In this exercise, we will create a Custom App application leveraging the Flexible Programming Model available with SAP Fiori elements floorplans for OData V4.
We will enable TypeScript support for the app project, which allows the type safe implementation of custom extensions.
The scenario is based on the given SAP Cloud Application Programming Model sample service.
To get started, we will make usage of the SAP Fiori tools Application Generator.
In the SAP Business Application Studio, the Welcome page is shown.
(1) Click Start from template .
If the Welcome page is not shown, you can start the Template Wizard via the Command Palette
(menu View ->Find Command... or ctrl+shift+p(Win)/cmd+shift+p(Mac))
In the search field, type Open Template Wizard.
Choose the corresponding list entry.
(2) Click on tile SAP Fiori application.
(3) Click Start.
(4) In the wizard step Template Selection, click on the tile Custom Page, then click next (5).
(6) In the wizard step Datasource and Service Selection, open the dropdown list.
(7) Select Use a Local CAP Project.
(8) Click the Browse for folder icon to select the CAP project folder path.
(9) Select folder ui5con2023 and click .
(10) Open the OData service dropdown.
(11) Select TravelService (Node.js)
(12) Click Next.
(13) In the wizard step Entity Selection, open drop-down Main Entity, and select Travel. Click .
In the wizard step Project Attributes, add the following attributes to the application project:
Module Name: managetravels
(module name has to match exactly for some of the subsequent exercises to work properly) -
Application Title: Manage Travels
(or a title by your choice) -
Application Namespace: sap.fe.cap
(namespace has to match exactly for some of the subsequent exercises to work properly) -
Minimum SAPUI5 version: Choose version 1.120.11
(This is required for some of the subsequent exercises to work properly) -
Select Configure Advanced Options
- Select Enable TypeScript(Experimental)
This will start the app generation.
When finished, you can review the generated artifacts in the Explorer pane of SAP Business Application Studio.
The generated artifacts are located in folder app/managetravels (the path reflects the module name you have entered during app generation).
(15) Click Open Page Map on tab Application Information that is automatically displayed after app generation.
(16) On the page map a Custom Page tile is shown. Click icon Navigate to source code .
(17) the corresponding XML view is opened to the side.
Both custom page XML View and controller had been created by the app generator. The files are located in folder app/managetravels/ext/main.
The custom page is configured as the default starting page in the application manifest routing section. Please note that the custom view is wrapped into the Flexible Programming Model component provided by SAP Fiori elements. This ensures that the custom page runs on the SAP Fiori elements framework and enables the usage of building blocks.
The requirements for TypeScript enablement in this project setup are an NPM workspace configured in order to have the app project linked and managed from the root package. Furthermore, the added cds-plugin-ui5 devDependency acts as a CAP server CDS plugin which enables the integration of UI5 tooling based projects into the CAP server via corresponding express middlewares.
The app-specific package.json defines plugins for the SAPUI5 type definitions that can be imported into TypeScript based custom extension handlers and controllers. The UI5 Tooling transpile middleware and the corresponding transpile task in file ui5.yaml takes care of transpiling TypeScript code to ES5 using a babel configuration.
After completing these steps we will have started the generated app.
Besides the common way of starting a CAP service via cds watch, another convenient way to start the service and app at the same time is to add an npm script with corresponding parametrization to file package.json of the root folder.
In the following exercises, we will extend the app based on xml views and fragments. We need to make sure that the browser view cache is deactivated during testing our development, so that changes applied to the xml fragments get properly updated when refreshing the UI.
Instead of using cds watch in the terminal in order to start the service, we will use the watch script that has been added to file package.json by the app generator. The script contains additional parameter sap-ui-xx-viewCache=false added to the app start Url.
If cds watch is already running in a terminal, please end it by pressing keyboard keys control+c, otherwise the default port 4004 will already be in use by the existing server process.
(18) Click Preview Application on tab Application Information.
If the tab is closed, you can open it again by selecting the Fiori Tools icon in the side bar and then the Application Information icon.
This opens a dropdown at the top offering all cds run and cds watch based scripts maintained in the scripts section of file package.json.
(19) Select npm script watch-managetravels
This runs the service in an Application Modeler terminal session and automatically starts the Fiori application in a new browser session.
The empty custom app page is shown.
If the preview doesn't get opened in a new tab, check if the pop-ub blocker of your browser prevented that.
Make sure you enable pop-ups for SAP Business Application Studio, then restart with Preview Application as described above. -
Please note: the automatic refresh of the UI when changing some project source code might not be properly working yet with the new typescript based project setup. this is currently under investigation, and a fix might be available only after ui5con2023.
Furthermore, you will notice a recurring popup informing you about exposed router ports when applying changes to the project in Business Application Studio which is also being investigated. Please just ignore or close the popup in that case.
If you are experiencing an issue with the application preview you can use the Guided Answers extension by SAP within your IDE to
help with troubleshooting. The Guided Answers extension by SAP is interactive documentation designed to help users by guiding them
through tasks via a series of questions. You simply answer the questions presented to you to find the correct solution to your problem.
You can access the Guided Answer extension by SAP through the IDE command palette which can be opened via View -> Command Palette.
In the input field enter command ‘SAP: Open Guided Answers’.
You then can then search for the problem you are experiencing, for example, search for ‘Application Preview’ or ‘SAP Fiori Tools’
and then select the Guided Answer that best fits your issue.
Step through the Guide by answering the questions or options presented to you.
When using Application Studio in Chrome for the first time, one common reason for that the preview doesn't get opened in a new tab is that the pop-ub blocker of your browser prevented that.
Please check under Reason 3 below how to get this resolved.
You've now successfully generated a SAP Fiori elements application of type Flexible Programming Model.
Continue to - Exercise 2 - Flexible Programming Model: Using Fiori Elements Building Blocks on a Custom Page