnergy = cms.double(5023.0),\n# BF(B0->JPsiX) * BF(JPsi->mumu) = 0.0185 * 0.0593\n crossSection = cms.untracked.double(54402709.5),\n filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.0003114),\n maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),\n ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(\n EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(\n operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)\n # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)\n # that you want decayed by EvtGen\n use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),\n decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),\n #decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY.DEC'),\n particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),\n #user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Validation.dec'),\n user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/incl_BtoJpsi_mumu.dec'),\n list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyB0',\n 'Myanti-B0',\n 'MyB+',\n 'MyB-',\n 'MyB_s0',\n 'Myanti-B_s0',\n 'MyLambda_b0',\n 'Myanti-Lambda_b0'),\n ),\n parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')\n ),\n PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\n pythiaUESettingsBlock,\n bbbarSettings = cms.vstring('MSEL = 1'), \n # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order\n parameterSets = cms.vstring(\n 'pythiaUESettings',\n 'bbbarSettings')\n )\n)\n\nbfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(5)\n)\n\n## oniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"PythiaFilter\",\n## Status = cms.untracked.int32(2),\n## MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(1000.0),\n## MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-1000.0),\n## MinPt = cms.untracked.double(0.0),\n## ParticleID = cms.untracked.int32(443)\n##)\n\noniafilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCSingleParticleFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32( 2, 2),\n ParticleID = cms.untracked.vint32(443, 100443),\n MinPt = cms.untracked.vdouble( 0.0, 0.0),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble( 1000.0, 1000.0),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble( -1000.0, -1000.0),\n)\n\nmumugenfilter = cms.EDFilter(\"MCParticlePairFilter\",\n Status = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 1),\n MinP = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MaxEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(2.5, 2.5),\n MinEta = cms.untracked.vdouble(-2.5, -2.5),\n ParticleCharge = cms.untracked.int32(-1),\n ParticleID1 = cms.untracked.vint32(13),\n ParticleID2 = cms.untracked.vint32(13)\n)\n\n\nProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator*bfilter*oniafilter*mumugenfilter)", + "title": "Generator parameters", + "url": "" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "cf14c9d40bc3156113eaa2df1501dd50", + "process": "SIM", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "generators": [ + "pythia6" + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13-2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "SIM" + }, + { + "configuration_files": [ + { + "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n# Dump actual test code to a file that can be run in Singularity\ncat <<'EndOfTestFile' >\n#!/bin/bash\n\nexport SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472\n\nsource /cvmfs/\nif [ -r CMSSW_5_3_27/src ] ; then\n echo release CMSSW_5_3_27 already exists\nelse\n scram p CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_27\nfi\ncd CMSSW_5_3_27/src\neval `scram runtime -sh`\n\nscram b\ncd ../..\n\n# Maximum validation duration: 28800s\n# Margin for validation duration: 30%\n# Validation duration with margin: 28800 * (1 - 0.30) = 20160s\n# Time per event for each sequence: 55.0000s, 55.0000s\n# Threads for each sequence: 1, 1\n# Time per event for single thread for each sequence: 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s, 1 * 55.0000s = 55.0000s\n# Which adds up to 110.0000s per event\n# Single core events that fit in validation duration: 20160s / 110.0000s = 183\n# Produced events limit in McM is 10000\n# According to 1.0000 efficiency, validation should run 10000 / 1.0000 = 10000 events to reach the limit of 10000\n# Take the minimum of 183 and 10000, but more than 0 -> 183\n# It is estimated that this validation will produce: 183 * 1.0000 = 183 events\nEVENTS=183\n\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00103_0.