Identifiers can be frozen in V8.
JSON.parse = (str) => {}; // JSON is frozen.
Object.keys = (obj) => {}; // Object is frozen.
The following example shows how to update the to be frozen identifier list.
JavetSanitizerOptions options = JavetSanitizerOptions.Default.toClone()
The default to be frozen object list is as follows:
Object |
AggregateError |
Array |
ArrayBuffer |
Atomics |
BigInt |
BigInt64Array |
BigUint64Array |
Boolean |
DataView |
Date |
decodeURI |
decodeURIComponent |
encodeURI |
encodeURIComponent |
Error |
escape |
EvalError |
FinalizationRegistry |
Float32Array |
Float64Array |
Int16Array |
Int32Array |
Int8Array |
isFinite |
isNaN |
Map |
Math |
Number |
Object |
parseFloat |
parseInt |
Promise |
Proxy |
RangeError |
ReferenceError |
Reflect |
RegExp |
Set |
SharedArrayBuffer |
String |
Symbol |
SyntaxError |
TypeError |
Uint16Array |
Uint32Array |
Uint8Array |
Uint8ClampedArray |
unescape |
URIError |
WeakMap |
WeakRef |
WeakSet |
Please refer to the tutorial for more details.