PKCS#1 v1.5 tells how data is packed before we encrypt.
2 bytes of 0x00 0x02
Padding(at least 8 bytes) of n - |M| - 3
A 0x00 in padding means end of padding.
M starts after that.
One can get encrypted message e and multiply with s such that after decryption it conforms to PKCS#1.
i.e. first 2 bytes are 0x00 0x02.
New standard PKCS # v 2.0 , has OAEP.
Oracle must not respond in case of bad record otherwise attackers can difereniate between correct & incorrect encrypted message.
Remove Change Cipher Spec / Client Finished or other records, FB server timeout and that gives us oracle.
Change TLS version in PKCS record or wrong padding length or not starting with 0x00 02.
TCP connection reset/ alert/ timeout/ bad record/illegal.