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Silicon bulk (0_Si_bulk)

Example on how to run basic DFT calculations on a well known system: bulk silicon

Running the exercise

Enter each sub-directory in numerical order, and follow the detailed instructions in each README file.

  • 0_cutoff
    • View an input file for a simple crystal and visualize it using xcrysden.
    • Run a simple self-consistent calculation using pw.x
    • Determine the convergence with respect to the kinetic energy cutoff
  • 1_kpoints
    • Determine the convergence with respect to the k-point mesh
  • 2_alat
    • Determine the theoretical lattice parameter
  • 3_charge
    • Calculate a charge density and visualize it using XCrySDen
  • 4_bandstructure
    • Calculate a band structure using a non-self-consistent calculation
  • 6_DOS_opt_scripting
    • Calculate the density of states(DOS) and optical properties (independent particle approximation) and show the convergence over the number of k_points and empty bands used


  1. Follow the detailed instructions in the README files

  2. Look at the input file '0_Si_bulk/0_cutoff/'. The comments denoted by ! explain the input cards used which are found in almost any pw.x input

  3. Input files for quantum-ESPRESSO are described in

  4. Look at the files Docs/*.pdf for some more descriptive slides.