Complete JQUIZ app with networking & Audio feature
- Getting the Clues and answers from the jservice API
- set up your ViewController to display a clue’s category, question, and 4 possible answers.
- Calculates the points based on the uses answers
- Download image logo from the internet.
- Add music the user can play while using the app, Save whether the user wants sound enabled in UserDefaults.
- Change the model to conform them to “codable”, use CodingKeys to change
. - Make an extension of UIImageView and use the Flyweight Design Pattern to implement a cache for your downloaded image.
- Added colors to answer to indicate correct (Green) or wrong (Red) answers
- Added button so the user can control when to go to the next question.
- Button is disabled until an answer is selected.
- User gets only once chance to pick the right answer, the button will flash if the user tries to change an answer
- If you have a feature request, open an issue
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request