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How to add a non playing character

lulalala edited this page Mar 29, 2020 · 3 revisions

Like for adding an item start by drawing your sprite. As an example, we'll add a character called librarian.

Create the corresponding entity

The link between the entity and the sprite is to be defined in shared/js/gametypes.js.

Assign a constant to the entity (in variable Types.Entities — attribute Entities of the variable Types —: LIBRARIAN: 58) and then make the link, by creating a kind (in variable kinds, add epigraphist: [Types.Entities.LIBRARIAN, "npc"]).

Make the character talk

Edit Npc with the sentences your character is supposed to say to the user.

Create a class for your npc

In client/js/npcs.js, create a class for your npc. E.g.:

Librarian: Npc.extend({
	init: function(id) {

Add a builder to the EntityFactory

Associate the constructor of the class that was just created, to the entity ID it corresponds to:[Types.Entities.LIBRARIAN] = function(id){
	return new NPCs.Librarian(id);

Add the NPC to the game

Add it to the spriteNames array.