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File metadata and controls

117 lines (79 loc) · 3.55 KB

Updating ClinVar variants

  1. Delete clinvar.xml from the data pipeline output bucket so that the data pipeline will download the latest version

    gsutil rm gs://gnomad-browser-data-pipeline/output/external_sources/clinvar.xml.gz
  2. Run data pipeline

    ClinVar pipelines use VEP and thus must be run on clusters with VEP installed and configured. To match gnomAD v2.1 (GRCh37) ClinVar variants should be annotated with VEP 85. To match gnomAD v4.0 (GRCh38) ClinVar variants should be annotated with VEP 101.

    1. Start Dataproc cluster


      ./deployctl dataproc-cluster start vep85 \
         --vep GRCh37 \
         --num-secondary-workers 32


      ./deployctl dataproc-cluster start vep105 \
         --init=gs://gcp-public-data--gnomad/resources/vep/v105/ \
         --metadata=VEP_CONFIG_PATH=/vep_data/vep-gcloud.json,VEP_CONFIG_URI=file:///vep_data/vep-gcloud.json,VEP_REPLICATE=us \
         --master-machine-type n1-highmem-8 \
         --worker-machine-type n1-highmem-8 \
         --worker-boot-disk-size=200 \
         --secondary-worker-boot-disk-size=200 \
         --num-secondary-workers 16
    2. Run pipeline


      ./deployctl data-pipeline run --cluster vep85 clinvar_grch37


      ./deployctl data-pipeline run --cluster vep105 clinvar_grch38

      *Note: The script is inconsistent about starting Docker. As a workaround, after starting the Dataproc Cluster, SSH into every individual node and run sudo systemctl start docker

  3. Load variants to Elasticsearch


    ./deployctl elasticsearch load-datasets --dataproc-cluster vep85 clinvar_grch37_variants


    ./deployctl elasticsearch load-datasets --dataproc-cluster vep105 clinvar_grch38_variants
  4. Update Elasticsearch index aliases

    Follow the steps in for accessing the Elasticsearch API.

    Step 3 loads the new indices into Elasticsearch with a descriptive name including a timestamp.

    Replace the clinvar_grch37_variants and clinvar_grch38_variants aliases with the new indices.

    Lookup the names of all the indices that exist

    curl -u "elastic:$ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD" http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices

    Replace an older index associated with an alias with a newer one

    curl -u "elastic:$ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD" -XPOST http://localhost:9200/_aliases --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @- <<EOF
       "actions": [
          {"remove": {"index": "clinvar_grch37_variants-<previous_timestamp>", "alias": "clinvar_grch37_variants"}},
          {"add": {"index": "clinvar_grch37_variants-<new_timestamp>", "alias": "clinvar_grch37_variants"}}
  5. Clear Redis cache

    Start a shell in the Redis pod.

    Delete cache keys matching clinvar_variants:*.

    redis-cli -n 1 --scan --pattern 'clinvar_variants:*' | xargs redis-cli -n 1 del
  6. Delete old Elasticsearch indices

    Remove the specified index

    curl -u "elastic:$ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD" -XDELETE "http://localhost:9200/<index_name>-<previous_timestamp>"
  7. Create an Elasticsearch snapshot

    Create a snapshot with the current date

    curl -u "elastic:$ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD" -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/backups/'