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Ray and Illumination
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Ray and Illumination


Table of contents

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This project focuses on rendering 3D models and lights. We work with and render many different scenes including bunnies or spheres in a room.

Part 1: Ray Generation and Scene Intersection

Generating Camera Rays

To simulate a camera, we have to create a function that can generate rays. In computer graphics, rays are used to take a "snapshot" of the current angle of where the camera is looking. You start with the eye point that looks through an image plane, and the rays that are sent out are later used to check for intersections. When an intersection is detected, you can tell the camera that there is an object there and determine what it looks like depending on its lighting.

For this specific task, we are given normalized coordinates and must return a new Ray object. This input is in camera space, but we will be converting it to world space. First, we calculate the bottom left and upper right corners of the 2D image plane. This can be derived from the coordinates -tan(radians(this->hFov)/2.0f), -tan(radians(this->vFov)/2.0f), -1) and tan(radians(this->hFov)/2.0f), tan(radians(this->vFov)/2.0f), -1 for the bottom left and upper right corners respectively. Afterwards, to get the direction, we multiply the camera to world rotation matrix to interpolate and get the exact intersection point on the plane. Finally, we normalize this direction, set the near and far clipping planes by changing min_t and max_t, and return the final Ray object we just created.

A Diagram of how Ray Generation Works Slide

Generating Pixel Samples

Next, we have to sample pixels. Since the ray that we generated in the previous part is only one ray and does not calculate all the rays in a pixel, we have to integrate by estimating using the average of ns_aa samples. In other words, we are generating multiple rays inside a specific pixel and returning the average.

To do this, we have to loop ns_aa times. We take a sample by generating a ray using specific offset and sample coordinates, take the radiance by calling est_radiance_global_illumination(), and averaging everything at the end. Once we finish, we can update both the pixel and the sample buffer at the specific coordinate that was inputted.

A Diagram of Pixel Sample Generation Slide

Debugging Camera Ray Depth (CBEmpty) Debug1

Debugging Camera Ray Depth (Banana) Debug2

Ray-Triangle Intersection

Now that we have ray generation complete, we have to detect intersections between rays and triangles. When we are looking for intersections in Triangle::has_intersection and Triangle::intersect, we also want to return the nearest intersection point as well. Originally, we planned on using normal 2D plane intersection detection. The way to do this would be to use the ray equation r(t) = o + td. When you solve for t, you also check to see if t is a positive integer. If it is, that means that there was an intersection. After finding t, you need to restrict it for further calculations.

However, we decided to use the Moller-Trumbore algorithm since it had a clearer set of steps and was easier for us to debug. Additionally, we had a lecture slide that we could easily reference. The main difference between the algorithms is that the Moller-Trumbore algorithm uses a lot of dot products and multiplication in order to check for triangle intersections, and it is more efficient compared to the plane intersection check.

When the function was completely implemented, we were able to generate scenes correctly like the example with the empty room by setting the variables in our Intersection object isect.

A Rendered Empty Room Empty

A Rendered Coil Coil

Rendered Gems Gems

Ray-Sphere Intersection

Finally, we had to implement the intersection function between rays and spheres. The functions Sphere::has_intersection() and Sphere::intersect() have similar concepts compared to those of the triangles. When you intersect, it's no longer just a plane but rather a circle that we're comparing against. We use the quadratic equation to solve for the possible intersections, since there can be either 0, 1, or 2 intersections when a ray passes a circle. This was the main difference, and we had to implement this in Sphere::test(), which would be called in the other two functions. Like the triangle functions, we also have to restrict the t values and also set the isect values when we detect a ray intersection.

A Rendered Room with Spheres Spheres

Part 2: Bounding Volume Hierarchy

Constructing the BVH

Rendering a lot of these scenes that have many triangles will take very long, so we had to switch to a faster algorithm. By switching to a BVH (Bounding Volume Hierarchy) algorithm, we can reduce the runtime from O(N) to O(log N). To do this, we had to first construct the BVH tree. To construct a tree, we had to think about how we wanted to implement a base case. As seen from the instructions, we want to keep splitting boundaries until the number of objects in our boundary is less than or equal to max_leaf_size. Next, we had to figure out when to recursively call and what heuristic to use.

