The below instructions assume Cello is on your local OSX system with Docker Desktop managing resource in AWS (region us-west-2) with credentials provided by Vault.
Install Docker Desktop, ensure kubernetes is running.
Install Argo Workflows
Install Argo CLI
brew install argo
Install GoLang
brew install golang
Install GoLint
go get -u
and ensure$GOPATH
is in your$PATH
. -
Install PostgreSQL
brew install postgresql
Install golang-migrate
Install Vault for credential generation.
Install jq for json parsing.
Install npm
brew install npm
(For CDK). -
Install terraform.
Submit Argo Hello World workflow and record the Name from the output.
argo submit -n argo
Ensure the workflow completes with Status Succeeded.
argo get -n argo <UPDATE_WITH_NAME_FROM_ABOVE> |grep Status
You will need two windows
- Vault & Cello Service
- Client commands, etc
In window #1, ensure you have AWS credentials for the target account.
Create the IAM role which will be used for the sample project.
bash scripts/
Create a new postgres database. This can be done using the command:
createdb cello
to create the relevant tables and create a new user with read/write permissions. This can be done using the command:migrate -path scripts/db_migrations -database 'postgres://localhost:5432/cello?sslmode=disable' up
Create the default workflow template in Argo.
argo template create -n argo workflows/cello-single-step-vault-aws.yaml
In window #1 first set the CELLO_ADMIN_SECRET to a 16 character string, this will be used to authorize admin commands against the Cello service.
```sh export CELLO_ADMIN_SECRET=abcd1234abcd1234 ```
Start the Cello Service (includes vault)
make ; make up
To run in debug mode set log level DEBUG before running
export CELLO_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG make ; make up
In window #2, ensure you have the CELLO_ADMIN_SECRET env set to the same value used above.
Ensure your credentials are set for the target account and create your first project and target. This returns the CELLO_USER_TOKEN for the new project.
```sh bash scripts/ ```
Ensure the CELLO_USER_TOKEN for the project is specified
CDK Example
# CDK Example CDK_WORKFLOW_NAME=`bash scripts/ manifests/cdk_manifest.yaml e3a419e69a5ae762862dc7cf382304a4e6cc2547 dev` # Get the status / logs ./build/cello get $CDK_WORKFLOW_NAME ./build/cello logs $CDK_WORKFLOW_NAME
# Terraform Example TERRAFORM_WORKFLOW_NAME=`bash scripts/ manifests/terraform_manifest.yaml e3a419e69a5ae762862dc7cf382304a4e6cc2547 dev` # Get the status / logs ./build/cello get $TERRAFORM_WORKFLOW_NAME ./build/cello logs $TERRAFORM_WORKFLOW_NAME