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Deployment Guide


Quick Start

helm repo add science-platform
helm repo add science-platform-client
helm repo update

helm install --values my-base-local-values-file.yaml base science-platform/base
helm install -n skaha-system --values my-posix-mapper-local-values-file.yaml posixmapper science-platform/posixmapper
helm install -n skaha-system --values my-skaha-local-values-file.yaml skaha science-platform/skaha
helm install -n skaha-system --dependency-update --values my-scienceportal-local-values-file.yaml scienceportal science-platform/scienceportal
helm install -n skaha-system --values my-cavern-local-values-file.yaml cavern science-platform/cavern
helm install -n skaha-system --dependency-update --values my-storage-ui-local-values-file.yaml storage-ui science-platform-client/storageui

More details below.

Helm repository

Add the Helm repository:

helm repo add science-platform
helm repo update

Base install

The Base install will create ServiceAccount, Role, Namespace, and RBAC objects needed to place the Skaha service.

Create a my-base-local-values-file.yaml file to override Values from the main template values.yaml file. Mainly the Traefik Default Server certificate (optional if needed):


        tls.crt: <base64 encoded server certificate>
        tls.key: <base64 encoded server key>
helm install --values my-base-local-values-file.yaml base science-platform/base

NAME: base
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Sep 28 07:28:45 2023
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims

Note The base MUST be installed first as it creates the necessary Namespaces for the Persistent Volume Claims!

Important There are two (2) Persistent Volume Claims that are used in the system, due to the fact that there are two (2) Namespaces (skaha-system and skaha-workload). These PVCs, while having potentially different configurations, SHOULD point to the same storage. For example, if two hostPath PVCs are created, the hostPath.path MUST point to the same folder in order to have shared content between the Services (skaha, cavern) and the User Sessions (Notebooks, CARTA, etc.).

It is expected that the deployer, or an Administrator, will create the necessary Persistent Volumes (if needed), and the required Persistent Volume Claims at this point. There are sample Local Storage Persistent Volume examples in the base/volumes folder.

Required Persistent Volume Claim

It is expected that there is a Persistent Volume Claim with the name of the Skaha Workload namespace hyphenated with cavern-pvc. This will provide the backing storage to the User Sessions. Using the default values, this means:


will exist as a Persistent Volume Claim in the skaha-workload namespace.

POSIX Mapper install

The POSIX Mapper Service is required to provide a UID to Username mapping, and a GID to Group Name mapping so that any Terminal access properly showed System Users in User Sessions. It will generate UIDs when a user is requested, or a GID when a Group is requested, and then keep track of them.

This service is required to be installed before the Skaha service.

Create a my-posix-mapper-local-values-file.yaml file to override Values from the main template values.yaml file.


# POSIX Mapper web service deployment
    # Optionally set the DEBUG port.
    # extraEnv:
    # - name: CATALINA_OPTS
    #   value: "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address="
    # - name: JAVA_OPTS
    #   value: "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address="

    # Uncomment to debug.  Requires options above as well as service port exposure below.
    # extraPorts:
    # - containerPort: 5555
    #   protocol: TCP

    # Resources provided to the Skaha service.
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "500m"
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "500m"

    # Used to set the minimum UID.  Useful to avoid conflicts.
    minUID: 10000

    # Used to set the minimum GID.  Keep this much higher than the minUID so that default Groups can be set for new users.
    minGID: 900000

    # The URL of the IVOA Registry

    # Optionally mount a custom CA certificate
    # extraVolumeMounts:
    # - mountPath: "/config/cacerts"
    #   name: cacert-volume

    # Create the CA certificate volume to be mounted in extraVolumeMounts
    # extraVolumes:
    # - name: cacert-volume
    #   secret:
    #     defaultMode: 420
    #     secretName: posix-manager-cacert-secret

# Declare the storage for the skaha service to use.
        claimName: skaha-pvc # Match this label up with whatever was installed in the base install, or the desired PVC, or create dynamically provisioned storage.