The main heuristic we used to determine where to split was to take the spatial median. What this means is that we would look for the axis with the greatest extent and try to partition it in a way that splits as evenly as possible. To do this, we determined the axis with the highest spread (either X, Y, Z). Afterwards, we sort the primitives based on their centroid's positions. This makes it very easy to know where to split since you can determine the "middle" of all the primitives. Finally, we partition from the median by calling construct_bvh recursively on one side (from start to middle) and recursively on the other (middle to end). After assigning these recursive calls to variables called leftNode and rightNode, we set the node's variables such as l and r to be those nodes, and also set node->bb to be the bounding box we set earlier. We decided to go with the spatial median heuristic since it was relatively simple and was also easier to debug.

Cow (Root) Cow 1

Cow (Root->Right) Cow 2

Cow (Root->Right->Right) Cow 3

Intersecting the Bounding Box

The next part that we had to implement was the function BBox::intersect. For each axis, we had to do a series of steps. First, we had to check to see if the axis on r.d was equal to 0. If it is, that means it's parallel. We also check to see if that same axis for r.o is between the limits. If it isn't, we don't have to continue further; we can just return false. Next, we can solve for tmin and tmax of the axis. We set the highest of t0 and tmin as t0 and the lowest of t1 and tmax as t1. If t0 is greater than t1, we return false since there was no intersection.

We repeat these for all the axes, so we need to keep restricting the bounds for x, y, and z. All these steps were derived from the lecture slide given to us in class.

Lecture Slide on Bounding Boxes Ray Slide

Intersecting the BVH

Finally, we have to implement intersection detection for BVHs. We followed a pretty similar algorithm to construct_bvh, where the only difference is that we are using traversal. When a ray is cast, it either hits the left bounding box or the right bounding box. We keep recursively calling this function to explore the region that the ray is located in until we reach the smallest box possible that has max_leaf_size or fewer primitives. When we reach this bounding box, we iterate through all primitives located in this targeted bounding box and start checking to see if there were any intersections with the actual primitives instead of just the box. We return true if there was an intersection with one of these primitives, and false if none were hit. For has_intersection, we just have to check if any have an intersection, but for intersect, we had to keep track of the number of intersections and find the nearest one as well.

Here are some of our renders with the new O(log N) BVH implementation.

Lucy Lucy

Beast Beast

Max Planck Max Planck

Peter Peter

Speed Analysis

We see a very noticeable difference when rendering with and without the BVH implementation. The default implementation loops through triangles one by one, which will be very slow if you reach thousands of primitives. As seen from the screenshots, rendering the maxplanck.dae with the naive implementation takes around 99 seconds to complete. On the other hand, the BVH implementation only takes 0.05 seconds to complete. Additionally, if you look at peter.dae, it takes 95 seconds without BVH but only 0.45 seconds with BVH. This is because a O(log N) implementation is much faster than an O(N), even if you scale N to be very high.

Rendering Speed Without BVH - maxplanck.dae Without BVH

Rendering Speed With BVH - maxplanck.dae With BVH

Rendering Speed Without BVH - peter.dae Without BVH

Rendering Speed With BVH - peter.dae With BVH

Part 3: Direct Illumination

In our estimate_direct_lighting_hemisphere, we have a number of samples and we want to iterate by that amount. Using w_out that was provided and w_i and pdf that we created, we pass that into the sample_f function to get the Lambertian BSDF value. Then, using the Monte Carlo Estimator, we calculate the light for the next ray and interact using the bvh->intersect function, summing all the light and dividing by the number of samples.

For estimate_direct_lighting_importance, it's similar to the previous function, which is hemisphere, but with a bit of difference. We account for the number of lights in the scene and sample using the sample_L function that's in scene->light. Based on this, we have an inner for loop that iterates ns_area_light times. In the inner loop, we create a next ray that intersects, and using variables we got from sample_L, we calculate the amount and sum them up. Additionally, we also want to check if the light is a delta light, and if so, we want to stop the for loop. After the inner loop, we divide the sum of the light amount by the number of iterations and add to the total light sum.

We also have zero_bounce_radiance that simply returns isect.bsdf->get_emission().

Both of these function is called by one_bounce_radiance. Depends on the value of direct_hemisphere that was defined in the command line. Also, before calling this one_bounce radiance, we want to make sure that we call render the the light source by calling zero_bounce_radiance as well.

