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843 lines (677 loc) · 30.9 KB

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843 lines (677 loc) · 30.9 KB

Databases in Haskell - HDBC

Databases - HDBC


HDBC is a library that provides a common abstraction or interface to different database engines like sqlite, mysql and postgres. The communication to each database engine is handled by the database driver.


Haskell Database Connectivity libraryDatabase.HDBC
Sqlite DriverHDBC-sqlite3: Sqlite v3 driver for HDBC
Postgresql DriverDatabase.HDBC.PostgreSQL
MySQL DriverHDBC-mysql: MySQL driver for HDBC

Getting a database to play

# Download sample database dump 
$ curl -L -o zotero.sql

$ du -h zotero.sql 
3,0M    zotero.sql
3,0M    total

$ file zotero.sql 
zotero.sql: UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines, with LF, NEL line terminators

# Make the database 
$ cat zotero.sql | sqlite3 zotero.sqlite

# Check the file type 
$ file zotero.sqlite 
zotero.sqlite: SQLite 3.x database, last written using SQLite version 3016002

sqlite> .tables
annotations                itemNotes                
baseFieldMappings          itemSeeAlso              
baseFieldMappingsCombined  itemTags                 
charsets                   itemTypeCreatorTypes     
collectionItems            itemTypeFields           
collections                itemTypeFieldsCombined   
creatorData                itemTypes                
creatorTypes               itemTypesCombined        
creators                   items                    
customBaseFieldMappings    libraries                
customFields               proxies                  
customItemTypeFields       proxyHosts               
customItemTypes            relations            
   ... ... ... ... ...

sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> .mode column

sqlite> SELECT * FROM tags LIMIT 10 ;
tagID       name        type        dateAdded            dateModified         clientDateModified   libraryID   key       
----------  ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------  ----------
2           fp          0           2016-11-07 22:03:05  2017-02-08 20:10:06  2017-02-08 20:10:06              TCG4NFU2  
3           fsharp      0           2016-11-07 22:03:09  2016-11-07 22:03:23  2016-11-07 22:03:23              ZWMIIEA9  
4           doc         0           2016-11-07 22:03:11  2016-11-07 22:03:29  2016-11-07 22:03:29              B4SGSEZR  
5           overview    0           2016-11-07 22:03:25  2016-11-07 22:03:25  2016-11-07 22:03:25              DP9WBHZJ  
6           haskell     0           2016-11-07 22:03:44  2017-02-08 20:10:31  2017-02-08 20:10:31              FSZTVA3J  
7           tutorial    0           2016-11-07 22:03:47  2016-11-07 22:03:47  2016-11-07 22:03:47              Z2KJVEKI  
8           quickref    0           2016-11-07 22:06:24  2016-11-07 22:07:34  2016-11-07 22:07:34              P67M4AB5  
9           linux       0           2016-11-07 22:06:26  2016-11-07 22:07:30  2016-11-07 22:07:30              JQR7943E  
10          c++         0           2016-11-07 22:15:22  2017-02-08 20:09:44  2017-02-08 20:09:44              VG2ZRGWM  
11          numerical   0           2016-11-07 22:20:56  2016-11-07 22:24:03  2016-11-07 22:24:03              P859CH9I  

sqlite> SELECT * FROM collections LIMIT 10 ;
collectionID  collectionName  parentCollectionID  dateAdded            dateModified         clientDateModified   libraryID   key       
------------  --------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------  ----------
2             Haskell                             2016-11-07 21:50:38  2016-11-07 23:13:55  2016-11-07 23:13:55              PMHEFIBA  
3             Haskell doc     2                   2016-11-07 21:50:57  2016-11-07 21:51:18  2016-11-07 21:51:18              CCCGVG4V  
5             Haskell Tutori  2                   2016-11-07 21:53:30  2016-11-07 21:54:32  2016-11-07 21:54:32              FRE2DHFB  
6             Fsharp                              2016-11-07 21:59:56  2016-11-07 22:01:43  2016-11-07 22:01:43              BICWZD7P  
7             Linux                               2016-11-07 22:05:05  2016-11-07 22:07:05  2016-11-07 22:07:05              TIWU5EPF  
8             C++/CPP                             2016-11-07 22:11:57  2016-11-07 22:42:28  2016-11-07 22:42:28              42H6QC5D  

