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  1. About Prolog
  2. Resolution strategy
  3. Warren Abstract Machine
  4. Indexing
  5. Parsing
  6. Grammar
  7. Stuff left out


Prol's grammar is straightforward in BNF:

Clause ::= Struct "."
         | Struct ":-" Terms "."
  Term ::= Atom
         | Var
         | Struct
  Atom ::= lower ident*
         | digit+
         | symbol+
         | "'" (char - "'" | "'" "'") "'"
   Var ::= (upper | "_") ident* ;
Struct ::= Atom "(" Terms? ")" ;
 Terms ::= Term ("," Term)* ;

 lower ::= [a-z] ;
 upper ::= [A-Z] ;
 digit ::= [0-9] ;
symbol ::= [!@#$%&*=+{}[\]^~/\|<>.;-] ;
 ident ::= lower | upper | digit | "_" ;

(Whitespace handling omitted to improve readability)

Let's see some example elements:

  • Var: X, A1, Elem, _, _list_1;
  • Atom:
    • starting with lowercase: a, b51, anAtom, a_10;
    • only digits: 123;
    • only symbols: ., <->, [], \==;
    • quoted: '', 'a b', 'I won''t fail!';
  • Struct: f(), 'f'(), .(Head, Tail), f(g(a), h(t(b)))
  • Clause: vowel(a)., consonant(X) :- letter(X), not(vowel(X)).

Given a list of atoms representing text, we want to check that it matches the grammar specification. We need to compose rules into others, which can be done in a simple way using difference lists. We can build a check that the L0-L4 difference list contains a clause by composing it with checks for struct and terms:

clause(L0, L4) :-
    struct(L0, L1),
    L1 = .(':', .('-', L2)),
    terms(L2, L3),
    L3 = .('.', L4).

We can also inline the definitions for L1 and L3, getting the more idiomatic option

clause(L0, L4) :-
    struct(L0, .(':', .('-', L2))),
    terms(L2, .('.', L4)).

To check for vars, we check that the first char is an uppercase char, and the remaining are all identifier chars with idents/2.

var(.(Ch, L0), L1) :-
    idents(L1, L2).
idents(L, L).
idents(.(Ch, L0), L1) :-
    idents(L0, L1).

ident(Ch) :- lower(Ch).
ident(Ch) :- upper(Ch).
ident(Ch) :- digit(Ch).

Finally, we need to list all facts about chars:

% upper/1

% lower/1

% digit/1

% symbol/1

Abstract syntax tree

The form we wrote for the grammar allows us only checking that a given list of atoms matches the grammar. We can also build a tree of the parsed elements while parsing, to represent the program structure -- what is called an abstract syntax tree (AST).

First, an example of what we want. Given the text f(x):-gh(a,X). we build a list of atoms with their chars. The predicate clause/3 receives a new argument Tree where the AST is built:

?- Chars = .(f, .('(', .('X', .(')', .(':', .('-', .(g, .(h, .('(', .(a, .(',', .('X', .(')', .('.', [])))))))))))))),
   clause(Tree, Chars, []).
Tree = clause(
    struct(.(f, []),
           .(var(.('X', [])),
    .(struct(.(g, .(h, [])),
             .(atom(.(a, [])),
               .(var(.('X', [])),

Or, more visually:

   Tree = clause(.,.)
                 | '-----------------[ struct(.,.)
              struct(.,.)                     | '--[ atom(.)
                     | '--[ var(.) ]         "gh"         |
                    "f"         |                        "a"
                               "X"                 , var(.)

That is, a clause has two elements: the head and the body (a list of terms). A struct has two terms: its name and its args (also a list of terms). atom and var both have only their names. Names are represented above within double quotes, but in the AST you see that they are actually atom lists.

The clause predicate becomes:

clause(Tree, L0, L2) :-
    struct(Head, L0, .(':', .('-', L1))),
    terms(Body, L1, .('.', L2)),
    Tree = clause(Head, Body).

and var becomes:

var(Tree, .(Ch, L0), L1) :-
    idents(Idents, L1, L2),
    Tree = var(.(Ch, Idents)).
idents([], L, L).
idents(Idents, .(Ch, L0), L1) :-
    idents(Chars, L0, L1),
    Idents = .(Ch, Chars).

With an AST for the code, we parse the text and build data structures from it at the decode_* functions in We are able to build the exact same structures as the grammar built to parse it! Cool, huh?