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:PIon --filein \"dbs:/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13-2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM\" --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00103_0_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00103_0_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00103 sequence 1/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# cmsDriver command\ --python_filename --eventcontent RECOSIM --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO --fileout file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00103.root --conditions STARTHI53_V27::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --filein file:HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00103_0.root --datamix NODATAMIXER --no_exec --mc -n $EVENTS || exit $? ;\n\n# Run generated config\nREPORT_NAME=HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00103_report.xml\n# Run the cmsRun\ncmsRun -e -j $REPORT_NAME || exit $? ;\n\n# Parse values from HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00103_report.xml report\nprocessedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nproducedEvents=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)(\\d*)(?=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nthreads=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueRss=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\npeakValueVsize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSize=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalSizeAlt=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\ntotalJobCPU=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\neventThroughput=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\navgEventTime=$(grep -Po \"(?<=)\" $REPORT_NAME | tail -n 1)\nif [ -z \"$threads\" ]; then\n echo \"Could not find NumberOfThreads in report, defaulting to 1\"\n threads=1\nfi\nif [ -z \"$eventThroughput\" ]; then\n eventThroughput=$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; 1 / ($avgEventTime / $threads)\")\nfi\nif [ -z \"$totalSize\" ]; then\n totalSize=$totalSizeAlt\nfi\nif [ -z \"$processedEvents\" ]; then\n processedEvents=$EVENTS\nfi\necho \"Validation report of HIN-pAWinter13DR53X-00103 sequence 2/2\"\necho \"Processed events: $processedEvents\"\necho \"Produced events: $producedEvents\"\necho \"Threads: $threads\"\necho \"Peak value RSS: $peakValueRss MB\"\necho \"Peak value Vsize: $peakValueVsize MB\"\necho \"Total size: $totalSize MB\"\necho \"Total job time: $totalJobTime s\"\necho \"Total CPU time: $totalJobCPU s\"\necho \"Event throughput: $eventThroughput\"\necho \"CPU efficiency: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=2; ($totalJobCPU * 100) / ($threads * $totalJobTime)\")\" %\"\necho \"Size per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; ($totalSize * 1024 / $producedEvents)\")\" kB\"\necho \"Time per event: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=4; (1 / $eventThroughput)\")\" s\"\necho \"Filter efficiency percent: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=8; ($producedEvents * 100) / $processedEvents\")\" %\"\necho \"Filter efficiency fraction: \"$(bc -l <<< \"scale=10; ($producedEvents) / $processedEvents\")\n\n# End of file\nEndOfTestFile\n\n# Make file executable\nchmod +x\n\nif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:amd64\"\nelif [ -e \"/cvmfs/\" ]; then\n CONTAINER_NAME=\"slc6:x86_64\"\nelse\n echo \"Could not find amd64 or x86_64 for slc6\"\n exit 1\nfi\n# Run in singularity container\n# Mount afs, eos, cvmfs\n# Mount /etc/grid-security for xrootd\nexport SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=\"/tmp/$(whoami)/singularity\"\nsingularity run -B /afs -B /eos -B /cvmfs -B /etc/grid-security -B /etc/pki/ca-trust --home $PWD:$PWD /cvmfs/$CONTAINER_NAME $(echo $(pwd)/\n", + "title": "Production script" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c395ca", + "process": "HLT", + "title": "Configuration file" + }, + { + "cms_confdb_id": "5cfc632e54e4b31306ec40aa42c3a25a", + "process": "RECO", + "title": "Configuration file" + } + ], + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "output_dataset": "/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_27", + "type": "HLT RECO" + } + ] + }, + "publisher": "CERN Open Data Portal", + "recid": "25218", + "run_period": [ + "Run2013" + ], + "system_details": { + "global_tag": "STARTHI53_V27::All", + "release": "CMSSW_5_3_20" + }, + "title": "/inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02/pAWinter13DR53X-pa_2nd_run_STARTHI53_V27-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO", + "title_additional": "Simulated dataset inclBtoJPsiMuMu_5TeV02 in GEN-SIM-RECO format for 2013 collision data", + "type": { + "primary": "Dataset", + "secondary": [ + "Simulated" + ] + }, + "usage": { + "description": "You can access these data through the CMS Open Data container or the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up one of the two alternative environments and getting started in", + "links": [ + { + "description": "Running CMS analysis code using Docker", + "url": "/docs/cms-guide-docker" + }, + { + "description": "How to install the CMS Virtual Machine", + "url": "/docs/cms-virtual-machine-2015" + }, + { + "description": "Getting started with CMS open data", + "url": "/docs/cms-getting-started-2015" + } + ] + }, + "validation": { + "description": "The generation and simulation of Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures." + } + } +]