Install the Database Drivers

# Go outside a project 
$ cd ~

# Install database drivers 
$ stack install HDBC
$ stack install HDBC-sqlite3
$ stack install HDBC-postgresql

# Run Haskell REPL
$ stack ghci 


Example - Simple Database Query

Connect to sqlite3 database

import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 

> conn <- connectSqlite3 "zotero.sqlite" 
conn :: Connection

Database Metadata

-- Driver name
> hdbcDriverName conn
it :: String
> :t hdbcDriverName conn
hdbcDriverName conn :: String

-- Version of database server
> dbServerVer conn
it :: String

> :t dbServerVer conn
dbServerVer conn :: String


Tables metadata

> :t getTables 
getTables :: IConnection conn => conn -> IO [String]

> getTables conn 
["annotations","baseFieldMappings","baseFieldMappingsCombined","charsets", ...]

-- Print all tables available 
> getTables conn >>= mapM_ putStrLn 

-- Show specific table metadata  
> describeTable conn "tags"
[("tagID",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlIntegerT, colSize = Nothing,
colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Nothing})...]

> describeTable conn "tags" >>= mapM_ print

("tagID",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlIntegerT, colSize = Nothing, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Nothing})
("name",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Nothing, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Nothing})
("type",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlIntegerT, colSize = Nothing, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Nothing})
("dateAdded",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlUnknownT "timestamp", colSize = Nothing, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Nothing})
("dateModified",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlUnknownT "timestamp", colSize = Nothing, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Nothing})
("clientDateModified",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlUnknownT "timestamp", colSize = Nothing, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Nothing})
("libraryID",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlIntegerT, colSize = Nothing, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Nothing})
("key",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Nothing, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Nothing})
it :: ()

Quick query

> :t quickQuery
  :: IConnection conn =>
     conn -> String -> [SqlValue] -> IO [[SqlValue]]

-- Output: formatted manually in order to fit in the screen. 
> quickQuery conn "SELECT tagID, name FROM tags WHERE tagID > 80 LIMIT 15" []

[[SqlInt64 81,SqlByteString "excel"],
 [SqlInt64 82,SqlByteString "spreadsheet"],
 [SqlInt64 83,SqlByteString "vba"],
 [SqlInt64 84,SqlByteString "code"],
 [SqlInt64 85,SqlByteString "thermodynamics"],
 [SqlInt64 86,SqlByteString "mechanical"],
 [SqlInt64 87,SqlByteString "energy"],
 [SqlInt64 88,SqlByteString "catalog"],
 [SqlInt64 89,SqlByteString "parts"],
 [SqlInt64 90,SqlByteString "MVC"],
 [SqlInt64 91,SqlByteString "hydraulics"],
 [SqlInt64 92,SqlByteString "manufacturer"],
 [SqlInt64 93,SqlByteString "design"],
 [SqlInt64 94,SqlByteString "manual"],
 [SqlInt64 95,SqlByteString "cable"]]
it :: [[SqlValue]]

> quickQuery conn "SELECT tagID, name FROM tags WHERE tagID > 80 LIMIT 15" [] >>= mapM_ print
[SqlInt64 81,SqlByteString "excel"]
[SqlInt64 82,SqlByteString "spreadsheet"]
[SqlInt64 83,SqlByteString "vba"]
[SqlInt64 84,SqlByteString "code"]
[SqlInt64 85,SqlByteString "thermodynamics"]
[SqlInt64 86,SqlByteString "mechanical"]
[SqlInt64 87,SqlByteString "energy"]
[SqlInt64 88,SqlByteString "catalog"]
[SqlInt64 89,SqlByteString "parts"]
[SqlInt64 90,SqlByteString "MVC"]
[SqlInt64 91,SqlByteString "hydraulics"]
[SqlInt64 92,SqlByteString "manufacturer"]
[SqlInt64 93,SqlByteString "design"]
[SqlInt64 94,SqlByteString "manual"]
[SqlInt64 95,SqlByteString "cable"]
it :: ()



let query = unlines $ [
      "SELECT fieldName, value FROM itemDataValues, itemData, fields WHERE", 
      "itemDataValues.valueID = itemData.valueID", 
      "and itemData.itemID = 5805",
      "and fields.fieldID = itemData.fieldID"

> putStrLn query 
SELECT fieldName, value FROM itemDataValues, itemData, fields WHERE
itemDataValues.valueID = itemData.valueID
and itemData.itemID = 5805
and fields.fieldID = itemData.fieldID

it :: ()

> :t prepare 
prepare :: IConnection conn => conn -> String -> IO Statement

> stmt <- prepare conn query 
stmt :: Statement

> :t stmt 
stmt :: Statement

> :t execute
execute :: Statement -> [SqlValue] -> IO Integer
> nrows <- execute stmt []
nrows :: Integer
> nrows
it :: Integer

> getColumnNames stmt
it :: [String]
-- ========= fetchAllRows =============== -
> rows <- fetchAllRows stmt -- Output changed to fit on the screen.
rows :: [[SqlValue]]
> rows
[[SqlByteString "url",SqlByteString ""]
  ,[SqlByteString "place",SqlByteString "Albuquerque, NM, USA"],
   [SqlByteString "publisher",SqlByteString "ACM"],
   [SqlByteString "pages",SqlByteString "1-14"],
   [SqlByteString "date",SqlByteString "1992-00-00 1992"],
   [SqlByteString "DOI",SqlByteString "10.1145/143165.143169"],
   [SqlByteString "accessDate",SqlByteString "2016-04-04 20:05:57"],
   [SqlByteString "language",SqlByteString "en"],
   [SqlByteString "title",SqlByteString "The essence of functional programming"],
   [SqlByteString "proceedingsTitle",SqlByteString "POPL '92 Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages"]]
it :: [[SqlValue]]

> mapM_ print rows
[SqlByteString "url",SqlByteString ""]
[SqlByteString "place",SqlByteString "Albuquerque, NM, USA"]
[SqlByteString "publisher",SqlByteString "ACM"]
[SqlByteString "pages",SqlByteString "1-14"]
[SqlByteString "date",SqlByteString "1992-00-00 1992"]
[SqlByteString "DOI",SqlByteString "10.1145/143165.143169"]
[SqlByteString "accessDate",SqlByteString "2016-04-04 20:05:57"]
[SqlByteString "language",SqlByteString "en"]
[SqlByteString "title",SqlByteString "The essence of functional programming"]
[SqlByteString "proceedingsTitle",SqlByteString "POPL '92 Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages"]
it :: ()

> let sqlRowToString = map (fromSql :: SqlValue -> String)
sqlRowToString :: [SqlValue] -> [String]
> mapM_ print $ map sqlRowToString rows 
["place","Albuquerque, NM, USA"]
["date","1992-00-00 1992"]
["accessDate","2016-04-04 20:05:57"]
["title","The essence of functional programming"]
["proceedingsTitle","POPL '92 Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages"]
it :: ()

> let sqlRowToLine row = unwords $ map (fromSql :: SqlValue -> String) row
sqlRowToLine :: [SqlValue] -> String

> mapM_ putStrLn $ map sqlRowToLine rows 
place Albuquerque, NM, USA
publisher ACM
pages 1-14
date 1992-00-00 1992
DOI 10.1145/143165.143169
accessDate 2016-04-04 20:05:57
language en
title The essence of functional programming
proceedingsTitle POPL '92 Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages
it :: ()
> fetchAllRows stmt 
it :: [[SqlValue]]

-- ================  fetchAllRowsAL  ======================= ---
> stmt <- prepare conn query 
stmt :: Statement

> execute stmt []
it :: Integer

> rows <- fetchAllRowsAL stmt
rows :: [[(String, SqlValue)]]

> mapM_ print rows
[("fieldName",SqlByteString "url"),("value",SqlByteString "")]
[("fieldName",SqlByteString "place"),("value",SqlByteString "Albuquerque, NM, USA")]
[("fieldName",SqlByteString "publisher"),("value",SqlByteString "ACM")]
[("fieldName",SqlByteString "pages"),("value",SqlByteString "1-14")]
[("fieldName",SqlByteString "date"),("value",SqlByteString "1992-00-00 1992")]
[("fieldName",SqlByteString "DOI"),("value",SqlByteString "10.1145/143165.143169")]
[("fieldName",SqlByteString "accessDate"),("value",SqlByteString "2016-04-04 20:05:57")]
[("fieldName",SqlByteString "language"),("value",SqlByteString "en")]
[("fieldName",SqlByteString "title"),("value",SqlByteString "The essence of functional programming")]
[("fieldName",SqlByteString "proceedingsTitle"),("value",SqlByteString "POPL '92 Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages")]
it :: ()

