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This homework focuses on different sampling techniques that we learned in our graphics class. Our goal here is to create functions that can take svg files and use different sampling methods and filters to adjust the way images are projected on the screen. Details on how we implemented each function will be explained below.

Drawing Single-Color Triangles

To rasterize triangles, we want to sample one point at the center of each pixel and color it based on the given inputs to make our drawings.

For this task, we implemented the rasterize_triangle() function in rasterizer.cpp using a basic sampling method by taking the middle point of each pixel. At first, we decided to loop through the entire width and height of the canvas to check if it's in bounds. We originally wanted to make our own function to check if a certain x y coordinate was in a triangle, but we realized that we could call the inside() function that takes care of it for us. This seemed like a simple task. All we had to do was loop through the entire canvas, sample the svg file at row i + 0.5, column j + 0.5, and fill that pixel with the sampled color.

However, we ran into some problems. The first problem was that there were some white lines generated during our first run. After some debugging, we realized that this was because of how we made the for loop end at width - 1 and height - 1 when we didn't need to subtract one from both dimensions. It was an error in our thinking because we assumed the +0.5 would go out of bounds, but the for loop already accounts for it if we use less than instead of less than or equals to. Additionally, we also had some images where only half sof each shape was rendered correctly. This was because we forgot to account for the right hand rule, and all we had to do was add in another inside check in our if statement. Finally, we fixed the speed by making sure we loop in the right place. We were originally looping through the entire screen, but we noticed that it's faster to loop around the bounding box of the triangle. We do this by taking the min of all x points, min of all y points, max of all x points, and max of all y points to get our corresponding box dimensions. This sped up the process and made our images generate much faster than before.

The Original Failure (No Right Hand Rule): Task 1 Red Blue Fail

After Adding in the Right Hand Rule: Task 1 Red Blue Good

The Cube's Edges Using Basic Sampling: Task 1 Cube

The test4.svg File Working: Task 1 Triangles

Antialiasing by Supersampling

To supersample, we have to take more points inside each pixel and average them out. The basic sampling rate from Task 1 could be likened to a supersample rate of 1, but now we want to increase it based on what the user wants. For example, if the supersample rate was 4, that means that we "divide" the pixel into 4, take the center of each of those divisions, and then average out the 4 colors. This averaged color will be used to fill the entire pixel, giving it an antialiasing effect. Supersampling is important and useful because it can make jagged corners look more smooth and refined while also reducing artifacts in our image.

For this task, we had to modify rasterize_triangle() and fill_pixel(). However, before changing those functions in order to calculate the colors, we needed to be able to store the points correctly. First, we had to change the size of the sample_buffer depending on what supersampling rate we were using. We modified set_framebuffer_target() to correctly calculate the new size and adjust whenever needed. Instead of just using width * height, we now want to use width * height * sample_rate. This indexing format meant that if the supersample rate was 4, each pixel would take up 4 indices. For example, pixel #1 would originally take the color at index 0. However, now pixel #1 would take the colors at index 0, 1, 2, and 3. The next pixel (#2) would take the colors 4, 5, 6, and 7.

After figuring out how to store the colors, we also needed a way to know which coordinates to sample and how we can access them later. We used the line step_size = 1.0f / sqrt(get_sample_rate()) to calculate our step size correctly, and we also figured out where to stop by using the line max_sample_rate = sqrt(get_sample_rate()). Our nested loops now contained 4 for loops, and we also modified resolve_to_framebuffer to correctly retrieve the colors. To average the colors, we sum all colors up then divide each R, G, and B component by the sampling rate. For fill_pixel(), we also modified the parameters to take in a boolean called isPoint. If isPoint is true, then we fill all indices related to that pixel based on the supersample rate to be that exact color. It will not be averaged with the surrounding colors if it's a point.

We ran into a few problems calculating the correct index, causing some weird behaviors like dotted patterns. Additionally, we would crash consistently because we did not resize our canvas properly. After some debugging, we were able to correctly sample the colors and store in the frame_buffer while adjusting it when needed. This led to a working antialiasing effect for all our svg files.

