Announce new releases & tags from Bunto repositories to Twitter:
- Create a twitter account.
- Register a new twitter oauth app.
- Set the permissions to
. - Generate a personal key for your account.
Substituting for your new settings, run:
heroku login
heroku create your-new-announcer-bot
heroku config:set \
BASIC_USERNAME="basic auth username" \
BASIC_PASSWORD="basic auth password" \
TWITTER_TOKEN="twitter oauth token" \
TWITTER_TOKEN_SECRET="twitter oauth secret token" \
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY="twitter consumer key" \
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET="twitter consumer secret"
git push heroku master
Register a new hook with your repo at https://basic_username:[email protected]
Run locally:
heroku local web -p 4567
Check out the official Twitter account.