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484 lines (398 loc) · 28 KB

File metadata and controls

484 lines (398 loc) · 28 KB

redb design

redb is a simple, portable, high-performance, ACID, embedded key-value store.

Each redb database contains a collection of tables, and supports a single writer and multiple concurrent readers. redb uses MVCC to provide isolation, and provides a single isolation level: serializable, in which all writes are applied sequentially.

Each table is a key-value mapping providing an interface similar to BTreeMap.

File format

Logically, a redb database file consists of some metadata, and several B-trees:

  • pending free tree: mapping from transaction ids to the list of pages they freed
  • table tree: name -> table definition mapping of table names to their definitions
  • data tree(s) (per one table): key -> value mapping for table

Except for the database metadata, all other data structures are copy-on-write.

All multi-byte integers are stored in little-endian order.

The database file begins with the database header, and is followed by one or more regions. Each region contains a header, and a data section which is split into many pages. These regions allow for efficient, dynamic, growth of the database file.

<-------------------------------------------- 8 bytes ------------------------------------------->
========================================== Super header ==========================================
---------------------------------------- Header (64 bytes) ---------------------------------------
| magic number                                                                                   |
| magic con.| god byte  | padding               | page size                                      |
| region header pages                           | region max data pages                          |
| region tracker page number                                                                     |
| number of full regions                        | data pages in trailing region                  |
| padding                                                                                        |
| padding                                                                                        |
| padding                                                                                        |
------------------------------------ Commit slot 0 (128 bytes) -----------------------------------
| version   | user nn   | sys nn    | f-root nn | padding                                        |
| user root page number                                                                          |
| user root checksum                                                                             |
| user root checksum (cont.)                                                                     |
| user root length                                                                               |
| system root page number                                                                        |
| system root checksum                                                                           |
| system root checksum (cont.)                                                                   |
| system root length                                                                             |
| freed root page number                                                                         |
| freed checksum                                                                                 |
| freed checksum (cont.)                                                                         |
| freed root length                                                                              |
| transaction id                                                                                 |
| slot checksum                                                                                  |
| slot checksum (cont.)                                                                          |
----------------------------------------- Commit slot 1 ------------------------------------------
|                                 Same layout as commit slot 0                                   |
----------------------------------- footer padding (192+ bytes) ------------------------------------
| Region header                                                                                  |
| Region data                                                                                    |
| ...more regions                                                                                |

Database super-header

The database super-header is 512 bytes (rounded up to the nearest page) long, and consists of a header and two "commit slots".

Database header (64 bytes)

The database header contains several immutable fields, such as the database page size, region size, and a magic number. Transaction data is stored in a double buffered field, and the primary copy is managed by updating a single byte that controls which transaction pointer is the primary.

  • 9 bytes: magic number
  • 1 byte: god byte
  • 2 byte: padding
  • 4 bytes: page size
  • 4 bytes: region header pages
  • 4 bytes: region max data pages
  • 4 bytes: number of full regions
  • 4 bytes: data pages in partial trailing region
  • 8 bytes: region tracker page number
  • 24 bytes: padding to 64 bytes

magic number must be set to the ASCII letters 'redb' followed by 0x1A, 0x0A, 0xA9, 0x0D, 0x0A. This sequence is inspired by the PNG magic number.

god byte, so named because this byte controls the state of the entire database, is a bitfield containing two flags:

  • first bit: primary_bit flag which indicates whether transaction slot 0 or transaction slot 1 contains the latest commit. redb relies on the fact that this is a single bit to perform atomic commits.
  • second bit: recovery_required flag, if set then the recovery process must be run when opening the database. During the recovery process, the region tracker and regional allocator states -- described below -- are reconstructed by walking the btree from all active roots.

page size is the size of a redb page in bytes

region header pages is the number of pages in each region's header

region max data pages is the maximum number of data pages in each region

number of full regions stores the number of full regions in the database. This can change during a transaction if the database grows or shrinks. This field is only valid when the database does not need recovery. Otherwise it must be recalculated from the file length and verified

pages in partial trailing region all regions except the last must be full. This stores the number of pages in the last region. This field is only valid when the database does not need recovery. Otherwise it must be recalculated from the file length and verified

region tracker page number the page storing the region tracker data structure. Only valid when the database does not need recovery

Transaction slot 0 (128 bytes):