  # Uncomment to enable local or self-signed CA certificates for your domain to be trusted.
#   posix-manager-cacert-secret:
#     ca.crt: <base64 encoded ca crt>

# These values are preset in the, and this default database only exists beside this service.
# It's usually safe to leave these as-is.
# postgresql:
#   auth:
#     username: posixmapper
#     password: posixmapperpwd
#     database: mapping
#     schema: mapping
#   storage:
#     spec:
#       hostPath:
#         path: "/posixmapper/data"

# An omission equals true, so set this explicitly to false as we already installed it.
  install: false

It is recommended to install into the skaha-system namespace, but not required.

helm install -n skaha-system  --values my-posix-mapper-local-values-file.yaml posixmapper science-platform/posixmapper

NAME: posixmapper
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Sep 28 07:28:45 2023
NAMESPACE: skaha-system
STATUS: deployed

Test it.

# See below for tokens
export SKA_TOKEN=...
curl -SsL --header "authorization: Bearer ${SKA_TOKEN}"


curl -SsL --header "authorization: Bearer ${SKA_TOKEN}" ""


Skaha install

The Skaha service will manage User Sessions. It relies on the POSIX Mapper being deployed, and available to be found via the IVOA Registry:


# Ensure the hostname matches the deployment hostname.
ivo:// =

Create a my-skaha-local-values-file.yaml file to override Values from the main template values.yaml file.


# Skaha web service deployment
    # Optionally set the DEBUG port.
    # extraEnv:
    # - name: CATALINA_OPTS
    #   value: "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address="
    # - name: JAVA_OPTS
    #   value: "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address="

    # Uncomment to debug.  Requires options above as well as service port exposure below.
    # extraPorts:
    # - containerPort: 5555
    #   protocol: TCP

    # Optional.  Rename the main root folder to something else.  For existing installs, this can be
    # omitted.
    # skahaTld: "/arc"

    maxUserSessions: "3"
    sessionExpiry: "345600"
    defaultQuotaGB: "10"

    # Space delimited list of allowed Image Registry hosts.  These hosts should match the hosts in the User Session images.
    registryHosts: ""

    # The group name to verify users against for permission to use the Science Platform.  Group must exist in the group provider.
    # usersGroup: "ivo://"

    # Set to an administrative group.  Used to determine if the current user can bypass Harbor image validation.
    # adminsGroup: "ivo://"

    # Group for users to preempt headless jobs.  Group must exist in the group provider. (Optional)
    # headlessGroup: "ivo://"

    # Array of groups allowed to set the logging level.  Group must exist in the group provider. (Optional)
    # loggingGroups:
    #   - "ivo://"

    # The Resource ID of the Service that contains the Posix Mapping information
    # posixMapperResourceID: "ivo://"

    # URI or URL of the OIDC (IAM) server
    # oidcURI:

    # ID (URI) of the GMS Service.
    # gmsID: ivo://

    # The registry of canned URLs

    # Optionally mount a custom CA certificate
    # extraVolumeMounts:
    # - mountPath: "/config/cacerts"
    #   name: cacert-volume

    # Create the CA certificate volume to be mounted in extraVolumeMounts
    # extraVolumes:
    # - name: cacert-volume
    #   secret:
    #     defaultMode: 420
    #     secretName: posix-manager-cacert-secret

    # Other data to be included in the main ConfigMap of this deployment.
    # Of note, files that end in .key are special and base64 decoded.
    # extraConfigData:
    # Resources provided to the Skaha service.
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "500m"
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "500m"

  # Specify extra hostnames that will be added to the Pod's /etc/hosts file.  Note that this is in the
  # deployment object, not the skaha one.
  # These entries get added as hostAliases entries to the Deployment.
  # Example:
  # extraHosts:
  #   - ip:
  #     hostname:
  # extraHosts: []

# Set these labels appropriately to match your Persistent Volume labels.
# The storage.service.spec can be anything that supports ACLs, such as CephFS or Local.
# The CephFS Volume can be dynamically allocated here for the storage.service.spec:
# Example:
# storage:
#   service:
#     spec:
#       cephfs:
#         mons:
#           ...
# Default is a PersistentVolumeClaim to the Local Storage.
        claimName: skaha-pvc # Match this label up with whatever was installed in the base install, or the desired PVC, or create dynamically provisioned storage.

  # Uncomment to enable local or self-signed CA certificates for your domain to be trusted.
#   posix-manager-cacert-secret:
#     ca.crt: <base64 encoded ca crt>

It is recommended to install into the skaha-system namespace, but not required.

helm install -n skaha-system --values my-skaha-local-values-file.yaml skaha science-platform/skaha

NAME: skaha
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Sep 28 07:31:10 2023
NAMESPACE: skaha-system
STATUS: deployed

Test it.

