Validate a group of attributes against a group of rules.
- options:
- resource: The resource being validate. Useful for auto-populating rules.
- attributes: The attributes you want to validate
- ignore: List of attrs. in options.attributes that shouldn't be validated.
- rules: The rules to validate the attrs. against
- intersect: If intersect is on, only validate the attributes provided
- success: Callback for when validation completes with no errors
- error: Callback for when validate completes with errors
Validate an individual attribute & value against a group of rules.
- options:
- resource: The resource being validate. If resource is provided, resource.validation will be used as the rules.
- attribute: The attribute name. Needed so the relevant rules can be looked up.
- attributes: All attributes present (don't use for validation, just for reference)
- value: The value of the attribute
- rules: The rules to validate the attributes against.
- success: Callback for when validation completes with no errors
- error: Callback for when validate completes with errors
Configure Stonewall.
- type: Type of configuration option
- obj: Part of Stonewall you wish to configure
- options: New options you are setting