Tax is a fee that a merchant collects from the customer by law for the government. Some governments have different tax rates for different kinds of products
- Shop module v0.9
- Put the shop_taxframework folder into your SilverStripe root directory
- Add the TaxFrameworkModifier to your modifiers config, eg:
- You need to use the new SteppedCheckout system to allow customers to set their address before tax is calculated. To enable steps add the following to your mysite/_config.php file:
Note that you will also need to update your template to be more like the template, found in shop/templates/Layout/.
If you need some example tax classes and rates to populate your site for testing/development,
you can run the task: yoursite.tld/dev/tasks/PopulateTaxClassesTask
If the ShippingFramework is installed also, tax will be applied to shipping. The default tax class will be used, unless there exists a tax class named 'shipping'. Using a 'shipping' tax class can enable different tax rates for shipping, or no tax at all.
See the docs/en folder.