Fix ASDF wrapper.
Upload and use an ASDF wrapper to fully load ASDF environnement before executing commands.
The wrapper is generated in <shared_path>/asdf-wrapper
by default, but can be generated elsewhere by setting :asdf_custom_wrapper_path
capistrano variable.
Add asdf:install and asdf:add_plugins tasks
Add some configuration options:
set :asdf_custom_path, '~/.my_asdf_installation_path' # only needed if not '~/.asdf'
set :asdf_tools, %w{ ruby } # defaults to %{ ruby nodejs }
set :asdf_map_ruby_bins, %w{ bundle gem } # defaults to %w{ rake gem bundle ruby rails }
set :asdf_map_nodejs_bins, %w{ node npm } # defaults to %w{ node npm yarn }
Basic working tasks