diff --git a/src/fmm.jl b/src/fmm.jl index 1dc62fb..da7b7c3 100644 --- a/src/fmm.jl +++ b/src/fmm.jl @@ -1072,8 +1072,8 @@ Dispatches `fmm!` using an existing `::Tree`. - a system object for which compatibility functions have been overloaded, or - a tuple of system objects for which compatibility functions have been overloaded -- `m2l_list::Vector{SVector{2,Int}}`: list of branch index pairs `[i_target, i_source]` for which multipole expansions of the source branch are to be transformed to local expansions at the target branch -- `direct_list::Union{Vector{SVector{2,Int}}, InteractionList}`: list of branch index pairs `[i_target, i_source]` for which interactions are to be evaluted without multipole expansion (i.e., directly); if `typeof(direct_list) <: InteractionList`, then prepared influence matrices are used rather than computing direct influences on the fly +- `m2l_list::Vector{SVector{2,Int32}}`: list of branch index pairs `[i_target, i_source]` for which multipole expansions of the source branch are to be transformed to local expansions at the target branch +- `direct_list::Union{Vector{SVector{2,Int32}}, InteractionList}`: list of branch index pairs `[i_target, i_source]` for which interactions are to be evaluted without multipole expansion (i.e., directly); if `typeof(direct_list) <: InteractionList`, then prepared influence matrices are used rather than computing direct influences on the fly - `derivatives_switches::Union{DerivativesSwitch, Tuple{<:DerivativesSwitch,...}}`: switch determining which of scalar potential, vector potential, velocity, and/or velocity gradient are to be computed for each target system # Optional Arguments @@ -1122,8 +1122,8 @@ Dispatches `fmm!` using existing `::Tree` objects. - a system object for which compatibility functions have been overloaded, or - a tuple of system objects for which compatibility functions have been overloaded -- `m2l_list::Vector{SVector{2,Int}}`: list of branch index pairs `[i_target, i_source]` for which multipole expansions of the source branch are to be transformed to local expansions at the target branch -- `direct_list::Union{Vector{SVector{2,Int}}, InteractionList}`: list of branch index pairs `[i_target, i_source]` for which interactions are to be evaluted without multipole expansion (i.e., directly); if `typeof(direct_list) <: InteractionList`, then prepared influence matrices are used rather than computing direct influences on the fly +- `m2l_list::Vector{SVector{2,Int32}}`: list of branch index pairs `[i_target, i_source]` for which multipole expansions of the source branch are to be transformed to local expansions at the target branch +- `direct_list::Union{Vector{SVector{2,Int32}}, InteractionList}`: list of branch index pairs `[i_target, i_source]` for which interactions are to be evaluted without multipole expansion (i.e., directly); if `typeof(direct_list) <: InteractionList`, then prepared influence matrices are used rather than computing direct influences on the fly - `derivatives_switches::Union{DerivativesSwitch, Tuple{<:DerivativesSwitch,...}}`: switch determining which of scalar potential, vector potential, velocity, and/or velocity gradient are to be computed for each target system # Optional Arguments