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Pyserini: TCT-ColBERT for MS MARCO (V1) Collections

This guide provides instructions to reproduce the TCT-ColBERT dense retrieval model described in the following paper:

Sheng-Chieh Lin, Jheng-Hong Yang, and Jimmy Lin. Distilling Dense Representations for Ranking using Tightly-Coupled Teachers. arXiv:2010.11386, October 2020.

Note that we often observe minor differences in scores between different computing environments (e.g., Linux vs. macOS). However, the differences usually appear in the fifth digit after the decimal point, and do not appear to be a cause for concern from a reproducibility perspective. Thus, while the scoring script provides results to much higher precision, we have intentionally rounded to four digits after the decimal point.

MS MARCO Passage Ranking

Summary of results:

Condition MRR@10 MAP Recall@1000
TCT-ColBERT (brute-force index) 0.3350 0.3416 0.9640
TCT-ColBERT (HNSW index) 0.3345 0.3410 0.9618
TCT-ColBERT (brute-force index) + BoW BM25 0.3529 0.3594 0.9698
TCT-ColBERT (brute-force index) + BM25 w/ doc2query-T5 0.3647 0.3711 0.9751

Dense Retrieval

Dense retrieval with TCT-ColBERT, brute-force index:

python -m \
  --index msmarco-v1-passage.tct_colbert \
  --topics msmarco-passage-dev-subset \
  --encoded-queries tct_colbert-msmarco-passage-dev-subset \
  --output runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.tsv \
  --output-format msmarco \
  --batch-size 512 --threads 16

Note that to ensure maximum reproducibility, by default Pyserini uses pre-computed query representations that are automatically downloaded. As an alternative, to perform "on-the-fly" query encoding, see additional instructions below.

To evaluate:

python -m pyserini.eval.msmarco_passage_eval msmarco-passage-dev-subset \


MRR @10: 0.3350
QueriesRanked: 6980

We can also use the official TREC evaluation tool trec_eval to compute other metrics than MRR@10. For that we first need to convert runs and qrels files to the TREC format:

python -m pyserini.eval.convert_msmarco_run_to_trec_run \
  --input runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.tsv \
  --output runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.trec

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -mrecall.1000 -mmap msmarco-passage-dev-subset \


map                     all     0.3416
recall_1000             all     0.9640

To perform on-the-fly query encoding with our pretrained encoder model use the option --encoder castorini/tct_colbert-msmarco. Query encoding will run on the CPU by default. To perform query encoding on the GPU, use the option --device cuda:0.

Dense retrieval with TCT-ColBERT, HNSW index:

python -m \
  --index msmarco-v1-passage.tct_colbert.hnsw \
  --topics msmarco-passage-dev-subset \
  --encoded-queries tct_colbert-msmarco-passage-dev-subset \
  --output runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.hnsw.tsv \
  --output-format msmarco \
  --batch-size 512 --threads 16

To evaluate:

python -m pyserini.eval.msmarco_passage_eval msmarco-passage-dev-subset \


MRR @10: 0.3345
QueriesRanked: 6980

And TREC evaluation:

python -m pyserini.eval.convert_msmarco_run_to_trec_run \
  --input runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.hnsw.tsv \
  --output runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.hnsw.trec

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -mrecall.1000 -mmap msmarco-passage-dev-subset \


map                     all     0.3411
recall_1000             all     0.9618

Follow the same instructions above to perform on-the-fly query encoding. The caveat about minor differences in score applies here as well.

Hybrid Dense-Sparse Retrieval

Hybrid retrieval with dense-sparse representations (without document expansion):

  • dense retrieval with TCT-ColBERT, brute force index.
  • sparse retrieval with BM25 msmarco-passage (i.e., default bag-of-words) index.
python -m \
  dense  --index msmarco-v1-passage.tct_colbert \
         --encoded-queries tct_colbert-msmarco-passage-dev-subset \
  sparse --index msmarco-v1-passage \
  fusion --alpha 0.12 \
  run    --topics msmarco-passage-dev-subset \
         --output runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.bm25.tsv \
         --output-format msmarco \
         --batch-size 512 --threads 16

To evaluate:

python -m pyserini.eval.msmarco_passage_eval msmarco-passage-dev-subset \


MRR @10: 0.3529
QueriesRanked: 6980

And TREC evaluation:

python -m pyserini.eval.convert_msmarco_run_to_trec_run \
  --input runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.bm25.tsv \
  --output runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.bm25.trec

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -mrecall.1000 -mmap msmarco-passage-dev-subset \


map                   	all	0.3594
recall_1000           	all	0.9698

Follow the same instructions above to perform on-the-fly query encoding. The caveat about minor differences in score applies here as well.

Hybrid retrieval with dense-sparse representations (with document expansion):

  • dense retrieval with TCT-ColBERT, brute force index.
  • sparse retrieval with doc2query-T5 expanded index.
python -m \
  dense  --index msmarco-v1-passage.tct_colbert \
         --encoded-queries tct_colbert-msmarco-passage-dev-subset \
  sparse --index msmarco-v1-passage.d2q-t5 \
  fusion --alpha 0.22 \
  run    --topics msmarco-passage-dev-subset \
         --output runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.d2q-t5.tsv \
         --output-format msmarco \
         --batch-size 512 --threads 16

To evaluate:

python -m pyserini.eval.msmarco_passage_eval msmarco-passage-dev-subset \


MRR @10: 0.3647
QueriesRanked: 6980

And TREC evaluation:

python -m pyserini.eval.convert_msmarco_run_to_trec_run \
  --input runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.d2q-t5.tsv \
  --output runs/run.msmarco-passage.tct_colbert.d2q-t5.trec

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -mrecall.1000 -mmap msmarco-passage-dev-subset \


map                   	all	0.3711
recall_1000           	all	0.9751

Follow the same instructions above to perform on-the-fly query encoding. The caveat about minor differences in score applies here as well.

MS MARCO Document Ranking

Summary of results:

Condition MRR@100 MAP Recall@100
TCT-ColBERT (brute-force index) 0.3323 0.3323 0.8664
TCT-ColBERT (brute-force index) + BoW BM25 0.3701 0.3701 0.9020
TCT-ColBERT (brute-force index) + BM25 w/ doc2query-T5 0.3784 0.3784 0.9083

Although this is not described in the paper, we have adapted TCT-ColBERT to the MS MARCO document ranking task in a zero-shot manner. Documents in the MS MARCO document collection are first segmented, and each segment is then encoded with the TCT-ColBERT model trained on trained on MS MARCO passages. The score of a document is the maximum score of all passages in that document.

Dense retrieval using a brute force index:

python -m \
  --index msmarco-v1-doc.tct_colbert \
  --topics msmarco-doc-dev \
  --encoded-queries tct_colbert-msmarco-doc-dev \
  --output runs/run.msmarco-doc.passage.tct_colbert.txt \
  --output-format msmarco \
  --batch-size 512 --threads 16 \
  --hits 1000 --max-passage --max-passage-hits 100

Replace --encoded-queries by --encoder castorini/tct_colbert-msmarco for on-the-fly query encoding.

To compute the official metric MRR@100 using the official evaluation scripts:

python -m pyserini.eval.msmarco_doc_eval \
  --judgments msmarco-doc-dev \
  --run runs/run.msmarco-doc.passage.tct_colbert.txt


MRR @100: 0.3323
QueriesRanked: 5193

To compute additional metrics using trec_eval, we first need to convert the run to TREC format:

python -m pyserini.eval.convert_msmarco_run_to_trec_run \
  --input runs/run.msmarco-doc.passage.tct_colbert.txt \
  --output runs/run.msmarco-doc.passage.tct_colbert.trec

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -mrecall.100 -mmap msmarco-doc-dev \


map                   	all	0.3323
recall_100            	all	0.8664

Dense-sparse hybrid retrieval (without document expansion):

  • dense retrieval with TCT-ColBERT, brute force index.
  • sparse retrieval with BoW BM25 index.
python -m \
  dense  --index msmarco-v1-doc.tct_colbert \
         --encoded-queries tct_colbert-msmarco-doc-dev \
  sparse --index msmarco-v1-doc-segmented \
  fusion --alpha 0.25 \
  run    --topics msmarco-doc-dev \
         --output runs/run.msmarco-doc.tct_colbert.bm25.tsv \
         --output-format msmarco \
         --batch-size 512 --threads 16 \
         --hits 1000 --max-passage --max-passage-hits 100

Replace --encoded-queries by --encoder castorini/tct_colbert-msmarco for on-the-fly query encoding.

To evaluate:

python -m pyserini.eval.msmarco_doc_eval \
  --judgments msmarco-doc-dev \
  --run runs/run.msmarco-doc.tct_colbert.bm25.tsv


MRR @100: 0.3701
QueriesRanked: 5193

And TREC evaluation:

python -m pyserini.eval.convert_msmarco_run_to_trec_run \
  --input runs/run.msmarco-doc.tct_colbert.bm25.tsv \
  --output runs/run.msmarco-doc.tct_colbert.bm25.trec

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -mrecall.100 -mmap msmarco-doc-dev \


map                   	all	0.3701
recall_100            	all	0.9020

Dense-sparse hybrid retrieval (with document expansion):

  • dense retrieval with TCT-ColBERT, brute force index.
  • sparse retrieval with doc2query-T5 expanded index.
python -m \
  dense  --index msmarco-v1-doc.tct_colbert \
         --encoded-queries tct_colbert-msmarco-doc-dev \
  sparse --index msmarco-v1-doc-segmented.d2q-t5 \
  fusion --alpha 0.32 \
  run    --topics msmarco-doc-dev \
         --output runs/run.msmarco-doc.tct_colbert.d2q-t5.tsv \
         --output-format msmarco \
         --batch-size 512 --threads 16 \
         --hits 1000 --max-passage --max-passage-hits 100

Replace --encoded-queries by --encoder castorini/tct_colbert-msmarco for on-the-fly query encoding.

To evaluate:

python -m pyserini.eval.msmarco_doc_eval \
  --judgments msmarco-doc-dev \
  --run runs/run.msmarco-doc.tct_colbert.d2q-t5.tsv


MRR @100: 0.3784
QueriesRanked: 5193

And TREC evaluation:

python -m pyserini.eval.convert_msmarco_run_to_trec_run \
  --input runs/run.msmarco-doc.tct_colbert.d2q-t5.tsv \
  --output runs/run.msmarco-doc.tct_colbert.d2q-t5.trec

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -mrecall.100 -mmap msmarco-doc-dev \


map                   	all	0.3784
recall_100            	all	0.9083

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