Validate and create travis yaml files from your grunt build process.
You must install the travis-lint gem.
gem install travis-lint
Currently the travis-lint script gem is outdated. So with node it says the versions are out of date. They have been fixed in the repository but not pushed out. So it will give you an error there. To work around this currently only use node 0.6.
Fixed with the latest push to the gem server
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's [grunt.js gruntfile][getting_started] with: npm install grunt-travis
Then add this line to your project's grunt.js
Create a .travis.yml
travis: {
dest: "./.travis.yml",
language: "node_js",
node_js: [0.6,0.4],
validate: true
Note: The linter only supports node 0.6 and less as officially supported
Just to validate.
travis: {
src: "./.travis.yml",
validate: true
Copyright (c) 2012 Alex Rhea Licensed under the MIT license.