-- =============== fetchAllRowsMap ================== --

> stmt <- prepare conn query 
stmt :: Statement

> execute stmt []

> rows <- fetchAllRowsMap stmt
rows :: [containers- String SqlValue]
> mapM_ print rows
fromList [("fieldName",SqlByteString "url"),("value",SqlByteString "")]
fromList [("fieldName",SqlByteString "place"),("value",SqlByteString "Albuquerque, NM, USA")]
fromList [("fieldName",SqlByteString "publisher"),("value",SqlByteString "ACM")]
fromList [("fieldName",SqlByteString "pages"),("value",SqlByteString "1-14")]
fromList [("fieldName",SqlByteString "date"),("value",SqlByteString "1992-00-00 1992")]
fromList [("fieldName",SqlByteString "DOI"),("value",SqlByteString "10.1145/143165.143169")]
fromList [("fieldName",SqlByteString "accessDate"),("value",SqlByteString "2016-04-04 20:05:57")]
fromList [("fieldName",SqlByteString "language"),("value",SqlByteString "en")]
fromList [("fieldName",SqlByteString "title"),("value",SqlByteString "The essence of functional programming")]
fromList [("fieldName",SqlByteString "proceedingsTitle"),("value",SqlByteString "POPL '92 Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages")]
it :: ()

Query Item by ID

queryItemByID ::  IConnection conn => Int -> conn -> IO [[SqlValue]]
queryItemByID itemID conn = do
  stmt <- prepare conn query
  execute stmt [toSql itemID]
  rows <- fetchAllRows stmt 
  return rows 
    query = unlines $ [ "SELECT fieldName, value FROM itemDataValues, itemData, fields WHERE", 
                        "itemDataValues.valueID = itemData.valueID", 
                        "and itemData.itemID = ?",
                        "and fields.fieldID = itemData.fieldID"

queryItemByID :: IConnection conn => Int -> conn -> IO [[SqlValue]]

> queryItemByID 5569 conn >>= mapM_ print
[SqlByteString "title",SqlByteString "From Stochastic Calculus to Mathematical Finance-Kabanov.pdf"]
it :: ()

> queryItemByID 5790 conn >>= mapM_ print
[SqlByteString "url",SqlByteString ""]
[SqlByteString "accessDate",SqlByteString "2016-04-04 16:45:25"]
[SqlByteString "title",SqlByteString "Building pipes with monad transformers"]
it :: ()

> queryItemByID 5805 conn >>= mapM_ print
[SqlByteString "url",SqlByteString ""]
[SqlByteString "place",SqlByteString "Albuquerque, NM, USA"]
[SqlByteString "publisher",SqlByteString "ACM"]
[SqlByteString "pages",SqlByteString "1-14"]
[SqlByteString "date",SqlByteString "1992-00-00 1992"]
[SqlByteString "DOI",SqlByteString "10.1145/143165.143169"]
[SqlByteString "accessDate",SqlByteString "2016-04-04 20:05:57"]
[SqlByteString "language",SqlByteString "en"]
[SqlByteString "title",SqlByteString "The essence of functional programming"]
[SqlByteString "proceedingsTitle",SqlByteString "POPL '92 Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages"]
it :: ()



> :t disconnect 
disconnect :: IConnection conn => conn -> IO ()

> disconnect conn
it :: ()

Example - Datbase query with ReaderT monad transformer.

Note: The type of the monad is ReaderT r m without the parameter of return value a.

