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File metadata and controls

56 lines (38 loc) · 1.74 KB

Connecting to Elasticsearch

  • Forward local port to Elasticsearch service.

    kubectl port-forward service/gnomad-es-http 9200

    The service name may be different depending on the name of the Elasticsearch cluster.

  • Get password from K8S secret.

    ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD=$(./deployctl elasticsearch get-password)
  • Make a request.

    curl -u "elastic:$ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD" http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health

Connecting to Elasticsearch from a Dataproc cluster

  • Dataproc clusters must connect to Elasticsearch through the internal load balancer. Get its IP address with:

    ELASTICSEARCH_IP=$(kubectl get service gnomad-elasticsearch-lb --output=jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
  • Store the Elasticsearch password in Secret Manager.

    ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD=$(./deployctl elasticsearch get-password)
    echo -n "$ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD" | gcloud secrets create gnomad-elasticsearch-password --data-file=-
  • Grant the data pipeline service account access to the secret.

    gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding gnomad-elasticsearch-password \
      --member="serviceAccount:gnomad-data-pipeline@${PROJECT}" \
  • Specify the service account when creating the Dataproc cluster. The secret value can be accessed from the Dataproc cluster using:

    gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret="gnomad-elasticsearch-password"
  • Make a request.

    curl -u "elastic:$ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD" http://${ELASTICSEARCH_IP}:9200/_cluster/health