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Use PaperTrail for History Tracking

ccabot edited this page Jan 26, 2011 · 10 revisions

RailsAdmin has a nice history tracking mechanism built-in so it "just works" and you don't need to do anything to enable it. Because it's built into RA, though, it only tracks changes that were made using RA. Sometimes this isn't good enough - some applications need to track all changes made to the database. In those cases you'll probably want to use a Rails plugin to enable change tracking. There are many of them, you can see a few at, although this page assumes that you're using airblade's PaperTrail gem. RA works well with PaperTrail, although not quite perfectly.

At a high level there are two issues to consider: writing history and displaying history. If you're using a third-party gem to track history you probably want to disable RA's history mechanism entirely. You can do this with a patch (let's say in an initializer called config/initializers/rails_admin.rb):

require "rails_admin/abstract_history"
module RailsAdmin
  class AbstractHistory
    def self.create_history_item(message, object, abstract_model, user) ; end

All we're doing here is stubbing out the method that writes history entries to the database. This code doesn't make any assumptions about which history gem you're using.

You'll also want to have RA display history from PaperTrail's Version model instead of RA's History model. This is a little complicated - what you'll end up doing is patching RA's history interface code to use PaperTrail. All of this code is in the RailsAdmin::AbstractHistory class that we patched above, so we'll be patching more methods for history display. You'll need to patch 5 methods: history_for_model, history_for_object, history_for_month, history_summaries, and most_recent_history. Add this code to the initializer you created above:

    # Fetch the history items for a model.  Returns an array containing
    # the page count and an AR query result containing the history
    # items.
    def self.history_for_model(model, query, sort, sort_reverse, all, page = 1, per_page = 10 || RailsAdmin::Config::Sections::List.default_items_per_page)
      versions = Version.where :item_type => model.pretty_name

      if sort
        versions = versions.order(sort_reverse == "true" ? "#{sort} DESC" : sort)

      if all
        [1, versions]
        page_count = (versions.count.to_f / per_page).ceil
        [page_count, versions.limit(per_page).offset((page.to_i - 1) * per_page)]

    # Fetch the history items for a specific object instance.
    def self.history_for_object(model, object, query, sort, sort_reverse)
      versions = Version.where :item_type => model.pretty_name, :item_id =>

      if sort
        versions = versions.order(sort_reverse == "true" ? "#{sort} DESC" : sort)


    # Fetch the history item counts for a 5-month period.  Ref=0 ends at
    # the present month, ref=-1 is the block before that, etc.
    def self.history_for_month(ref, section)
      current_ref = -5 * ref.to_i
      current_diff = current_ref + 5 - (section.to_i + 1)
      roughly = current_diff.month.ago
      start =, roughly.month)

      return Version.find(:all, :conditions => ["created_at >= ? AND created_at < ?", start, start.advance(:months=>1)]), roughly

    # Fetch the history item counts for a 5-month period.  Ref=0 ends at
    # the present month, ref=-1 is the block before that, etc.
    def self.history_summaries(ref)
      current_ref = -5 * ref
      current_diff = current_ref + 5 - 1
      roughly = current_diff.month.ago
      start =, roughly.month)

      months = []
      5.times do
        stop = start.advance(:months=>1)
        months += Version.find_by_sql(["select count(*) as number, ? as year, ? as month from versions where created_at >= ? AND created_at < ?", start.year, start.month, start, stop])
        start = stop
      p months

    # Fetch the most recent history item for a model.
    def self.most_recent_history(name)
      Version.where(:item_type => name).order(:id).limit(1)
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