- boxes of hot soup to be delivered
- how to determine how many parallel packers?
-> google testing blog's 30 min video on unit tests
- jekyll
- middleman
- sinatra
- rails
- express
- basic login test
- browsers
- cache
- unit tests
describe '#normalize!' do
it 'normalizes coordinates to "[0,x],[60,y]" form' do
coordinate = Coordinate.new(300,3,240,4)
expect(coordinate.coordinates).to eq [[0,3], [60,-7]]
- integration tests
- acceptance tests
- travis
- jenkins
- guard
- npm built in script
- gulp, grunt
- mocha
- chai
- sinon
- jasmine
- frisbyjs - REST API test tool
- rspec
- minitest
- cucumber
- guard
- rake
- binding.pry
- pry-rescue
- pry-stack_explorer
- rspec-given
- httpie
- lettuce
- behave
- postman
- curl
curl "localhost:4000"