This document details the process of authenticating, querying and sending commands to the Actron Neo API.
The details in this document have been aquired through online research, reverse engineering and testing against the Que API using my own Actron Que account and AC system. This information is provided without garuntee or warranty of any kind and has not been validated or provided by Actron.
All requests should be sent to the Actron NEO API servers located at:
Authentication to the Actron Neo API is a two step process.
- Request a pairing token to authorise a new device
- Use pairing token to request a bearer token
Following authentication the bearer token must be sent in the Authorization header for all API queries and commands.
Specify the details of the client in the request body. The username and password are the credentials you use to login to your Actron Neo account. Device name and ID are values that you can set to any unique value. Client must be set to one of the options shown (ios, android, windowsphone or loadtest). I have only tested with this value set to ios.
Method: POST
Path: /api/v0/client/user-devices
Required Headers:
- Host:
- Content-Length: <content_length>
- Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
username: <my_username>
password: <my_password>
client: ios | android | windowsphone | loadtest
deviceName: <any_unique_name_for_authorised_device>
deviceUniqueIdentifier: <any_unique_id_value>
The response will resemble the JSON content below. You will need to extract the pairingToken
for the next step in the authentication process.
"id": "<id_value>",
"deviceName": "<name_set_in_request>",
"pairingToken": "<token_value>",
"expires": "<expire_time>",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/v0/client/user-devices/<id_value>"
Use the provided pairingToken
(aka Refresh Token) to obtain a bearer toekn. Bearer token will be needed to authorize all subsequent API calls.
Method: POST
Path: /api/v0/oauth/token
Required Headers:
- Host:
- Content-Length: <content_length>
- Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
grant_type: refresh_token
refresh_token: <pairing_token>
client_id: app
The response will resemble the JSON content below. You will need to extract the pairingToken
for the next step in the authentication process.
"access_token": "<Some Very Long Value>",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 259199
Use the value provided in access_token
as the value of the bearer token in the Authorization header.
Method: GET
Path: variable
Required Headers:
- Authorization: Bearer <my_token>
Queries will be sent with an empty body and return JSON data
List all AC systems in the customer account. This will return the serial number of the unit you wish to control. The serial number must be set in the query string when sending commands or queries to the unit.
Path: /api/v0/client/ac-systems
Parameters: ?includeNeo=true
Retireves the full status of the Actron AC unit targetted. Temprature, humidty, zone details etc.
Path: /api/v0/client/ac-systems/status/latest?serial=<my_serail>
Retireves system events.
Path: /api/v0/client/ac-systems/events/latest?serial=<my_serail>
Path string can be modified to retrive specific event windows. Replace the '|' in the event ID with '%'.
Newer Events
Older Events
Method: POST
Path: /api/v0/client/ac-systems/cmds/send?serial=<my_serial>
Required Headers:
- Authorization: Bearer <my_token>
- Content-Type: application/json
Commands are sent as JSON in the request body and have the following syntax:
"requested.command-1": "setting",
"requested.command-n": "setting",
System ON/OFF can be triggered indebendlty or along with the desired mode setting
Set System Mode to OFF
Set System Mode to ON/Automatic
Set System Mode to ON/Cool
Set System Mode to ON/Fan-Only
Set System Mode to ON/Heat
Zones are numbered starting at zero and will be specified within the square brackets '[]' following 'RemoteZoneInfo'.
Random zone numbers used in following examples.
Set Zone to OFF
Set Zone to ON
Set Multiple Zones ON/OFF in Single Command
Fan can be set to Auto, Low, Medium or High with the option to set continuous fan by adding the '-CONT' to the end of the mode string.
Set Fan Mode to Auto
"UserAirconSettings.FanMode":"AUTO" | "AUTO-CONT",
Set Fan Mode to Low
"UserAirconSettings.FanMode":"LOW" | "LOW-CONT",
Set Fan Mode to Medium
"UserAirconSettings.FanMode":"MED" | "MED-CONT",
Set Fan Mode to High
"UserAirconSettings.FanMode":"HIGH" | "HIGH-CONT",
Temprature can be set as a floating point number within permitted ranges.
Setting the temprature is not applicable in OFF or FAN-ONLY mode, and command will vary based on heating, cooling or auto mode. This is the setting for the common zone.
Random set points used as an example setting in examples that follow
Set Cooling Temp
"UserAirconSettings.TemperatureSetpoint_Cool_oC": 20.4,
Set Heating Temp
"UserAirconSettings.TemperatureSetpoint_Heat_oC": 22.0,
Set Auto Heating/Cooling Temp
"UserAirconSettings.TemperatureSetpoint_Heat_oC": 22.0,
"UserAirconSettings.TemperatureSetpoint_Cool_oC": 20.4,
Same as the temprature commands above but zone specific. Zones are numbered starting at zero and will be specified within the square brackets '[]' following 'RemoteZoneInfo'.
Random set points and zone numbers used as an example setting in examples that follow
Set Cooling Temp
"RemoteZoneInfo[0].TemperatureSetpoint_Cool_oC": 20.4,
Set Heating Temp
"RemoteZoneInfo[3].TemperatureSetpoint_Heat_oC": 22.0,
Set Auto Heating/Cooling Temp
"RemoteZoneInfo[2].TemperatureSetpoint_Heat_oC": 22.0,
"RemoteZoneInfo[2].TemperatureSetpoint_Cool_oC": 20.4,