{AppVeyor build status badge for master branch}
{ Description of the module - Please include any requirements for running all resources in this module (e.g. Must run on Windows Server OS, must have Exchange already installed) - Requirements specific to only certain resources in this module may be listed below with the description of those resources. }
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.
If you would like to contribute to this repository, please read the DSC Resource Kit contributing guidelines.
- {Resource1 One line description of resource 1}
- {Resource2 One line description of resource 1}
- ...
{ Detailed description of resource 1 - Please include any requirements for running this resource (e.g. Must run on Windows Server OS, must have Exchange already installed) }
- {Property1: Description of resource 1 property 1}
- {Property2: Description of resource 1 property 2}
- ...
{ Detailed description of resource 2 - Please include any requirements for running this resource (e.g. Must run on Windows Server OS, must have Exchange already installed) }
- {Property1: Description of resource 2 property 1}
- {Property2: Description of resource 2 property 2}
- ...
- {Unreleased change 1}
- {Unreleased change 2}
- ...
- Initial release with the following resources:
- {Resource1}
- {Resource2}
- ...