To see if anything you rely upon is currently available in the new major release, please look at the changes and deprecations document. There are a number of issues with the Beta version we're aware of, we apologize for this, but it is a beta. This document will be updated as these issues are resolved.
The beta is open for everyone! Take a look at the document about how to install the agent and you'll be ready to go.
We've tried to keep it easy and straight-forward to downgrade back to agent 5 until things are more mature for you on agent 6.
Please check out our downgrade guide for instructions on
how to get back on the stable
agent 5 repo.
Even if the new Agent fully supports Python checks, a number of those provided by integrations-core are not quite ready yet. This is the list of checks that are expected to fail if run within the beta Agent:
- agent_metrics
- docker_daemon replaced by a new
check - kubernetes to be replaced by new checks
- vsphere
Some methods in the AgentCheck
class are not yet implemented. These include:
These methods in AgentCheck
have not yet been implemented, but we have not yet
decided if we are going to implement them:
If you happen to use custom checks, there's a chance your code depends on py code that was bundled with agent5 that may not longer be available in the with the new agent 6 package. This is a list of packages no longer bundled with the agent:
- backports.ssl-match-hostname
- boto
- certifi
- chardet
- datadog
- decorator
- future
- futures
- google-apputils
- pycurl
- pyOpenSSL
- python-consul
- python-dateutil
- python-etcd
- python-gflags
- pytz
- pyvmomi
- rancher-metadata
- tornado
- uptime
- urllib3
- uuid
- websocket-client
If your code depends on any of those packages, it'll break. You can fix that by running the following:
sudo -u dd-agent -- /opt/datadog-agent/embedded/bin/pip install <dependency>
Similarly, you may have added a pip package to meet a requirement for a custom check while on agent 5. If the added pip package had inner dependencies with packages already bundled with agent5 (see list above), those dependencies will be missing after the upgrade to agent6 and your custom checks will break. You will have to install the missing dependencies manually as described above.
We still don't have a full featured interface to JMXFetch, so for now you may have to run some commands manually to debug the list of beans collected, JVMs, etc. A typical manual call will take the following form:
/usr/bin/java -Xmx200m -Xms50m -classpath /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/lib/tools.jar:/opt/datadog-agent6/bin/agent/dist/jmx/jmxfetch-0.17.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.datadog.jmxfetch.App --check <check list> --conf_directory /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d --log_level INFO --log_location /opt/datadog-agent6/bin/agent/dist/jmx/jmxfetch.log --reporter console <command>
where <command>
can be any of:
and <check list>
corresponds to a list of valid yaml
configurations in
. For instance:
- ...
/usr/bin/java -Xmx200m -Xms50m -classpath /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/lib/tools.jar:/opt/datadog-agent6/bin/agent/dist/jmx/jmxfetch-0.17.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.datadog.jmxfetch.App --check cassandra.yaml jmx.yaml --conf_directory /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d --log_level INFO --log_location /opt/datadog-agent6/bin/agent/dist/jmx/jmxfetch.log --reporter console list_everything
Note: the location to the JRE tools.jar (/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/lib/tools.jar
in the example) might reside elsewhere in your system. You should be able to easily
find it with sudo find / -type f -name 'tools.jar'
Note: you may wish to specify alternative JVM heap parameters -Xmx
, -Xms
, the
values used in the example correspond to the JMXFetch defaults.
We do not yet build packages for the full gamut of systems that Agent 5 targets. While some will be dropped as unsupported, others are simply not yet supported. Beta is currently available on these platforms:
- Debian x86_64 version 7 (wheezy) and above (we do not support SysVinit)
- Ubuntu x86_64 version 12.04 and above
- RedHat/CentOS x86_64 version 6 and above
- SUSE Enterprise Linux x86_64 version 11 SP4 and above (we do not support SysVinit)
- MacOS 10.10 and above
- Windows Server 64-bit 2008 R2 and above
The default rights for the unix socket from Dogstatsd don't allow external users to send metrics to Dogstatsd. The fix will be available in beta10.