Our Notes: Task 2 Notes

Clearer Flower, Dots Are Not Directly Supersampled Task 2 Flower

Antialiasing Effects on the Cube Task 2 Antialiased Cube

Supersampling at Rates 1, 4, 9, and 16: Task 2 Sample 1 Task 2 Sample 4 Task 2 Sample 9 Task 2 Sample 16


For Task 3, we had to modify the transforms.cpp file and change translate(), scale(), and rotate(). These three functions were relatively simple to change. For translation, we start with a matrix filled with all 0's except for 1's filled diagonally from top left to bottom right. Afterwards, we put dx and dy in the right column to make translations work correctly. Next, we modified scale to be similar. We also want to start with a matrix filled with 0's, but going diagonally from top left to bottom right, we would put dx, dy, and then finally a 1. Lastly, for rotations, we had to put in a matrix filled with 0's. However, for the top left 4 elements of the matrix, we would put cos(deg), -sin(deg), sin(deg), and cos(deg). Finally, we put a 1 in the bottom right corner of the matrix.

We originally ran into a bug where the sin and cos functions imported from the Math library would take in parameters as radians. To fix this, we multiplied our input deg by M_PI (3.1415) and divided it by 180. Afterwards, our robot was aligned correctly.

Our modified robot is rotated and transformed to look like it is jumping. We also modified the colors so that the robot looks more human and has a blue shirt and navy blue jeans.

The Default Red Robot: Task 3 Robot

Our Modified Robot: Task 3 My Robot

Barycentric Coordinates

Barycentric coordinates are useful when we need to interpolate values across a triangle. Here, barycentric coordinates tell us how much each vertex in the triangle contributes to the color of a point.

My approach to this task began with reviewing the slides to understand how barycentric coordinates function visually. I learned that it involves using three vertices to calculate the alpha, beta, and gamma values, which are then used to blend colors at the central vertex. Next, I identified the smallest and largest x and y values to traverse each point, checking if it lies inside the triangle using the inside function. If a point is inside the triangle, I applied the equations to find the values of a, b, and g. These values were then multiplied by c0, c1, and c2, respectively, to obtain the mixed color.

Here is a picture of 3 colors. At the vertex, we can see that in the middle, each point influences the color so that it gives a mix of those 3 colors.

Originally, the each color was not influence each other so that it would have a high frequency between each color. After applying barycentric, we can obeserve that there is a smooth color transition.

The 3-Colored Triangle: Task 4 Color Triangle

The Color Wheel: Task 4 Color Wheel

"Pixel Sampling" for Texture Mapping

Pixel sampling is a process in graphics that involves selecting specific pixels from a texture map to apply to a model's surface during rendering. For this task, we will discuss two sampling methods, nearest and bilinear, and texture mapping for rasterizing textured triangles.

In the RasterizerImp::rasterize_textured_triangle function, we coded it so that pixel sampling is used to find the color of each pixel within the triangle we are given as a parameter. We determine the smallest/largest x and y out of all x and y values and check if those x and y values are within the triangle using the inside function. If they are, we obtain barycentric coordinates and get a uv 2D vector. Since we want the level to be 0, we will just pass in the uv 2D vector and 0 in the sample_nearest and sample_bilinear functions, depending on psm.

In Texture::sample_nearest, we made it so that it selects the color of the nearest texel to the texture coordinate. This approach is simpler and quicker but may lead to a pixelated appearance, such as things that have sharp angles. For the implementation, we calculate the nearest texel by rounding the texture coordinates to the nearest integers and get the texel using the get_texels function.

For bilinear sampling, it is more complex than nearest sampling as we interpolate between the four closest texels to the texture coordinates. Unlike nearest, this approach is smoother and less pixelated. In the Texture::sample_bilinear function, we first found 4 points using x and y, similar to sample_nearest, and these 4 points (u0, u1, v0, v1) are going to be used like the points of squares. After this, we interpolate the horizontal and vertical points with proper ratios, which results in a blend of the colors of the 4 points. This bilinear approach is better than nearest when preserving the details of the texture.

