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Frequently asked questions |
aws faqs |
Docker for AWS Frequently asked questions (FAQ) |
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Two different download channels are available for Docker for AWS:
The stable channel provides a general availability release-ready deployment for a fully baked and tested, more reliable cluster. The stable version of Docker for AWS comes with the latest released version of Docker Engine. The release schedule is synched with Docker Engine releases and hotfixes. On the stable channel, you can select whether to send usage statistics and other data.
The edge channel provides a deployment with new features we are working on, but is not necessarily fully tested. It comes with the experimental version of Docker Engine. Bugs, crashes and issues are more likely to occur with the edge cluster, but you get a chance to preview new functionality, experiment, and provide feedback as the deployment evolve. Releases are typically more frequent than for stable, often one or more per month. Usage statistics and crash reports are sent by default. You do not have the option to disable this on the edge channel.
No, at this time we only support the default Docker for AWS AMI.
If you have an AWS account that was created before December 4th, 2013 you have what is known as an EC2-Classic account on regions where you have previously deployed resources. EC2-Classic accounts don't have default VPC's or the associated subnets, etc. This causes a problem when using our CloudFormation template because we are using the Fn:GetAZs function they provide to determine which availability zones you have access to. When used in a region where you have EC2-Classic, this function will return all availability zones for a region, even ones you don't have access to. When you have an EC2-VPC account, it will return only the availability zones you have access to.
This will cause an error like the following:
"Value (us-east-1a) for parameter availabilityZone is invalid. Subnets can currently only be created in the following availability zones: us-east-1d, us-east-1c, us-east-1b, us-east-1e."
If you have an EC2-Classic account, and you don't have access to the a
and b
availability zones for that region.
There isn't anything we can do right now to fix this issue, we have contacted Amazon, and we are hoping they will be able to provide us with a way to determine if an account is either EC2-Classic or EC2-VPC, so we can act accordingly.
This AWS documentation page will describe how you can tell if you have EC2-Classic, EC2-VPC or both.
There are a few workarounds that you can try to get Docker for AWS up and running for you.
- Create your own VPC, then install Docker for AWS with a pre-existing VPC.
- Use a region that doesn't have EC2-Classic. The most common region with this issue is
. So try another region,us-west-1
, or the newus-east-2
. These regions will more then likely be setup with EC2-VPC and you will not longer have this issue. - Create an new AWS account, all new accounts will be setup using EC2-VPC and will not have this problem.
- Contact AWS support to convert your EC2-Classic account to a EC2-VPC account. For more information checkout the following answer for "Q. I really want a default VPC for my existing EC2 account. Is that possible?" on
Yes, see install Docker for AWS with a pre-existing VPC for more info.
- DNS hostnames: yes
- DNS resolution: yes
- DHCP option set: DHCP Options (Below)
- VPC: VPC (above)
- domain-name: ec2.internal
- domain-name-servers: AmazonProvidedDNS
- Auto-assign public IP: yes
- Availability-Zone: A
- Auto-assign public IP: yes
- Availability-Zone: B
- Auto-assign public IP: yes
- Availability-Zone: C
- Destination CIDR block:
- Subnets: Subnet1, Subnet2, Subnet3
If you are using the
CIDR in your VPC. When you create a docker network, you will need to make sure you pick a subnet (using docker network create —subnet
option) that doesn't conflict with the
Docker for AWS should work with all regions except for AWS US Gov Cloud (us-gov-west-1) and AWS China, which are a little different than the other regions.
Docker for AWS determines the correct amount of Availability Zone's to use based on the region. In regions that support it, we will use 3 Availability Zones, and 2 for the rest of the regions. We recommend running production workloads only in regions that have at least 3 Availability Zones.
As part of the prerequisites, you need to have an SSH key uploaded to the AWS region you are trying to deploy to. For more information about adding an SSH key pair to your account, please refer to the Amazon EC2 Key Pairs docs
All container logs are aggregated within AWS CloudWatch.
Send an email to [email protected] or post to the Docker for AWS GitHub repositories.
In AWS, if your stack is misbehaving, please run the following diagnostic tool from one of the managers - this will collect your docker logs and send them to Docker:
$ docker-diagnose
OK hostname=manager1
OK hostname=worker1
OK hostname=worker2
Done requesting diagnostics.
Your diagnostics session ID is 1234567890-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please provide this session ID to the maintainer debugging your issue.
Note: Your output will be slightly different from the above, depending on your swarm configuration.
Docker for AWS sends anonymized minimal metrics to Docker (heartbeat). These metrics are used to monitor adoption and are critical to improve Docker for AWS.
By default when you SSH into a manager, you will be logged in as the regular username: docker
- It is possible however to run commands with elevated privileges by using sudo
For example to ping one of the nodes, after finding its IP via the Azure/AWS portal (e.g., you could run:
$ sudo ping
Note: Access to Docker for AWS and Azure happens through a shell container that itself runs on Docker.