# See below for tokens
export SKA_TOKEN=...
curl -SsL --header "authorization: Bearer ${SKA_TOKEN}"


# xxxxxx is the returned session ID.
curl -SsL --header "authorization: Bearer ${SKA_TOKEN}" -d "ram=1" -d "cores=1" -d "" -d "name=myjupyternotebook" ""

Science Portal User Interface install

The Science Portal service will manage User Sessions. It relies on the Skaha service being deployed, and available to be found via the IVOA Registry:


# Ensure the hostname matches the deployment hostname.
ivo:// =

Create a my-science-portal-local-values-file.yaml file to override Values from the main template values.yaml file.


    # The Resource ID of the Service that contains the URL of the Skaha service in the IVOA Registry
    skahaResourceID: ivo://

    # OIDC (IAM) server configuration.  These are required
    # oidc:
      # Location of the OpenID Provider (OIdP), and where users will login
    #   uri:

      # The Client ID as listed on the OIdP.  Create one at the uri above.
    #   clientID: my-client-id

      # The Client Secret, which should be generated by the OIdP.
    #   clientSecret: my-client-secret

      # Where the OIdP should send the User after successful authentication.  This is also known as the redirect_uri in OpenID.
    #   redirectURI:

      # Where to redirect to after the redirectURI callback has completed.  This will almost always be the URL to the /science-portal main page (
    #   callbackURI:

      # The standard OpenID scopes for token requests.  This is required, and if using the SKAO IAM, can be left as-is.
    #   scope: "openid profile offline_access"

    # Optionally mount a custom CA certificate
    # extraVolumeMounts:
    # - mountPath: "/config/cacerts"
    #   name: cacert-volume

    # Create the CA certificate volume to be mounted in extraVolumeMounts
    # extraVolumes:
    # - name: cacert-volume
    #   secret:
    #     defaultMode: 420
    #     secretName: science-portal-cacert-secret

    # The theme name for styling.
    # src: The SRCNet theme
    # canfar: The CANFAR theme for internal CADC deployment
    # themeName: {src | canfar}

    # Other data to be included in the main ConfigMap of this deployment.
    # Of note, files that end in .key are special and base64 decoded.
    # extraConfigData:
    # Resources provided to the Science Portal service.
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "500m"
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "500m"

  # Specify extra hostnames that will be added to the Pod's /etc/hosts file.  Note that this is in the
  # deployment object, not the sciencePortal one.
  # These entries get added as hostAliases entries to the Deployment.
  # Example:
  # extraHosts:
  #   - ip:
  #     hostname:
  # extraHosts: []

# secrets:
  # Uncomment to enable local or self-signed CA certificates for your domain to be trusted.
  # science-portal-cacert-secret:
    # ca.crt: <base64 encoded ca.crt blob>

Cavern (User Storage API) install

The Cavern API provides access to the User Storage which is shared between Skaha and all of the User Sessions. A Bearer token is required when trying to read private access, or any writing.

Create a my-cavern-local-values-file.yaml file to override Values from the main template values.yaml file.


# Cavern web service deployment
    # How cavern identifies itself.  Required.
    resourceID: "ivo://"

    # Set the Registry URL pointing to the desired registry.  Required
    registryURL: ""

    # How to find the POSIX Mapper API.  URI (ivo://) or URL (https://).  Required.
    posixMapperResourceID: "ivo://"

      # persistent data directory in container
      dataDir: # e.g. "/data"

      # RELATIVE path to the node/file content that could be mounted in other containers
      subPath: # e.g. "cavern"

      # See for documentation.  For deployments using OpenID Connect,
      # the rootOwner MUST be an object with the following properties set.
        # The adminUsername is required to be set whomever has admin access over the filesystem.dataDir above.

        # The username of the root owner.

        # The UID of the root owner.

        # The GID of the root owner.

    # Further UWS settings for the Tomcat Pool setup.
      schema: uws
      maxActive: 2

    # Optional rename of the application from the default "cavern"
    # applicationName: "cavern"

    # The endpoint to serve this from.  Defaults to /cavern.  If the applicationName is changed, then this should match.
    # Don't forget to update your registry entries!
    # endpoint: "/cavern"

    # Simple Class name of the QuotaPlugin to use.  This is used to request quota and folder size information
    # from the underlying storage system.  Optional, defaults to NoQuotaPlugin.
    # - For CephFS deployments: CephFSQuotaPlugin
    # - Default: NoQuotaPlugin
    # quotaPlugin: {NoQuotaPlugin | CephFSQuotaPlug}