Issues: I encountered some confusion regarding when to use sample_nearest and sample_bilinear. However, it turned out that the decision depends solely on whether psm is set to P_LINEAR or P_NEAREST. I also had difficulty calculating the ratio and understanding which ratio affects which vector value. After reviewing the lecture slides, I realized that the area is considered to be 1, so the difference between each v0 to v1 is only 1.

Campanile, Sample Rate 1, Nearest Neighbor Task 5 Campanile, Sample Rate 1, Bilinear Task 5 Campanile, Sample Rate 16, Nearest Neighbor Task 5 Campanile, Sample Rate 16, Bilinear Task 5 Here, we can observe that bilinear sampling clearly produces smoother transitions and reduces blockiness. In the zoomed-in area, we can see that the nearest sampling arc is more blocky, whereas bilinear sampling results in a smoother arc. For 16 sample rates, we can observe the black shadow line on the tower. Nearest sampling shows a more pixelated line, whereas bilinear sampling presents a much smoother line. If you look closely at the sharp angles, bilinear sampling provides a much clearer and more accurate representation of textures.

"Level Sampling" with Mipmaps for Texture Mapping

Level sampling is a technique used to improve texture mapping by obtaining the proper level of details for a texture.

In the RasterizerImp::rasterize_textured_triangle function, I added a SampleParams variable so that I can pass it into other helper functions. It contains psm, lsm, and p_uv, p_dx_uv, p_dy_uv. To get the coordinates, we had to interpolate using barycentric coordinates for (x,y), (x+1,y), and (x,y+1).

For the Texture::sample function, we had to get the right level and color based on the value of lsm and psm; there are 3 in lsm and 2 in psm, so we had to find all the total of 6 combinations of it. For lsm == L_ZERO, we do not need to do anything other than just return nearest or bilinear depending on psm because we know that the level is going to be zero. For lsm == L_NEAREST, we had to get the level based on SampleParam, sp, and round it. The reason why we rounded is because we wanted to get the nearest level possible from the coordinates. Lastly, for lsm == L_LINEAR, we needed to find the low and high level to calculate the blend color in between. In the case of P_NEAREST, we would use sample_nearest to find the color and return it, whereas for P_LINEAR, we used sample_bilinear to find what the value of the low and high-level color is and return the proper blend of it.

In the Texture::get_level function, we looked at the slide and saw the equation that we need to use to find the level. We needed to find L based on the coordinates and find the maximum of the square root of two duv/dx and duv/dy. Then, take log base 2 to find D and return it. In addition to that, we noticed that sometimes, the level can go beyond or under mipmap.size(), therefore, we would return 0 if it is less than 0 or mipmap size if it is greater than mipmap.

Speed: NEAREST is faster than LINEAR because it requires accessing fewer texels. With a more significant number of accesses to texel, it would slow down the rendering. However, we would get a much better visual representation in LINEAR.

Memory Usage: With higher levels of detail using L_NEAREST or L_LINEAR, memory usage would increase because it requires more space for mipmap levels. But with higher levels of detail, we can get a smoother visual representation.

Anti-aliasing Power: With trilinear filtering, it provided powerful aliasing by smoothing out the transition of texels and reducing artifacts. However, on the downside, it requires more memory usage due to accessing different levels of texels.

Brock Purdy, Level Zero, Pixel Nearest Task 5 Brock Purdy, Level Zero, Pixel Bilinear Task 5 Brock Purdy, Level Nearest, Pixel Nearest Task 5 Brock Purdy, Level Nearest, Pixel Bilinear Task 5 Brock Purdy, Level Bilinear, Pixel Nearest Task 5 Brock Purdy, Level Bilinear, Pixel Bilinear Task 5