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Scheduled Tasks written in a DSL for ease-of-use.


This is a Powershell module that provides a DSL structure for creating Scheduled Tasks on a Windows server.


The structure of the DSL is laid out much like the GUI for creating a task, here is an example

ScheduledTask "SyncFolders" {
    User = John.Smith
    Description = "Syncronizes two folders w/ robocopy."
    Hidden = $false

    Security -RunOnlyWhenLoggedOn -RunAlways -StorePassword {
        Credential = Import-Clixml -Path C:\Cred.xml

    Trigger -OnASchedule -Weekly -SyncTimezones {
        StartTime = [DateTime]"11/21/2018 18:00:00"
        Recurrence = 2 #Days/Weeks - Depending on use of -Daily or -Weekly
        WeekDays = "Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday"

    Trigger -OnASchedule -Monthly -SyncTimezones {
        StartTime = [DateTime]"11/21/2018 18:00:00"
        Recurrence = 2 #Days/Weeks - Depending on use of -Daily or -Weekly
        Months = "January", "April", "July", "October"
        Weeks = "First", "Fourth", "Last"
        WeekDays = "Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday"

    Action Powershell {
        ScriptPath = "C:\PSScripts\SyncFolder.ps1"
        Arguments = "-Source 'C:\Source' -Destination 'C:\Destination' -Mirror:$true"

Security Keyword

The switches for the Security keyword are:

Value Description
RunWhenLoggedOn Run this task only when the user is logged into the machine.
RunAlways Run the task regardless if the user is logged in. (If the task is executing against remote resources, it will require a username and password to be stored, use `-StorePassword parameter, along with a credential object inside the scriptblock.)
StorePassword Stores the username/password to impersonate when the task executes. Allowing non-local resources to be used in the script (i.e. Make a call to a website/DB/Rest-API/etc..., perform PSRemoting execution, use WMI/CIM session on a remote system, You get the idea!)

Trigger Keyword

The switches for the Trigger keyword are:

Value Description
OnASchedule Run the task at a scheduled interval. (Additional parameters include: -OneTime | -Daily | -Weekly | -Monthly and [ -SyncTimezones ] )
AtLogOn Run the task when a user logs into the system.
AtStartup Run the task when the system boots into Windows.
OnIdle Run the task during idle periods (TODO: Add more details to this trigger.)
OnEvent Run the task when a specific event is logged in the event log.
OnCreateEdit Run the task upon creation or modification of this task.
OnConnection Run the task when any user or a specific user connects locally or from a remote system. ( Additional parameters include [ -AnyUser | -Username ] and [ -RemoteConnection | -LocalConnection ])
OnDisconnect Run the task when any user or a specific user disconnects locally or from a remote system. ( Additional parameters include [ -AnyUser | -Username ] and [ -RemoteConnection | -LocalConnection ])
OnLock Run the task when any user or a specific user locks their desktop. ( Additional parameters include [ -AnyUser | -Username ])
-OnUnlock Run the task when any user or a specific user unlocks their desktop. ( Additional parameters include [ -AnyUser | -Username ])

The parameters included in the scriptblock include:

Key Values Trigger (Switch) Switch Description
StartTime Any valid [datetime] All Triggers All switches A time/date for the task to begin running.
Recurrence 1-999 -OnASchedule -Daily or -Weekly Specifies the number of days or weeks for each recurrence. (TODO: Test upper bounds of this value.)
WeekDays Array of strings: Sunday-Saturday -OnASchedule -Weekly or -Monthly An array of week days for the task to execute upon each recurrence. Example: Every 2 weeks, execute on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Months Array of strings: January-December -OnASchedule -Monthly An array of months for the task to execute.
Weeks Array of strings: First-Fourth and Last -OnASchedule -Monthly An array of the week number for the task to execute.


This keyword performs an action for the task.

The switches for the Action keyword are:

Value Description
Powershell Executes a Powershell script. Expects a .ps1 file that can require parameters as arguments.
Cmd Executes a .bat or .vbs script.