ReaderT r m aEncapsulates a function or computation (a -> m b) where m is a monad.
ReaderT(r -> m a) -> ReaderT r m a
runReaderTReaderT r m a -> r -> m aRun computation and get its value.
returna -> (ReaderT r m) aMonad return function.
(>>=)a -> (ReaderT r m) b -> (ReaderT r m) bMonad bind function.
fmap(a -> b) -> (ReaderT r m) a -> (ReaderT r m) bApply a function (a -> b) to the result of computation Reader r a.
askm rRead environment or configuration.
local(r -> r) -> m a -> m aModify environment by applying a function to it.
liftIOMonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIOIO a -> (Reader r m) a

Example: This example will need the database and the haskell packages shown in Databases - HDBC package

import Control.Monad (mapM_, forM_)
import Control.Monad.Reader 

import qualified Database.HDBC as HDBC
import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 

-- In file add the lines
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

-- In the REPL
:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set -XRankNTypes
fromSqlToInt :: HDBC.SqlValue -> Int
fromSqlToInt  sv = HDBC.fromSql sv  

fromSqlToString :: HDBC.SqlValue -> String
fromSqlToString sv = HDBC.fromSql sv 

{- | Convert number to HDBC value -}
fromIntToHDBC :: Int -> HDBC.SqlValue
fromIntToHDBC n = HDBC.SqlInt64 $ fromIntegral n                 

 {- | Convert string to HDBC string -}                  
fromStrToHDBC s = HDBC.SqlString s                 
conn <- connectSqlite3 "zotero.sqlite" 

queryItemByIDRaw ::  HDBC.IConnection conn => Int -> conn -> IO [(String, String)]
queryItemByIDRaw itemID conn = do
  stmt <- HDBC.prepare conn query
  HDBC.execute stmt [HDBC.toSql itemID]
  rows <- HDBC.fetchAllRows stmt 
  return $ map projection rows 
    projection row = (fromSqlToString $ row !! 0, fromSqlToString $ row !! 1)
    query = unlines $ [ "SELECT fieldName, value FROM itemDataValues, itemData, fields WHERE", 
                        "itemDataValues.valueID = itemData.valueID", 
                        "and itemData.itemID = ?",
                        "and fields.fieldID = itemData.fieldID"

> :t queryItemByIDRaw 10 conn
queryItemByIDRaw 10 conn :: IO [(String, String)]
> queryItemByIDRaw 10 conn
[("url",""),("accessDate","2016-11-07 22:00:06"),("title","FSharpSpec-4.0-latest.pdf")]
it :: [(String, String)]

> queryItemByIDRaw 10 conn >>= mapM_ print
("accessDate","2016-11-07 22:00:06")
it :: ()
> queryItemByIDRaw 16 conn >>= mapM_ print
("accessDate","2016-11-07 22:06:48")
("title","linux_quickref.PDF - LINUX Admin Quick Reference.pdf")
it :: ()

{- | Transform this computation to ReaderT monad with database connection as the 
     implicit parameter or configuration. 
queryItemByID1 ::  HDBC.IConnection conn => Int -> ReaderT conn IO [(String, String)]
queryItemByID1 itemID = ReaderT $ \ conn -> do                      
  stmt <- liftIO $ HDBC.prepare conn query
  liftIO $ HDBC.execute stmt [HDBC.toSql itemID]
  rows <- liftIO $ HDBC.fetchAllRows stmt 
  return $ map projection rows 
    projection row = (fromSqlToString $ row !! 0, fromSqlToString $ row !! 1)
    query = unlines $ [ "SELECT fieldName, value FROM itemDataValues, itemData, fields WHERE", 
                        "itemDataValues.valueID = itemData.valueID", 
                        "and itemData.itemID = ?",
                        "and fields.fieldID = itemData.fieldID"

> :t runReaderT
runReaderT :: ReaderT r m a -> r -> m a

> :t queryItemByID1 10
queryItemByID1 10
  :: IConnection conn => ReaderT conn IO [(String, String)]

> :t runReaderT (queryItemByID1 10) conn 
runReaderT (queryItemByID1 10) conn :: IO [(String, String)]

> runReaderT (queryItemByID1 10) conn
[("url",""),("accessDate","2016-11-07 22:00:06"),("title","FSharpSpec-4.0-latest.pdf")]
it :: [(String, String)]

> runReaderT (queryItemByID1 10) conn >>= mapM_ print
("accessDate","2016-11-07 22:00:06")
it :: ()

-- =======================================================================      
{- |  Variation 2 - Simplify - ReaderT conn IO [(String, String)]  -}

