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Frequently Asked Questions

Butterscotch Stallion edited this page Dec 26, 2023 · 7 revisions

Elevator Pitch for Mod Authors

  • Have you ever wanted more lore in the world? Here is your chance to add new lore, and bring the heroes of your lore to life!
  • Give players new lore to discover
  • Show off your armor, weapons, and companions by adding related lore
  • Equip these companions with your gear and show it off!

Elevator Pitch for Mod Users

  • Immerse yourself in the deeper lore of the integrated mods by reading the lore and unlocking new companions
  • Gain an edge against your enemies without becoming too overpowered
  • Add variety to your adventures by bringing new companions with you
  • Check out new companions in a more exciting way than using some item from the tutorial chest

Damn that's awesome. How does the mod work?

  • Very simply: combine book pages, form books, create new companions
  • You can place Torn Pages throughout the world for players to discover
  • These pages are short excerpts of lore
  • When combined, these pages form a book which contains unique lore based on your mod
  • When the book is created, a companion appears based on the lore

Are these like custom hirelings?

  • They share similarities, but Legendary Companions are immersive, automated (could be an option to allow player control) companions that are directly tied to new and unique lore placed throughout the world
  • Unlike hirelings, they can be upgraded through discovering more lore
  • They can and will use tadpole powers if available

Wait, I don't have any room in my party for new companions!

  • The companions are actually summons attached to the player that combines the book
  • This means players can enjoy these companions without sending anyone back to camp

What can these companions do?

  • When you unlock new lore (books), a companion based on the lore joins your party as an ally
  • Your new companion can perform a number of useful tasks based on the rarity of the book
  • Some examples:
    • A common book would summon a companion that buffs the party and leaves
    • A rare book could summon an ally that stays with your party and fights with you
    • A legendary book would summon a powerful ally capable of casting high level spells and other useful abilities. Typically this would be a named hero from your lore and have significant contributions to its history
  • See also: Companions

Can I customize what they do?

  • Part of integration is that you will provide root templates which define each companion associated with your lore books
  • Additionally, you can determine what (if any) buffs the companion casts on the party
  • You can also define the equipment set so the companions can show off the cool armor and weapons you've made
  • By convention, the book rarity determines how powerful the companion is
  • See also: Integration Guide

Why would I want to integrate with Legendary Companions?

  • This allows practically any mod to add immersive and interesting interactions
  • You can show off your work by creating companions that wear armor you created, or even races you created
  • You enjoy lore and want to add more of it to the world
  • You like me and want to collaborate with me

How do integrations work?

  • Legendary Companions detects when the player is combining pages, looking for integrated books
  • When detected, Legendary Companions will create your unique lore book and summon a companion based on the configuration of that book

How do integrations impact the player?

  • Legendary Companions gets better with each integrated mod you install
  • For example, when you install another integrated mod, Legendary Companions can tell when that mod is loaded and summon companions from those mods

So are you copying other people's work?

  • No. All integrations require prior consent from the mod authors and I will not be adding anything that I don't have permission to use
  • Furthermore, all integrations will require that the player installs both of our mods, driving engagement and downloads for us both
  • This also helps players discover new mods.

What else could we do with this concept?

  • This is just one example. These torn pages could be combined to form Prayer Books, which could buff the party or resurrect a deceased party member. There are lots of possibilities for this concept
  • Maybe some of your lore books are cursed and summon a hostile enemy that drops loot
  • Perhaps a lore book can buff the companions, which would be beneficial to all companions

Okay sounds cool. What do I have to do?

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