copyright | lastupdated | ||
2018-09-18 |
{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre}
{: #getting_started}
To get started with {{}} and start sending and receiving messages, you can use the Java™ sample. The sample shows how a producer sends messages to a consumer using a topic. The same sample program is used to consume messages and produce messages.
To understand more about how {{}} works, see About {{}}. {{}} was previously called Message Hub.
To access other {{}} samples, including samples for Node.js and Python, see {{}} samples {:new_window}.
Complete the following steps: {: #getting_started_steps}
- Create an {{}} service instance:
a. Log in to the {{}} console.
b. Click Catalog.
c. In the Integration section, select {{}} Standard plan. The {{}} service instance page opens.
d. Enter a name for your service. You can use the default value.
e. Click Create.
{: #create_credentials_step notoc} Create some {{}} credentials by completing these steps: get credentials and connect using the IBM Cloud console.
You'll need the values of kafka_brokers_sasl, kafka_admin_url, and api_key for step 7 of this task. -
If you don't already have them, install the following prerequisites:
Clone the event-streams-samples git repository by running the following command from the command line:
git clone
{: codeblock}
Change directory to the java console sample by running the following command:
cd event-streams-samples/kafka-java-console-sample
{: codeblock}
Run the following build commands:
gradle clean && gradle build
{: codeblock}
{: #start_consumer_step notoc} Start the consumer on your console by running the following command:
java -jar build/libs/kafka-java-console-sample-2.0.jar kafka_brokers_sasl kafka_admin_url token:api_key -consumer
{: codeblock}
The sample uses a topic named
. If the topic does not already exist, the sample creates it using the {{}} Administration API. To send and receive messages, the sample uses the Apache Kafka Java API.Use the values for kafka_brokers_sasl, kafka_admin_url, and api_key from the credentials you created in step 2.
as your user name and the api_key as your password. Separatetoken
and the api_key with a colon.Important: kafka_brokers_sasl must be a single string and you must enclose it in quotes. For example:
{: codeblock}
We recommend using all the Kafka hosts listed in the Credentials that you selected.
Start the producer on your console by running the following command:
java -jar build/libs/kafka-java-console-sample-2.0.jar kafka_brokers_sasl kafka_admin_url token:api_key -producer
{: codeblock}
You should now see the messages sent by the producer appearing in the consumer. The following is some sample output:
[2018-07-02 14:54:50,788] INFO Running in local mode. (com.messagehub.samples.MessageHubConsoleSample) [2018-07-02 14:54:50,789] INFO Kafka Endpoints:,, (com.messagehub.samples.MessageHubConsoleSample) [2018-07-02 14:54:50,789] INFO Admin REST Endpoint: (com.messagehub.samples.MessageHubConsoleSample) [2018-07-02 14:54:50,789] INFO Creating the topic kafka-java-console-sample-topic (com.messagehub.samples.MessageHubConsoleSample) [2018-07-02 14:54:52,680] INFO Admin REST response : (com.messagehub.samples.MessageHubConsoleSample) [2018-07-02 14:54:53,351] INFO Admin REST Listing Topics: [{"name":"kafka-java-console-sample-topic","partitions":1,"retentionMs":86400000,"cleanupPolicy":"delete"},{"name":"__consumer_offsets","partitions":50,"retentionMs":86400000,"cleanupPolicy":"compact"}] (com.messagehub.samples.MessageHubConsoleSample) [2018-07-02 14:54:55,126] INFO [Partition(topic = kafka-java-console-sample-topic, partition = 0, leader = 0, replicas = [0,2,1], isr = [0,2,1], offlineReplicas = [])] (com.messagehub.samples.ConsumerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:54:55,126] INFO class com.messagehub.samples.ConsumerRunnable is starting. (com.messagehub.samples.ConsumerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:54:56,328] INFO [Partition(topic = kafka-java-console-sample-topic, partition = 0, leader = 0, replicas = [0,2,1], isr = [0,2,1], offlineReplicas = [])] (com.messagehub.samples.ProducerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:54:56,328] INFO MessageHubConsoleSample will run until interrupted. (com.messagehub.samples.MessageHubConsoleSample) [2018-07-02 14:54:56,328] INFO class com.messagehub.samples.ProducerRunnable is starting. (com.messagehub.samples.ProducerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:54:57,514] INFO Message produced, offset: 0 (com.messagehub.samples.ProducerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:54:59,652] INFO Message produced, offset: 1 (com.messagehub.samples.ProducerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:55:00,671] INFO No messages consumed (com.messagehub.samples.ConsumerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:55:01,788] INFO Message produced, offset: 2 (com.messagehub.samples.ProducerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:55:01,797] INFO Message consumed: ConsumerRecord(topic = kafka-java-console-sample-topic, partition = 0, offset = 2, CreateTime = 1530539701655, serialized key size = 3, serialized value size = 25, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = key, value = This is a test message #2) (com.messagehub.samples.ConsumerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:55:03,921] INFO Message consumed: ConsumerRecord(topic = kafka-java-console-sample-topic, partition = 0, offset = 3, CreateTime = 1530539703789, serialized key size = 3, serialized value size = 25, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = key, value = This is a test message #3) (com.messagehub.samples.ConsumerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:55:03,921] INFO Message produced, offset: 3 (com.messagehub.samples.ProducerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:55:06,053] INFO Message consumed: ConsumerRecord(topic = kafka-java-console-sample-topic, partition = 0, offset = 4, CreateTime = 1530539705922, serialized key size = 3, serialized value size = 25, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = key, value = This is a test message #4) (com.messagehub.samples.ConsumerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:55:06,054] INFO Message produced, offset: 4 (com.messagehub.samples.ProducerRunnable) [2018-07-02 14:55:08,186] INFO Message consumed: ConsumerRecord(topic = kafka-java-console-sample-topic, partition = 0, offset = 5, CreateTime = 1530539708055, serialized key size = 3, serialized value size = 25, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = key, value = This is a test message #5) (com.messagehub.samples.ConsumerRunnable)
{: codeblock}
The sample runs indefinitely until you stop it. To stop the process, run a command like the following: