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165 lines (124 loc) · 4.46 KB

Vue3 Shop


The app runs a online shop which sells 3 products.

The current prices of the products are the following:

Code         | Name         |  Price
CAP          | Cap          |   5.00€
TSHIRT       | T-Shirt      |  20.00€
MUG          | Coffee Mug   |   7.50€

And we are offering users these discounts:

  • 2-for-1 promotions: buy two of the same product, get one free, applied to CAP items.
  • bulk discounts: buying 3 or more of TSHIRT product, the price of that product is reduced 5%. E.g., if you buy 3 or more TSHIRT items, the price per unit should be 19.00€.


Based on the article "A different approach to frontend architecture"

  • Application
    • This layer contains application logic.
    • This layer is implemented via Vue Composable Functions.
    • Organized via services with use cases.
  • Domain
    • This layer is for business logic.
    • There is just pure TypeScript code with no frameworks/libraries.
  • Infrastructure
    • This layer is responsible for communications with the outside world and storing local data.
      • Store: State Management implemented with Vuex.
      • HTTP Requests/Responses.
  • User Interface
    • This layer is basically made of Vue views and components.


└── src
    └── application
        └── services (Contains the composable functions) 
    ├── domain
        ├── checkout
        └── discount-rules
    ├── infrastructure
        ├── http (In charge of making the requests to the API)
        └── store (Contains the Vuex modules)
    └── ui
        ├── assets (Contains the styles of the UI)
        ├── components (Contains the Vue components)
            └── core (Contains the core components)
        ├── types (Contains the types of the UI)
        ├── utils (Contains the utils of the UI)
        └── views (Contains the Vue views)
└── tests
    └── unit (Contains the unit tests of the app)
        ├── _mocks (Mocks: Vuex State, Vuex Store, Vuex Context and Princing Rules)
        ├── domain (Unit tests for the business logic)
        ├── infrastructure
            └── store (Unit tests for the Vuex modules)
        └── ui
            ├── components (Unit tests for Vue components)
            ├── helpers (Unit tests helpers)
            └── views (Unit tests for Vue views)


App scaffolding

  • [chore] Create a Vue app with these plugins: Typescript, ESlint, Prettier, Vuex, Jest and PostCSS


  • [feat] Create the products resource

Checkout service

  • [feat] The checkout manages the discount rules
  • [feat] The checkout manages the pricing rules
  • [feat] The checkout can scan a product
  • [feat] The checkout can remove a product
  • [feat] The checkout knows the total items
  • [feat] The checkout knows the total cost
  • [feat] The checkout knows the total cost with discounts
  • [feat] The checkout knows the discounts applied

Data management


  • [feat] Create modal Vuex module
  • [feat] Create modal initial state
  • [feat] Create modal actions
  • [feat] Create modal mutations
  • [feat] Create modal getters


  • [feat] Create shopping Vuex module
  • [feat] Create shopping initial state
  • [feat] Create shopping actions
  • [feat] Create shopping mutations
  • [feat] Create shopping getters

Composable Functions

  • [feat] Create the composable functions for the modal module
  • [feat] Create the composable functions for the shopping module

App UI

  • [feat] Create App component

Products UI

  • [feat] Create view: products
  • [feat] Create component: common title
  • [feat] Create component: product header
  • [feat] Create component: product list
  • [feat] Create component: product item
  • [feat] Connect products with the data manager

Summary UI

  • [feat] Create view: summary
  • [feat] Create component: summary items
  • [feat] Create component: summary discounts
  • [feat] Create component: summary total cost
  • [feat] Create component: summary checkout
  • [feat] Connect summary with the data manager

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint