First of all, thank you for contributing, you are awesome!
Here are few rules to follow for a easier code review before the maintainers accept and merge your request.
- Make your changes
- Test build docker image
- Update
- Update
(Write changes under section**latest**
) - Write commit messages that make sense
- Rebase your branch before submitting your Pull Request.
- [Squash your commits] to "clean" your pull request before merging (
- Write and good description which gives the context and/or explains why you are creating it.
- Travis CI build must pass to merge pull request
- Update file
. - Replace old version
by new versionN.N.N
. - Replace
by new version**N.N.N**
. - Create a empty section
at the top
. - Commit message must be Release N.N.N
- Build image :
make build
- Start container :
make start
- Show logs :
make logs
- Enter in container :
make bash
- Stop container :
make stop
- Remove container :
make remove
- Clean container data :
make clean