Although Dynamos usually run along an OTP application, they can also be defined in a single file, useful for examples or scripting something quick. The smallest single file Dynamo can be defined as follow:
defmodule HelloWorld do
use Dynamo
use Dynamo.Router
config :server, port: 3030
get "/" do
conn.resp_body("Hello World!")
The example above defines a module HelloWorld
which is a Dynamo
and a Dynamo.Router
. Then we proceed to define the port and a default route.
After the module is defined, we start the supervisor tree with HelloWorld.start_link
and run the Dynamo with
When using single file Dynamos, some features like code reloading does not work. So they may as well be disabled too by adding:
config :dynamo, compile_on_demand: false
For a ready to use example, check examples/hello_world.exs.