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210 lines (184 loc) · 14.1 KB

File metadata and controls

210 lines (184 loc) · 14.1 KB

2.1.0 (2013-10-14)


  • property panels:
    • add documentation property CAM-299 (d10d1a8c)
    • add camunda BPM properties for call activity CAM-1052 (e5841aaa, e62c94dc)
      • passing business key to called element
      • passing all variables (in/out)
      • calledElementBinding and calledElementVersion
    • service task engine extensions may be edited on send task CAM-1024 (19b4def0)
    • service task engine extensions may be edited on throwing message events CAM-1025 (8bec537d)
    • form key may be edited on all start events (1eda4db1)
  • layout:
  • bpmn 2.0 compatibility
    • correctly handle dataObjects CAM-207 (bbbf73c2)


  • text annotation: adjust default size CAM-1354 (9fe120b9)
  • export:
    • use camunda as engine namespace prefix per default CAM-389 (27908d01, 33fe5fd9)

Bug Fixes

  • property panel:
    • allow expression for usertask priority CAM-992 (6e146e37)
    • take event may not be selected for task listeners CAM-1006 (a8099b4b)
  • export:
    • save documentation elements first CAM-914 (a95e0177)
    • prevent xsi:type="xsd:anyType" attribute creation on extension elements CAM-1341 (0509a62b)
  • canvas:
    • fix initial positioning of tasks CAM-962 (3273e011, e82fbc02)
    • correctly update DI after participant resize CAM-574, CAM-893 (3102c346)
  • layout:
    • fix unintended move during participant resize CAM-492 (7b885931)
    • update scroll shape on lane add (97712735)

2.0.12 (2013-04-04)



  • create diagram:
    • cleanup naming in wizard (45d78e06)
    • update bpmn diagram categories and hook into quick create lists (1394f662, b79c2bfb)
    • open property panels after creation (b3ca6427)
  • layout:
    • check boundary event and attached to bounds when computing overlapping bendpoints after move (1ebde976)
  • move:
    • correcty move sequence flows and element labels on container resize (8db64700)
    • disable drop on connections for existing flow nodes (949f6ce4)
  • add:

Bug Fixes

  • import:
  • export:
    • image generates properly with spaces in diagram file name (3884ec18)
  • layout:
    • fix infinite loop regression on boundary event layout after move (3e05e1dc)
    • fix connection layouting if bendpoint is close to shape (9bf366dd)
  • canvas:
  • property panels:

2.0.11 (inofficial)

2.0.10 (2013-02-20)



  • export: isExecutable in saved xml is "false" per default (794c6e4e)
  • visual: default size of subprocess decreased (25d5cc73)
  • import:
    • missleading import warning removed (0396380b)
    • editor opens with current import result, even if unrecoverable error occurs (0c519c18)
  • move: connections get moved on multi element move (f4bd3428)

Bug Fixes

  • subprocess: fix containment bug (14746f6d)
  • export:
    • remove empty attribute after service task type change (c6be5745)
    • di information is properly saved when participant gets resized (63e7c2bba)
    • task and execution listener defaults get saved (0d670f77)
  • lane: fix adding hides elements on pool (0396380b, 539b8282)
  • boundary event:
    • connection layouting (70b1559b)
    • fix offset when attached to activity (0d670f77)
  • label: offset gets properly updated after multi element move (1227790e)
  • id: fix id generated twice (5ebb1cae)

Know Issues

  • property panel enter in text field will trigger focus on first control in tab (most often the id field) occurs only in eclipse juno 4.2, is fixed in eclipse kepler 4.3