Releases: broadinstitute/gatk-sv
Releases · broadinstitute/gatk-sv
Two bug fixes in GenotypeComplexVariants: in ParseGenotyping and ConcatCpxCnvVcfs tasks
Full Changelog: v0.24-beta...v0.24.1-beta
Updates include:
- ExpansionHunter: Improvements on scaling the EH WDL to more batches, Convert EH JSON to TSV
- Docker build: Decrease disk usage building dockers on GitHub, Build STR docker image using the build_docker script, Decrease docker count, Enable docker build on m1 macs
- svtk vcfcluster: Bug fixes, Performance optimization, Fix STRANDS and EV related errors
- Add GqRecalibrator WDLs and input templates
- Early BAF generation from CRAMs
- Switch to new CondenseDepthEvidence GATK tool
- Run the 5 subworkflows of MakeCohortVcf as separate steps in Terra
- Integrate GATK SVCluster into ClusterBatch
- Handle low PE cutoff in genotyping
Full Changelog: v0.23-beta...v0.24-beta
- Increment the EH version in its Dockerfile to the current latest release
- Increase memory in PostprocessGermlineCNVCalls to original
- Check for scramble in breakpoint overlap filter
- Use GATK tool SVAnnotate for functional consequence annotation
Full Changelog: v0.22-beta...v0.23-beta
- Fix ENDs and rescale GQ to [0,99] at end of CleanVcf
- Authentication for CI/CD bot to update docker images
- Replace Array[File] with File inputs in single-sample pipeline
Full Changelog: v0.21-beta...v0.22-beta
Hotfix for v0.9.1-beta-hotfix: v0.9.1-beta-hotfix2
Hotfix for previous release v0.9.1-beta-hotfix: the state of the pipeline is the same as release v0.9.1-beta-hotfix but fixes a regression in Whamg.wdl. See #332. This tag does not reflect the latest version of the GATK-SV pipeline.
Updates include
- Single sample pipeline fixes for MakeCohortVcf
- Add minGQ_NCR INFO field
- Migrate to 1KGP reference panel for testing
- Build docker updates
- Add option to run Scramble
- GATK docker updates
- Option to provide credentials JSON to access CRAMs
- Fix bug in Whamg
Full Changelog: v0.20.2-beta...v0.21-beta
- Add TrainGCNV input specifying subset list of samples for training #294
Updates include: #290
Updates include: Scaling updates and bug fixes to MakeCohortVcf implemented as part of processing gnomAD-SV-v3.
Full Changelog: v0.19.4-beta...v0.20-beta