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Aaron edited this page Jul 17, 2013 · 7 revisions

How to write a unit test

Unit tests should be placed in the test subdirectory of either the client or server directory. The name should be the same as the file they test.

See client/tests/chest.js for an example.


Mocha is used as the unit testing framework.
Should.js is used as the assertion framework.
Sinon.js is used for spies, stubs, and mocks.

Please use the BDD style when writing Mocha tests.

Writing Tests

The following lines need to be added to the top of any unit test:

load_boilerplate = require('../boilerplate.js');


load_boilerplate = require('../boilerplate.js');
This line loads the load_boilerplate function, which returns the text from shared/js/test_bootstrap.js.

This line executes the load_boilerplate function, and runs the returned string through eval. Since the eval'd text affects the context it is executed in, it has to be eval'd and not require'd.

In addition, the following code needs to be added underneath the describe statement:

var <ClassName>;
var self = this;

beforeEach(function(done) {

    requirejs(['<FileName>'], function(_Module) {
        <ClassName> = _Module;
        self.<filename> = new <ClassName>(1);

Replace <ClassName> with the class that you are testing, and with the filename you are testing, without the .js extension

Running Tests

To run the entire test suite, run make test from the root of the project. This will run both the client and server tests.

To watch a set of tests for changes, run mocha -w from the client or server directory.