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Celo Rosetta

CircleCI License

A monitoring server for celo-blockchain

What is Celo Rosetta?

Celo Rosetta is an RPC server that exposes an API to:

  • Query Celo's Blockchain
  • Obtain Balance Changing Operations
  • Construct Airgapped Transactions

With a special focus on getting balance change operations, Celo Rosetta provides an easy way to obtain changes that are not easily queryable using the celo-blockchain rpc; such as:

  • Gas Fee distribution
  • CELO transfers (internal & external)
  • Epoch Rewards Distribution
  • LockedGold & Election Operations

RPC endpoints

Rosetta exposes the following endpoints:

  • POST /network/list: Get List of Available Networks
  • POST /network/status: Get Network Status
  • POST /network/options: Get Network Options
  • POST /block: Get a Block
  • POST /block/transaction: Get a Block Transaction
  • POST /mempool: Get All Mempool Transactions
  • POST /mempool/transaction: Get a Mempool Transaction
  • POST /account/balance: Get an Account Balance
  • POST /construction/metadata: Get Transaction Construction Metadata
  • POST /construction/submit: Submit a Signed Transaction

For an understanding of inputs & outputs check servicer.go

Command line arguments

Arguments are described in the help output of the CLI.

Every argument can be defined using environment variables using ROSETTA_ prefix; and replacing . for _; for example:


Running the Rosetta RPC Server

Running the Rosetta RPC Server from scratch will take a very long time to sync and require at least 1.5TB of storage space, since it runs a full archive node in the background. While it may be possible to run the Construction API in the future with a non-archive node, this is still required by the Rosetta spec for the Data API implementation in order to perform balance reconciliation.

Version 1: Running from rosetta source code

You will need the following three repositories cloned locally:

You also need the following dependencies to be met:

Running Rosetta


  • Checkout the rosetta version that you want and run make all.
  • Find the celo-blockchain version in the rosetta go.mod file. Look for a line containing the version comes after separated by a space.
  • Checkout celo-blockchain at the version specified in rosetta's go.mod and run make geth
  • Replace <NETWORK> with one of alfajores (developer testnet), baklava (validator testnet) or mainnet.
  • Replace <PATH-TO-DATADIR> below, which is the location for the celo-blockchain data directory (the directory does not need to exist before passing it in). The data directory is network specific so when switching networks you will also need to change the data directory.

Then run:

go run main.go run \ <NETWORK> \
  --geth.binary ../celo-blockchain/build/bin/geth \
  --geth.syncmode full \
  --geth.gcmode archive \
  --datadir <PATH-TO-DATADIR>

You should start to see continuous output looking something like this:

INFO [01-28|14:09:03.434] Press CTRL-C to stop the process
--nousb --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 8545 --rpcvhosts localhost --syncmode full --gcmode archive --rpcapi eth,net,web3,debug,admin,personal --ipcpath <YourPathToRosetta>/rosetta/envs/alfajores/celo/geth.ipc --light.serve 0 --light.maxpeers 0 --maxpeers 1100 --consoleformat term
INFO [01-28|14:09:05.110] Detected Chain Parameters                chainId=44787 epochSize=17280
INFO [01-28|14:09:05.120] Starting httpServer                      listen_address=:8080
INFO [01-28|14:09:05.120] Resuming operation from last persisted  block srv=celo-monitor block=0
INFO [01-28|14:09:05.121] SubscriptionFetchMode:Start              srv=celo-monitor pipe=header_listener start=1


INFO [01-28|14:09:25.731] Stored 1000 blocks                       srv=celo-monitor pipe=persister       block=1000 registryUpdates=0

You can stop the service and restart by re-running just the last command above (go run main.go ... )

Version 2: Running Rosetta Docker Image


  • Install and run docker (tested with version 19.03.12)

Rosetta is released as a docker image: All versions can be found on the registry page. Within the docker image, we pack the rosetta binary and also the geth binary from celo-blockchain. Rosetta will run both.

The command below runs the Celo Rosetta RPC server for alfajores:

export RELEASE="latest"  # or specify a release version
# folder for rosetta to use as data directory (saves rosetta.db & celo-blockchain datadir)
export DATADIR="${PWD}/datadir"
mkdir $DATADIR
docker pull$RELEASE
docker run --name rosetta --rm \
  -v "${DATADIR}:/data" \
  -p 8080:8080 \$RELEASE \
  run \ alfajores \
  --geth.syncmode full \
  --geth.gcmode archive

To run this for a different network, change the flag from alfajores to mainnet or baklava.

Airgap Client Guide

The Celo Rosetta Airgap module is designed to facilitate signing transactions, parameterized by contemporaenous network metadata, in an offline context.

Examples of this metadata include:

  • network wide state like "gas price minimum"
  • argument specific state like vote amount "effect on validator priority queue"
AirGapServer {
  ObtainMetadata(TxArgs): TxMetadata
  SubmitTx(Tx): Status

AirGapClient {
  ConstructTxFromMetadata(TxMetadata): Tx
  SignTx(Tx, PrivateKey): Tx

Custody: Staking and Voting

For a documentation resource, please see the custody docs.

For a code resource, please see the examples.

Developer Guide


In addition to the dependencies listed above under the instructions for running from rosetta source code, you also need:

  • openapi-generator To re-generate rpc scaffold (install link)

Build Commands

Important commands:

  • make all: Builds project (compiles all modules), same as go build ./...
  • make test or go test ./... to run unit tests

Interaction with Celo Core Contracts

Rosetta uses kliento to interact with the necessary Celo Core Contracts.

How to run rosetta-cli-checks

Note that running these checks is most likely infeasible for most people on mainnet because you will need at least 1.5 terabytes (as of 2022/11) of space and several days to be able to sync the chain. Under the hood, the service is syncing a full archive node, which takes a long time. The construction service needs to reach the tip before submitting transactions. The data checks will take a while to complete as well (likely a couple of days on a normal laptop with the current settings) as they reconcile balances for the entire chain.

  • Install the rosetta-cli according to the instructions. (Note that on Mac, installing the rosetta-cli to /usr/local/bin or adding its location to you $PATH will allow you to call rosetta-cli directly on the command line rather than needing to provide the path to the executable). Current testing has been done with v0.10.3 of the rosetta-cli.
  • Run the Rosetta service in the background for the respective network (currently only alfajores for both data and construction checks, the data checks work for all other networks).
  • Run the CLI checks for NETWORK_NAME as follows:
# alfajores; specify construction or data
rosetta-cli check:data --configuration-file $PATH_TO_ROSETTA/rosetta-cli-conf/$NETWORK_NAME/cli-config.json

See below for more details on running the reconciliation checks against a mycelo testnet.

How to generate bootstrap_balances.json

This is only necessary for running the data checks if it has not already been created for the particular network. Here's how to generate this for alfajores (for another network, specify the appropriate genesis block filepath and output path):

go run examples/generate_balances/main.go \
  $PATH_TO_GENESIS_FILE rosetta-cli-conf/mycelo/bootstrap_balances.json

Running Rosetta with a mycelo testnet

  • Set --geth.genesis to point to the genesis file for the testnet.
  • Set --geth.networkid to the network ID (if this is a deployed testnet, this may be different from the ChainID in the genesis file). If this value is the same as the ChainID, it is not necessary to set this parameter.
  • Set the --monitor.initcontracts flag (at least on the first run), which fetches necessary state from the genesis block and updates the Rosetta DB accordingly.

To run reconciliation tests on this network, you can use the cli-config in ./rosetta-cli-conf/mycelo as a basis. (Note: the default cli-config uses the chain ID that is set when the loadtest template is used to set up the mycelo network).

  • Generate bootstrap_balances.json within the same folder, using the mycelo network's genesis block.
  • In the cli-config.json:
    • Set network parameter to match the ChainID in the genesis file (not the network ID).
    • Point bootstrap_balances to the generated bootstrap_balances.json.


Run the following command to run a local testnet with three validators:

build/bin/mycelo genesis --buildpath compiled-system-contracts --dev.accounts 2 --newenv tmp/rosetta --mnemonic "miss fire behind decide egg buyer honey seven advance uniform profit renew"
build/bin/mycelo validator-init tmp/rosetta
build/bin/mycelo validator-run tmp/rosetta

Get the first validator's enode with the following command:

build/bin/geth attach tmp/rosetta/validator-00/geth.ipc --exec "admin.nodeInfo"

In the rosetta repository run the following command to start rosetta:

go run main.go run \
  --geth.genesis ../celo-blockchain/tmp/rosetta/genesis.json \
  --geth.binary ../celo-blockchain/build/bin/geth \
  --geth.syncmode full \
  --geth.gcmode archive \
  --datadir ./test-mycelo \
  --monitor.initcontracts \
  --geth.port 30308 \
  --geth.rpcport 8553 \
  --geth.bootnodes "<ENODE>"

Releasing rosetta


Rosetta uses semantic versioning and contains 3 distinct interfaces that should be taken into account when setting the version. Having so many interfaces exported from this repo makes it likely that most changes will constitute a breaking change in at least one interface.

  • The rosetta HTTP API exposed by the services in this repo.
  • The CLI exposed by the rosetta binary.
  • All exported code in the repo, since this repo is imported as a module by Coinbase projects.

Breaking changes constitute any change that could cause a downstream consumer's code to break. E.g:

  • Any change that for a given API request results in different response bytes. (This seems quite strict, but in the absence of any framework for classifying breaking changes (that would need to be communicated to and agreed upon by downstream consumers) we have to assume that any change in the bytes of a response for a given request could break downstream consumers.)
  • Any changes in CLI flags or default values, except if a new flag has been added which has no effect unless explicitly set.
  • Any changes to exported code in this repo or changes that would change the value returned by code exported in this repo.
  • Bear in mind that breaking changes in the API of celo-blockchain can imply breaking changes for this repo, for example changing the value returned by gas estimation, or adding a field to a response. Also note that celo-blockchain does not follow semantic versioning, so when updating it you will need to investigate all changes included in an update and understand how they affect rosetta to see if any are breaking.

Changes that are not breaking and are not bug fixes are considered minor versions, there will likely be very few of these.

Changes that are not breaking and are bug fixes are considered patch versions, it seems quite likely bug fixes could also be breaking.

Making a release

  • Ensure all required changes are merged to master.
  • Create a PR to update the MiddlewareVersion in ./service/rpc/versions.go set the version to the version of the release and merge to master.
  • Tag the release in GitHub, which will trigger cloudbuild to automatically build the docker image from tagged commit and tag the image as:<TAG>,<COMMIT_SHA>, (Note: this can be done by creating a new tag while creating a release in GitHub.)
    • If there are any build issues, update the master branch on your local repo and run ./scripts/, which will attempt to manually tag the commit and build the docker image, which may be helpful for debugging the build.
  • In GitHub create a release for the aforementioned git tag, describe all changes and breaking changes and add the tags for the docker images built by the script.