diff --git a/content/docs/share/tutorials/database-workflow-advanced-features.md b/content/docs/share/tutorials/database-workflow-advanced-features.md index 459a11c4..f2e8e895 100644 --- a/content/docs/share/tutorials/database-workflow-advanced-features.md +++ b/content/docs/share/tutorials/database-workflow-advanced-features.md @@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ You may upgrade to Enterprise plan to explore more features. Go to **Environments** > **Prod**, Find **Rollout policy** section, and choose **Manual rollout** > **Require rolling out by dedicated roles**. -![bb-env-prod-manual-rollout](/content/docs/share/tutorials/bb-env-prod-manual-rollout.webp) +![bb-env-prod-manual-rollout](/content/docs/tutorials/share/bb-env-prod-manual-rollout.webp) ### Custom Approval 1. Go to **CI/CD** > **Custom Approval**. Set `Project Owner -> DBA` as Approval flow for **DDL** > **High Risk**. - ![bb-custom-approval](/content/docs/share/tutorials/bb-custom-approval.webp) + ![bb-custom-approval](/content/docs/tutorials/share/bb-custom-approval.webp) 1. Go to **CI/CD** > **Risk Center**. Click **Add rule** and click **Load** for the first template. Click **Add**. - ![bb-risk-center-ddl-high](/content/docs/share/tutorials/bb-risk-center-ddl-high.webp) + ![bb-risk-center-ddl-high](/content/docs/tutorials/share/bb-risk-center-ddl-high.webp) ### Schema Drift @@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ Bytebase has built-in [schema drift detection](/docs/change-database/drift-detec 1. Go back to Bytebase Console, and click **Databases** > `employee` under `Prod`. Click **Sync Now**. After seeing the success message, refresh the page. You'll see the schema drift. You may configure auto scan on instance detail page to avoid manual sync. - ![bb-db-schema-drift](/content/docs/share/tutorials/bb-db-schema-drift.webp) + ![bb-db-schema-drift](/content/docs/tutorials/share/bb-db-schema-drift.webp) 1. Go to **Database** > **Anomalies**, and you'll see the Schema drift there too. diff --git a/content/docs/share/tutorials/database-workflow.md b/content/docs/share/tutorials/database-workflow.md index c6c3566c..3cae0471 100644 --- a/content/docs/share/tutorials/database-workflow.md +++ b/content/docs/share/tutorials/database-workflow.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ DORA (DevOps Research & Assessment) [pointed out](https://cloud.google.com/archi But how does it work, really? Here, we present our envisioned Database CI/CD workflow. -![database-devops-workflow](/content/docs/share/tutorials/cicd-workflow.webp) +![database-devops-workflow](/content/docs/tutorials/share/cicd-workflow.webp) 1. The developer creates a Pull Request containing the SQL script; 1. SQL Review CI is automatically triggered to review SQL and offers suggestions via a comment in the PR; diff --git a/content/docs/share/tutorials/sql-review-not-null.md b/content/docs/share/tutorials/sql-review-not-null.md index f2573b2f..a52467f5 100644 --- a/content/docs/share/tutorials/sql-review-not-null.md +++ b/content/docs/share/tutorials/sql-review-not-null.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 1. Go to **CI/CD > SQL Review** in workspace, choose `Prod` as the environment. Make sure a SQL review policy is attached and enabled on `Prod`. - ![bb-sql-review](/content/docs/share/tutorials/bb-sql-review.webp) + ![bb-sql-review](/content/docs/tutorials/share/bb-sql-review.webp) 1. Click **Edit**, click **PostgreSQL** tab. Make sure `Enforce "NOT NULL" constraints on columns` is enabled. This is to make sure the SQL Review can work. - ![bb-sql-review-not-null](/content/docs/share/tutorials/bb-sql-review-not-null.webp) + ![bb-sql-review-not-null](/content/docs/tutorials/share/bb-sql-review-not-null.webp) diff --git a/content/docs/tutorials/database-cicd-best-practice-with-gitlab.md b/content/docs/tutorials/database-cicd-best-practice-with-gitlab.md index 0f3ebb55..50dd1898 100644 --- a/content/docs/tutorials/database-cicd-best-practice-with-gitlab.md +++ b/content/docs/tutorials/database-cicd-best-practice-with-gitlab.md @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up this Database CI/CD with GitLab 1. Go to `https://gitlab.com/` and create a new project `bb-gitops-2024`. Click **Create project**. -1. Go to Bytebase, go to the `Sample Project`. Click **Integration >GitOps** on the left and click **Add GitOps connector**. Choose `GitLab.com` (the git provider you just configured) and `Bytebase Sample/bb-gitops-2024` (the repository you just created). +1. Go to Bytebase, go to the `Sample Project`. Click **Integration > GitOps** on the left and click **Add GitOps connector**. Choose `GitLab.com` (the git provider you just configured) and `Bytebase Sample/bb-gitops-2024` (the repository you just created). 1. Keep the default settings for the remaining fields and click **Finish**. The gitops connector is created successfully. ![bb-gitops-gitlab-configure](/content/docs/tutorials/database-cicd-best-practice-with-gitlab/bb-gitops-gitlab-configure.webp)