"Spatiotemporal Variability of Gas Transfer Velocity in a Tropical High-Elevation Stream Using Two Independent Methods"
Authors: Keridwen M. Whitmore*, Nehemiah Stewart*, Andrea Encalada, Esteban Suarez, Diego Riveros-Iregui
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
This repository serves to host data and analyses used in the research supporting the work in "Spatiotemporal Variability of Gas Transfer Velocity in a Tropical High-Elevation Stream Using Two Independent Methods", submitted to Ecosphere.
To provide access to the data and make analyses reproducible for others. All figures presented in the paper were created using R statistical software. Scripts and data files for creating our figures are provided within this repository. If you have Rstudio installed on your computer, you should be able to 'fork' this repository and run it on your local computer to reproduce the anlayses in this paper without any alterations.
This code was written and run with R version 3.6.2 and R Studio version 1.2.5001. You can download this repository to your local computer and open the project file Whitmore_et_al_2021.Rproj. We use the here package to ensure that the code will run on any computer without having to change any file paths.
- File: "KatStn1_df.csv"
*these data are used to create figures 3 & 4 *
Column Name | Description |
DateTime | Date and Time of collection |
Flux_1 | Carbon dioxide flux, unit no 1 (umole per meter squared per sec) |
airTemp_c | Air Temperature (c) |
tempC_421 | Temperature (c) at station 1 |
stn1_Q | Discharge at station 1 (m3s-1) |
air_pressure_kPa | Air pressure (kPa) |
V1_adjusted | partial pressure of CO2 adjusted for temperature and pressure at Station 1 (ppm) |
CO2_air_ppm | estimated partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 (ppm) |
air_pressure_atm | Barometric pressure (atm) |
VaporPressure_atm | Vapor pressure (atm) |
TotalAir_atm | air pressure as dry air (atm) |
Total_air_MolperL | air pressure as dry air (moles per Liter) |
CO2_air_MolesPerLiter | CO2 concentration in air (moles per Liter) |
CO2_air_gCO2asCPerLiter | CO2 concentration in air (grams of CO2 as C per Liter) |
WaterTemp_K | water temperature (kelvin) |
KH_mol.L.atm | Henry's constant (moles per Liter per atm) |
CO2_water_gCO2asCPerLiter | CO2 concentration in the water (grams of CO2 as C per Liter) |
deltaCO2_gCO2asCperM3 | difference between CO2 concentration in the air and dissolved CO2 concentration (grams of CO2 as C per Liter) |
Flux_gCO2asCperM2perDay | Carbon dioxide flux, unit no 1 (grams per meters squared per day) |
k_m.d | gas transfer velocity (meters squared per sec) |
Sc | Schmidt number |
K600.effective | measured k600 at station 1 (meters squared per sec) |
kkin | kinematic K600 label |
K600.eq1 | kinematic k600 at station 1 (meters squared per sec) |
- File: "KatStn4_df.csv"
*these data are used to create supplementary figure 3 *
Column Name | Description |
DateTime | Date and Time of collection |
Flux_2 | Carbon dioxide flux, unit no 2 (umole per meter squared per sec) |
airTemp_c | Air Temperature (c) |
tempC_421 | Temperature (c) at station 1 |
stn1_Q | Discharge at station 1 (m3s-1) |
air_pressure_kPa | Air pressure (kPa) |
V4_adjusted | partial pressure of CO2 adjusted for temperature and pressure at Station 4 (ppm) |
CO2_air_ppm | estimated partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 (ppm) |
air_pressure_atm | Barometric pressure (atm) |
CO2_air_gCO2asCPerLiter | CO2 concentration in air (grams of CO2 as C per Liter) |
WaterTemp_K | water temperature (kelvin) |
KH_mol.L.atm | Henry's constant (moles per Liter per atm) |
CO2_water_gCO2asCPerLiter | CO2 concentration in the water (grams of CO2 as C per Liter) |
deltaCO2_gCO2asCperM3 | difference between CO2 concentration in the air and dissolved CO2 concentration (grams of CO2 as C per Liter) |
Flux_gCO2asCperM2perDay | Carbon dioxide flux, unit no 2 (grams per meters squared per day) |
k_m.d | gas transfer velocity at station 4 (meters squared per sec) |
Sc | Schmidt number |
K600.E.stn4 | measured k600 at station 4 (meters squared per sec) |
- File name: PrecipitationData.csv
*these data are used to create Supplimentary figure 1 *
Column Name | Description |
DateTime | Date and Time of collection |
ppt_mm | precipitation accumulation at 15 min intervals [mm] |
ppt24Tot | 24-hour total precipitation [mm] |
stn1_Q | Discharge at station 1 (m3s-1) |
- File: Synoptic_Kin600.csv
these data are used to create figures 5 & 6
Column Name | Description |
Date | Date of collection |
transect | synoptic transect |
dist.m | distance from outlet (meters) |
elev.m | elevation (meters) |
slope.unitless | slope (unitless) |
depth.m | water depth (meters) |
velocity.m.s | velocity (meters per sec) |
Discharge.m3.s | discharge (cubic meters per sec) |
K600.eq1 | kinematic k600 (meters squared per sec) |
- File: Synoptic_Kin600.csv
these data are used to create figures 5 & 6
Column Name | Description |
DOY | Day of year of collection |
slope.unitless | slope (unitless) |
depth.m | water depth (meters) |
velocity.m.s | velocity (meters per sec) |
dist.m.AVE | distance from outlet (meters) |
CO2_ppm | dissolved CO2 concentration (ppm) |
ave.time | median time of collection during synoptic collection date |
Synoptic_no | synoptic location sampled |
Flux_ave_umol_m3_s | Average of 3 Flux measurments collected at sample location (umol per cubic meters per sec) |
Flux_StdDev | Standard deviation of 3 Flux measurments collected at sample location (umol per cubic meters per sec) |
WaterTemp_c | water temperature (celcius) |
Q_m3perS | Average discharge during sample period (cubic meter per sec) |
air_pressure_kPa | Air pressure (kPa) |
Date | Date of collection |
K600.eq1 | kinematic k600 (meter squared per sec) |
air_pressure_atm | Air pressure (atm) |
VaporPressure_atm | Vapor pressure (atm) |
CO2_air_MolesPerLiter | atmospheric CO2 (moles per liter) |
CO2_air_gCO2asCPerLiter | atmospheric CO2 (grams of CO2 as C per liter) |
WaterTemp_K | water temperature (kelvin) |
KH_mol.L.atm | Henry's constant (moles per Liter per atm) |
CO2_water_gCO2asCPerLiter | CO2 concentration in the water (grams of CO2 as C per liter) |
deltaCO2_gCO2asCperM3 | difference between CO2 concentration in the air and in the water (grams of CO2 as C per m^3) |
Flux_gCO2asCperM2perDay | Carbon dioxide flux, unit no 1 (grams of CO2 as C per meters squared per day) |
k_m.d | gas transfer velocity (meters squared per sec) |
Sc | Schmidt number |
K600.effective | measured k600 (meters squared per sec) |
File Name | Type | Description |
Fig3.R | R code | figure 3 |
Fig4.R | R code | figure 4 |
Fig5.R | R code | figure 5 |
Fig6.R | R code | figure 6 |
SuppFig1.R | R code | supplementary figure 1 |
SuppFig2.R | R code | supplementary figure 2 |
SuppFig3.R | R code | supplementary figure 3 |
Direct questions about the paper to Dr. Diego Riveros-Iregui: [email protected]
Direct questions about the code to Kriddie Whitmore: [email protected]>