  • 1 byte: file format version number
  • 1 byte: boolean indicating that user root page is non-null
  • 1 byte: boolean indicating that system root page is non-null
  • 1 byte: boolean indicating that freed table root page is non-null
  • 4 bytes: padding to 64-bit aligned
  • 8 bytes: user root page
  • 16 bytes: user root checksum
  • 8 bytes: user root length
  • 8 bytes: system root page
  • 16 bytes: system root checksum
  • 8 bytes: system root length
  • 8 bytes: freed table root page
  • 16 bytes: freed table root checksum
  • 8 bytes: freed root length
  • 8 bytes: last committed transaction id
  • 16 bytes: slot checksum

version the file format version of the database. This is stored in the transaction data, so that it can be atomically changed during an upgrade.

user root page is the page number of the root of the user table tree.

user root checksum stores the XXH3_128bit checksum of the user root page, which in turn stores the checksum of its child pages.

user root length is the number of tables in the user table tree. This field is new in file format v2.

system root page is the page number of the root of the system table tree.

system root checksum stores the XXH3_128bit checksum of the system root page, which in turn stores the checksum of its child pages.

system root length is the number of tables in the system table tree. This field is new in file format v2.

freed table root page is the page of the root of the pending free table.

freed table root checksum stores the XXH3_128bit checksum of the freed table root page, which in turn stores the checksum of its child pages.

freed root length is the length of the freed tree. This field is new in file format v2.

slot checksum is the XXH3_128bit checksum of all the preceding fields in the transaction slot.

Transaction slot 1 (128 bytes):

  • Same layout as slot 0

Region tracker

The region tracker is an array of BtreeBitmaps that tracks the page orders which are free in each region. It is stored in a page in the data section of a region:

<-------------------------------------------- 8 bytes ------------------------------------------->
| num_allocators                                | sub_allocator_len                              |
| BtreeBitmap data...                                                                            |

A BtreeBitmap is a 64-way tree, where each node is a single value indicating whether any descendant is free. These nodes are stored as single bits, packed into u64 values. Every height of the tree is fully populated, except the leaf layer.

  • 4 bytes: tree height
  • 4 bytes (repeating): ending offset of layers. Does not include the root layer
  • n bytes: tree data
<-------------------------------------------- 8 bytes ------------------------------------------->
| height                                        | end offset...                                  |
| Tree data                                                                                      |

Region layout

  • 1 byte: region format version
  • 3 bytes: padding
  • 4 bytes: length of the allocator state in bytes
  • n bytes: the allocator state

Each region consists of a header containing metadata -- primarily the allocation state of the region's pages -- and a data section containing pages. Pages have a base size, which defaults to the OS page size, and are variably sized in higher orders in power of 2 multiples of the base size. The format of pages is described in the following section

<-------------------------------------------- 8 bytes ------------------------------------------->
| version  | padding                            | allocator state length                         |
| Regional allocator state                                                                       |
| Region pages                                                                                   |

Regional allocator state

The regional allocator is a buddy allocator and allocates pages within the region. Its buddy allocator implementation relies on the BtreeBitmap described above and the U64GroupedBitmap. The btree map is used to track the pages which are free, and the grouped bitmap is used to track the order at which a even address range has been allocated

  • 1 byte: max order
  • 3 byte: padding to 32bits aligned
  • 4 bytes: number of pages
  • 4 byte (repeating): end offset of order allocator free state
  • 4 byte (repeating): end offset of order allocator allocated page state
  • n bytes: free index data
  • n bytes: allocated data
<-------------------------------------------- 8 bytes ------------------------------------------->
| max order | padding                           | number of pages                                |
| Order end offsets...                                                                           |
| Order allocator state...                                                                       |

B-tree pages

Allocated pages may be of two types: b-tree branch pages, or b-tree leaf pages. The format of each is described below:

Branch page:

  • 1 byte: type
  • 1 byte: padding to 16bit alignment
  • 2 bytes: num_keys (number of keys)
  • 4 byte: padding to 64bit alignment
  • repeating (num_keys + 1 times):
    • 16 bytes: child page checksum
  • repeating (num_keys + 1 times):
    • 8 bytes: page number
  • (optional) repeating (num_keys times):
    • 4 bytes: key end. Ending offset of the key, exclusive
  • repeating (num_keys times):
    • n bytes: key data
<-------------------------------------------- 8 bytes ------------------------------------------->
| type     | padding   | number of keys        | padding                                         |
| child page checksum (repeated num_keys + 1 times)                                              |
|                                                                                                |
| child page number (repeated num_keys + 1 times)                                                |
| (optional) key end (repeated num_keys times) | alignment padding                               |
| Key data                                                                                       |

type is 2 for a branch page

num_keys specifies the number of key in the page

child page checksum is an array of checksums of the child pages in the page number array

page number is an array of child page numbers

key_end is an array of ending offsets for the keys. It is optional, MUST NOT be stored for fixed width key types

alignment padding optional padding so that the key data begins at a multiple of the key type's required alignment

