- if($imageField && $imageField->exists()) {
- $html .= '
- if($imageField->hasMethod('Thumbnail') && $imageField->Thumbnail()) {
- $html .= "
Thumbnail()->getURL()."\" />";
- } else if($imageField->CMSThumbnail()) {
- $html .= "
CMSThumbnail()->getURL()."\" />";
- }
- $html .= '
- }
- $html .= $this->createTag("input",
- array(
- "type" => "file",
- "name" => $this->name,
- "id" => $this->id(),
- 'disabled' => $this->disabled
- )
- );
- $html .= $this->createTag("input",
- array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "name" => "MAX_FILE_SIZE",
- "value" => $maxfilesize
- )
- );
- $html .= "
- return $html;
- }
- /**
- * Saves uplaoded image into file.
- * The function can handle three different ways of uploading an image: XHR, iframe, form post,
- * where the first two are done via the fileuploader script.
- *
- * A dummy file array is created for Upload to properly process.
- *
- */
- public function save($data = null, $form = null) {
- $json = array();
- $this->upload->setValidator(new XHRUpload_Validator()); //hack solution to allow XHR uploads
- $fileparts = null;
+ Requirements::customScript($script, 'uploader'.$this->id());
+ if ($this->form) {
+ $record = $this->form->getRecord();
+ }
+ $fieldName = $this->name;
+ if (isset($record) && $record) {
+ $imageField = $record->$fieldName();
+ } else {
+ $imageField = "";
+ }
+ $html = "";
+ if ($imageField && $imageField->exists()) {
+ $html .= '
+ if ($imageField->hasMethod('Thumbnail') && $imageField->Thumbnail()) {
+ $html .= "
Thumbnail()->getURL()."\" />";
+ } elseif ($imageField->CMSThumbnail()) {
+ $html .= "
CMSThumbnail()->getURL()."\" />";
+ }
+ $html .= '
+ }
+ $html .= $this->createTag("input",
+ array(
+ "type" => "file",
+ "name" => $this->name,
+ "id" => $this->id(),
+ 'disabled' => $this->disabled
+ )
+ );
+ $html .= $this->createTag("input",
+ array(
+ "type" => "hidden",
+ "name" => "MAX_FILE_SIZE",
+ "value" => $maxfilesize
+ )
+ );
+ $html .= "
+ return $html;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Saves uplaoded image into file.
+ * The function can handle three different ways of uploading an image: XHR, iframe, form post,
+ * where the first two are done via the fileuploader script.
+ *
+ * A dummy file array is created for Upload to properly process.
+ *
+ */
+ public function save($data = null, $form = null)
+ {
+ $json = array();
+ $this->upload->setValidator(new XHRUpload_Validator()); //hack solution to allow XHR uploads
+ $fileparts = null;
- if (isset($_GET['qqfile'])) {
- $fileparts = $this->saveXHR($_GET['qqfile']);
- } elseif (isset($_FILES['qqfile'])) { //TODO: this could probably be replaced by setting the field name in javascript
- $fileparts = $_FILES['qqfile'];
- } elseif(isset($_FILES[$this->Name()])) {
- $fileparts = $_FILES[$this->Name()];
- }
- if(!$fileparts){
- return $this->returnJSON(array("error","No file was uploaded."));
- }
- //create database entry for image
- // $desiredClass = $this->dataClass();
- $desiredClass = "Image"; //TODO: temp - make a subclass, or handle image uploads
- $fileObject = Object::create($desiredClass);
- $this->upload->loadIntoFile($fileparts, $fileObject, $this->folderName);
+ if (isset($_GET['qqfile'])) {
+ $fileparts = $this->saveXHR($_GET['qqfile']);
+ } elseif (isset($_FILES['qqfile'])) { //TODO: this could probably be replaced by setting the field name in javascript
+ $fileparts = $_FILES['qqfile'];
+ } elseif (isset($_FILES[$this->Name()])) {
+ $fileparts = $_FILES[$this->Name()];
+ }
+ if (!$fileparts) {
+ return $this->returnJSON(array("error", "No file was uploaded."));
+ }
+ //create database entry for image
+ // $desiredClass = $this->dataClass();
+ $desiredClass = "Image"; //TODO: temp - make a subclass, or handle image uploads
+ $fileObject = Object::create($desiredClass);
+ $this->upload->loadIntoFile($fileparts, $fileObject, $this->folderName);
- if($this->upload->isError()){
- $errors = $this->upload->getErrors();
- $json = array('error',implode(",",$errors));
- return $this->returnJSON($json);
- }
+ if ($this->upload->isError()) {
+ $errors = $this->upload->getErrors();
+ $json = array('error',implode(",", $errors));
+ return $this->returnJSON($json);
+ }
- $file = $this->upload->getFile();
- if($member = Member::currentUser()){
- $file->OwnerID = $member->ID;
- }
- $file->write();
+ $file = $this->upload->getFile();
+ if ($member = Member::currentUser()) {
+ $file->OwnerID = $member->ID;
+ }
+ $file->write();
- if($this->sessionstoreid){
- Session::set($this->sessionstoreid.".".$file->ID, $file->ID);
- }
+ if ($this->sessionstoreid) {
+ Session::set($this->sessionstoreid.".".$file->ID, $file->ID);
+ }
- //TODO: record linking
+ //TODO: record linking
- //if ajax, then return file details
- $json = $file->toMap();
- if($file instanceof Image){
- $json['thumbnailurl'] = $file->CMSThumbnail()->getURL();
- }
+ //if ajax, then return file details
+ $json = $file->toMap();
+ if ($file instanceof Image) {
+ $json['thumbnailurl'] = $file->CMSThumbnail()->getURL();
+ }
- return $this->returnJSON($json);
- }
- function returnJSON($jsonarray){
- return htmlspecialchars(json_encode($jsonarray), ENT_NOQUOTES);
- }
- /**
- * Save XmlHttpRequest (ajax) submitted image into new file.
