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Object Relational Mapping SDK for Dart Net Core API

IMPORTANT: This library is in development and is not ready for any use At the moment I'm only making a simple PostgreSQL support

❌ - Planned but not implemented yet ⏳ - in progress ✅ - Done

PostgreSQL support

❌ insert many ❌ select with limits and offsets ❌ more complex foreign key structure support ❌ alter table with foreign key support ❌ alter table for simple tables without foreign keys ✅ support for enums in database columns (stored as ARRAY[]) + EnumConverter for a field ✅ create table ✅ case sensitive names ✅ insert / upsert (including simple support for foregin keys, on a single level) ✅ delete records ✅ select records (including top level find method)

❌ MySQL support ❌ SQLite support ❌ MongoDB support

This library is based on reflections and will not work with AOT compilation, only JIT is supported.

Getting Started

Initialize the library somewhere in the beginning of your program Basically that's all you need. You don't even have to assign it to any variable since internally is is assigned and will be used by the ORM library on its own

NOTE: as the library is actively using Reflect Buddy under the hood. The models support all the functionality of the library e.g. all ValueConverters, KeyConverters, Validators etc. Read the documentation for the Reflect Buddy library to learn more about it, it's very powerful

import 'package:dart_core_orm/dart_core_orm.dart';

  database: 'postgres',
  username: 'postgres',
  password: '',
  host: 'localhost',
  family: DatabaseFamily.postgres,
  isSecureConnection: false,


Here's the list of currently supported column annotations that can be used on any fields of your model classes

@PrimaryKeyColumn - the primary key of the table. Usually used on id fields but not necessarily

@NotNullColumn - Indicates that the column value cannot be null

@UniqueColumn - Indicates that the column value must be unique. Also supports autoIncrement parameter which can used on int fields to automatically increment the value on each insertion of a new row. Usually you would use something like this:

@UniqueColumn(autoIncrement: true)
int? id;  

@ForeignKeyColumn - This annotation is useful to create a reference to another table. for example you have a table of Book object each of which has a authorId field. And the authorId field is a foreign key that references the id field of the Author table

class Book {
    /// the name of the field in other table that this field will reference
    foreignKey: 'id',
    /// you only need to provide the type of the reference table
    /// it will be converted to the corresponding table name automatically 
    /// regarding possible `@TableName` annotation (if any)
    referenceTableType: Author,
  Author? author;



class Dude {
  int? id;
  String? name;

and select its instances

final result = await (Dude).select().toListAsync();

or select specific fields

final result = await (Dude).select(['name']).toListAsync();

The name of the table is retrieved from the class name by making in plural and converting it to snake case. so if the class name is Dude the table name will be dudes

But you can also specify a different table name by using the @TableName annotation on a class

class Dude {
  int? id;
  String? name;


You can create a table by using the createTable method


The name of the table is retrieved from the class name by making in plural and converting it to snake case. and then each field type and name is retrieved internally in a tricky way and the query is built accordingly

In order to add some more parameters to each column you may use ancestors of TableColumnAnnotation

class Car {

  @UniqueColumn(autoIncrement: true)
  int? id;

  /// This will be converted to VARCHAR(20) 
  /// on the database where it's supported or similar
  @LimitColumn(limit: 20)
  String? manufacturer;

  /// don't let the car be more powerful than 500 horsepower) 
  /// this will be converted to INTEGER CHECK (enginePower <= 300)
  /// Thus limiting the max value of the int to 300 in this case
  @LimitColumn(limit: 300)
  int? enginePower;


To update a record you need to create an instance of your model and set the fields you want to update. If you wish to add a few WHERE clauses to your query you can use the where method with a list of WhereOperation objects. You can also specify the way the previous clause will be joined with the next one by using the nextJoiner parameter of the WhereOperation class. in this case it will be Joiner.or which will result in OR instead of AND (default one)

final carUpdate = Car()
  ..manufacturer = 'Toyota'
  ..enginePower = 95;

    key: 'id',
    value: 7,
    nextJoiner: Joiner.or,
    key: 'manufacturer',
    value: 'Toyota',
]).execute(dryRun: false);


To insert a record you need to create an instance of your model and set the fields you want to insert.

final car = Car() = 7
  ..manufacturer = 'Lada'
  ..enginePower = 120;
final result = await car
      conflictResolution: ConflictResolution.update,
    .execute(dryRun: false);

You may also specify a conflict resolution strategy by using the conflictResolution parameter of the insert method. That's the generic method.

But you can also use the upsert method which will be a shortcut for the insert method with the conflictResolution parameter set to ConflictResolution.update It will update the existing record found by id or insert a new one if it doesn't exist

final car = Car() = 7
  ..manufacturer = 'Proton'
  ..enginePower = 100;

final result = await car.upsert().execute(dryRun: false);


You can select specific fields by using the select method

final result = await (Dude).select(['name']).toListAsync();

The name of the table is retrieved from the class name by making in plural and converting it to snake case.


To delete a record you can use the delete method like this:

final result = await (Car).delete().where([
    key: 'id',
    value: 7,
  returnResult: true,
  dryRun: false,

This will delete the record if it was present and return in as a result


You can drop a table by using the dropTable type extension method method

  dryRun: false,
  ifExists: true,
  cascade: true,