Everyone is welcome to contribute to Remix's codebase and please join our Discord.
Remix libraries work closely with Remix IDE. Each library has a README to explain its application.
When you add code to a library, please add related unit tests.
Use JavaScript Standard Style for the coding style.
Follow GitHub's standard model of making changes & submitting pull requests - explained here. Please make sure your code works locally before submitting a pull request.
Remix supports Internationalization.
Remix uses CrowdIn to manage translations. Please DO NOT make a PR on GitHub with translation. To contribute, make an account on CrowdIn.
Remix has four projects on CrowdIn
- RemixUI - for translating Remix's User Interface
- Remix Docs - for translating Remix's Documentation
- LearnEth - for translating the tutorials in Remix's tutorial plugin called Learneth
- Remix Project Website - for translating the info site about Remix
There are many languages, for each project. But if you do not see your desired language, send us a note on CrowdIn or in the Remix Discord.
In addition to writing translations, you can also review other's work.
First, put the string in the locale file located under apps/remix-ide/src/app/tabs/locales/en
Each json file corresponds to a module. If the module does not exist, then create a new json and import it in the index.js
Then you can replace the string with an intl component. The id
prop will be the key of this string.
<label className="py-2 align-self-center m-0" style={{fontSize: "1.2rem"}}>
- Learn
+ <FormattedMessage id="home.learn" />
In some cases, jsx may not be acceptable, you can use intl.formatMessage
className="border form-control border-right-0"
- placeholder="Search Documentation"
+ placeholder={intl.formatMessage({ id: "home.searchDocumentation" })}
Let's say you want to add French.
First, create a folder named by the language code which is fr
Then, create a json file, let's say panel.json
"panel.author": "Auteur",
"panel.maintainedBy": "Entretenu par",
"panel.documentation": "Documentation",
"panel.description": "La description"
Then, create a index.js
file like this,
import panelJson from './panel.json';
import enJson from '../en';
// There may have some untranslated content. Always fill in the gaps with EN JSON.
// No need for a defaultMessage prop when render a FormattedMessage component.
export default Object.assign({}, enJson, {
Then, import index.js
in apps/remix-ide/src/app/tabs/locale-module.js
import enJson from './locales/en'
import zhJson from './locales/zh'
+import frJson from './locales/fr'
const locales = [
{ code: 'en', name: 'English', localeName: 'English', messages: enJson },
{ code: 'zh', name: 'Chinese Simplified', localeName: '简体中文', messages: zhJson },
+ { code: 'fr', name: 'French', localeName: 'Français', messages: frJson },
You can find the language's code, name, localeName
in this link
If you search FormattedMessage
or intl.formatMessage
in this project, you will notice that most only have a id
prop, but a few of them have a defaultMessage
The gaps in an incomplete non-English language will be filled with English. The un-translated content will use English as defaultMessage. That's why we don't need to provide a defaultMessage
prop each time we render a FormattedMessage
But in some cases, the id
prop may not be static. For example,
<h6 className="pt-0 mb-1" data-id='sidePanelSwapitTitle'>
<FormattedMessage id={plugin?.profile.name + '.displayName'} defaultMessage={plugin?.profile.displayName || plugin?.profile.name} />
Because you can't be sure if there is a matched key in the locale file, its better to provide a defaultMessage
When you are updating an existing English locale json file, then you don't need to add any other languages, because CrowdIn will do it for you.
But if you add a new json file, only then English is needed.