- * (only supported by newer browsers)
- *
- * @todo: performance handling - see http://lenss.nl/2010/09/drag-drop-uploads-with-xmlhttprequest2-and-php-revised/
- *
- */
- function saveXHR($filename){
- //TODO: use base_convert(uniqid(),10,36) to add uniqueness to each file
- $tempfilepath = TEMP_FOLDER.'/'.$filename;
- $upload = file_put_contents($tempfilepath,file_get_contents('php://input'));
- $size = (isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"]))? (int)$_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"] : 0;
- if(!$size) return null; //TODO: throwing an error message would help here
- return array(
- 'tmp_name' => $tempfilepath,
- 'name' => $filename,
- 'size' => $size
- );
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ return $this->returnJSON($json);
+ }
+ public function returnJSON($jsonarray)
+ {
+ return htmlspecialchars(json_encode($jsonarray), ENT_NOQUOTES);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Save XmlHttpRequest (ajax) submitted image into new file.
+ * (only supported by newer browsers)
+ *
+ * @todo: performance handling - see http://lenss.nl/2010/09/drag-drop-uploads-with-xmlhttprequest2-and-php-revised/
+ *
+ */
+ public function saveXHR($filename)
+ {
+ //TODO: use base_convert(uniqid(),10,36) to add uniqueness to each file
+ $tempfilepath = TEMP_FOLDER.'/'.$filename;
+ $upload = file_put_contents($tempfilepath, file_get_contents('php://input'));
+ $size = (isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"]))? (int)$_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"] : 0;
+ if (!$size) {
+ return null;
+ } //TODO: throwing an error message would help here
+ return array(
+ 'tmp_name' => $tempfilepath,
+ 'name' => $filename,
+ 'size' => $size
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/code/XHRUpload.php b/code/XHRUpload.php
index 1236f7c..df6e710 100644
--- a/code/XHRUpload.php
+++ b/code/XHRUpload.php
@@ -1,58 +1,61 @@
tmpFile['name']) || empty($this->tmpFile['name'])) return true;
+class XHRUpload_Validator extends Upload_Validator
+ /**
+ * Run through the rules for this validator checking against
+ * the temporary file set by {@link setTmpFile()} to see if
+ * the file is deemed valid or not.
+ *
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function validate()
+ {
+ // we don't validate for empty upload fields yet
+ if (!isset($this->tmpFile['name']) || empty($this->tmpFile['name'])) {
+ return true;
+ }
- $isRunningTests = (class_exists('SapphireTest', false) && SapphireTest::is_running_test());
- //needed to allow XHR uploads
- /*if(isset($this->tmpFile['tmp_name']) && !is_uploaded_file($this->tmpFile['tmp_name']) && !$isRunningTests) {
- $this->errors[] = _t('File.NOVALIDUPLOAD', 'File is not a valid upload');
- return false;
- }*/
+ $isRunningTests = (class_exists('SapphireTest', false) && SapphireTest::is_running_test());
+ //needed to allow XHR uploads
+ /*if(isset($this->tmpFile['tmp_name']) && !is_uploaded_file($this->tmpFile['tmp_name']) && !$isRunningTests) {
+ $this->errors[] = _t('File.NOVALIDUPLOAD', 'File is not a valid upload');
+ return false;
+ }*/
- $pathInfo = pathinfo($this->tmpFile['name']);
- // filesize validation
- if(!$this->isValidSize()) {
- $ext = (isset($pathInfo['extension'])) ? $pathInfo['extension'] : '';
- $arg = File::format_size($this->getAllowedMaxFileSize($ext));
- $this->errors[] = sprintf(
- _t(
- 'File.TOOLARGE',
- 'Filesize is too large, maximum %s allowed.',
- 'Argument 1: Filesize (e.g. 1MB)'
- ),
- $arg
- );
- return false;
- }
+ $pathInfo = pathinfo($this->tmpFile['name']);
+ // filesize validation
+ if (!$this->isValidSize()) {
+ $ext = (isset($pathInfo['extension'])) ? $pathInfo['extension'] : '';
+ $arg = File::format_size($this->getAllowedMaxFileSize($ext));
+ $this->errors[] = sprintf(
+ _t(
+ 'File.TOOLARGE',
+ 'Filesize is too large, maximum %s allowed.',
+ 'Argument 1: Filesize (e.g. 1MB)'
+ ),
+ $arg
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
- // extension validation
- if(!$this->isValidExtension()) {
- $this->errors[] = sprintf(
- _t(
- 'Extension is not allowed (valid: %s)',
- 'Argument 1: Comma-separated list of valid extensions'
- ),
- wordwrap(implode(', ', $this->allowedExtensions))
- );
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ // extension validation
+ if (!$this->isValidExtension()) {
+ $this->errors[] = sprintf(
+ _t(
+ 'Extension is not allowed (valid: %s)',
+ 'Argument 1: Comma-separated list of valid extensions'
+ ),
+ wordwrap(implode(', ', $this->allowedExtensions))
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }