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stdio-mgr is maintained by Brian Skinn (Blog) (Twitter).

Both the standard library (via the contextlib module) and pytest provide mechanisms for capturing/mocking sys.stdout and sys.stderr. However, neither provides functionality for mocking sys.stdin, and the usage of both can tend to be verbose. Thus, stdio-mgr was originally created with two main goals in mind:

  1. Providing a mock for sys.stdin, in particular one with the capability to: a) Enable dynamic addition of text to the mocked input, and b) 'Tee' the content read to sys.stdout (also mocked) in order to mimic what would be observed by a user at the console.
  2. Implementing a concise, simultaneous mock for all of sys.stdin, sys.stdout, and sys.stderr

These goals were achieved in v1.x, authored by Brian Skinn, and enabled direct testing of CLI logic involving user input.

stdio-mgr v2, under active development as of 30 Aug 2019, aims to significantly expand the capabilities and correctness of the mocked stdio streams. John Vandenberg is leading these efforts. See the CHANGELOG (eventually) for details of added features, changed behavior/API, etc.