Leaf page:

  • 1 byte: type
  • 1 byte: reserved (padding to 16bits aligned)
  • 2 bytes: num_entries (number of pairs)
  • (optional) repeating (num_entries times):
    • 4 bytes: key_end
  • (optional) repeating (num_entries times):
    • 4 bytes: value_end
  • repeating (num_entries times):
    • n bytes: key data
  • repeating (num_entries times):
    • n bytes: value data
<-------------------------------------------- 8 bytes ------------------------------------------->
| type     | padding   | number of entries      | (optional) key end (repeated entries times)    |
| (optional) value end (repeated entries times) | (optional) key alignment padding               |
| Key data                                      | (optional) value alignment padding             |
| Value data                                                                                     |

type is 1 for a leaf page

num_entries specifies the number of key-value pairs in the leaf

key_end is an array of ending offsets for the keys. It is optional, MUST NOT be stored for fixed width key types

value_end is an array of ending offsets for the values. It is optional, MUST NOT be stored for fixed width value types

key alignment padding optional padding so that the key data begins at a multiple of the key type's required alignment

value alignment padding optional padding so that the value data begins at a multiple of the value type's required alignment

Commit strategies

All data is checksumed when written, using a non-cryptographic Merkle tree with XXH3_128. This allows a partially committed transaction to be detected and rolled back, after a crash.

All redb transactions are atomic, and use one of the following commit strategies.

Non-durable commits

redb supports "non-durable" commits, meaning that there is no guarantee of durability. However, in the event of a crash the database is still guaranteed to be consistent, and will return to either the last non-durable commit or the last full commit that was made. Non-durable commits are implemented with an in-memory flag that directs readers to read from the secondary page, even though it is not yet promoted to the primary. In the event of a crash, the database will simply rollback to the primary page and the allocator state can be safely rebuilt via the normal repair process. Note that freeing pages during a non-durable commit is not permitted, because it could be rolled back at anytime.

1-phase + checksum durable commits (1PC+C)

A reduced latency commit strategy is used by default. A commit is performed with a single fsync. First, all data and checksums are written, along with a monotonically incrementing transaction id, then the primary is flipped and fsync called. If a crash occurs, we must verify that the primary has a larger transaction id and that all of its checksums are valid. If this check fails, then the database will replace the partially updated primary with the secondary.

Below we give a brief correctness analysis of this 1-phase commit approach, and consider the different failure cases that could occur during the fsync:

  1. If all or none of the data for the transaction is written to disk, this strategy clearly works
  2. If some, but not all the data is written, then there are a few cases to consider:
    1. If the bit controlling the primary page is not updated, then the transaction has no effect and this approach is safe
    2. If it is updated, then we must verify that the transaction was completely written, or roll it back:
      1. If none of the transaction data was written, we will detect that the transaction id is older, and roll it back
      2. If some, but not all was written, then the checksum verification will fail, and it will be rolled back.

2-phase durable commits (2PC)

A 2-phase commit strategy can also be used which mitigates a theoretical attack when handling malicious data and when the attacker has high degree of control over the redb process (see below). First, data is written to a new copy of the btree, second an fsync is performed, finally the byte controlling which copy of the btree is the primary is flipped and a second fsync is performed.

Security of 1PC+C

Given that the 1PC+C commit strategy relies on a non-cyptographic checksum (XXH3) there is, at least in theory, a way to attack it. Users who need to accept malicious input are encouraged to use 2PC instead.

An attacker, could make a partially committed transaction appear as if it were completely committed. The scenario would be something like:

table.insert(malicious_key, malicious_value);
table.insert(good_key, good_value);

and the attacker wants the transaction to appear as:

table.insert(malicious_key, malicious_value);

To do this they need to:

  1. control the order in which pages are flushed to disk, so that the ones related to good_key are never written
  2. introduce a crash during, or immediately before, the fsync() operation of the commit
  3. ensure that the checksums for the partially written data are valid

With complete control over the workload, or read access to the database file (3) is possible, since XXH3 is not collision resistant. However, it requires the attacker to have knowledge of the database contents, because the input to the checksum includes many other values (all the other keys in the b-tree root, along with their child node numbers)

MVCC (multi-version concurrency control)

redb uses MVCC to isolation transactions from one another. This is implemented on top of the copy-on-write b-tree datastructure which underlies most of redb. Read transactions make a private copy of the root of the b-tree, and are registered in the database so that no pages that root references are freed. When a write transaction frees a page it is pushed into a queue, and only reused after all read transactions that could reference it have completed.


Savepoints and rollback are implemented on the same MVCC structures. When a savepoint is created it registers as a read transaction to preserve a snapshot of the database. Additionally, it saves a copy of the page allocator state -- this is about 64kB per 1GB of values (assuming 4kb pages). To rollback the database to a savepoint the root of the b-tree is restored, and the snapshot of the page allocator is diff'ed against the currently allocated pages to determine which have been allocated since the savepoint was created. These pages are then queued to be freed, completing the rollback.

Savepoints come in two varieties:

  1. Ephemeral. These savepoints are immediately deallocated when they are dropped
  2. Persistent. These savepoints are persisted in the database file and therefore across restarts. They are stored in a table inside the system table tree. They must be explicitly deallocated.

Epoch based reclamation

As described above transactions and savepoints rely on epoch based reclamation of pages to ensure that pages are only freed after they are no longer referenced. Care must be taken to ensure that a page which is still referenced is never freed. The high level design is described below:


  • Transaction states:
    • Uncommitted. An in-progress write transaction
    • Committed. A committed write transaction
    • Aborted. An aborted write transaction
    • Orphaned. A read or write transaction which is no longer referenced
    • Reclaimed. A write transaction which became orphaned and all of its pending free pages have been reclaimed
  • Dirty page: a page that is allocated and the transaction in which it was allocated has not committed yet
  • Committed page: a page that is allocated and the transaction in which it was allocated has committed
  • Pending free page: a page that is allocated that is no longer reachable from the data tree or system tree roots, as of the associated transaction. These are stored in the freed tree.


The following invariants must be maintained

  • Committed pages are never modified in-place
  • Committed pages may only be freed by transitioning into the "pending free page" state, and after the associated transaction and all prior transactions have reached the Orphaned state
  • Pages will only contain page pointers to pages in the same, or an earlier, transaction. This follows from the fact that committed pages are never modified, and transaction ids being monotonically increasing
  • Freed tree must only contain pages in the pending free page state

Key operations

Modification during write transactions

Write transactions uphold the required invariants through a very simple mechanism. All modifications to commited pages are performed copy-on-write. That is a new page is allocated, modifications are made in the new page, and a new b-tree is constructed to reference the new page. Dirty pages are allowed to be modified in-place -- usually accomplished by freeing them. The normal tables, system tables, and also the freed tree use this approach. When a transaction aborts, all pages it allocated are immediately freed.

Savepoint restore

Restoring a savepoint brings all normal tables back to the state they were in when the savepoint was captured. The system tables are unaffected, and the freed tree needs to be put into a consistent state. Restoring the normal tables is trivial, since the savepoint captures the data root.

The freed table needs to be updated in two ways:

  1. the restored data root from the savepoint must reference only committed pages, so we remove all pending free pages that are referenced by the savepoint's data root
  2. all pages that become unreachable by restoring the savepoint data root must be added to the freed table

Simple method. We rewrite the freed table to remove any pending free pages which are referenced by the savepoint's data root, and then add the difference of the pages referenced by the current data root and the savepoint's data root.

Fast method. A file format change will be required, but in the future the freed tree can be split into one for frees from the data tree and one for frees from the system tree and freed tree itself. Then (1) can be accomplished by evicting all entries from the data freed tree which are associated with transactions after the savepoint. Then an "allocation tree" will be added to track allocations in the data tree for each transaction, as an optimization this will be written only when a savepoint exists. Then, (2) will be accomplished by moving all allocations from transactions after the savepoint into the pending free state.

Database repair

To repair the database after an unclean shutdown we must:

  1. Update the super header to reference the last fully committed transaction
  2. Update the allocator state, so that it is consistent with all the database roots in the above transaction

For (1), if the primary commit slot is invalid we switch to the secondary slot.

For (2), we rebuild the allocator state by walking the following trees and marking all referenced pages as allocated:

  • data tree
  • system tree
  • freed tree, and all pending free pages contained within All pages referenced by a savepoint must be contained in the above, because it is either: a) referenced directly by the data, system, or freed tree -- i.e. it's a committed page b) it is not referenced, in which case it is in the pending free state and is contained in the freed tree

Assumptions about underlying media

redb is designed to be safe even in the event of power failure or on poorly behaved media. Therefore, we make only a few assumptions about the guarantees provided by the underlying filesystem:

  1. single byte writes are atomic: i.e., each byte will be written completely or not at all, even in the event of a power failure
  2. following an fsync operation writes are durable
  3. "powersafe overwrite": When an application writes a range of bytes in a file, no bytes outside of that range will change, even if the write occurs just before a crash or power failure. sqlite makes this same assumption, by default, in all modern versions.