{- | Database Connection -> DbConn a = ReaderT conn IO a = conn -> IO a -}
type DBConn a = forall conn. (HDBC.IConnection conn) =>  ReaderT conn IO a

queryItemByID2 :: Int -> DBConn [(String, String)]
queryItemByID2 itemID = ReaderT $ \ conn -> do                      
  stmt <- liftIO $ HDBC.prepare conn query
  liftIO $ HDBC.execute stmt [HDBC.toSql itemID]
  rows <- liftIO $ HDBC.fetchAllRows stmt 
  return $ map projection rows 
    projection row = (fromSqlToString $ row !! 0, fromSqlToString $ row !! 1)                    
    query = unlines $ [ "SELECT fieldName, value FROM itemDataValues, itemData, fields WHERE", 
                        "itemDataValues.valueID = itemData.valueID", 
                        "and itemData.itemID = ?",
                        "and fields.fieldID = itemData.fieldID"

> :t queryItemByID2 10
queryItemByID2 10
  :: IConnection conn => ReaderT conn IO [(String, String)]

> runReaderT (queryItemByID2 10) conn
[("url",""),("accessDate","2016-11-07 22:00:06"),("title","FSharpSpec-4.0-latest.pdf")]
it :: [(String, String)]
> runReaderT (queryItemByID2 10) conn >>= mapM_ print
("accessDate","2016-11-07 22:00:06")
it :: ()

-- =======================================================================      
{- |  Variation 3 - It can be simplified and generalized even further. -}

type SQL = String
type DBConn a = forall conn. (HDBC.IConnection conn) =>  ReaderT conn IO a

sqlQueryAll :: SQL -> [HDBC.SqlValue] -> ([HDBC.SqlValue] -> b) -> DBConn [b]     
sqlQueryAll sql sqlvals projection = do
  con     <- ask 
  stmt    <- liftIO $ HDBC.prepare con sql
  liftIO  $  HDBC.execute stmt sqlvals  
  rows    <- liftIO $ HDBC.fetchAllRows stmt
  return (fmap projection rows)


queryItemByID3 :: Int -> DBConn [(String, String)]
queryItemByID3 itemID = sqlQueryAll query [fromIntToHDBC itemID] projection
    projection row = (fromSqlToString $ row !! 0, fromSqlToString $ row !! 1)                    
    query = unlines $ [ "SELECT fieldName, value FROM itemDataValues, itemData, fields WHERE", 
                        "itemDataValues.valueID = itemData.valueID", 
                        "and itemData.itemID = ?",
                        "and fields.fieldID = itemData.fieldID"

> runReaderT (queryItemByID3 10) conn
[("url",""),("accessDate","2016-11-07 22:00:06"),("title","FSharpSpec-4.0-latest.pdf")]
it :: [(String, String)]
> runReaderT (queryItemByID3 10) conn >>= mapM_ print
("accessDate","2016-11-07 22:00:06")
it :: ()

-- | Get all tags associated with a given item
getItemTags :: Int -> DBConn [(Int, String)]
getItemTags itemID = do  
  sqlQueryAll sql [fromIntToHDBC itemID] projection
    sql = unlines ["SELECT  tags.tagID,",
                   "FROM    itemTags, tags", 
                   "WHERE   itemTags.tagID = tags.tagID", 
                   "AND     itemID = ?"

    projection xs = (fromSqlToInt (xs !! 0), fromSqlToString (xs !! 1))

> runReaderT (getItemTags 12) conn
it :: [(Int, String)]
> runReaderT (getItemTags 13) conn
it :: [(Int, String)]

showItem :: Int -> DBConn ()
showItem itemID = do
  itemData <- queryItemByID3 itemID  
  tags   <- getItemTags itemID

  -- liftIO :: IO () => DBConn ()          
  liftIO $ do
    putStrLn "Item Data"
    putStrLn "---------------------------"             
    forM_ itemData print
    putStrLn "Item Tags"
    putStrLn "---------------------------"
    forM_ tags print     

> runReaderT (showItem 12) conn
Item Data
("accessDate","2016-11-07 22:01:04")
("title","F# Language Overview")
Item Tags
it :: ()

> runReaderT (showItem 13) conn
Item Data
("accessDate","2016-11-07 22:00:06")
("title","The F# 4.0 Language Specification")
Item Tags
it :