Hemisphere 1 sample per pixel
CBbunny with light 1
Part 3 Bunny light 1 with H
CBbunny with light 4
Part 3 Bunny light 4 with H
CBbunny with light 16
Part 3 Bunny light 16 with H
CBbunny with light 64
Part 3 Bunny light 64 with H

Importance 1 sample per pixel
CBbunny light 1 without H
Part 3 Bunny light 1 without H
CBbunny light 4 without H
Part 3 Bunny light 4 without H
CBbunny light 16 without H
Part 3 Bunny light 16 without H
CBbunny light 64 without H
Part 3 Bunny light 64 without H

Comparison Analysis

Part 3 sphere light 4 with H Part 3 sphere light 4 with H
Part 3 sphere light 4 with H Part 3 sphere light 4 without H

Looking at these two pictures, we noticed that importance sampling is less noisy and has better quality of shadows. This is because the light sources on surfaces are more precisely simulated. On the other hand, for our Hemisphere sampling, we noticed that the lighting is more uniform and has higher noise in shadow.

Part 4: Global Illumination

In our at_least_one_bounce_radiance, we first check to see if isAccumBounces is false. If it is, we consider rendering the indirect lighting based only on m. Otherwise, we add one_bounce_radiance to L_out and proceed. For our Russian Roulette, we use 0.4 as recommended in the specification, and by using coin_flip, we determine whether to continue executing the code. If the function returns true, we call sample_f using isect obtained from the function parameter and pass in wi. Then, we check if it intersects with our newly created ray with the current depth minus one. If it does, we calculate L_out by calling at_least_one_bounce_radiance again, thereby recursively calculating one bounce at a time. In the case of isAccumBounces being false, we set L_out to equal the latest indirect light calculation.

As seen in the images, when isAccumBounces is set to false, we only capture indirect light. For example, at -m 1, we only see light that has bounced once, meaning we should not see the light source, which we don't. In contrast, when isAccumBounces is true, we can see the light source as well as walls/bunny that have been illuminated, because these include one-bounce lights.

For a high number of bounces, such as 100, we should not see a difference beyond the 10th bounce because, at 100 bounces, the radiance becomes so minimal or nonexistent that further bouncing is effectively inconsequential.

CBbunnies with mth-bounce with isAccumBounces True and 2048 samples
Part 4 Bunny -m 0
Part 4 Bunny -m 0
Part 4 Bunny -m 1
Part 4 Bunny -m 1
Part 4 Bunny -m 2
Part 4 Bunny -m 2
Part 4 Bunny -m 3
Part 4 Bunny -m 3
Part 4 Bunny -m 4
Part 4 Bunny -m 4
Part 4 Bunny -m 5
Part 4 Bunny -m 5

CBbunnies with mth-bounce with isAccumBounces False and 2048 samples
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 0
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 0
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 1
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 1
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 2
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 2
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 3
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 3
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 4
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 4
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 5
Part 4 Bunny -o 0 -m 5

Russian Roulette
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 0
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 0
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 1
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 1
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 2
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 2
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 3
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 3
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 4
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 4
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 100
Part 4 Bunny Russian Roulette -m 100

Part 5: Adaptive Sampling


Since the Monte Carlo path tracing generates a lot of noise, we can use adaptive sampling to solve this problem. Instead of needing to increase the number of samples to a very high number to reduce the noise, we can actually use adaptive sampling to help us focus on the important parts of the scene.

To do this, we can take the sum of all illuminations by calling radiance.illum() in a while loop and assign it to s1, do the same but squared for s2, and calculate for I. Knowing that I is 1.96 * sigma/mu to get a confidence level of 0.95, we can plug in the equations mu = s1/n and sigma^2 = (1 / n - 1) * (s2 - (s1)^2 / n). Given these variables, we can get I by setting it as I = 1.96 * sqrt(sigma2 / n);. We keep going until either n reaches ns_aa or until I is less than max_tolerance * mu, and at the end we set the sampleCountBuffer correctly to get the rate image.

Rate Image of the Bunny
Bunny Rate Image
Rendered Image of the Bunny
Bunny Image
Rate Image of the Spheres
Spheres Rate Image
Rendered Image of the Spheres
Spheres Image