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AWS EKS Cluster Module

Terraform module which creates AWS EKS (Kubernetes) resources with an opinionated configuration targeting Camunda 8.


Following is a simple example configuration and should be adjusted as required.

See inputs for further configuration options and how they affect the cluster creation.

module "eks_cluster" {
  source = ""

  region             = "eu-central-1"
  name               = "cluster-name"

  cluster_service_ipv4_cidr = ""
  cluster_node_ipv4_cidr    = ""


Name Source Version
cert_manager_role terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-role-for-service-accounts-eks 5.52.2
ebs_cs_role terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-role-for-service-accounts-eks 5.52.2
eks terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws 20.33.1
external_dns_role terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-role-for-service-accounts-eks 5.52.2
vpc terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws 5.19.0


Name Type
aws_iam_policy.cert_manager_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.ebs_sc_access resource
aws_iam_policy.ebs_sc_access_2 resource
aws_iam_policy.eks_admin_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.external_dns_policy resource
aws_kms_key.eks resource
aws_security_group_rule.cluster_api_to_nodes resource
kubernetes_storage_class_v1.ebs_sc resource
time_sleep.eks_cluster_warmup resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_eips.current_usage data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_servicequotas_service_quota.elastic_ip_quota data source
aws_vpcs.current_vpcs data source


Name Description Type Default Required
access_entries Map of access entries to add to the cluster. any {} no
authentication_mode The authentication mode for the cluster. string "API" no
availability_zones A list of availability zone names in the region. By default, this is set to null and is not used; instead, availability_zones_count manages the number of availability zones. This value should not be updated directly. To make changes, please create a new resource. list(string) null no
availability_zones_count The count of availability zones to utilize within the specified AWS Region, where pairs of public and private subnets will be generated (minimum is 2). Valid only when availability_zones variable is not provided. number 3 no
cluster_node_ipv4_cidr The CIDR block for public and private subnets of loadbalancers and nodes. Between /28 and /16. string "" no
cluster_service_ipv4_cidr The CIDR block to assign Kubernetes service IP addresses from. Between /24 and /12. string "" no
cluster_tags A map of additional tags to add to the cluster map(string) {} no
create_ebs_gp3_default_storage_class Flag to determine if the kubernetes_storage_class should be created using EBS-CSI and set on GP3 by default. Set to 'false' to skip creating the storage class, useful for avoiding dependency issues during EKS cluster deletion. bool true no
enable_cluster_creator_admin_permissions Indicates whether or not to add the cluster creator (the identity used by Terraform) as an administrator via access entry. bool true no
kubernetes_version Kubernetes version to be used by EKS string "1.32" no
name Name being used for relevant resources - including EKS cluster name string n/a yes
np_ami_type Amazon Machine Image string "AL2_x86_64" no
np_capacity_type Allows setting the capacity type to ON_DEMAND or SPOT to determine stable nodes string "ON_DEMAND" no
np_desired_node_count Actual number of nodes for the default node pool. Min-Max will be used for autoscaling number 4 no
np_disk_size Disk size of the nodes on the default node pool number 20 no
np_instance_types Allow passing a list of instance types for the auto scaler to select from when scaling the default node pool list(string)
np_labels A map of labels to add to the default pool nodes map(string) {} no
np_max_node_count Maximum number of nodes for the default node pool number 10 no
np_min_node_count Minimum number of nodes for the default node pool number 1 no
region The region where the cluster and relevant resources should be deployed in string n/a yes


Name Description
access_entries Map of access entries created and their attributes
aws_caller_identity_account_id Account ID of the current AWS account
cert_manager_arn Amazon Resource Name of the cert-manager IAM role used for IAM Roles to Service Accounts mappings
cluster_arn ARN of the cluster
cluster_endpoint Endpoint for your Kubernetes API server
cluster_iam_role_arn IAM role ARN of the EKS cluster
cluster_iam_role_name IAM role name of the EKS cluster
cluster_primary_security_group_id Cluster primary security group that was created by Amazon EKS for the cluster. Managed node groups use this security group for control-plane-to-data-plane communication. Referred to as 'Cluster security group' in the EKS console
cluster_security_group_arn Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster security group
cluster_security_group_id Cluster security group that was created by Amazon EKS for the cluster. Managed node groups use this security group for control-plane-to-data-plane communication. Referred to as 'Cluster security group' in the EKS console
default_security_group_id The ID of the security group created by default on VPC creation
ebs_cs_arn Amazon Resource Name of the ebs-csi IAM role used for IAM Roles to Service Accounts mappings
external_dns_arn Amazon Resource Name of the external-dns IAM role used for IAM Roles to Service Accounts mappings
oidc_provider_arn Amazon Resource Name of the OIDC provider for the EKS cluster. Allows to add additional IRSA mappings
oidc_provider_id OIDC provider for the EKS cluster. Allows to add additional IRSA mappings
private_route_table_ids The IDs of the private route tables associated with this VPC
private_subnet_ids Private subnet IDs
private_vpc_cidr_blocks Private VPC CIDR blocks
public_vpc_cidr_blocks Public VPC CIDR blocks
vpc_azs VPC AZs of the cluster
vpc_id VPC id of the cluster
vpc_main_route_table_id The ID of the main route table associated with this VPC