The table below lists the benchmark cases at the operation level.
Name | Build Target | Introduction |
TinyLlama-1.1B | ninja dl-model-tinyllama-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the TinyLlama model. |
MobileNet-V3 | ninja dl-model-mobilenetv3-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the MobileNet-V3 model. |
LeNet | ninja dl-model-lenet-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the LeNet model. |
BERT | ninja dl-model-bert-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the BERT model. |
Whisper | ninja dl-model-whisper-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the Whisper model. |
ResNet-18 | ninja dl-model-resnet18-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the ResNet-18 model. |
The table below lists the benchmark cases at the layer level.
Name | Build Target | Introduction |
FFN | ninja dl-layer-ffn-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the FFN layer. |
Self Attention | ninja dl-layer-selfattention-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the self attention layer. |
RMSNorm | ninja dl-layer-rmsnorm-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the RMSNorm layer. |
The table below lists the benchmark cases at the operation level.
Name | Build Target | Introduction |
Linalg MatMul | ninja dl-op-linalg-matmul-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the linalg.matmul operation. You can adjust the size of the benchmark by modifying the M , N , and K values in this file. |
Linalg MatMul for int32 data type by RVV optimization | ninja dl-op-linalg-matmul-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the linalg.matmul operation for int32 data type by RVV optimization. You can adjust the size of the benchmark by modifying the M , N , and K values in this file. |
Linalg Conv2D NCHW FCHW | ninja dl-op-linalg-conv2d-nchw-fchw-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the linalg.conv_2d_nchw_fchw operation. You can adjust the size of the benchmark in this file. |
Linalg Conv2D NHWC HWCF | ninja dl-op-linalg-conv2d-nhwc-hwcf-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_hwcf operation. You can adjust the size of the benchmark in this file. |
Linalg Conv2D NHWC FHWC | ninja dl-op-linalg-conv2d-nhwc-fhwc-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_fhwc operation. You can adjust the size of the benchmark in this file. |
Linalg Conv2D NHWC FHWC for int32 data type by RVV optimization | ninja dl-op-linalg-conv2d-nhwc-fhwc-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_fhwc operation for int32 data type by RVV optimization. You can adjust the size of the benchmark in this file. |
Linalg Depthwise Conv2D NHWC HWC | ninja dl-op-linalg-depthwise-conv-2d-nhwc-hwc-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the linalg.depthwise_conv_2d_nhwc_hwc operation. You can adjust the size of the benchmark in this file. |
Linalg Pooling NHWC Sum | ninja dl-op-linalg-pooling-nhwc-sum-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the linalg.pooling_nhwc_sum operation. You can adjust the size of the benchmark in this file. |
Linalg Batch Matmul Benchmark | ninja dl-op-linalg-batch-matmul-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the batch matmul operation. You can adjust the size of the benchmark in this file. |
Linalg Batch Matmul Benchmark for int32 data type by RVV optimization | ninja dl-op-linalg-batch-matmul-benchmark |
This benchmark compares multiple optimization strategies targeting the batch matmul operation for int32 data type by RVV optimization. You can adjust the size of the benchmark in this file. |
Arith Addf | ninja dl-op-arith-addf-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the arith.addf operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
Arith Divf | ninja dl-op-arith-divf-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the arith.divf operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
Arith Mulf | ninja dl-op-arith-mulf-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the arith.mulf operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
Arith Negf | ninja dl-op-arith-negf-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the arith.negf operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
Arith Subf | ninja dl-op-arith-subf-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the arith.subf operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
Math Fpow | ninja dl-op-math-fpow-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the math.fpow operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
Math Rsqrt | ninja dl-op-math-rsqrt-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the math.rsqrt operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
Math Exp | ninja dl-op-math-exp-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the math.exp operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
Reduce Addf | ninja dl-op-reduce-addf-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the reduce.addf operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
Reduce Maxf | ninja dl-op-reduce-maxf-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the reduce.maxf operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
Softmax Exp Sum Div | ninja dl-op-softmax-exp-sum-div-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the softmax.exp_sum_div operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
TOSA Transpose | ninja dl-op-tosa-transpose-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the tosa.transpose operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in this file. |
MatMul Transpose B | ninja dl-op-matmul-transpose-b-benchmark |
This benchmark evaluates optimization strategies for the linalg.matmul_transpose_b operation. The benchmark size can be adjusted in main file and MLIR file. |
We recommend you to use anaconda3 to create python virtual environment. You should install python packages as buddy-mlir/requirements.
$ conda activate <your virtual environment name>
$ cd buddy-benchmark
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set the
toolchain and PYTHONPATH environment variable: Make sure that the PYTHONPATH variable includes the directory of LLVM/MLIR python bindings and the directory of Buddy MLIR python packages.
$ cd buddy-mlir/build
$ export LLVM_MLIR_BUILD_DIR=${BUDDY_MLIR_BUILD_DIR}/../llvm/build/
$ export PYTHONPATH=${LLVM_MLIR_BUILD_DIR}/tools/mlir/python_packages/mlir_core:${BUDDY_MLIR_BUILD_DIR}/python_packages:${PYTHONPATH}
- Build benchmark for local platform:
$ cd buddy-benchmark
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -G Ninja .. \
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-march=native \
$ ninja <target benchmark>
// For example:
$ ninja dl-op-linalg-matmul-benchmark
- Run the benchmark on your local platform:
// For example:
$ cd bin
$ ./dl-op-linalg-matmul-benchmark
RISC-V Vector Extension
Follow the Environment Setup Guide for MLIR and RVV Testing and Experiments to prepare the RVV environment. Furthermore, To enable the openmp feature on RISC-V, you also need to refer to Prepare RISC-V OpenMP ToolChain.
- Set variables for the toolchain:
$ cd buddy-mlir/build
$ export LLVM_MLIR_BUILD_DIR=${BUDDY_MLIR_BUILD_DIR}/../llvm/build/
$ export PYTHONPATH=${LLVM_MLIR_BUILD_DIR}/tools/mlir/python_packages/mlir_core:${BUDDY_MLIR_BUILD_DIR}/python_packages:${PYTHONPATH}
$ export RISCV_GNU_TOOLCHAIN=${BUDDY_MLIR_BUILD_DIR}/thirdparty/riscv-gnu-toolchain
$ export RISCV_OMP_SHARED=${LLVM_MLIR_BUILD_DIR}/../build-omp-shared-rv/
- Build the benchmark for the target platform:
$ cd buddy-benchmark
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -G Ninja .. \
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-march=rv64gcv --target=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu --sysroot=${RISCV_GNU_TOOLCHAIN}/sysroot --gcc-toolchain=${RISCV_GNU_TOOLCHAIN} -fPIC" \
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-march=rv64gcv --target=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu --sysroot=${RISCV_GNU_TOOLCHAIN}/sysroot --gcc-toolchain=${RISCV_GNU_TOOLCHAIN} -fPIC" \
$ ninja <target benchmark>
// For example:
$ ninja dl-op-linalg-matmul-benchmark
- Transfer the compiled benchmark to your target platform and run it.