This project has been archived by the C4DT Factory team. It is kept here for reference and for old URLs. You can find more information in our showcase and find our contact information.
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Authors1: Arsany Guirguis, Jérémy Max Plassmann, Anton Alexandre Ragot, Sébastien Rouault
This is the library introduced in Garfield: System Support for Byzantine Machine Learning, co-authored by Rachid Guerraoui, who supervised the project.
Garfield is implemented in both TensorFlow and PyTorch, which can be found in their respective directories.
In each of these directories, you can find complete information on the requirements of the software, how to install it and use it.
Correspondence to: FirstName LastName (without spaces) [email protected].
1alphabetical order, as for all the papers from the Distributed Computing Laboratory (DCL) of EPFL.