    # Optionally set the DEBUG port.
    # Example:
    # extraEnv:
    # - name: CATALINA_OPTS
    #   value: "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address="
    # - name: JAVA_OPTS
    #   value: "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address="
    # extraEnv:

    # Optionally mount a custom CA certificate
    # Example:
    # extraVolumeMounts:
    # - mountPath: "/config/cacerts"
    #   name: cacert-volume
    # extraVolumeMounts:

    # Create the CA certificate volume to be mounted in extraVolumeMounts
    # Example:
    # extraVolumes:
    # - name: cacert-volume
    #   secret:
    #     defaultMode: 420
    #     secretName: cavern-cacert-secret
    # extraVolumes:

    # Other data to be included in the main ConfigMap of this deployment.
    # Of note, files that end in .key are special and base64 decoded.
    # extraConfigData:
    # Resources provided to the Cavern service.
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "500m"
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "500m"

  # Specify extra hostnames that will be added to the Pod's /etc/hosts file.  Note that this is in the
  # deployment object, not the cavern one.
  # These entries get added as hostAliases entries to the Deployment.
  # Example:
  # extraHosts:
  #   - ip:
  #     hostname:
  # extraHosts: []

# secrets:
  # Uncomment to enable local or self-signed CA certificates for your domain to be trusted.
  # cavern-cacert-secret:
  #   ca.crt: <base64 encoded CA crt>

# Set these appropriately to match your Persistent Volume Claim labels.
      # YAML for service mounted storage.
      # Example is the persistentVolumeClaim below.  This should match whatever Skaha used.
      # persistentVolumeClaim:
      #   claimName: skaha-pvc

# UWS Database
  install: true  # To run your own database, set this to false and override auth settings.

User Storage UI installation

Create a my-storage-ui-local-values-file.yaml file to override Values from the main template values.yaml file.


    # OIDC (IAM) server configuration.  These are required
      # Location of the OpenID Provider (OIdP), and where users will login

      # The Client ID as listed on the OIdP.  Create one at the uri above.
      clientID: my-client-id

      # The Client Secret, which should be generated by the OIdP.
      clientSecret:  my-client-secret

      # Where the OIdP should send the User after successful authentication.  This is also known as the redirect_uri in OpenID.

      # Where to redirect to after the redirectURI callback has completed.  This will almost always be the URL to the /science-portal main page (

      # The standard OpenID scopes for token requests.  This is required, and if using the SKAO IAM, can be left as-is.
      scope: "openid profile offline_access"

    # ID (URI) of the GMS Service.
    gmsID: ivo://

    # Dictionary of all VOSpace APIs (Services) available that will be visible on the UI.
    # Format is:
      defaultService: cavern
          resourceID: "ivo://"
          nodeURIPrefix: "vos://"
          userHomeDir: "/home"
          # Some VOSpace services support these features.  Cavern does not, but it needs to be explicitly declared here.
            batchDownload: false
            batchUpload: false
            externalLinks: false
            paging: false

    # Optionally mount a custom CA certificate
    # extraVolumeMounts:
    # - mountPath: "/config/cacerts"
    #   name: cacert-volume

    # Create the CA certificate volume to be mounted in extraVolumeMounts
    # extraVolumes:
    # - name: cacert-volume
    #   secret:
    #     defaultMode: 420
    #     secretName: storage-ui-cacert-secret

    # Other data to be included in the main ConfigMap of this deployment.
    # Of note, files that end in .key are special and base64 decoded.
    # extraConfigData:
    # Resources provided to the StorageUI service.
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "500m"
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "500m"

  # Specify extra hostnames that will be added to the Pod's /etc/hosts file.  Note that this is in the
  # deployment object, not the storageUI one.
  # These entries get added as hostAliases entries to the Deployment.
  # Example:
  # extraHosts:
  #   - ip:
  #     hostname:
  # extraHosts: []

# secrets:
  # Uncomment to enable local or self-signed CA certificates for your domain to be trusted.
  # storage-ui-cacert-secret:
    # ca.crt: <base64 encoded ca.crt blob>

Obtaining a Bearer Token

See the JIRA Confluence page on obtaining a Bearer Token.


Skaha Flow

The Skaha service depends on several installations being in place.


Simple Skaha structure