- Alpha: basic web-service and client, no logging, so try to add it by yourself
- Beta: default logging (config only)
- Gamma: custom logging (via custom code)
- Delta: https + basic authentication
- Epsilon: code-only endpoints (no config files at all)
- Clone the repository or download as zip file.
- Open and build solution \src\Library (so you will have \WcfSoapLogger\bin\Debug\WcfSoapLogger.dll)
- Open and build solution \src\UsageExamples\ExampleCommon (it contains common example code as dll)
- Open any example solution as admin and set it to launch both service and client
- Build and run solution, it will automatically open service url and logging folder
- First, you need an https certificate. Let's take one generated by Fiddler when it intercepts https requests
- Run Fiddler, enable it to see https, and open https://developer.mozilla.org/
- Run certmgr.msc -> Personal -> Certificates, find *.mozilla.org, and export it as file with private key
- Run mmc -> File -> Add Snap-in -> Certificates -> Computer account -> Local -> Personal -> Certificates,
and import that file - Set its thumbprint in \ExampleDelta\Service\LinkSSLtoPort.bat and run it as admin
- Open hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, add line wcf.mozilla.org
- Run Visual Studio as admin and open solution Delta
- Launch both service and client, it should work