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Upcoming Talks

  1. Dr. Soman K.P gives an invited talk on Deep Learning in Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi (16/01/2018). Detailed tutorials and hands on sessions will be covered by Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB and Mr. Sachin Kumar S

  2. Mrs. Sowmya gives an invited talk on Deep Learning for Bio-medical Application in Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi (17/01/2018). Detailed tutorials and hands on sessions will be covered by Mr. Vinayakumar R

  3. Dr. Soman K.P gives an invited talk on Linear Algebra for Machine Learning in TKM College of Engineering, Kollam (09/01/2018). Detailed tutorials and hands on sessions will be covered by Mr. Sachin Kumar S and Ms. Neethu Mohan.

  4. Dr. Soman K.P gives an invited talk on Deep Learning for NLP in Vidya Academy of Science & Technology, Thrissur (20/01/2018). Detailed tutorials and hands on sessions will be covered by Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB, Mr. Pemjith and Mr. Sachin Kumar S.

Recent talks given by CEN faculties (last two months)

  1. Mr. Vijay Krishna Menon gave an invited talk on "Algorithms in Machine learning" in the FDP programme held at the CET College of Engineering, Trivandrum on 21/12/17.

  2. Dr. Soman K.P and Dr. EA Gopalakrishnan , gave an invited talk on "Machine learning applications in Fluid Dynamics", in the 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP - 2017) held at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, on December 14-16, 2017. Presentation

  3. Dr. Soman K.P, gave an invited talk on "Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Applications" in the TEQIP-II sponsored Faculty Development Programme held at Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam 14/12/2017.

  4. Mrs. Sowmya, gave an invited talk on "Deep learning for Medical Images" in the TEQIP-II sponsored Faculty Development Programme held at Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam 14/12/2017.

  5. Mrs. Sowmya, & (Vinayakumar R, Research Scholar) took hands on Session on "Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Applications" in the TEQIP-II sponsored Faculty Development Programme held at Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam 14/12/2017.

  6. Dr. Soman K.P HOD-CEN, gave a Keynote speech on "Key Enabling Technologies for 5G Wireless Networks" in GIAN Course held at Department of ECE, NIT Calicut December 8-13, 2017, Presentation

  7. Mr. Ajith Peter, Research Scholar, CEN gave a talk on "SDR and GPS" in GIAN Course held at Department of ECE, NIT Calicut December 8-13, 2017, Presentation

  8. Dr. Gandhiraj, ECE/CEN faculty gave a talk on "GNUradio and applications" in GIAN Course held at Department of ECE, NIT Calicut December 8-13, 2017, Presentation

  9. Dr. Govind D was invited to deliver a talk on Overview of Speech technology in the faculty development program titled Advanced Topics in Signal and Image Processing, 30/11/2017

  10. Dr. M. Anand Kumar, faculty-CEN, gave an invited talk on "Current Trends in Natural language Processing and Text Analytics" organized by Academic Staff college, Bharathiar University at the University conference hall on 27/11/17.

  11. Mr. Vijay Krishna Menon, faculty-CEN, gave an invited talk on "Machine learning and Deep learning Algorithms", in the FDP programme held at TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, on 25/11/17. Presentation

  12. Dr. Govind D delivered a keynote address in the national conference , Research Issues in Image and Signal Processing organized at Sri ramakrishna College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 23/11/2017 Certificate

  13. Dr. Soman K.P HOD-CEN, gave a Keynote speech on "Deep learning and applications to Cyber Security" organized by Academic Staff college, Bharathiar University at the University conference hall on 21/11/17.

  14. Mrs. Sowmya, faculty-CEN, gave a an invited talk on "Drone based Hyperspectral Imaging for Precision Agriculture" organized by Academic Staff college, Bharathiar University at the University conference hall on 21/11/17.

  15. Dr. M. Anand Kumar, faculty-CEN, gave an invited talk on Deep Learning for image & Text Processing organized by the department of Computer Science & Engineering, SSN -Chennai on 21/11/2017

  16. Mr. Vijay Krishna Menon, faculty-CEN, gave an invited talk on Machine learning on Healthcare in the ICMR sponsored programme held at the Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 08/11/17.

  17. Dr. Geetha P, faculty-RSW, Invited as an external expert for the Selection Committee Meeting for the post of Research Assistant under DST-SERB project at Avinashilingam University on 1st Sept 2017.

  18. Dr. Geetha P, faculty-RSW, gave Invited for a talk on Satellite Image Processing at Avinashilingam University on 15th Sept 2017.

  19. Dr. Geetha P, faculty-RSW, delivered a lecture on mapping of Vector Borne Diseases using GIS at PSGR Krishnammal College for women on 26th Sept 2017.

  20. Dr. Geetha P, faculty-RSW, gave Invited as an expert to conduct a Two day workshop on Dengue Mapping in Kolar Region-Karnataka by Department of Community medicine during 14-15th June at Sri Devaraj urs Medical College, Kolar. Presentation

  21. Dr. Geetha P, faculty-RSW, gave a talk on Air pollution in AICTE sponsored FDP.@Annamalai University Chidambaram While attending a FDP On Advances in Waste water Treatment and Air pollution control techniques during 13-25th November 2017